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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Therapy. Some people would say I might need it. Then again, who doesn't these days . I'm not going to but I feel like ranting. Boredom has come over me with a vengance. I haven't been this bored in a long time. The part that bothers me, I have things I could be doing, but I dont do them. Procrastination continues to be my bothersome flaw. It doesn't help that I'm not working. The days are long and I stay up all night. I haven't been sleeping properly lately and it may be catching up with me. I had a strange dream last night. The strange being that I actually remember that I did dream. Sadly like most people I dont recall what it was about but I am impressed that I slept long enough to know that I did dream.

As for the therapy. Mine is my writing. I need to be inspired again. I wont call it writers block but in some small way it could be. Perhaps I'll just throw the floor to my readers. Please throw me a comment for a topic. If there aren't any I'll be forced to copy other blogs for a while or worse, fill out stupid surveys. Course I'll only do this till something interesting happens that I can write about. The weekend should bring some decent stories but that is a while away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do a High Fidelity list of your top 10 dance songs and tell why.

8:56 p.m.


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