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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
this is so good I have to post it here... I"m suprised that I didn't recieve it from marcus lol... spose he'll be sending it soon enough... anyway here goes:
The phone rang as I was setting down to my anticipated evening meal, and as I answered it I was greeted with " is this Wilhiam Wagenhoss" not sounding anything like my name, so I said who is calling?
The telemarketer said he was with The Rubber band Powered Freezer company or something like that and then I asked him if he knew Wilhiam personally and why was he calling this number.
I then said off to the side, "get really good pictures of the body and all the blood" then turned back to the phone and advised the caller that he had entered a murder scene andmust stay on the line because we had already traced this call and he would be receiving a summons to appear in the local courthouse to testify in this murder case.
I then questioned the caller at great length as to his name, address, phone number at home, at work, who he worked for, how he knew the dead guy and could he prove where he hadbeen about one hour before he made this call.
The telemarketer was getting very concerned and his answers were given in a shakey voice.
I then told him we had located his position at his work place and the police were entering the building to take him into custody, at that point I heard the phone fall and the scurrying of his running away.
My wife asked me as I returned to our table why I had tears streaming down my face and so help me, I couldn't tell her for about fifteen minutes. My meal was cold, but after what I had pulled, very
now it's pretty strange to not know where one actually is... but it's even worse when your at work..... it's been really busy at work this week and I am not really in any mood to joke around but I just couldn't resist with this dood.... the guy is an engineer at the hotel (which means he is probably part of the mop and bucket crew... but they replace equipment for internet as well) well he gives me information I need to bring up the diagnostics for the hotel when all of a sudden he says to me "where am I?" now remember I"m not in any mood so I plainly say... " uuummm in a hotel?" and I wasn't even trying to be sarcastic.. I just didn't know what to say..... well apperantly he wasn't in any mood either because the man said ... "no where am I?".... and while I was wondering trying to figure out what to reply... he finally clarifies that he gave me his site code (info to bring up diags) and wanted to know if I knew where he was.... well now that we are in understanding I decide to let the man know where he is... since he doesn't seem to know... hopefully he wont need directions to the front desk... I'll have to give him the phone number for the hotel at that point lol
wouldn't it be lovely not to be bored with life? no I'm not about to hurl myself onto a pile of knives or jump off a bridge or anything.. but I just can't seem to become really happy about working at my current place of employment.... it gets good then it gets bad in a span of weeks... it's mostly because of managment though.... but I hear that there may be a class of newbies being trained so it could become reasonably ok to work again... but probably not.... a number of my friends are no longer working here so my last reason to show up to work is slowly dwindling down.... course I keep meeting new people but it's not the same as having true friends around to talk to.... I think the only thing left that can save me is to switch contracts but that doesn't appear to be an option that I'll be able to explore any time soon.... but light at the end of the tunnel?? it would be to pick up sticks and head on into the unknown.... as scary as that is ... it will eventually be the only thing that rescues me from the boring and takes me into the future... what will I do...... I could head up the local retail store... perhaps be a janiter at a high priced company.... oooohhh I could be a gas attendant (I've done that before) or I could just bite the bullet and attempt to become something I didn't really want to do since I started my position for stream..... any and all open positions for something that is not on the phones ... I"m going to apply for..... yes even stupervisor.... can ya picture me being the boss?? haha....
well I beat paper mario for game cube... before the g/f I might add... and she said I wouldn't .... spose it helps that I played it for the past 2 weeks..... and now that that's over with can get back to work on the house.... will be laying the vapour barrier down in the attic this weekend.... hopefully I can get my self some cheap insulation.... but other than that.. nothing new here.... I've started converting the community blog into my story section.... might have that under way next week.... have about 900 messages to delete still though.... sorry to anyone that actually used it.... but that was a while ago.... anyway only one other thing to comment on....
why the hell do people think that restarting their computer 20 times is going to magicly fix it... I can see restarting it once... maybe change some settings and restart it once more... but other than that restarting it 3 or more times in a row aren't going to change anything.... half the people that call my support line.. the first thing they tell me ... of course other than the fact that they can't connect.... "...yeah I restarted my computer 4 times.. and it's still not working... but I"m restarting it again just to see.... " .... maybe someday people will learn that perhaps they should have restarted the modem device in the room.. it may work a little better instead of restarting the computer 20 times.... course with these people I like to find a way to make them restart again... and they say.. "but I just finished restarting it a couple times" .... so lets do it again you seem to think it's going to work if you do it.. perhaps if I tell you to do it again it just might work this time.. but then again .. perhaps this is what makes people think that if they restart it again ... it just might work..... yeah.. umm... ok
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Creater: Joe Earhart