my car has been acting up over the last few weeks... course that's what cars do.... after having it checked over .... unfortunately there were some problems.... 800 bux later my car is back to proper working order and has some decent tires on it for winter... now I shouldn't have any troubles sliding all over the place like I did when I went to Edmonton last month.... and best of all the all clear has been given for long trips..... this will be good for when I go visiting.... but it's a shame that I had to shell out so much to fix it up ... making it impossible to make any plans for visiting.... hopefully I can get a couple nice days so I can get back to work.... wouldn't that be nice....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
things that amaze me:
first I think would be the people that are rude to workers in restaurants.... this makes absolutely no sence.... they are in control of your food.... have some respect for them
second technology.... I think most of us take it for granted.... we know it works.. and also how to use it.... but how it works is beyond most of us....
third human nature.... the many different personalities causing us to do different things ... mostly to each other... something I doubt we'll ever overcome
fourth.... my dad's dog.... (I spose we can include most pets at some point in their life) we were on our way to work and the dog hopped in the car.... we were working out
in the country so it really didn't matter if the dog came or not.... we get to the jobsite after half hour ride and the dog runs around for a bit.... after a bit dad notices that the dog is going closer to a neighbours yard and there is a pack of St bernards (at least 5 or more) luckily held back by a chain fence.... dad calls the dog back and she continues around the home we are working on.... after a while we are up on a deck.. there are two ways to the deck.... one is inside the house up the stairs ... the other is the ladder we have against it.... the dog begins wimpering because we are up there and she's down there..... dad calls to the dog to come up..... I begin thinking that there is no way the dog will figure out how to get to the stairs...... and the dog proves me right as it is leaning against the ladder with front paws on the second rung..... again dad calls to the dog to come up......
the dog amazes me as she climbes the ladder.... it's a good 10 - 15 feet up
Thursday, November 15, 2007
recently we took one such adventure

another thing that we came accross was tracks... there were many different types... most of which are deer but there were other tracks as well.... I left a footprint in the middle of a huge collection of tracks... perhaps in years to come (if possible) these tracks will get fossilized and future people will wonder what kind of animal left my track lol..... yes ok I'm dreaming but it is something funny to think about... perhaps some of the tracks that we humans have found in the sands were left with the same intentions.... something to think about...
Friday, November 09, 2007
I honestly have nothing to write about... I'm a bit bored.... but am looking forward to going home soon.... at least I hope anyway.... course there are some things that I will miss while I am gone home.... and a very short list of people that I have met here.... but I will return again soon enough to a brand new life of adventure for I will be in a city that I may even call home someday.... I doubt it.... but there have been some changes this past year that I never thought possible.... I have nearly learned how to use a hammer properly (without hitting my thumb) ... I am in a profession that has nothing to do with computers (far from what I thought I wanted to do for a living) but of course I cannot put my computer away... it may as well be attached to my hip.. but then again I believe that I can say that about almost anyone the
se days..... I have begun to like rock music again..... (this is exceptionaly strange for me) course this being said I really haven't been to a bar that plays anything else since I moved out here (this will change when I get back) but I must say I've had a decent year... I learned a new trade.... purchased my first car.... and met a few nice people that I would concider friends ... but enough of this boring stuff... I'm gonna tell a story

many years ago when I came home from school I was to imediately lock the door and finish chores as well as homework.... the door part was no problem as I was afraid of the concequences of leaving it open.... the homework... well we all know that didn't get done... I usually did my homework in the first class of the morning at school.... (I was barely awake and never paid attention anyway) ... it sucked when I had homework for the first class though... probably why I failed most of my classes that were in first period ..... anyway my chores consisted of dishes and cleaning ... of course like most kids... anyway one of the rules was to stay away from the stove.... and microwaves weren't available at that time so an after school snack was generally peanut butter sandwiches (and yes I like to dunk them in juice... some people concider this disgusting... I dont care) .... one time I braved the stove... I was using a pyrex glass pot to cook a hot dog.... while the water was boiling I was sadly watching some cartoons (hence the rule to stay away from the stove) by the time commercials came on I ran out to the stove to find that the water had dried up and the poor hot dog shriveled... looked more like burned hot dog skin and the insides had dissapeared.... in a panic I removed the pot from the burner and turned off the stove.... the next thing scared the crap out of me..... when I lifted the lid off the pot the hot dog burst into flames...... I put the lid back on the pot.... the flames went out.. ... good ... crisis averted.... or so I thought... I took the pot to the sink to scrap the remains from the pot... when I lifted the lid the shrivelled burned thing burst into flames again.... course what puts out fire... water...... since I'm at the sink I turn the tap on........
the damned glass pyrex pot exploded.....
now not only do I have to explain the burned smell but the broken pot as well.... needless to say I received a grounding.... but then again there wasn't really many times when I wasn't grounded for some reason..... but at least I have a story to tell and a lesson learned..... dont put water in an extremely hot glass pot... never mind the watching tv while cooking I still can't stop doing that to this day... it's amazing I'm still alive without burning a house down
Thursday, November 08, 2007
it might be just me but I think the world is gonna be destroyed .... and it will be done by us.... but not in the way your thinking.... pollution and other crap things will do damage but I think the world has ways of correcting itself in that respect... I mean everything that we do to it came from it and goes back into it...... so we may not make it through but the world will still be here.... unless
we blow it up.....
and yes I think that is what we are gonna do... maybe not all of us.. but it will only take one moron to make it happen.... what brings this on you ask? I heard the most outrageous thing today.... now before I mention it.... there may have been a perfectly good reason for it... but it's just strange if you ask me.... after all.. they are mostly given out for free
again what am I talking about.... poppies.... not real ones.. the fake ones that are given out to pretty much everyone... usually for a minimal deposit of a few cents or whatever... most of the time the people running the poppy stands just give them out... after all we all remember what the armed forces do and did for us.... well some people are either driven by lunacy or just plain mean... I'm not sure which and I'd like to think that they did it for a good reason but some lady actually stole a box of poppies from a store counter.... she walked in..... grabbed the box off the counter.. and ran out of the store.....
I've seen some stupid things but when I heard this ... I was in disbelief..... I didn't hear it from some person around... it was announced over the radio lol..... craziness is all I can say... so because of this I am convinced that the human race is doooooomed.... and only because of a handful of idiots..... I hope I make it through my longevity before the idiots take over.... oh wait there already is government.... well at least I might outlive the current people in power.... then again... the way things are going.... who would want to
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I was a hit last night at the last halloween party... so much so that I got kidnapped by a little old lady and she forced me to be her partner in the couples prize contest .... I suppose it could be worse... sadly I have no idea what her costume was.... apparently being inhibriated during halloween
is my specialty.... but it sure was different not wearing a mask to the party... and I am thankful to at least remember most of the night unlike last year...... as soon as I walked into the bar people started laughing and pointing.... I achieved success in 3 seconds upon walking in... a mixture of beer guy to headcase were shouted..... although I still have yet to win an official prize in all the years I have participated.... that's ok ... my prize is the stories ... and speaking of which .. the hijacking little old lady got me to dance to krapaoke.... yes I'm amazed myself... even more amazing I willingly got up and sang all on my own.... well ok sort of... I requested to sing a song.... and was given such an opportunity... but I'm certain I sounded like a banshee or something... but then again I could have been drowned out by my accompaniment.... half way through singing happy birthday to my dad the dj running the show tells me to look at the screen .... he actually has a karaoke track for happy birthday ... I was so stunned by this that I completely ruined the song.... I was singing happy birthday to my dad and the stupid karaoke screen was trying to tell me to sing some added verses that I never heard before.... but I bet it was quite funny watching me stumble over the words.... or maybe just funny that I probably was doing the mumbled version of happy birthday because I know that I was faking the singing when I was told to do the track instead of a simple happy birthday (which was all that I had planned)