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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This may be a dreary post for some but it will depend on how you interpret the information. That is not my intention as I am mearly spouting from the lip a point of view.

Life, oh precious life. Why do some people take life for granted? This past week I've heard much nonsence about the age thing again. Some people just can't deal with the increase in age each year. I've written about this before so I'm not gonna go into it again but there is a reason I bring it up again. I enjoyed a kick ass birthday party on the weekend. I heard a number of people complain about how old they were getting this past week (and further back I'm sure). I lost a family member.

Before you start giving your sympathies to me, I dont really need them. I'm cruel and unusual when it comes to death because I am a person that lives. I can't explain this to people either because they never really understand what I'm describing. The only reason I mention it at all, is so that you might understand how precious life really is from my point of view. I'm the type of person that lives life day to day. Very rare do I make a plan to stride for. This doesn't mean that I dont have a direction in life, rather it means that I understand that I might be gone tomorrow without any warning. With this in mind I just go about my business for the day rather than worry what I might look like in 20 years or how old my wrinkles and grey hair make me look. Yes people, since the age of 16, I have had grey hair.

Another problem I have with people is the grudges they keep. I am sadly one of these people unfortunately, for I am holding a grudge against someone that I really dont want to but it's just the way it goes sometimes. Perhaps in time I will let it go and then again perhaps not. More often than not something happens to the life of parties involved and the grudge is never resolved. Usually this something is death. Hence the point of my topic. Try to resolve your differences before it is too late. You may never get the chance to do it and regret that decision for the rest of your life. It may be difficult for the moment but it also might make you live an easier day in the future.

Then again what is life as a human without complication. I am certain I will hold my grudge till death in ways but I will always wonder how it would have gone if some kind word was spoken resolving the matter. Much worse, too much time has gone by for me to even care if it ever gets resolved which I find more disturbing. It makes me realize how precious life really is. Without the grudge it could be possible to have interaction from that person. This interaction could have meant a change in the way I would live one perticular day. It could affect a decision I would make. These are the things that are overlooked by most people. Yes myself included.

Perhaps something to think about as you start your day in the future.


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