So you would like to have your own rock. Well I can help you out with that. It just so happens that there are many types and are found almost everywhere. I bet I can even find one in your yard. B
ut you want a special one from me. Of course you do. There wouldn't be any meaning behind a rock if it wasn't given to you in a special manor. Then again, would you really keep a rock given to you by someone? I bet most of you are saying no. Alright, so do you wear any jewelry? That's right people, a lot of you already have a rock given to you from someone or maybe you bought it yourself. It's so pretty and shiny you want to look at it all the time. Unless you have one of them special rocks. Myself I dont wear jewelry. I cannot stand any of it. No, not even a watch. However I do like rocks. I wrote about a trip to the coolies in Alberta a while ago. We were in search of special rocks. Maybe I even mentioned that I found some. Personally I like rocks with colors in them and now I may even like finding rocks with mineral deposits in them. The ones I found are rich with quartz. Eventually I will find a mineral base that will be worth something someday. I just hope I own the land haha. Anyone want a pretty rock?

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