I"m not sure if I've covered this before or not ... but why.... why.... do some people driving in a car.... feel the need to take their eye's off the road to ... well do whatever... got in a cab today and this guy (I've driven with him before unfortunatly) starts going and then looks over his shoulder to find a car.. there so he slams on the breaks... then .... we get going and he decides to start picking at something by his leg... nearly going off the road.... but he does it about three times during the drive... sheesh... anyway another one that gets me is that we're going past a church... and he starts blessing himself or something.....
now I've seen this many times.. I live two doors away from a church.. this same church has a bus stop in front of it... and as many of you know I take the bus quite a lot... well sitting waiting for it to come along is a chore so you watch people driving by... or passing whatever... anyway most of these people bless themselves as they go by.... why? .... why??? anyway I figured this dood doing it today was going to bless himself so he can get me to work without killing us both... not to mention whoever he hits when he takes his eyes off the road again...