Missions for us normally mean that we are going for a specific purpose but that purpose, more often than not, is never fully completed. I forget the reason for the first mission but liquer was high on the list. Mission accomplished very easily. I dont rightly remember much else other than driving around Halifax was much easier than last time. Koley has learned her way about haha.

Back at the house we delved into the awaiting meal and proceeded to get our party faces on. Mine is always on but Koley was still swirling from the prior night. Koley's cousin shows me how she plays dress up the Monkey. This may sound quite dirty but I assure you it's innocent. Well as innocent as it can be. Apparently this happens quite frequently. I wont describe it other than displaying a picture.
Afterwards we manage to get our asses to town with a suprisingly uneventful cab ride. First stop, Cheers (also known as the dome) where we went through the costomary pat down security check. I had also forgotten that I could not wear my hat in the building resulting in a comedic exit from the building. (I'll get to that later) Inside we get drinks and find people Koley knows. Sadly these people had been there since early hours and are already tanked. It's a thursday and the place is otherwise dead. The tanked people leave shortly after we get there so we decide to take a gander to the rest of the bar. Nothing eventful anywhere. We shoot a few comedic comments to the remaining drivel of people in the bar and decide to leave.
It is absolutely freezing outside so we are both bundled up. I have recently shaved my head so I think to myself that I should have brought my touque. When I reach inside my coat to put on my regular hat, I discover that it is missing. This itself isn't really funny but it results in comedy at the next bar. I'm wearing my hoodie thankfully so I put up the hood and we continue on our way to the palace. I have never been here before so I'm looking forward to being in a new place. My first experience? The bouncer at the front tells me that I must take off my hoodie. Koley in front of my has on a rather large coat with a huge ass hood. My jacket has a hood on it as well but it's not offensive to this bouncer. My plain black hoodie however, is. I start to question the bouncer with stuff like:
Me: what? I have to take off my hoodie but I'm alowed to wear my jacket around that has a larger hood?
Bouncer: yes.
Me: I have to take my coat off then my hoodie but I can put my coat back on and enter the bar?
Bouncer: yes.
Me: does this make sence to you?
Bouncer: I dont make the rules.
Me: I bet not
Bouncer: you can put your coat with your hoodie in the coat check
Me: This is just a way for you to get more money out of me isn't it?
Bouncer: (gives me a dirty look)
Since I dont really want to be kicked out of the bar, I comply without making a scene. But I make my complaint to the coat check lady as well. I wont repeat the conversation because it was severely similar to the bouncer, except she didn't bive me the dirty look, she actually laughed. I figure to myself that I was in actuality correct in my assumption.
The bar itself was quite cool except for the horribly huge first step going upstairs. It wasn't a problem going up them but later on when I was searching for the toilet, I nearly fell on my face because of the extra height when I was stepping down.
I cannot remember anything else of excitement from the night other than when we got back to the house. Koley decided to put on a movie. Two minutes into the movie she said something about it but discovered my response was a bunch of snoring. Gee I'm exciting!!
Friday we were supposed to go out again but it seems that all the ladies involved fell assleep. I spent the day and night watching movies. Again I'm very exciting!! We did go on a Walmart mission. I had to get a hat to replace the one I lost in the bar the prior night. The Superstore mission was unsuccessful. Their meat was too small.
Saturday I was meeting up with Katrina. I hadn't seen her in over a year and she wanted to take me dancing. It seems that the bar of choice is the best dance bar in Halifax by reputation. That is correct, this night I did the unthinkable, yes, I went to a gay bar.
The night started off with a drive accross town to her friends place. This trip
was rather exciting as we pulled U-turns, went in circles and took some detours. It was much like the first time I drove around Halifax with Koley in the navigators seat. It was very comical but I now have a basic understanding of downtown Halifax. When we got to her friends place, we were met by two very friendly, super excited dogs. We ordered pizza and sat around chatting till it was time to go to the bar.
We get to Reflections and I take a look around while I'm waiting for my turn for the coat check. The bar is set out very nicely. There is a full stage and huge dance floor with bars on every side to make it easy to get a drink. We are early so there aren't to many people there yet. I'm expecting to see many hillarious things and I am not dissapointed.
The first is while I am getting my coat checked some guy tells the lady behind the counter he has lost his coat tag. She greets him with a middle finger. Remind me not to piss her off.
After, we are standing around chatting when a few people begin to dance. The first of many is a tall guy. This tall guy is seemingly pretending he is on a Dance Dance Revolution game pad. He's jumping up and down turning and spinning just as if he were actually playing the game, except without the mat and game.
There was another fella walking around with light up pants. The pants were super baggy but had strips of either glow stick material or actual lights hanging from his pants. I wish I had stopped him to take a picture.
Then comes the part I was dredding because I have an overly uncontrollable mouth sometimes. The super drag queen walks into the bar. I probably would have missed it except Katrina gets excited and does the pointing thing for me to gander. Luckily I maintain my composure this time as it's not the first time I've seen a drag queen. I called her/him a disco ball because of the super red flashy sweater he/she was wearing. Later in the night however I saw the worst drag queen ever. Yes even worse than Kurt russell dressed up as a fake woman as an undercover policeman in one of his movies. The fella was just a kid though. He/she may grow into the part someday.
All in all I have to admit the bar was quite fun but would have been even more fun if Koley had been able to come along. The music was overly fantastic. I was quite impressed with the mixing and general new feel to it. Except they did play some of the stereotypical "gay" music. Course I spose it is by popular demand for the most part.
I must admit I was quite impressed with some of the women acting like men. One in perticular was leaning against a wall checking out the various people walking by. She was eying them up and down as if she were one of the guys doing it. Very comical.

Not much else happened other than the 20 minute walk through the freezing -30 or so weather to the car. I just wish I could get the song out of my head as I type this post. (Dancing Queen - Abba)
After I got back from my adventure to Reflections, I curled up to sleep with the monkey. Lucky Me.