my version:
by the way.... the g/f said.... I must talk about her..... since I can't think of anything nice to say...... I think I'll turn over a new leaf... this post is dedicated to the g/f .... I actually have plenty of nice things to say but that's just not my style as most of yew know.... but I shall do my best to make this post equally nice as the rest of them....
she said I should stop reffering to her as "The g/f" it's somewhat rude.... I dont like talking about my personal life to much... unless it is a good story that must be shared... this is the reason I do this.....
her actual name is Crystal.... (for those of yew that dont know) she is a blonde... I mean brunette... I mean... she dyes her hair... I mean..... oops.... she has hair... loverly blue eyes... wears glasses and usually has some smart assed answer... unless I'm involved in the conversation.... it's usually fuk off or kiss my ass... well yew know the deal..... she is slightly shorter than me and even if she's wearing her 3 inch heels.... she likes playing video games much like I do... except she likes the silly sim games... the type where yew are doing something similar to real life.. only fake.... except she does like racing games... she just can't beat me at them..... yet......... I've talked her into liking wrestling... but only because it's like a soap opera.... sometimes I think she wants to watch it more than I do....
we have asperations of traveling the world at some point... just need a bit of savings in order to get off our front porch..... someday this will happen...
we will someday be married ... according to her.... or at least she will force me into it one day she says..... (this is actually an embelished statement but she is working on getting me to settle down) .... ummm a sidenote..... honey... I know yewr reading this... dun get tooo mad... it's my story :P and I haven't said anything really bad yet ....
she has a large and for the most part close .... family.... where I have a small scattered family (except for portions of family in ontario... yew know who yew are) hers makes for interesting gatherings at places families go..... yew know bars and such....
she likes almost similar music to me... the only difference is that her taste is what I used to listen to where as I like stuff that I haven't heard before... new beats and such.... she just wants to sing along because she already knows the werds.... umm try I mean.... well she can sing when she tries.... yew know ... like I can.. if I try.... (some of yew even have wav files of me singing I know but umm keep them to yewrself damnit I may want to run for office someday... not... but maybe)
well so now I must go track down the g/f ... I mean Crystal to ask her what else I should write about her... yew know I have to get her approval of course.... why? because I love her.... oh.. yeah I love her she said.... but I really do mean this yew silly people.... perhaps one day I will have that ring she's looking for and wont even have to be conned into it lol... I'm sure that's not the case... I just say it for the joke... :)