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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

another boring day in the cape... I dont know if I'm coming or going... the last two days have left my mind in a whirlwind of abyss... I'm working a shift for a friend and missing out on a trip out of this dump ... at least there are other things to do since I'm stuck here... last night I went to my usual stomping grounds and after getting a drink and going to my usual spot .. getting reasonably comfortable... I begin to hear what I thought was seal barking... there must have been some pub crawl or party event because there were a pile of people in the bar with shirts that had signatures and other jazz scribbled all over them.. there had to be about 50 of them... amoung the crew there was a group on the dance floor screaming something that sounded like seals.. but all together... what an orchestra.... I'm reminded of the barking dogs christmas commercials..... anyway I'm curious about some other things... there were a mishmash of strange looking people out last night.. I cant or wont describe them here... one of them ya had to see it things... however I will describe one of the weird looking doods was nearly 7 feet tall and he was trying to dance with an oriental who was about 4 feet tall... yes shorter than me.... he was doing some knuckle dragging in order to make eye contact... it was quite the site.. kinda looked like king kong picked up at the bar... unfortunately nothing else of interest happened.... maybe tonight will be different .. we shall see.

Friday, September 29, 2006

maybe you have noticed the new menu at the top... well new looking anyway... I hope to have the rest of the links fixed by the end of the weekend.. I have far to much content and it's taking much longer than anticipated... It's coming .. dont worry lol... I'm sorry about the comments section... it may not be as easy to use but at least the comments wont time out or dissapear after a while... enjoy...

so I had some drama in my life.... and I lost a friend.... well I didn't lose a friend I had lost her many months ago... I'm tired of it all.... thankfully there is only a month left.... some new developments have occurred for me and my next turn will be decided very soon.... I almost have nothing left tying me down to this place ... this has saddened me but I look forward to something new... it will be interesting to see where I am mentally in a years time... so many plans have changed over the last few months... my dreams are still the same... the only difference is I wont be taking someone with me on my journey at this time.... it wont be as enjoyable but it will make it easier to accomplish the things I want to do.... I am becoming excited for the first time in months.... I've finally got myself back on track to do some travelling... I haven't been out west in so long but I can't wait to visit the mountains again... I miss the breathtaking views and the skiing.. course I'll most likely be boarding instead .. I hope to take in some powder runs.. it's going to be great... anyway I have my head on straight.. just have to make it through the next month... it should be easy now though... no more headaches to pester me and the beginning of my favourite time of the year.... it's going to be a blast... here's to new friends and new beginnings... enjoy

Thursday, September 28, 2006

why does the doom and gloom continue to bother me? I am in a good place right now... my life is progressing in a direction that I finally like.... but certain things or perhaps more direct... people keep popping up trying to interfere with this.... I dont understand why... am I the type of person that lets everyone take advantage of me? maybe I'm just generous.... I will help anyone out if I can... I have even helped out people that I absolutely shouldn't have... and have felt regret over it.... I dont regret helping them out it's just that I'm tired of not getting anything in return for the things I do for people... it doesn't get me down though.. just dissapointed... I help out even though I know it's not going to help me in any way.. I'll get mine when I need it... I have so far... the more I help others the better it makes me feel about myself.. I know I'm doing the right thing... I just wish that certain people would respect me enough to return the respect I gave to them.... perhaps not even that.. I'm over the pain that was caused to me... I am a better person because of it.. but at least have some respect to either return the favour or just show respect... stop using people for your personal gain because you will not get anything for it in the end but misery....

this may be one of the strangest topics I've used ever... well probably not but it will be something that I wouldn't normally talk about... it's a natural thing that everyone does but most people do their best to hide it... why... because it makes ya feel weird... what is this topic? of course it's....


what causes it... is it that your embarassed about something or that you just didn't want someone to know about whatever made yew blush..... perhaps something is mentioned that may not be true but you still feel strange about what was said... perhaps even worse... something mentioned is either perverse or naughty and you enjoyed what was said but dont think it's appropriate....

why do people feel they have to hide some things about themselves ... why is it that the hstrangest of situations can bring out some of the things one would want to hide about themselves... and best of all ... the funniest part about blushing is even if it's only slight.. if someone draws attention to the fact that you might be (even if your not) you tend to blush more....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

this isn't something I would normally do but since my adoring public makes a
request so I must accommodate them.... especially since it's rare that they
make such requests haha... however where do I begin.... first impressions
are sometimes misleading... they often keep people apart but sometimes bring
people together... friendship or otherwise there have been many first
impressions I've been super correct on but there have been a few that I was
not correct on... one such case would be tasha.... she comes across as
someone that one would love to hate but there is more to her than meets the
eye... perhaps she realizes it as well... I'm not exactly sure yet... at the
risk of creating a shrine about her (at her request) I'll attempt to write a
description of her that may be suitable for people to read.... she just
wants the attention... yes.. I understand.. I have the same problem lol...
as do many people... having praises mentioned about ones self always
provides a great feeling.. we all need to have it done from time to time...
I just hope that not everyone I know expect me to do this lol... I may hurt
some feelings.... but since I'm a nice guy... (contrary to some ones utterly
incorrect lying belief) I'll be the one that does this for tasha

when I first met tasha she always had a remark for the worst about anything
I had to say... I didn't appreciate most of it but found humor in most of
what she said and I even went so far as to aggravate the hell out of her
because of it... I'm good like that... whether she knows it or not she's a
nice person... but has a quick tongue that apparently has many uses lol...
most of which is for delivering a punch line... she doesn't type very well
but that doesn't matter... it's sometimes fun to try to decipher the codes
that she types lmao... (I'm sure many of her friends will agree) she has an
infatuation with pink in her hair but perhaps it's more than just hair ...
umm I spose I wont comment on that... she tends to make squirrel faces when
she's drunk.. or is that kissy faces... I still dont get that lol....
perhaps it's just the love of the moment with friends .... I spose I shall
never know lol.. probably for the best... perhaps I could mention her red
headed friend... perhaps not... spose it's a bit late for that.. I should
definitely mention her amazing talent of drawing... which she suggested that
I try selling to people lol.. I spose I shall not display her best work of
burgers and body parts from messenger... (I think that only me and her will
get that one) but more importantly she is very smart when she applies
herself.... she just needs to stop trying so hard to make people blush

of the very few things that I know about her I may have come up with a
decent description... I'll let her be the judge of that... anyone else want
an uneducated assessment of themselves? and please don't use the term do
me.. unless yew mean it lmao

Monday, September 25, 2006

what a weekend.... I managed to contract the virus going around... yes I'm sick for the first time in a long time... sadly I had to go back to work today so I didn't get to fully recover... but it should be gone by the weekend.... I tried typing up some stories over this weekend but for some reason they didn't post.... and for one of them I'm really glad... I was angry over the weekend and was not in the right state of mind.... someday I'll confront this issue but it wont be anytime soon as it really doesn't matter anymore... I learned (well confirmed it cause I knew in a way) the truth and I'll leave it at that....

since I have a bad memmory I'll try to recap some of the interesting things that happened over the weekend... friday night I wasn't feeling too good but decided to go out anyway... I should have stayed home ... none of my friends showed up but I got to listen to some decent music..... the only story I could say about the night was there were a few gays at the bar... but what really made no scense was that these guys that were clearly gay were pretending they weren't by hitting on and dancing with wiminz.... it was quite funny to watch.... other than that I went home early because it was boring and I didn't feel well anyway...

Saturday I went to a house party... got to jam on a guitar and learned a new tune.... it was great... I even got to party with some old friends as well.. it's been a long time since I've seen them...

Sunday I spent the day in bed.... coughed up some disgusting crap and just rested... my computer is finally fixed and I managed to watch some movies .... hopefully I'll be feeling better so I can get my website fixed as I mentioned on prior posts... soon .. it will be soon...

Friday, September 22, 2006

I forgot one of the important parts of the night.... as we were sitting in the bar I really needed to spit... so I got up and spit out the window.... I appologize to whoever it may have landed on (the bar is on the second story of the building) but apparently I grossed out roomie so she yells at me "You Hock A Loogie Bastard" I spose I will never hear the end of it lol...

oh and near the end of the bar experience I managed to obtain a bloddy nose... so as I'm trying to get the blood to stop in the toilet some old dood proceeds to talk my ear off.. I forget what he was talking about except that he asked me where I worked.. I said one of them stupid call centers... he proceeds to rhyme them all off and I says yeah.. then he tells me his life story behind working at half of them as I"m shoving toilet paper up my nose and pullin it out with it covered in red... I know I've just grosed you all out so what the hell was this guy's problem... I'm in the middle of something important and he's droning off on a tangent to a person that just doesn't care about yewr meaningless story.... perhaps this is what you all feel sometimes reading my stories lol... I think I might add a bit more excitement to my stories than blah blah blah .. lets see if I can do it again tonight

so the thursday excursion is a new event that is becoming better each week... see last week roomie decided to try to pee behind slobway and ends up falling in what she thought was pee.... (we all have heard this one) but this week it was my turn to be the dumbass.... I could not formulate a sentance for the life of me except of course when it came to making fun of the crew that showed up at the bar... it was apparently a birthday bash for some very drunk horseface people.. I still can't figure it out.. but onward is Mr. Superman.. he was up on the floor dancing by himself.. he made the robot dance look good... I spose.... me and roomie still dance better ... we were on our way out when roomie's "date" told me to tell her that obie... "wan kenobie" can talk later online.... I spose only me and her are gonna get this joke... since her nick is koley... I swear he called her Obie not koley.. and even worse we almost had another slobway excursion except we knew it was closed but still walked down that way... I continued with get your rip on.... it's a thing that got a catch phrase for it tonight...

you know them signs that people put up on the telephone poles that announce someones important show in the near future or sadly the distant past but they forgot to take down.... well I help them out with that... along almost every pole along charolette street has about 10 signs posted on it.. yeah not anymore.. for the past three weeks I have ripped at least one sign down per pole while walking towards slobway... so roomie deems it get your rip on... (as in the song get yewr freak on by missy elliot) so moving on down the street we begin talking about songs and sadly I create a new catch phrase of my own... roomie says that normally I'm articulate (yew can look that shit up) but I slipped with the wonderful phrase of "The Only First Time I ever heard that song Shiny Disco Balls" well it was funny at the time... and now I dont know why except it just sounded weird to roomie and well I laughed at her laughint at me... the poor cabbie.. we get in the cabbie and while I'm trying to remember all the things I'm sposed to write about (yeah that's right I can't remember shit) he gets to hear about our eventfull night of laughing at the uglies crazies and well strange people.. I even got to leave a token of my appretiation for a fun night.. a blue label stuck on the wall behind our booth... I just hope it's still there when I visit the bar tomorrow... I'll have to take a pen and pad with me because of my CRS disease... yes that means can't remember shit people...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The beginning.... if you have read the story so far as I add to it .. there will be a new section dividing the next post .. it will appear as --- and the next part will be posted under it.... check back for updates:


A man walks into a bar, says to the tender that he needs some information and a drink. The tender asks what the gentleman would like to drink and what he needs information about. The man asks for a water and proceeds to ask for directions to the local hotel. The tender makes a funny face at the man but gets a bottle of water and informs the man there isn't a local hotel. The tender suggests the bed and breakfast around the corner. The man starts drinking the water but drinks it too fast causing him to cough. The coughing fit sprays water all over the counter and worst of all the tender. The man becomes embarrassed while the tender becomes upset. As the man apologizes the tender grabs a bat from behind the bar and chases the man out. The man flees for his life around the corner but runs into another man.

The new man has a horse head with a full mane flowing behind him. The man falls on the ground as the tender comes around the corner. The horseman steps between the two and the tender backs off saying that he didn't mean to offend the horseman. The man on the ground picks himself up and starts to thank the horseman when all of a sudden he realizes the horseman is backing up and all of a sudden plops a wad of gunk. The man just got shit on by a horseman. In shock the man turns down the street and starts running again. He continues down the road till he comes to a sign that reads Bed and Breakfast. Wishing for sleep he decides to go inside the house. It couldn't be as strange inside as it is outside.

Inside the house the man is greeted by what appears as a little old lady. She asks how she can help when the man requests a room to rest for the night. She accommodates him and shows him to his lodgings thanks him and leaves. The man lays down on the bed exhausted. The bed is very comfortable and the man drifts off. As the man lays there he begins to dream:

He is in a room with no windows and no doors. There are eyes watching him from somewhere but he cannot tell where. The man doesn’t understand where he is when all of a sudden the little old lady from the Bed and Breakfast is next to him. The man screams because he cannot understand how she got there since there aren’t any doors or windows. The woman screams back at him as if she had been startled by him but stands up and hovers over him. She appears to be floating and her arms are outstretched coming closer to him. He is cowering on the bed when all of a sudden she grabs his throat. The man grabs her arms but cannot move them. She seems to be incredibly strong. He screams again and her face falls off onto his lap. She is a robot but is seemingly falling apart. The arms are still grasping his throat as the woman robot begins to disassemble. The man jumps up and runs around the room looking for an exit with the arms dangling from his shirt. He then trips over the body and hits his head.


Blood is gushing from the mans head and he's dazed but trying to get back to his feet to try to get away from the crazy room. The man takes the sheet on the bed and rips a part to cover the gash in his head. While he is fumbling with the sheet the robot body pieces begin to move. The body is putting itself together again. The man notices the parts moving and begins to freak out. He grabs one of the legs and starts pounding it against the walls to see if there is a weakpoint. The plaster chips away on one of the walls but the man is shocked to find bricks behind the plaster. He bangs away at the wall some more but it doesn't budge. The man proceeds to use the leg on the robot being but the robot grabs the leg and rips it from the clutches of the man's arms. The man falls down in fright and exhaustion. The blood loss is too much the man is beginning to black out. The robot is nearly upon him with arms outstreched. Again the arms are on his neck but the man can no longer see anything. The man is dead.

The man gasps as he wakes up. He feels wet he looks around. The same room from his dream except the blood is all over him he can feel it. The blood is clear not read. The man discovers it's just sweat from the crazy dream. There is a door in this room. The man looks at the time and decides to go back to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.


it's a shame that more people wouldn't post comments.... I know I have a fan base but I still have no idea how big it actually is... I've been told around that people like what I write but yet they dont post comments... now a few people do here and there.. I thank them for it... I get word of mouth as well which is ok but if more people start posting comments then everyone might lol.. granted the material hasn't been too great in the last few months (off and on) but I am working on that.... I've got some new stories that I've been working on so maybe I'll post some snippets from it and we'll see what happens... over the weekend I'll be overhauling the home site and the menu is going to be improved... hopefully I'll get it all done so it can be implemented for good... I've put this off for far to long as well... but the stories... they are coming soon.. more important things to do right now such as .... life lol .. tasha yew might find it boring but it helps me sleep at night lol... but only because I'm average :P

last time I said I was cursed for being a thinker but in many ways that isn't true ... I had something on my mind and the words just flowed that way .... it's funny what things can be said when you just let it go .... tonight something else was on my mind and it may be the opposite of last time... I've had to tell myself many times over that I am me because of the things I have been through and that means the good and the bad.... people always look back upon themselves and wish they had that moment back so they could change something...

I look back and wonder what life would be like if things were different yes but I see that if something was changed way back when.... I wouldn't be me.... I can think of about 5 things that I would like to see a different outcome but I will never know what it would have been like and I've become ok with it... I know that if things were different in those five instances I would be drasticly different... hell might not even be alive because of two of them lol...

my eyes have been opened for the first time in about 3 years and I am fortunate to have a second chance at life... in actuality this will be my third chance but the past is the past and I accept it... I've taken the lessons I've learned and become a better person for it.... I haven't changed any but will be better able to deal with things because I have focus... drive and many good things in my life .... as they say .. out with the bad.. in with the new.... for far too long I've thought I was missing something..... I am..... but it isn't what I thought it was....

I've been reminded of why this is and I'm very thankfull for it.... for the rest of you.. dont look for signs.... they are always around you.... look into what you really want... and then strive for it..... it can happen... I belive it.. so can you

Monday, September 18, 2006

I've been cursed at times for being a thinker... this has it's burdens because I continuously am restless wondering what would happen if or how this decision would affect me.... at times it could also be a blessing .. for thinking about something before doing can more often then not bring about a better life than what could be if you just jump into a situation you may or may not be ready for....

this brings about a topic that I've been thinking about lately... that I've had quite a few life altering events happen to me that came down to a decision or some sort of occurance that sometimes cannot be explained other than perhaps (depending on ones point of view) it was meant to be... I know of 3 such events in my life so far ... these events I probably wouldn't change with the exception of maybe the last one but for different reasons that I am still trying to work out...

all three of these life altering events were the cause of someone else or some sort of event that caused things to go a different way then was expected... the first of these such events was my parents decision to move to Nova Scotia... until this point I was a loner nerd.. didn't have many friends and was generally an outcast in pretty much everything except my family... if I had stayed in Ontario I probably would have been a miserable person and possibly never achieve anything other than possibly being alone forever....

the second event that changed my life forever I didn't realize it at the time but it was a girl I was set for a date with but plans got ruined and I will never forget the night.. I'm thankfull for the plans being ruined for many reasons.. for if they hadn't been I never would have become such great friends with her (where I could share anything and everything with) and I never would have been given the oportunity to visit England and see amazing things and enlighten (or be enlightened by) a Womans life that I will never forget.... I miss you wherever you are.. I hope you are well

the third event is nearly about to climax.. I know it is going to be life altering because I can already feel myself changing... I've come to terms with many aspects of this event but it still lingers and comes back to mind... it causes me to lay awake wondering.. my only release is to write about it... most of which I delete the next day because I do not wish to share it with anyone... I fear that my plans will be ruined if the truth were revealed... but I know now that this will not happen as I am destined for great things... I know this because I have a new drive for life that I did not have before... I had it drained from me for far too long and now that I'm free I will not let anything bring me down ever again....

it's amazing what some things will do to people.... decisions affect our very existance and depending on what you choose your life actually depends on it... not every decision is going to give you the results you are looking for but it is what makes your life possible... with this in mind dont second guess yourself.. usually (not all the time) your instincts are correct... I've been on both sides of this and know all too well that if you worry about the decision your to make it could end up being the missed oportunity of your life.... for the most part this information may not be of usefull to anyone but I've successfully cleared my head and am now able to sleep... at least for another night... good luck with your decisions... another life turn will be ahead of you shortly

Saturday, September 16, 2006

and the shit just keeps happening.. ya gotta love it when a cab driver puts his two cents in and comes up with a great line... so we were driving to the bar tonight and the topic of conversation was the big huge bag purse thing roomie takes everywhere she goes.... and how everything is kept in it (just in case) so the bag was searched at the bar last week... this week it was an extra passenger because when I asked the driver how much he said it was 7 bux plus a dollar for the bag (as an extra passenger) I gave him the dollar because it was funny lol.....

we are waiting in line for the bar and I look over in the parking lot and see some dood passed out leaning against the tree.... I've been drunk but never that drunk...

we get into the bar and proceed to have a great time when all of a sudden some dood walks through with hair at least 4 inches off his head... and I dont mean spiked... it was messy n shit but stickin up like he just woke up out of bed... not to mention a girl later on that had blonde hair dishevelled in the same manor.. except it might have been a wig.... it was horrible looking.. being bald would have made her look more attractive

speaking of attractive... what is with half teeth Ms. ED people... I've seen this girl before and she had a face like Mr. Ed but this time when she smiled she is missing a few teeth.... (yes I'm fukn horrible ... get over it)

I saw Snoop dogg tonight as well.... at least it kinda looked like him except I was told he was much cuter.. (I'll take the girls word for it)

we did the subway excursion again ... of course it's a regular thing now... but I mentioned to roomie to tell the story of yesterday... she proceeds to tell the poor lady behind the counter that she should get a free sub because she fell beside the store (because the fukers weren't open last night) oddly enough the lady laughed.. so did the other guy behind the counter... (because they laughed she should have gotten a discount) what they should have been doing was laughing at the ossified drunk guy that was passed out in the booth.. he had his feet up on the booth laying down ... all ya could see was his feet .. draped with his coat... they apparently kicked his drunken ass out and he managed to walk up (I didn't see this) to the front of the building and sit ... of all places next to the girl me and roomie were with.... and then proceeded to hit on her lmao... it was quite the site... he ended up passin out in the booth again... I think he'll be spending the night in the drunk tank if he stays there any longer....

the only other thing that I have to say is some girls really shouldn't drink to much... we were waiting for our non existant cab and this girl walks along with her ..I spose boyfriend or perhaps pick up.. and she keeps dropping her identification... put it in yewr pocket girl so ya dun lose it... that way you might be allowed in the bar again... so the boy friend says I'm gonna feed the ducks.. I said not with my sub yewr not... she pipes up saying "oh my god I want that sub" I said not a chance so she proceeds to try to grab it out of my hands... thankfully I'm not drunk tonight and lean so she can't grab it... I tell her there is jalapeno's on it and she says she loves them... doubtfull that she has any idea what they are.. her b/f drags her down the street and she drops her ID again.... I wonder how many times she dropped it along the way... the b/f prob didn't tell her to put it away or anything because he liked watching her bend over to pick it up... loverly

Friday, September 15, 2006

I was told tonight that my posts are less than acceptable... when my nickname changes to something that a story is on the blog it is expected that something really extravegant is posted and that people must go imediately and check it out.... yes this is normally true but I'm afraid the I was shot was less than adaquate... I agree cause I know I can do better... and as soon as I get over this drunk I am gonna post somethign that can be worthy of a decent post... I have an idea in mind but I'm also certain that I will have a better story tomorrow night after goin to the bar... I will be introduced to someone new and that always turns into a great night as well as story.. lets just do without the arse diggin and falling in pee episodes and I'm certain we will all get into the proper event and mood.. I'll be back with a better story soon.. but for now I'm focusing on revamping the website.. good things are in the works... yew wait n see.....

oh and I forgot.. I found a new way to clean dishes.... let the cat of the house lick the shit clean... then ya dun gotta do nuthin but rinse the dishes.. (if yew wish).. hope yew like eatin here..

I dont know what it is about some strange places but what is it about strange people that gotta dig at their arse..... in public???? I will never understand this shit... me and roomie are at the bar sittin at a booth when this older woman is walking up towards the dance floor diggin at her arse... now she may have been pullin a wedgie out but it looked more like she was fingerin her ass ... and I mean shoving her finger all the way up there...

unfortunately roomie fell tonight.... by slobway.. the fukin shithole was closed so we couldnt' have an actual slobway excursion but she fell ... and what does she say... I fell in some peeeeee..... oh hell.. kinda reminded me of a year or so ago with the ex walkin down the street fallin over a curb.... to her defense she stepped on a water bottle but she still fell not watchin where she went.... to roomies defense she was drunk.... what is it about people fallin that makes other people laugh.. espeshuly an ass like me... gets me into trouble every time.. at least roomie was semi understanding unlike other people...
roomie is awesome, and she is sore right now but she is a trooper and is gonna do it all over again tonite

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am fortunate to live to tell the tale but I am lucky to be alive....

last night is a bit blurry .. as most of the last few months have been but I remember bits and pieces.... I was in a room with 3 other people.. one being a female and the other two very angry men.... the leader was yelling and screaming and pointing his finger at me but I wasn't listening.. I was looking at the girl... next thing I know the other guy is grabbin me and pointing my face towards the yelling man.... I spit on him... then the man yelled "do it" ... the girl whipped out a gun and pointed it at me... smiled .. and shot me... I fell to the ground in pain... bleeding all over the place.... just before I lost conciousness I saw the woman shoot the other two men.... I woke up sweating and looking around for the woman.... nowhere to be seen thankfully...

why are dreams involving death seemingly very real.... maybe someday I'll dream something nice

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I dont know where to begin but I spose I'll start with the end... it's all that I really can recall... I feel like I should be dead....

went to a wedding reception last night... those stupid things are always boring... this one was no exception... but there were lots of funny sights... none of which I will be talking about... except the mean girls making fun of me lol.... afterwards me and the mean girls head over to hermans and proceed to drink more and party... I dont really have a recollection after this point except I got home... I have subs... and I lost a fukn toe.... my foot is so sore and I have no idea how it happened.... but at least I wasn't the rude one last night haha


edit after I was given some memories of last night.... at the reception paul was trying to walk and dance in high heel shoes.. it was quite the sight I must say now that I remember it happening... also since I was the only guy in the place that had a hat on... the bartender gave me a weird look when I asked him for a beer.. he made a gesture to a fake hat.. which I thought he was informing me to take the hat off but he was actually pointing to the labatts logo saying something about what I was ordering....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

drunk version:

what is it about subway that makes the crazies come out.... some "nice" asshole said I like to suck the dick to me while waiting to be waited on at subbway but was a lot nicer than the alter boy guy.... it was another drunken night at the crapi club but this is the difference.. I ... was... the .... person that people kept lookin at.. I got complimented on my dancing ... which is no suprise because I am a hell of a dancer but some dickhead at subway decided I was being an ass... yes I was.... said something about me giving the best head around... the fukin fag wanted my ass... anyway it doesn't matter because the poor cab driver was taken me and roomie home and we were actin up cause we ... well maybe me.. is an asshole.. but my buddy clare was dj'n tonight and it was a good night of music till some dick requsested a shitty song.. and she mixed it in... whatever.. I'm far to drunk to continue I was just trying to recolect some of the funny parts but drunken blog never makes it to funny it's just pathetic... maybe hot girl that was servin drinks can make a night a good one soon... but for now it's time to go eat my sub with roomie playin loud music... I'll jam at ya'll later...


sober version:

wow... I'll have to ask roomie if I was really an asshole.. I dont think I was.. but I've been wrong before... anyway after reading this piece of nastyness I never want to drink again... I understand why drunk guys are such dicks... however I'm not sure how much of this crazy tale is actually true or not but I know the guy in subway dissed me in a major way but he just had a good comment at the right time and we all laughed about it... I even gave him a high five because it was just timed right .... after that the girls coming into subway just after we left.. did compliment me on my dancing.. unfortunately for me I was totally inebreated so I couldn't say anything properly except walk down the street with roomie... I dont really remember if anything else interesting happened but I do recall being on the dance floor and getting hit with the strong putrid smell of B.O. I nearly puked....

Friday, September 08, 2006

it's about time I start posting about some funny stuff.. though I just dont have a lot going on anymore... I've become a hermit of sorts but this in itself can be funny if thought about from a certain point of view... me being an outgoing fun loving person that loves to carry on with other people.. stuck in a big house alone with a cat... yes I chuckled too... but it's the price I'll pay for enjoying the rest of life without any cares... I can give up a few months for the knowledge that I'll be able to lounge a few years... travel.. whatever.. and anyone that knows me .. knows that I do my share of travel more than most around here... so onward with the story...

this kinda sounds weird in a way but it's funny none the less.. I was being dropped off from work the other night ... I noticed a few girls were walking down the street... they were younger and probably a bit scared.... course it is 2am so they really should be scared walking through theh streets at this time of night... especially when a big car with tinted windows is slowing down and stopping kinda next to you.... the girls looked at the car and near lost their skin as the door to the tinted window car opens.... it kinda seemed as though they were in a cartoon and all that was left was their shadow skin as they ran down the street to get away from the strange car... even though they turned around halfway down the block to see me get out of the car and walk calmly up my steps and into my house.... but it's good to know that some kids have a little common sence not to stick around for strangers to nab them up.... it's a shame that people have to be scared like that but caution is a better thing to use than curiosity

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm curious to know the reasons for people thinking I'm so serious all the time... especially when they believe I'm not serious.... yes I can have a serious conversation.. yes I am capable of being serious... but more often then not I am klowning around because it's fun... it makes live easier and more enjoyable ... when I'm messing around I am usually up front about it or you can tell.. and if you can't tell then you really aren't paying attention or perhaps naive... I'm really tired of the bullshit in my life and people assuming things about me without even asking.... luckily I am almost rid of all of it... it wont be long now...

I spent the weekend on my own for the first time in a long while... it got me thinking about the past 3 months... I've wasted a lot of time and energy and I need to get myself back on the path I had begun for myself ... time is running out for me .. but it wont bring me down .. I will make it to where I want to be.. there is only one thing that is keeping me from achieving everything I've ever wanted... but I am lucky to know what it is... I hope I have the guts to stick to the plan...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

one of my favorite ways to tell a story is to make up experiences... but only because my life is actually quite boring... but from time to time I do have something worth while telling.... it just hasn't happened very much lately... anyway I figure perhaps I'd tell the story of the day I got arrested.... now keep in mind when I make up a story .. I do say it is a farce... this will be no exception

of course I have a clean record and I probably always will but I feel it would be wrong if I didn't say that up front.... because it was all a misunderstanding.. I dont think that I would have done anything differently had I known about the police patrolman walking down the street except for maybe change my aim... a little background is in order... my father years ago told me a silly event in his life that for some odd reason I tried to recreate since then but with increased margins... I've always prided myself with being better than him but sadly I let him know about this in the worst ways sometimes.... as you all know I can be cruel if I'm not paying attention... anyway the event is spitting accross a street... now anyone that has tried to do this knows that there are many variables involved that could prevent such a task from occuring... wind... traffic.. spittable material... all kinds of things... anyway the street was about 10 feet or so and it sailed over the entire distance of the street and sidewalks.... now the average spit can travel about 5 - 6 feet depending on how far your trying to get the disgusting crap away from you.... so I've long since beaten the distance but I have kept trying to beat mine... well this night was no exception as I had compiled a great loogie... well I set the power and trajectory and let it go... it sailed up and away... floating for what seemed minutes.. over a car that was coming by... over the yellow dividing lines... over the second lane of traffic... and right onto the shoe of the gentleman I didn't see walking down the street.... it's amazing what can happen when one is drunk... sadly this person was a police officer that didn't take to kindly to being spit on.... even though I didn't try it... but he didn't seem to care about the distance factor because after all if I was able to spit that distance why would I have spit in his direction if I hadn't tried to get him.. anyway he took offence to it and decided to call for backup and take me to jail.... whoever thought that one could get arrested for spitting on an officer's boot from 15 feet away... nice job ya boob....

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Creater: Joe Earhart