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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

more old people waiting for the bus bugging me today... I"m really getting sick of them.... espeshuly when they are talking about a church that needs to be painted.... it's brick.. ya dont paint a brick church... but anyway he was commenting on the weather and when I wouldn't continue his happy banter he brought up the church comment... asked me when they are going to finish the church... I asked him what was wrong with it... glancing at it... looks fine to me... just a regular old decrepit church... he said they are painting it.... I'm like ummm yeah ok... the bricks are a bit weathered and discoloured.. needs to be washed but what he's talking about is a layer of cement plaster crap being covered over the actual bricks... anyway it doesn't matter... I spose I shall give people the cold shoulder from now on... or perhaps I could just stare at them.. maybe they will get the idea I dont want to talk to them ... I"m on my way to work and am not in the mood for anything.. espeshully an hour and half bus ride to a shithole that I would rather not be in.... gee I'm in a good mood lol.. time to go back to my horrible callers

Sunday, April 17, 2005

cats... yuk.... cats make me sick.... espeshuly when they puke... oh yes.. cats can puke... some people think it's hairballs... but ummm wouldn't they just cough up a ball of hair then??? instead the slime that comes out of them... it's just disgusting... and they dont just sit in one spot and do it... they walk around till it comes out.. move then let another one go... projectile spewing.. yew'd think they knew what they were doing... I bet they do.... cause they find the most inconvenient place to let it go.... when yew step in it... dont look down... take your sock off and make someone else clean it up if you can... (course it's funny watching someone clean up puke.. speshuly when they gag or puke doing it) anyway that's enough of that..

so I'm still doing my stairs... it's such a pain that I do some then walk away... the cat doesn't like the noise ... yew'd think I"d be doing that all day and night just to bugg the cat.... (maybe that's why it puked all over the place) someday I will finish it... and news for a shift bid at work.. perhaps the huge que time will go down so I'll have more time to work on the stories... I know you all want that... for now.. patience... I'll be back soon

Friday, April 15, 2005

wow I actually have stairs.... under the layers and layers of paint... but it's hard work (for me lol) anyway taking a break from that... what is it with old people on the bus??? got on the bus this afternoon and am talking to a friend from work... all of a sudden this old lady sitting in front of us starts chatting about a pizza shop up the road that used to be a bakery or still is or stopped making something but apperantly whatever they stopped making was the best thing they make... their pizza is dry and yet she still goes there every day.... sheesh lady the place only opened 3 months ago..... get a new hobby..... so later on I"m waiting for the bus and this old lady (they are lonely I spose) starts talking to me about the strikers... apperantly the kids will have to pick up their homework on a weekly basis.... I hope so cause I really dont wanna hear about the cranky people having to get their kids to school in the summer.... but this lady said that it's a bad thing because the strikers wont get anything out of it..... ummm who cares.... my opinion isn't the nicest but people need to grow up... if you dont like your job... get another one... I hate my job and I put up with the garbage in it.... you dont see me forming a union (to steal my hard earned wages) and striking so I can sit on my ass in the freezing cold... earning less than slave wages on strike pay (if we got any at all) just so I can get an extra dollar an hour?? maybe... hopefully there is more to the strike than just wages because if there isn't.. it's pointless and the kids are the ones that will get screwed over in the end..... but that's just my uneducated point of view.... (I'm not reading up on it so I really haven't investigated both sides of the situation.. nor do I plan to because for one.. none of my business... two.. I dont care enough and three..... I really dont care enough)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

busy remodling the house... have begun work on the stairs... finally got a sander and have begun to rip the 8 or 9 layers of paint off the stairs.... it's hard work but getting about a stair and a half done a day.... during this week my famous little brother got to be in one of the showcases for canadian idol.... this might come up for ya... anyway I may begin work on the story again when I get to work... it was tooo busy last week to do any more on it... perhaps I'll find time this week... enjoy

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Creater: Joe Earhart