so I'm no longer among the ranks of the unemployed... in some ways this sux but in others it's great.... I dont have to worry about lack of cashflow again.... I also dont have to worry about finding something semi productive to do so that I'm not stuck in front of a tv or computer or game system all day lol (or perhaps I mean in my spare time which last week was quite extensive) the job is interesting so far... at least far more than my prior form of employment... and since I dont have to worry about talking to the customers much... I dont have to worry about what I say on the job ... it's such a good thing .. but anyone that knows me would know that... perhaps I may even get a night out on the town soon... not that anything is stopping me doing this but I'd rather not be cash poor without any new cash on the way... yew know like some of the people I know that live paycheck to paycheck lol (sorry this is only a dig for some people like that.. not all of them)
well anyway I saw a lamborghini today... and of course by the time I got my camera out .... it was gone.... such as it is when any nice car drives by me lol.... there are many around here however... nice cars I mean of course.... so I"m sure I'll have quite the picture collection soon enough... another thing that is quite popular is low riders.. though I have yet to see any of them strange people with the lift kits that make the car bounce.. (perhaps I'm hanging out in the wrong places lol)