It's been a while. Two things have completely consumed my life. The first is work. Nice weather has brought out the workaholic in me. So much so that I've put in a few ten hour shifts and I continue to put them in even though I'm exhausted when I get home each day. It is worth it however as I'll be able to catch up quicker than I had anticipated. The task to get back on track with life continues but the addition of some new friends has helped. Last week I had my first real night out since leaving the cape. It started off with watching some hockey at the bar over dinner then pretty much a mess of a night for the rest. Two bars and a house gathering later and I decided to leave early. Two people had guided me to the house but unfortunately for me I still dont know some areas of town and I left the house without them. Because of this I ended up lost on the west side of town. This made for some funny discussions the next day at work.
The second thing consuming my life is a new puppy pal. I've mentioned him previously and now I have some stories to tell. I'm lucky that he's really smart. I take him to work with me and he just sits at my feet while I do my work. Sadly if I move, he moves with me. Even if I only move two feet over, he will still get up and move because he still feels he needs to be touching someone to feel safe. This makes work a little fun and not so much fun. Fun because he'll lay next to pretty much anyone on the jobsite. Not so much because he makes working difficult by being in the way alot. I haven't really named him still but I think dad's name is sticking to him. Paws. Paws and I were out for a walk the other day around the block when we passed a young ladies house. She exclaimed how cute he was and this caused him to bolt for her. He just loves attention. He started playing with her puppy (which is a few inches larger than him) She asked me what his name was. I told her that I hadn't really named him but that he was going by paws. She suggested I could name him something cooler. Perhaps I should have told her to give me some suggestions.
At work the other day I was working on a balcony and as usual Paws was really close by. I climbed down to get something from the truck but I didn't take Paws with me. Since he's still a puppy, he has trouble seeing and couldn't really tell how high up he was. He doesn't have the concept of stay down yet either but it is something we are working on. Yes you guessed it he jumped off the balcony. Dont worry he is fine even though it was a 6 foot drop. I tested him later in the day by going to the truck again. He stayed on the balcony after that fall.
In the first two days that I had him he learned how to climb up and down stairs on his own. Every now and then he gets a little excited on his way down and sort of slides down them on his tummy. One perticular instance I was a few steps ahead of him and I heard him start sliding so I jumped out of the way. He got to the bottom and did a forward somersault. Talanted dog I have I must say.

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10:29 p.m.
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