Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap

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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Friday, October 31, 2003

yes I love walking down the street and well ya know how I like to burp.. and what a good burper I am.... well I'm walking along past the mall and well there is a very good echo while going along there and I let out a perticularly good burp.... and not to be outdone some dude that was driving along on his bike.. tried to burp and well it sounded like he was just trying to hard... mine was like


and his was like
.... and well what the hell was that about.. it was clearly forced so why did he have to do this pathetic burp???? perhaps he felt like a lesser being after witnessing such and awesome display of barbaric manlyness lmao

and Amy I am a genuinely nice guy... yew just happen to do or say stuff that requires a smartly said phrase :P (just excuse the burp it's part of the show)

well it's my favourite day of the year and I'm nearly finished my customer.. took time out of my horribly busy (creating) schedule to take some masks to a woman at werk.. though she is appreciative ... I'm not sure it was worth it :P and I better get em back too lolol... anyway hopefully get some fireworks today but I am pretty sure I"ll be sleeping all fukn day... and well get ready for super drunken blog tonight because I"'m always wasted on halloween haha... and tonight wont be any exception.. as I"m well prepared for this... convinced a few people to go out so it's going to be a laff... and wooo hooo I'm going to be dressed as a rabid woodchuck hahahahah... hopefully my mask will hold up.. some of yew have seen it.. and for those of yew that haven't well there will be pictures I can assure yew... anyway I'm about to pass out so screw yew all and piss off I"m tired and still have to wake up early to fix the fukn taps in the bathroom again and get fireworks and of course finish my fukn costume... enjoy


Thursday, October 30, 2003

ok so halloween is coming and well I must have my costume for work.. if you work with me then yew will all see it as I do plan to be going about the building throughout the day.... yes yew have guessed it it's the big rampup for MSN 9 and the bigwigs are in town so I've decided to go with the flow and be the MNS guy... it's going to be great I've even used the great slogan we have at work... "yes every customer matters.... except mine" and well with this in mind I guess yew'll have to wait to see it... it's kinda funny since we're all nicely decorated n shit.. some guy on the elevator turns and says to everyone.. man ... it looks like I'm back in the 60's having one of them acid trips.... well I just had to laugh it was too funny.. tooo many brite ass colors in the place we call hellhole.. but with the colors I'll be putting on tomorrow I think it shall work out just fine lmao

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

woooooopdy doo.. I have noticed a slight drop in interest of other peoples blogs lately which I think is also increasing the amount of people that just dont read them anymore.. could it be the lack of interest of peoples desire to read other peoples miserable lives? no not a chance.. human nature depends on the misery of others to satisfy their own miserable existance.. hence the reason people bully others.. or make fun of other peoples flaws.. (top ten reasons why I'm not a loser) anyway I'm concidering showing a more serious side of myself over the next little while because all anyone sees from me is the clown lol (except for the ones that know me best or take the time to get to know me)... which I of course dont mind.. because well I'm a clown ... yes I think so ... anyway I think that can wait till after halloween.. yes halloweeen wooo hooo my favourite time of the year... I can't wait I just hope I get my costume done in time.. I have to hand stitch it together and it's becoming a little tooooo slow... and well I only have 2 days left... wont be able to wear it at work but I will take pictures of course and am sure they will be posted here for your benefit.. (some of yew have to work lol)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

well so I've become an icon... yes an ICON ... now I'll create my religion I'm not sure of a name yet but I think my fan club will work... so far there is great interest in the club (though nobody is agreeing with the slogan) so I've decided that I'll have to edit the club a little.. I've noticed a few people scratch out job and put in paycheck.. I dont like that idea though because then members may think that I"m just looking for their money and well that just wouldn't be right... (please send me money) and Ina (EEEEEEna) yew can disregard the message because well I know yew dont have any :P

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Ok so I'm going to make a statement... yep I've been called a loser.. and well as much as I'll just have to agree with the statement.. I'll have to make a few arguements to try to contradict the verdict...

reason number (1) why I"m not a loser.. I've travelled the world... not many people can say they have been anywhere other than home... I have been accross the vast country of canada... and even over the atlantic to the busy London downtown in England... (that place is crazy) ...

reason number (2) my outstanding personallity that I get praised about... though it often gets me in trubble for some reason people smile around me.. perhaps they are laughing at me but ya know what... I dun care

reason number (3) I just dont care anymore lol

reason number (4) do yew care??

reason number (5) my bank account gets used frequently (but not to buy friends)

reason number (6) I wish I could remember

reason number (7) well I'd rather not reveal this one.. because well a select few have found out and well why ruin the suprise :P (if yew dont get this one.. yew dont deserve to)

reason number (8) some people regard me as smart... and well I can't blame them for that I often tell them how to do shit... yew know like laugh.. or do their job.. two things I"m good at

reason number (9) man can I ever dance.. I have gotten rave reviews... though do yew think anyone would ask me to dance??? nope... I hate that I"m shy (comes with being a loser oops I"m not a loser remember)

and of course reason number (10) :
LeeEeeMuR says:
yeah.. reasons why I"m not a loser lol
S @ bro's says:
short list
LeeEeeMuR says:
how rude lol

... I must say number 10 was horrible but I had to add it cause it's funny and well a private joke (sorry folks)

Thursday, October 23, 2003

I am going to start a new fan club... yes it's called I really love my job.... I love it when a customer is asking me to fix something that isn't broken... yes took a customer through setting up her account today and well she couldn't sign into her software... well needless to day we go to passport and low and behold her account is locked out from too many attempts... well ok that's all fine I reset her password for her and she was able to sign in ... and well all she wanted was to be able to get her email in outlook express ... so signing into her software and getting her email right there was not good enough... well we go to outlook express and that's not working keeps asking her to logg in... so we rip out the account.. add it back in (verifying all the info is correct twice)... and still has the same thing... I've never seen this happen before ever except for "This Way To The Best Of The Web" and we all know what that means.. well it wasn't that and web based only does that if the password or email address is entered in incorrectly... lucky for me I am a member of "I Love My Job" so I go through a few more steps with her and well we decide to rip out her account and go through oeconfig (configures email in outlook express with minimal steps) ... yes we logg in there and everything is great.... and well I inform the customer that if this doesn't work she will be contacting her original equipment manufacturer..... magicly the outlook express is working fine after that... damned lady I think she made it all up just to grace my wonderful presence... she must have recognised I'm a full time member of "I Love My Job"

Monday, October 20, 2003

well it has come down to this..... post from hell .... yes I had quite the experience today and well when I have more time I'm going to share it with yew all.... all I can say is eeewwww.....

.... ok so I have a little more time... and well I am lucky to be roaming today.... I went up to sign out of my phone for lunch today and became overwhealmed with an arouma that I'd be more happy never to grace... I mean there is a scent free policy in the workplace and well I'd just as soon get a whiff of the wharf on a super hot day after all the boats have come in and emptied their cargo... anyway just because there is a scent free policy in the workplace doesn't mean that yew can't use some sort of spray.. there are nonscented products on the market... and ummm I know that I've had some bad smells comin from me before but hell usually yew can wave your hand in the air for a few seconds and the smell of my great FART goes away... it doesn't linger in the air and kill flowers (my poor potted plants)

in closing I'm lucky to be roaming today otherwise I probably would have been fired tonight... though I did lodge a complaint... and I hope that the person knows that I've complained.... as long as it dont happen again... otherwise I will make a scene because that sort of thing is just not right... and if need bee... I will purchase a few months supply of smelly shit.... (or non scented smelly shit for werk) and give a demonstration on how to use it... (I tell stupid americans how to get online .. I'm sure I can give a good demonstration of this as well) and I"m not afraid to voice my opinion.. as yew can see... so hopefully the persons I'm reffering to learns a lesson and cleans their act up... (oops a bit litteral lmao)

well we all like to roam... but nobody gets to do it anymore... supervisors have their favourites and well not everyone can be picked but not everyone can be good enogh to go.... personally I think I'm adaquate for the job.. maybe not the best for the job but at least they seem like me and well they seem to learn from me... others that I have seen roaming like to step on toes (one agent is answering question but other agent comes over and butts in not fully understanding issue) or give incorrect information... I can't count how many times I've had to correct previously told information to A-Bay agents that were told something that isnt' valid and the best one as an example... they were told they weren't allowed to call helpdesk... how weird is that.. anyway I"m not going to go on about it because it's pointless and well haha people will just get mad at me (not that I care lol) and umm the jealous people can blow chunks

on a brighter note ... I now have a picture of buck nekkid with chicks on the community blog... I thought it would be an interesting addition to the page... but again everyone has opionions for input... if anyone wants to have input on the look of the community blog join now... send me an email at and we'll get yew a login... then yew too can post crap with the rest of us lol....

so humping legs is in fasion again... yes humping legs... it seems like a past time for people.. and well I didn't think I would comment on it but someone brought it up in the comments section so I now have to tell the story... it goes along partly with the 2 girls yew all read about in an earlier post... but this time with someone I know... (some of yew might know her too) though I wont mention names unlike someone already has (hint hint) anyway minding my own business havin a drink and all of a sudden a girl comes running past me nearly taking out the pool table as she grabs .. or rather falls on cory.... and starts hugging him... well it sorta looked like hugging... then it sorta changed... perhaps he gave her some sort of mental command but she started humping his leg... (I dont think I should be telling this story though she'll prob get mad at me... though she can join the community blog and write her opinion ... or version for that matter.... lmao) but it seems that that's the way girls greet people these days... and they wonder why there are people out there that cry sexual her ass ment.... but we're (guys) only saying hello in your girlish friendly manner hehheh anyway I dont think that will score points with the ladies humping their leg and all.. might seem just a bit strange... but girls your more than welcome to give it a go... more laffs for me (and everyone else).... course not my leg cause well I'd just fall over (I'm too short) but I'm open to suggestion :P

Sunday, October 19, 2003

I SAY: thank you for calling MSN technical support.... my name is Joe.... may I have your phone number starting with area code that is on the account.... yes thank yew.. and may I have your email address please..... great and how can I help you today....

CUSTOMER SAYS : "yeah I need help with my aol software... it just wont connect asks for what connection and some other stuff... what do I do....

I SAY: well sir do you use any msn software?

CUSTOMER SAYS: well yes I dont have any problems with that

I SAY: are you sure? I can't believe there's nothing wrong with your msn software

CUSTOMER SAYS: nope it's just when I'm trying to set up this aol stuff

I Say: well how about contacting aol I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you out setting up your aol software... (but I forgot to ask him if he's connected) thank you for calling msn technical support have a wonderful night

hate when I download a movie and it's blank... big black screen... but that's not the worst thing... what's worse is when I download a file and it's got skips or spaces.. or even parts missing from it.. that includes songs as well... I like to enjoy a movie and well I know they are free and all but if your going to share something at least share something that works... I had to turn my monitor upside down to watch the latest one... and that's just not worth it... I'd rather go pay to see the movie ... so that's what I'm going to do .. I'm going to pay for my movies now.... yep 3 bucks at the video store... and I'm going to make my own copies... damned sharing bastards.. and I wont have to wait for a week to download it either.. shitty internet connection as well.... oh but I'm cheap and I know it so I dont care... anyway I must go back to my boredom.. I hate rainy days .. they never seem to go right.... but I have nearly half of the first level of gran turismo completed... woo hooo I"m goin to sup up a new beetle and race it but only because that is one of the levels :( can't wait to get my mitts on the pikes peak escudo.. it's the best car on the whole game.. only takes $1 000 000 to buy the fukn thing.. but worth every penny

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Drunken blog version 2:

subway kicks ass: makes ya shit but fuk it
guildwood suks but it's the only place to go on a friday night..... if yew dont have 50 bucks to get to hermans ummm and back!!!

mind yew there is always quite good scenery there every time I go there.. funny thing is that the scenery just looks good ... never acts good... I can't help but laff at the two girls that were dancin.. almost all night fallin over each other... though they were more noticable than any other.. I must say there is always more than just 2 girls falling over each other at that sad little drinking hole though if I wasn't a nicer guy I think I would manage to catch my ass on the dance floor mingling with the girls that think they can dance but somehow make me laff instead.. perhaps I'll show them how it's actually done someday but most of the ones that do that shit are barely even 19 and would think I'm some old pervert... perhaps they are right lmao.... but before I get myself into trubbble with a drunken blog I think I shall go eat my icky subway sub and watch a movie... or perhaps I'll play a game on my new playstation (that rocks) <-- lmao @ lisa .... till I pass out.. good drunken plan...

Friday, October 17, 2003

Gotta love taking the bus ... it's a great form of transportation.. yes it takes you all over the east side of the island... turns a 20 minute drive into an hour... amazing... and to make it even better... yew know most people count their change before getting on the bus... especialy people that ride the bus often.... or so I though... there is this old bag woman ... that I hate... see I used to work in a small department store and this woman always came in wining about stuff.. useless boring stuff and well I know that she often rides the bus.. I guess it was just too cold outside to be counting change.. or maybe it was a bit dark I spose but come on.. I had my money ready before I left the house for fuk sakes... anyway she gets on the bus and holding up traffic both ways ... because well the other drivers dont know what the bus is doing... she starts counting out her change... I think she was counting pennies and all... lady just pull out 4 quarters and put it in the slot... oh but no she drops some on the floor and gotta pick up that too... it was probably a couple pennies... can't miss a cent though.. even if it fell in the little garbage can they keep next to the driver.... (and god only knows what goes in there or how often they clean it out) perhaps next time she'll count it before hand instead of reaching in the garbage to get her pennies.... but I doubt it... hate that woman I do... but I guess yew could tell....

on a brighter note.. I got myself a playstation today wooooo hoooooo so now I'll be playing gran turismo 3 for the rest of my natural life ... and no more time to update blog ever... have a good night... I know I will ... perhaps another round of drunken blog tonight hehheheh

I hate when I create a blog and it crashes when I post it.. so you missed a very interesting and funny blog.. though I'm so forgetfull that I can't remember what the hell it was about so yew miss out... other than I'm creating my halloween costume this week... yes it's going to be a great one too.. I looked for my pictures for halloween costumes but could only find one..
well perhaps yew all can give me ideas for costume I can wear at work.. I can't wear the one I'm wearing out because it's too big anyway have fun I'm going to get a console game station.. just dont know what yet.. xbox or playstation2

I sent out a mass email to some of the people I have in my list... though it didn't come from me... it came from blogger registered with a different email address than the one I use.. so a lot of you got an email in your junk folder right now that well you probably dont know about.. yes it's an invitation to join the community blog that I'm starting.. 3 people have already begun to post... what fun.. joy..... and well 2 others have joined byt have yet to post anything... perhaps they just want to listen to the rest of us jabber instead... anyway that doesn't matter it's going to be lots of fun I think... well if marcus stops spamming the blog with useless facts that he usually sends in email..... but I did a bit of editing so the beginning is a bit funny but it was just sooooooooooo boring that I gave up.... and well wanted everyone to see how boring it was so I left it.. (was being lazy didn't want to cut it out entirely) he has his opinion and joined the blog to voice it... would be wrong for me to remove it... but I'm sure we'd have a laff... anyway that's enough nonsence... now for something funny... I've finished a few more stories from work and am going to post them tomorrow (if I"m not to drunk) and though I have been promising them for days... I've been doing some actual work for some lady and haven't had the chance to make the actual page for horror stories from work.. and well this sounds like drivel so I'm going to go watch a movie... yes movie.. it's what I do when I'm not doing web stuff.. pathetic but screw yew too your reading this so if I'm pathetic what are yew? :P I"m kidding (but course yew knew that) good night

Thursday, October 16, 2003

woo hoo the community is started... so far there are two members.. me and myself.. what a crowd... so hurry and join so we can all start bickering over how it looks.. and anyone caught writing about their personal life... not that there's anything wrong with that... might end up getting made fun of... just a warning lol oh I'm kidding sheesh... but anyway when you join (and I know you all will) you will get to post your own comments ... we'll see how it goes.. if anything it will be a bit of fun for a little while... anyway for the first look and a little bit of instructions please Click Here to see the new community and of course send in your request to join.. otherwise the fun will be lost... and even if you go to the community.. you all gotta keep checkin here for the real news :P

I'm minding my own business doing some work on a website for a business person that requires my expertise .. for some reason I'm quite good at making websites and I recieve an email with this address to click on... I invite people to click here as well because well it's funny... I wouldn't post it if it wasn't... but umm marcus your very strange and have too much time on your hands.. yes even more than me.. and that's scary lol.... pay perticular attention to snack or scat.. that one is great... and for information perposes only .. I scored 14 out of 16 on the sex or something else.. does this mean I have a craving for sex? or that my smarts allowed me to pick out the correct answers?? or there could be 2 others.. that some of you think I watch porn or something... by the way no I dont and shut up if you think I do :P ... and of course the other one.. (which is the correct one) I'm a very very good guesser..... blah at you sickos out there that got 16 out of 16 yew cheated or perhaps you watch more porn than marcus does heheheheh.... well so the idea of a community blog sounds good by the response I got.. perhaps I'll put some effort into it... I knew you'd all like that cause I'm so smart (like someone said I was) as far as the colors in this page of crap.. I"ve redesigned twice so far so one more color change wont hurt... but only cause in the training class I couldn't read the damned thing ... some loser had the contrast and brightness turned way down so couldn't see shit... but I spose it can be hard on the eyes.. but I'm only changing it so people will continue to come back... I like fans :P lol.... and well perhaps I'll try to please them.... no marcus I'm not puttin nekkid donkeys on here ... anyway more to come on the community blog... I"m thinking about it

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

well I'be been quite busy lately so couldn't think of anything funny to write about so I've decided to quit doing the blogg... and well nobody has commented for days so perhaps I dont have any fans after all... self loathing and defeat have struck me with a last ditch effort to reach out to people... and though I know you all like to read my boring (but funny) crap I've nearly run out of ideas... though I've actually just thought of something pretty kewl sounding... lets see if anyone wants to try it... I've learned that you can have more than one blog on this stupid thing and can have many people joined to that perticular blog.... therefore we could have many different people writing stupid stuff a bout stupid stuff on one big large page of crap..... if that sounds great leave a comment or you can email me requesting to sign up... it will consist of creating a login for the blog to work for you... and I do believe anyone with a membership can post comments .... community blog???? yikes I dont think I want anyone else to have access to a page of crap.. might make my big page of crap look like actual crap... then again I'm not doing that well anyway am I :P

Monday, October 13, 2003

ok ok ok so enough drunken blog.. it seems it's not funnier than when I'm sober.. or it just makes me look bad.. anyway to get over them drunken blogs.. and cory yew might wanna check this out... anyway I"m gonna redesign this piece of crap because I dont like it anymore and it clashes with my website that you all have checked out of course... ( I know I know your sick of hearing about my website) ok so I am all dragged out because I had to get up early.. but I gotta do it again tomorrow or I miss turkey dinner.. blah turkey.. blah

Sunday, October 12, 2003

yeah so I get to be at work and it's ever so nice to be here on thanks giving..... on an earlier shift.. I can barely keep my eyes open I'm so fukin tired... but I have 20 minutes to try to wake up.. the only thing that can save me is if the god damned phone is not red.... luck to that though.. there's nobody here so that's a good indication that there's gotta be no calls either... anyway I'm goin to freak out perhaps they will send me home... that would be a good thing hehehe... more to come later....

ok so another drunken blog.. this time not so entertaining but I'm a bit drunker cause I didn't start watchin a movie before I thought of something... still am typing good cause I use the backspace key.. am very good at it cause I know just by the way my fingers move that I typed a mistake... perhaps one of these times I'll not use the backspace key and show yew just how bad I am at typign... for some reason can type 60 wpm but that also includes pressing the backspace key which is about every 2 wpm cause I can't fuckn spell .... anyway that's pointless onward with the events of tonight... didn't call my buddy cause they were broke and wouldn't have come out anyway.. but she dont like busy spots... claustrophobic or some bullshit.. but that's ok... went out just the same and well the music sucked but still tried to have a good time... sorta happened the sights were ok saw a few people I haven't seen in a long time.... yeah that horny muther fucker old guy (for some reason I wont mention his name) perhaps someone will know who I"m talkin bout lmao oh well this is how a drunken blog goes because it makes absolutly no sence and well facts are all screwed up.. I'm gonna go eat my subway sub cause I"m fukn hungry didn't eat today and well... turkey dinner tomorrow.... how the hell am I gonna get up that early to eat it... yes 11am I hate trading shifts.... fuks my day up... yes lisa fuks my day up lmao.. just teasing have a good turkey day and enjoy yer sons' birthday party... even if your sick... now if only I could find a copy of a new outkast song move it... that doesn't have skips in it.. fuckn online pricks that keep shitty copies of stuff... oh enough rambling I"m sick of it.. good fukn night..............

Saturday, October 11, 2003

ok I've thought about a few things for my new amazing product that will revolutionize the world.. even more so than a SIM-SOC... first one... B.L.O.G. yep.. though this one has been taken I"ve redesigned it... B-oring L-ife O-nline G-ossip yep I've checked out a few of them around... yew know on the hot links that blogger has sposedly noticed... and well most of them suck but it's because they are all about their personal lives... if your going to be writing bout that boring stuff write it in a journal... we dont wanna hear bout your dog dying or your girlfriend broke up with you... well unless she smaxed yew cross the face and told ya to eat shit... that's just funny we wanna hear funny and or interesting stuff... or even if it is like this stupid blog random ramblings that seem to be interesting but are not they are just so silly that they have to be funny... course now that your bored of my B-oring L-ife O-nline G-ossip I'll move on to the next item....

this idea can employ vast amounts of people... cause there will always be a need for such a thing.... and yes you guessed it I'm going to create a call center for people to call and whine.. bitch and complain.... it will be great... and unlike the one we all work in... it will employ anyone that can speak or even mumble shit... not afraid to swear or take abuse... I wont fire nobody for insulting a customer... because for one that's what the customer called for... to have an argument.. yew know releive some stress.... example:

my husband just came home from work and I am soo mad at him but if I yell at him I dont get to have sex tonight.. he'll leave me for somebody else.. I know.. I"ll call that number.... 1-800-fuc koff .....

yes thousands of people would call in to complain about their mother that just made them pay a higher rent cause their worthless ass doesn't want to get a job.... others will call in because they are schizo phreaks and dont know who is in charge... so in actual fact my poor agent will have about 10 different people yelling at them.. lucky agent I love those calls... so your concidering running for mayor but yew have skeletons in the closet? ask us for our proffesionall opinion... yeah we'll tell you your perfect for the job cause your a slimey no good piece of shit.... and you'll probly win cause our opinion is worth gold... or with the bribe you give us we'll make the other contenders look worse than you...

now all I need is a good name for my company.... too bad selectron is already taken.... how about I name it SayspooL ... yeah that's perfect.. hopefully you'll get the hints in there perhaps I'll elaborate soon and the perfect mascot.. yep yew guessed it... the sewar rat ... anyway I'm hungry so I'm going to eat and then going to shop for some new stuff.... oh I forgot that's personal boring stuff I"m not sposed to talk bout that.. enjoy your day and umm please send donations for my new call center.. I know you all want to try it at least once... better change that 800 in the phone number to a 900 hehehehhe

ok so I went to a party for the first time in a long time.. yes there were lots of people there ... . we had a pizza and well we all watched a movie too... man there were lots of people there too... everyone said they were coming.... or rather I was told everyone was coming.... perhaps they just decided to show up after I left.. I"m the life of the party after all hahahahaha... course that was proven at the sillywood (guildwood) as well ... yup long weekend many people out... lotsa kids as usuall... gotta love that place... anyway am mindin my own business tryin to get a drink same as most people in line... and well I can't help it that the bartender knows my drink and thinks I'm polite... some snotty little gurl standin next to me tries to shuv me outta the way (I'm not so small anymore ... ummm lardass??? lmao) and said dont come over here... I was moving for the dood in front of me for fuk sakes.. anyway since I"m a nice guy and all sorta appologized even though didn do nuthing got my drink and walked away... next thing I know the little teeny bopper is talkin to her friend that I cut in line... geez have another drink and shut up lmao.... anyway try to get back to other side of bar where I always am and it's impossible without bumping into someone.. ya think that these people would calm down or just move out of the way... they dont wanna walk they wanna start shit.... I'm just sick of it... (good drunken blog so far) then I"m talkin to my buddy .. he came home for the long weekend... he's in the army (crazy fucker) and I get the notion of a friend wants to dance so I get up to dance.. next thing I know I"m left with the cold shoulder cause her friend is hot or something... perhaps I"m just too nerdy lmao course I dont givashit... anyway enough drunken blog ... sounds like I"m whining.. perhaps I'll edit this shit when sober... naw.. it sounds funny so I dun care... enjoy and ummm the fukn pics didn't turn out... mother took my camera and my old camera sux ... so ummm for the luck ... thanx... how did I do lmao (perhaps next time I should be a little more drunk)

Friday, October 10, 2003

I'm bored... day off.... need fewd.... wanna drink.... hava plan.... liquer store.... going soon.... stoopid blog.... still don't.... know what.... should name..... super product.... ok so your expecting a drunken blog... spose they look like that.. but well I'm a computer geek so I dont werk like that... even if I was drunk I'd still be able to type for some reason... but oh well I look forward to the drunken blog.. I'm sure I'll have many stories tonight too... hope my camera werks.. gotta take the old one mother took my good one.. I'm very mad... anyway time to get liquer ... long walk to store I hate that they moved it to other side of town... used to walk over hill and be right there now gotta go to other side of town gggggggrrrrrrr ... oh does this sound like a drunken blog??? should be even better when I'm drunk lmao... party time byyyeeee oh and more werk stories were written up last night they will be posted tomorrow on my website that you all check out all the time... perhaps I'll stop mentioning it in ever post someday

well now for something interesting.. I've decided to do a drunken blog but it will have to wait till I"m drunk.. sounds like tomorrow I"ll be very drunk so it will be interesting to have a read at what I put.. on saturday when I'm hung over.. though if I can make it back to my poor pc when I'm drunk... as many will find out tomorrow I am an easy drunk... I get sick too quick.. dun like the taste or the dizzyness I recieve when intoxicated... perhaps I'll be able to spread it all out over a long stretch of time but perhaps Ill just have to pass out an let everyone shave me.. good luck ya bastards... it'll take ya all fukn night ... thanksk to genetics I have way too much fukn hair... anyway that wont happen because I"ll just freak the fuk out lmao... anyway can't wait for drunken blogg should be interesting.. but ummm do ya think it could be any stranger than this??? perhaps I'll post pics on my website... I know your all checking that out as well.... yes I"m taking my camera hehehehehehheheheheheheheheh gonna get some good pics of some very crazy people... hope they dont mind

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

well I know i promised to tell the story of my new merchandise that will revolutionize the world but I have a very good story I must share... at someone elses expense of course just hope she / he doesn't mind (not that I care or anything cause I"m rotten) now I love my mute button... apperantly it can be used for incogneto (hiding.. camoflauge.. for someone that asked me what the hell that is) as well.... if your going to speak into your mic you must always check if there is someone there.. cause you never know.... it might be used against you... perhaps I should have coughed or something because I was on the phone muted (which is my favorite weapon when talking to customers) and calling helpdesk... well the person (which will not be named unless she / he wishes lol) said a very colorful werd not directed at me of course (cause I"m a great agent) but the funny part is what came next... I caught the agent off guard by coming off mute and saying very calmly.. your not telling that to me are you? ... the very confused agent freaked out... ohhhhh man I'm sooo sorry I didn't know you were there.... ooops little did he / she know she / he didn't mute and thought I hung up lol..... even better than that... he / she thought I was just getting on for help and asked me for my information..... I could have been really mean and go through my questions again but I figured I freaked her / him out enough lol and let him / her off with a very good laugh... apperantly I know the reason why I'm not allowed to throw paperballs around the building any more... how unfortunate the ball wars are sooo much fun and well our agents look a little lively for a brief period of time

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

ok check this out quite funny... almost as good as the free cat.. thanks marcus lmao more to come when I get to werk.....
(cont... )
yeah so cory has a better blog today because I"m boring and been concentrating on fixing my website for some reason I have nerdish tendancies... yes nerd... I'm a Nerd and that applies to work as well... see N-ever E-nding R-etarted D-ays though after punching out I become a normal person ... .well except that I"m still insane... but it doesn't matter .. perhaps I'll become a sheep herder and then I'll always have customers that like me... no not because I"d become a sheep fucker geez you people have perverted minds.... but because they seem to be mindless and will do exactly what I say.. or at least run the way the dog moves them... lets get a buzzer device attached to the modems we send out... press the reset button on our end and zap the customer when they get out of line... that will improve the quality of our relationship and the call will be quicker hehe .. .best of both worlds

next blog... (hopefully) will be the best product soon to be available near yew... better than seeing eye midgets... (I've heard of this before... but still funny as hell)

Monday, October 06, 2003

now I know I"m a smart guy.. I just dont know how to spell... and well I know I can give directions because I was showing a double jacker how to run a call yesterday and he actually picked up a few tricks... well now why is it that simple commands confuse our customers??? I mean do we have to be physicaly beside these people for them to understand... well perhaps we should start doing that.. a wonderful idea that would greatly help customers out... .yes it's called hacking... msn can train us to hack the customer and just do all the troubleshooting from here.... and of course remove all traces of what we did while we where there.... problem with that is that our wonderful customers that dont know how to plug in the cords and have the cd in the drive... they will just have to die lol... perhaps we should start selling computers pre loaded that would make things so much easier... then we could all be customer service agents and then not have to take calls from stupid people.. just take their money that would be so much more fun... anyway I'll have a few more stories to add to my wonderful website ... that I know you have all read cause the site is just so great... well maybe it's not but I"m working on it.. now that I have the work site done I can focus on the rest of the site... and yes the day in the life of a tech support agent is next in line for a face lift... so check it out for funny stories of my customers and well others that have sent in their stories... (to be added soon) ..... oh yeah and this was just sent to me so check it out.. it's quite kewl...

well I finally finished the update for the work website... those of you with logins can now have access to the update... anyone looking for access can request a login by registering oh yes and the link for the update is: or the no add version: click here course there is always a link to it on my website and I know you all have been there already... (can't stop mentioning my website.. it's just too good) anyway I'm way to tired to create a funny joke or something for you to laff at so you can just laff at the fact that I stayed up till 7am to finish this.... course I would have been up that late anyway watching a movie or something so at least this is usefull lmao anyway enjoy and good night

Sunday, October 05, 2003

drunken blog yet to come.... for now I'll have to be content laughing at the wonderful words "wanke up" .... now after spending a year and half in england I know what this means.. but for some of us that didn't spend that time there may not have a clue what this actually means... it looks like a genuine typo lmao..... I'll reffer all to my favourite helpdesk person Kevin Bell (hope he doesn't mind his name posted here haha)... yes the mentor we all love to ask questions too .... cause he knows everything... well almost I spose.. but he'll be able to give the answer to this question for sure.... just go up to him and call him a wanker.... he'll have a good laugh with you I'm sure... also the best day of the year is approaching.. and I need help with my costume... can't decide what I'll be this year so how about giving suggestions... I've got 3 weeks to create a costume so hurry up... and Mucus dont say an earwig lmao... just got an idea for things you could see on my website... past costumes I've had... hope I can find the pictures lol and of course you'll all visit there to see em :P

Saturday, October 04, 2003

well what are days off for... I usually spend them being totally bored.. but today I got to smear black tar goop on my roof... yes and not fall off the ladder it was exillerating ... fresh air... and yes black tar goop on my hands... and best of all it doesn't come off very easily I'll probably have some on my hands for everyone to see when I get back to work... if that wasn't bad enough I got to rip a wall out as well... I'm such a great carpenter ..... good thing wallpaper comes in thick sheets.... paint can do marvelous things as well... anyway need to find some drinking buddies tonight as I'm not in the mood for the bar scene but want a drink..... oh hell I'm becoming an alcaholic... but locals say that there's nothing wrong with that.... perhaps I'll do a drunken blog lmao though I doubt it.. only person can make them funny is cory... oh well back to boredom gotta finish the werk website update finally... yew all can check that out tomorrow of course

Friday, October 03, 2003

oh fernando from god knows where... gave my double jacker a show today... yes he is learning how to spell today.... p as in peter... c? p ans in peter... p? yes excellent... i as in igloo... p? ... I as in ice.... I? yes very good.... n as in nancy.... m? n as in november.... N? yess you get a cookie... g as in george... b? g as in great.... could you speak slower my english not so good... ok so now we know how to spell ping.... lets try an address.... could you spell that please... sure... lets do that again.... y as in yellow... what?? y as in yellow.... yellow??? yes very good... a as in apple... a? yes excellent... h as in horse... horse?? yes h... o as in oscar... o? good and another o.... what? oh yahoo??? omg very good fernando... now lets put in .com duck??? what??? . period.... oh dot... yes very good .... oh yes just like that website.. what? lets hit enter.... now for the hard part... lets read off what the screen says omg thank god we are connected after power cycling and unplugging the usb connection.. only took 45 minutes to learn how to spell p.i.n.g. I'm impressed at my teaching ability... I missed my calling... perhaps I'll put a dictionary on my website (...that you all are checking out every day right....)and a tutor for spelling.. course my spelling is the greatets so I"m not suprised he didn't understand me

Thursday, October 02, 2003

thanks to marcus we now get to make fun of a supreme being... I mean our distant boss.. I mean the greatest guy on the planet.. oh hell I'm not at work so I'm not selling this dick... hey he makes it possible for me to write this shit but if it weren't for him I'd be able to do it on a better computer... or even more easier program to do it with... but that's life and well here's the greatest picture of him ever
yeah well anyway onward with the day I redid the work website it's nearly ready for everyone to use again... and yes it's located on my website so click the link already

now feeling ill... ate too many burgers... got free tickets from people that knew better... but they tasted soooo goood... yes had 2 patties on two diff burgers... shouldn't have eaten em though.. now I'm going to fart like crazy... yes I said fart sheesh grow up already... anyway now I must go through my comments section and rag out on 2 individuals that are acting like children.. (and they are older than me hahahaha) but I must admit Marcus pukus suckus cockus is great..... anyway onward with the story that I didn't finish... yes the balloons.... well balloons make a wonderful noise especially when popped when nobody is expected... well this happened while I was on a call.. and my supervisor was walking by.. me and everyone else around me jumped but the supervisor (not on a call obviously) started shouting (amazingly no swearing) haha I thought by the way he was going on was shitting his pants.... anyway thanks for the toilet paper... by the way on that note... here's a website for you all... but you better check out my website first

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

ok so nobody wants to hear work and how wonderful it is to have a job... so I've decided to talk about my fellow co workers... yes them people that I work with... well today is the birthday of our wonderful place employment... and they decided to have a party... gave us all balloons.. woooo hooo perty balloons... oh yes and the best tasting crap I've ever had.. must be because I"m starving... they said they were burgers... I'll have to take their word for it... anyway I'm still alive going to eat some more.. hey they are free.... burb ooops xsqweeze me.... well so I transfered a call to my good friend Mildred and she yelled at me because I did all the troubleshooting steps and she was bored.. all she ever does is escalate her calls to higher level of support.. good job Mildred (stop snickerin Marcus or she'll slap ya) oh yeah and the balloons make a very nice sound that make supervisors jump out of their skin and other agents laff... I'll tell that story later .. now it's time for more crappy burgers

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Creater: Joe Earhart