Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
There are a couple of things I really should write about, but I must start off by saying I haven't had a decent night out in a very long time. Tonight that changed as I went out with my old roomie Koley. Let me tell you it was something else, as it usually is. I can't really begin with much as there isn't much to say other than someone slept in. (yeah past 11pm) No it was not me, however that is another story. I stepped out tonight to the bar as I haven't done in a very long time with a good friend of mine. We had a very good time (well at least I did lol) we caught up from old times, told stories and such but then it was time to go home. On the way home we had to stop for something to eat. This is of course what other people needed to do as well. My car, like some others, a standard transmission and without a working parking break, will roll back on an incline when out of gear did that tonight. I was in a deep conversation with my passenger so I was not really paying attention, so without my knowledge the car did just that. I happened to look in the rear view mirror, the lady in the passenger seat of the car behind us was freaking out. The guy in the drivers seat got out of his car and came up to me. I rolled down the window to hear him as he stated:
Could you get off my bumper?
I almost choked on nothing with laughter. So did my passenger. This will be forever the best joke I will ever tell for years to come. If for some odd reason the guy happens to read this, I am extremely sorry for not really paying attention as my car was sitting for a minute when I took my foot off the break and did not move anywhere. Because of this I just went on with the conversation resting my feet. If I had known I rolled back I would have done something about it other than laugh. There couldn't have been much damage (other than the screaming woman in your passenger seat) but I am very sorry just the same (I dont say that to just anyone)
No damage done and best of all we both get a story out of it (I bet I tell it better than you)
I should mention that I received the second greatest gift I have ever recieved this christmas. Yes ladies and gentleman, it was a cowbell. You may reffer to a prior story on this blog for more information regarding the story it originates from. If you dont want to look back (or forget) then you can do a search for: SNL Blue Oyster cult and watch the hillarious clip.
This year is remarkably strange for me because I normally set aside a few hours to create a christmas greeting page for my friends. (and anyone else that wants to view it) I just dont feel like doing anything of the sort. Even more strange for me, I dont feel like it's christmas. Then again I dont really feel much of anything recently except for maybe boredom. I've been spending a lot of time roaming from house to house to pass the time but there is something missing. I'm not used to having this much time on my hands and I think it's starting to catch up with me.
On the bright side I was able to catch up with friends last night that were away from home as well. It was good to get out for a night on the town. (even if it was to the sandbar) I'm sad to find that the bar scene hasn't changed here at all. Same ole, same ole, as the saying goes. However there are some good things about it when a group of old friends get together to catch up. This may be even more so when family does it. Tonight I get to share an evening with my family.
I hope that you find yourself enjoying the company of friends and family tonight as well for that is what Christmas is really about.
Merry Christmas everyone!!
so happy is me to still not have any comments.... makes me feel ..... loved.... but then again not everyone enjoys the spotlight as I do perhaps.... although I have been hearing rumors that my writing style is annoying.... perhaps I shall change it and start typing in an appropriate manor.
You know with punctuation, spell checks and proper words to explain myself accordingly. I feel that I must explain myself for the manor I use. The extra periods are meant for you to see when I pause as I tell my story. More often than not I have witnessed a number of people skip over important parts of my stories because they are just reading along but not really paying attention. This is not only irritating but I have to tell the story all over using a different method so the missing parts are understood. Or does this mean I am underestimating my audience? Ok so I will give it a shot and change my style for a while to see how it goes.
This weekend I found myself helping a friend exploit a PS2 (PlayStation 2) so that it can play burned games. Illegal of me (yes I know) but you must understand that I very rarely play video games anymore so I refuse to pay the outrageous prices for these silly things. Much more for my amusement, I helped exploit it to see if it could be done. Remarkably it is and I'm happy to say that I will now have a new found addiction to the PS2. However, this will most likely be only for a short time as my movie addiction far outreaches any other addiction I have. (with the exception of possibly beer)
You know something, This seems kinda strange typing like this. I just dont feel the rythum I am accustomed to. Perhaps this is why the story is boring but at least you checked out my boring ass. Hope you enjoyed the view. (p.s. - I forgot to run a spell check :P )
I pride myself with being able to debate most things... I may not always win but I will argue tooth and nail my point to death if I have to ..... however there are occations that I will start a debate on a stupid subject and watch the outcome..... sometimes the results are quite funny and my latest example is nothing short of this.... the subject you ask??
should I shave... or not....
some would argue that a shaven face is much more handsome or whatever.... and others say that a beard gives a person a look of enlightenment or maturity.... then of course the flip side... the shaved face will show your disfigurement (if you so have such a thing) or the beard is just plain disgusting or animalistic (maybe I'm making up some words here lol) hence people believing in werewolves.... as if....
anyway I have been growing my wonderful beard ... which I am very impressed with ... for a few weeks now and it has really filled out.... but when contemplating if I should shave or not I am brought down with a few minor details.... I like the way it looks on me... but I dont like the occasional itch.... I enjoy when others complain about it... but I dont really want to scare some of them away .... so I left it up to my adoring public.... should I shave or should I not....
tallying the scores so far... I have 5 for shave and 5 for dont..... this wont really sway my decision .. but I love a good debate..... so lets hear it people... what is your opinion??
it seems that I am learning some unknown truths about people..... or more so we all have them.... just most choose not to share them with people but there is always that exception isn't there....... some of us have been to karaoke... but how many have witnessed someone singing in a store.... tonight.. I did.... the greatest pizza shop in all of cape breton (my opinion of course until I taste better) holds a talent that has been perhaps undiscovered... a little boy in fact.. I walked into the place and gave my order... decided I would wait there for it.... as I sat down in one of the chairs the little boy that was leaning against the counter with an mp3 player started singing.... of all songs he could sing or listen to the song of the moment was rockstar..... of the words he knew it was quite loud and sadly not in tune.... and the rest of the words were either hummed or mumbled... either way it was quite the scene.... I chuckled to myself as the mother of the child came over to him and informed him he was singing very loudly perhaps he should turn the volume down.... he replied... I dont care and kept at it.. she smiled... I spose she only asked him because I was sitting there and she figured I was bothered by it..... I assure you I wasn't.... for the remainder of my time waiting for my food I played name that tune..... I figured out two of the songs he sang.... but couldn't figure out the rest... maybe one day he'll be in the bars doing karaoke with the rest of them.... and maybe by then he'll know all the words to make it sound better ... carry on little man
After a long vacation of sorts... I am back...... yes back.... but not for long..... it wasn't easy getting here either..... and here is why..... it's difficult to work outside in -10 and lower so I haven't been to work in about a week or so..... I was getting tired of it so I was thinking of leaving..... then I heard that a chinook was moving in..... (for those that have no idea - blast of warm air usually accompanied by wind) because of this I decided that I could still work if the conditions had changed.... the morning of the "anounced" chinook came but it was still feezing..... I gave up... in a matter of an hour I had packed all my belongings into my car....... and peeled out of dodge (literally)
I sadly have left something behind.... and I want it back......
prior to my leaving I informed a few choice people of my method of transport and received warnings to change my mind because the weather was super nasty in ontario (as well as most of the country) I dont think these people have been in the car with me driving before lol.... I thrive on snow weather.... it usually means that the crap drivers are all in one lane going slow..... therefore allowing me to use the unused lane to pass them ... this works out well for me on double lane highways of course... anyway I zoomed through saskwatchwan (spelled incorrectly on purpose) and manitoba.... and beat my old record for the first day travel... I was impressed to make it as far as I did.... (I can't remember where it was because it wasn't really a town but it was past kenora) first day sightings include: not much of anything..... I must add that the gas in saskwatchwan and manitoba sux.... really badly.... I just remembered there was a hitch hiker on the winipeg bypass.... it was extremely dark but he was using a flash light.... pointed at the ground waving back and forth while waving his arm in the air praying someone would stop.... my first reaction was the person was in trouble.... but then I dont recall seeing a car.... and there was a service station about 5km back the other direction so I came to the conclusion that the person was a psycho like the star in the movie "the hitcher" .... I didn't feel like being killed but I sorta felt sorry for not stopping..... for a moment
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second day found me driving through northern ontario.... this is the longest part of the journey because the limit is 90kmh and the roads are twisty windy through hills..... luckily I managed at a nearly constant 120kmh.... I stopped in cochrane for a decent nights sleep...... (this place is not cheap to stay in for those interested... most rooms are over 80 bux... however I did find a roach motel by the husky that was 50 bux a night... since I was only gonna be there for maybe 5 hours I settled on cheap rather than internet... amazing I know).... second day sightings include: snow and more snow.... I recall telling one of the gas attendants that I hadn't seen this much snow in 9 months.... (with the exception of trips to BC) that's right people Lethbridge doesn't have snow lol...
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third day was my best day.... after a decent sleep I arose at 3am and began the long haul.... I had planned to detour through quebec rather than the main highway through ottawa and I'm not entirely sure but it saves a couple hours of time.... this is not verified because I was ahead of schedule but I had to keep stopping to clean my windsheild..... my washer fluid would not come out so I had to do it manually.... and because of the salt on the road it made the roads wet.... so much for my 120kmh average..... add to this fact that quebec drivers never go at the posted speed limit I had to stop way to frequently in order to travel any distance... this was infuriating but I was super glad I took the new route.... I passed by at least 5 ski hills that I hope to visit on the way back (well at least one of them anyway)... as usuall montreal is the worst place to drive in all of canada.... unless you know where your going then it's the best because it's fast.... I however am still getting used to it... but I didn't get lost this time and I managed to get through the tunnel without freaking out ..... (to much) during the montreal adventure I was able to keep up with the lunatic drivers for once.... I Love My Car!!!!! but sadly the lunatics enjoy riding peoples bumpers.... I refuse to do this because I of course love my car..... as I was zooming the highway I was back a few car lengths when the drivers ahead slammed the brakes on..... if I had been as close to them as the idiots were behind me I surely would have slammed into them.... I am shocked and amazed that the guy behind me didn't plow me over... but I swear that my bumper has a new tattoo of BMW
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with montreal behind me I zoomed to the nearest gas station for a bite to eat.... burger n fries with the most fantastic gravy I've had in a long time.... the chef put some spices in it that gave it a kick... if they weren't super french I would have asked for the recipe lol
new brunswick brought on the flurries.... this is the only part of the country (except the praries) that has a continuous double lane highway with a speed limit of 110 and best of all no small town detours (except for contstruction areas) I dont have any stories about this stretch other than I nearly died!!
there weren't many drivers on the road because it was past 1am and the fluries made it semi difficult to see... unless your me...... I was zooming at my average 120kmh passing everything I came accross... with the hi beams on all that one could see was the guard rails and snow... perhaps the occasional sign.... so I drove with them off.... I could make out the banks on the side so I kept going staying for the most part in the middle of the double lane highway.... rarely I could see the lights of a car ahead so I would slow down a bit and pass them safely then keep going..... at one point the snow seemed to be coming down a lot thicker than before... it felt a bit strange so I looked out the side window... no snow.... hmmmmmmm ...... not more than 10 feet ahead of me I catch a very weak glimpse of tail lights.... 4 of them.... it was a transport trailer.... I nearly slammed into the back of him but thankfully to my good reaction time I managed to slow down enough to swerve around him.... I wonder if he even knew I was there at all... it's a good thing I didn't have to use the toilet for I would have surely crapped myself
the only other story wise interesting event happened between port hawksbury to st peters.... I got a police escort... what I found odd was the two people ahead of me behind the cop.... they were doing 110-120kmh right behind the cop... I am sure the posted limit is 90 but I dont recall seeing a sign of such.... so the cop... the two ahead of me and of course myself are doing 110 - 120kmh to st peters... it was rather cool to have a police escort while breaking the speed limit hahahaha .... after st peters the roads become twisty turny and most people stay below the posted limit of 90..... well perhaps I should say normal people.... the last 3 times I have traveled through there the locals range between 80 and 120kmh .... this baffled me until this time.... did I mention I Love My Car??..... I was able to keep up with the lunatic SUV drivers through the trecherous terrain and I marvelled at the amount of snow on the ski hill.....
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so I am home.... I have nothing to do except watch movies and join the EI Ski team.... it should be an interesting christmas vacation but I cannot wait to leave this place already... and it's only been one day (but I say this before I have been out partying)
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Creater: Joe Earhart