so you've checked out my website by now.. all you have to do is leave some comments.... anyway it's been a wonderful day... hotmail servers are acting up and nobody knows what's going on... but that's a normal day at work... my favourite kind of call... yes supervisor call... caller requests to speak with someone in charge and while I explain that my supervisor is an idiot and he doesn't want to talk with him the customer starts to realize I can help him with his issue... and with that in mind I transfer his call to our wonderful customer service team to create an account for DSL ... wish the previous agent could have created an account for him 3 weeks ago when he requested it... I love our company.... but enough of that how about the great customers that call us ripping about how much our company sux but only took the service because it's the only one available in the area... how much I'm going to help you today... yes thanks for calling please hang up now... oh you hate me?? I dont mind I still like you... and yes thank you for calling... goodbye
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
ok so it's been drawn to my attention that some people dont understand my nickname on messenger... that's ok I dont care lol.... but so you ask what the hell is a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeemur... well it's actually a type of monkey.... yes monkey.... and well look for yourself...

anyway I"m actually amazed that there was this website as well.. and low and behold it's a newsletter (which we dont support... just had to add that) and by the way did I mention go look at my website?
Monday, September 29, 2003
Alright so I dont know how to use the tools that were givin to me at work. I'm trained for a single week on something that requires two weeks of training. That's fine, I'm still doing a wonderful job. My customers are always right, so they say. When my customer thinks they know what's wrong and are more than happy to finish troublshooting on their own without my guidance, I dont hesitate to close up shop and thank them for gracing my presence. I just forgot to tell them that if they do what they are about to do they will not resolve their issue. Oops!! That's ok, I'm available for them to call back as soon as they are ready to listen to my words of wisdom. Oh and for them agents that dont know what they are doing, I hate you more than my customer that doesn't know what's wrong with their computer that has the power cord unplugged! Get some training! Oops again. I forgot that one week of training is not enough. So what if I can learn while I'm on the phone. Perhaps not everyone is like me. Lets call the help line, explain the customers issue as best we can and get the best advice in the world. Yesterday I got a call from a wonderful person. He was having problems with one of his accounts. (he has four in his software) The last agent suggested removal of the software, then reinstall it back in. For one account? I told customer to take out the one account having the difficulty then add it back in. Magicly it works. Please get some more training so I dont have to take stupid people's second call for nothing. Oh yeah and you better check out my website soon. Perhaps I'll add in the picture jokes this week. Yes I have many, many jokes. Check it out.
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Wooo hoo another day at work and I have more stories to tell. I must get trained for Mac computers or I'll be lost as usual but I love a challenge. Especialy at work, otherwise it's boring and I begin to sleep at my desk. It seems strange to me that many people do not know how to change the date and time on their computer. I would never think clicking on the clock and changing the information on the screen to what it should be would be so hard but apparently people have difficulties with this. On a brighter note, I was on the computer last night and my brother was watching jeopardy (yes I can't spell) last night. The show featured a pile of kids and they were doin questions I could actually answer. I was impressed with myself except for the best question I've ever heard on the show. Catagory: tricky questions. Answer: why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Without a peep from the contestants. Alex (the host)says, because you can't take a picture with a wooden leg. After an amazing pause of dead air. Alex looks right into the camera and says, 'folks I just read em lets go to comercial break'. Oh have you checked out my website yet?????? Damnit you better go there soon.
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Well I've finally broke down and created one of these silly things. Unlike most of the other people, I'm going to use this as a spot to leave jokes and at every opertunity, show off my website. Yes my website, come visit anytime. Within the site you will find jokes, help with websites and yes jokes about my work. Some of the stories my be repeated here as well. Don't be alarmed more are coming. Oh and I'm going to compete with a certain individual that has a funny blogger as well though mine will be better soon lol enjoy and umm, visit my site see yew all soon.