light up my comments section with topiks for me to write about... after halloween I'll go ahead and write about topiks... I'm bored with the blog and need something to do lol perhaps I can make the topiks interesting on view points.. or just made up crap
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
urinals and short people... they just dont mix... espeshuly when tall people miss the fukin hole.... or people that shake... shake it all over the place.... there is a lip on most urinals and it just catches drops I spose... the thing is the drops dont drip into the bowl.. they stay there... and us short people come along piss... and because we are short our pants rest on the fukn lip.... unless of course we practice our aim from a foot away.... when I was in england (I think I mentioned this before) but their urinals are great... it's a piece of metal on the wall that comes down into a drain of sorts... so ya just piss on the wall and it goes down the drain.... lovely.... and no lip to get your pants wet... I came out of the public toilet at work yesterday and had this dot on my pants... looked like I had an accident... and I dont mean piss... sheesh.. anyway enough ranting on that subject
lets rant on a work topik... fukn shift bids... kill the bastards
ok and now for some kewl stuff... I'm off tomorrow... crystal is off tomorrow.... ooooooOOOoooo... no not for that reason (yew pigs) gonna help her with her website tomorrow... it might get done lol.... and then I'm going to pizza delight for a long overdue pizza sub... I haven't had one of their subs in sooooooo long.. I hope they still make em... if not that will be the quickest visit to a restaraunt for me in a very long time lol.... anyway everyone enjoy shift bid day.. I'm not going anywhere near work (thanks to lisa) I got her off the phone to proxy for me... so I'm sure she's happy lol.... and I dont have to deal with the bs of picking a shift... I told her to suprise me because there really isn't anything that I like in the bid... and probably couldn't get anything that is close to what I need... oh well maybe I"ll get transfered to mac one of these days lol....
Monday, October 25, 2004
Gross Topik #9
splatter shit... what I'm about to describe is probably the single most disgusting thing I've seen in a long time... except for cat puke.... (that is really disgusting) you may not want to read this post ... skip to the next one now.... so to continue (so that I have no more readers after this)well now splatter shit.... it's not widely known... because people dont talk about it.... yet everyone has done it once in thier life... and if they haven't .... they are lieing.... anyway back to the point.... picture racing to the toilet.... yanking everything down... getting somewhat comfortable... well as much as you can in your predickament... and you give some pressure expecting it to come out...... and yew fart... but during so... you feel more than just air come out.... oh shut up you know you did it.... and yes it's ok to laugh..... well I"m in the stall at work today and some dood raced in and closed his cube.... all I heard was *groan* "bbbbbbffffffftttttttttt" *groan* "aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww" (pause for effect) *groan* plop.... I can only imagine because moments before that guy came in I was in my own predickament..... well I wiped and cleaned up.... fixed myself up... meanwhile the dood next door is seamingly dying.... anyway I was bout to leave when I noticed.... I missed a spot.... the unfortunate toilet fell victom to splatter shit lmao......
anyway I feel bad for anyone that just read that... but you have to admit this has happened to you.. and if you dont.. I'll call you a lier..... anyway which is more disgusting..... splattering.. or listening to the dood next to you in pain over his or her dilemma but it doesn't matter.. I think I'd rather wipe a little up than hear the dood next to me crying over losing his ass in the toilet... but I had quite the giggle over it... and I thought the boogers on the wall were bad.... yuck....
this story is nearly all made up
Sunday, October 24, 2004
slumps... they suck... the weeks are going by and time is seemingly flying by... I've read a few posts from people and they all seem to be reminising (as if I could spell) well I keep thinking about things to... but there is a difference.. I'm getting tired of things... my job is becoming meaningless.. well at least to me... it's the same boring crap over and over and It's getting rediculous... though at least with my new contract people tend to be a bit more appretiative for my help... but it's still not helping me... I've been in this rut before but I've had options to get into something slightly different... this time I dont have the option... unless I just get up and leave... after reading supersteve's post this week I've come to some silly idea that it would be a good idea to stay here... but the thing is I have my own hometown that I miss very much and it isn't glace bay ... (though I did basicly grow up there) during my trip to niagra I had the oportunity to visit my actual hometown and though I recognised a lot of it ... I found it had possibly even improved perhaps... I really miss it there... and oddly enough crystal liked it there as well... I'm toying with the idea of saving money and actually moving back there.... but that's a future idea.. nothing even remotely close lol... anyway I'm still alive I just dont feel it at the moment... my break from reality (niagra trip) has given me enough time to think about what I remember to be important to me and I need to get off my ass and start accomplishing my goals... even though I have it pretty good at the moment... nice house... great g/f ... reasonable job (even though I hate it) for some reason I'm still not happy... aint life funny.... or perhaps it's just evil... more to come soon
Friday, October 15, 2004
it's great to get a vacation.... I love it... speshuly when it involves some sort of travel (away from the place I live)... yes even when taking the bus.... went on a trip with my "dearest" (she makes me say that) Crystal to ontario... we went to visit with my family there... as well my sister came up from virginIA .... it was a great time... after the visiting went to niagra falls ..... the look on crystal's face was priceless... unfortunatly I couldn't wip out the camera for you lol.... ended up staying a few nights in niagra (which was great) and the first day was spent at the falls and the casino.... second day spent at marineland... yew know the place with the whales and dolphins .... and yes the rides... well there weren't many rides... but their roller coaster was really good... course I couldn't get crystal on it lol... after that went to clifton hill... the place with all the amusements and attractions.... went to the wax museum .. and of course crystal chickened out on the cheezy horror section..... (I'm gonna get a beating for this crystal bashing lol) anyway as we were walking back from clifton hill and some dood shouts out "his" car window.. your boyfriend is hot...... to which I yell back.... thank yew..... lovely... so then the only other interesting thing that happened would be on the way home on the horrible long bus drive would be this fake eminemineminem wannabe had his seat on the bus.... got up to go to the toilet while other people were boarding... the dood that came along put his stuff in the seat next to the eminemineminem dood's seat (aperantly after asking if it was free) then proceeded to go get his woman and bring her to the seat.... so while the dood is gone to get his woman... the eminemeineminem dood comes back and sees stuff in his seat... he looks around... curious... he looks around again... then shouts aloud.... "who put this crap on my seat" I started chuckling (couldn't help myself) so he picks up the "crap" and puts it on the seat accross from his ... not even asking the person sitting there... shrugs and sits in his seat..... the dood that owns the stuff comes back with his woman in tow... looks at the seat.... turns around (apperantly looking for his "crap") then the guy looks at eminemineminem and starts asking him about the seat... I figured there was gonna be a brawl on the go... eminemineminem didn't want to give up his seat because his bag or "crap" as I would have put it was too heavy to put in the overhead compartment... anyway he ended up moving so the two lovers could be together and such lol... by the way the woman (who was thiner than a strand of spagetti) could use a bra.... all I could say is ... "it's a bit nipply out tonight"......
Saturday, October 02, 2004
so I'm sitting in my cube waiting for a call.. we were just in major que and I had difficulties with my pc and now recovering.... may have passed the busy section .. lucky me... great so back to the point.. I'm waiting for a call and it seems rather long.. haven't gotten a call.... I become curious... perhaps they messed up when they transferred my in ques..... nope my phone is showing I'm in a call.... but I don’t hear anything.... strange... lovely I look at my amplifyer... interesting someone has pressed the buttons on my amp so that they can hear me but I cannot hear them... great so the customer got to listen to 5 minutes (or more) of my strange humming coughing or what not .. not to mention the people walking past me I'm sure they could hear that as well... amazingly just as I'm pressing the buttons so I can hear everything the customer hangs up... great I have finally had a great call today lol
Friday, October 01, 2004
ok story time has come again and I'll release the first few paragraphs soon.... I want to finish a bit of it first and I'm sure it will all come into place... this story is going to take some time to finish because it's going to be more of an actual novel story kinda thing lol so please be patient.... and I'm sure (from what I hear) you'll appretiate it or something sheesh...