It's quite strange having to pick up all new things for a house again. Especially since I bought most of these things two or three years ago. Unfortunately I couldnt' fit a lot of my house "posessions" in the car. I've had to cheap out on some things as well but it's only my first week. After I get settled I can upgrade as needed. The addition of food today was supremely welcome. I for one do not like shopping. I find myself rushing to get out of the store. There are occasions however that I don't mind it. Today was one of those days. I wandered around the stores just browsing. Not really looking for anything in perticular but noticing the people around me. Most were just going about daily business without acknowledging anyone around them. Once I reached the checkout I found myself looking around again. The checkout lady was taking her time bagging things. She had to tilt her head in order to see things. Her glasses were either the wrong prescription or she just couldn't see anything at all.
The front doors have an alarm system and I watched as a girl walked through them carrying a guitar for the PS2. No alarm sounded and the "greeter" scurried for the door to check the alarm system to make sure it was working. The greeter then passed something through the door and the alarm went off. She went back to her post to assume her duties. The next 3 people that went through the door set off the alarm. The greeter then ran to check the bags and such.
Meanwhile near the front is the customer service department. An elderly gentleman was walking along. He had dark shades on and carried one of the blind walking sticks. The man wasn't totally blind, yet. I could tell this because as he passed the customer service department he decided to go in. There is a roped off gate held up by adjustable posts. The man tried to walk through the roped off gate. As the man walked through he felt the tug at his waist of the gate and looked down. At first he didn't see anything so he kept walking. The two posts were dragged behind him for a few feet. He stopped again and finally noticed that he had walked into the gate. I chuckled as the elderly cashier greeted me and began to ring in my items.
After I had gotten my items paid for and bagged I began to walk out of the store. It seems that the alarm system has gone haywire at this point. The woman in front of me and myself set off the alarm. As well as the three or four people behind me. They will either need to fix it or get another three "greeters" to check everyones bags. The poor elderly woman will be run ragged today. Who says that the Walmart greeter has the best job in the world.