busy busy busy... yes I agree with Supersteve (one of the only blogs I try to view when I feel the need) the blogging community is dying... either everyone is just getting on with their lives (now that the summer has arrived) or they just got bored of it all... yew know .. like I did... .I still write now and then but as you know it's not the same... things just haven't been interesting lately.... except last night.... went to crapioke... I mean kareoke... yeah I can't spell that shit but yew get the idea.. I've been herassed... I mean bugged to go to this event where people "try" or "attempt" to sing words to a song and man were they lousy... I know I can't sing but I"m sure I could do better... however!! at least they have the nerve to get up in front of everyone and "perform".... that being said I could get up there and perform a show for people ... but I doubt I can carry a tune lol... anyway onward with news... well I dont really have any... cept I've begun to work on some websites... now if I can get some time for mine.... well maybe I'll do it now... be back later :P (like yew care :P)
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I also hate cell phones... they drive me nutz.... speshuly the ringtones... they are horrible.. people always have these nasty beeping sounds that "sposedly" sound like music.... it's horrible... and then your in a conversation with someone and the beeping goes off... and they stop yew in mid sentance... saying... I gotta get this... and if your at a mewvy... that's the best time to hear them nasty sounds.... but even better... the people that walk down the street talking into the damned things... and then they ring.... hahhahahahahahah that's the best bits.... I wish I could look that important.... how about the kewl signs they have at the hospital.... ya know the ones that say dont' use them because they will interfere with the machinery that keeps people alive .... like if ya take the call the dude is gonna die.... perhaps he might die from the ringtone... I bet on it..... some of them have extremely high frequencies.... anyway it's time to go back to boring class...
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
I've decided I hate zippers... when yew take a leak and yew zip too fast (speshuly if your not wearing undies) you can catch yewr privates in the zips.... ouch... or if your trying to access someone elses privates you have to completely stop what your doing to get any further (quite the distraction and mood ruiner lol)... or if it happens to twist the wrong way and your doing something yew can cut the fuk out of your hand or something.... (and I mean if your carrying something or perhaps scratching sheesh .. yew perverts) ... on a brighter note I think I'll have to use my imagination from now on... (just to show yew I prob wont be able to blog more lol cause I'm just boring) lately have not been inspired so the blogs haven't been coming along.. but my time (and attention) have been focused in other places (which is actually a good thing for me lololol) but anyway that's how it goes when yewr life changes
Monday, June 07, 2004
Gross Topik #6
well I've seen sum icky things at this workplace (boogers on walls and such...) and not to mention other places as well.. and there is a perticular disgusting habit that I've seen in some places around but this one took it even further than I ever would have thought possible.... I'm on my way into the work building and theres a woman outside (I recognise her from my previous form of employment) she seems like she's picking up stuff outside the door.... at a quick glance you wouldn't think anything of it.. but it seems that she's picking up cigarette butts.... not really out of the ordinary.. unless you dont work here... and this woman .... doesn't work... so why the butts??? well I've seen some people save their cigarette butts for when they are absolutly desparate for that nicotine buzz... and roll em into a smoke.... now this is disgusting in itself because ya have spit and mouth diseases all over em.. but to go around and pick butts up off the street????????? eeeewwwwwwwwwww yucky.... now knowing this woman from before I'd have to say that this is the most likely reason she'd be picking up the butts from the streets but that's as far as I'll go into description of her (because I'm polite :P) so if smoking can cause someone to go to this length of disgustingness... what is it about smoking that makes people start??... I'll never understand it... I actually tried to smoke once and I just couldn't get past the gagging coughing effect it gave me ..... what makes those that choose to smoke do this... surely they didn't like it when they first did it... what is the driving force that made them get over the first week of coughing and hacking... it certainly doesn't taste good.... and there really isn't any good effects (other than making the person puke possibly) one smoke doesn't get you addicted... you would have to smoke at least a week before you just can't stop anymore... but oh well it's a personal choice.... and I'll lay that to rest....Saturday, June 05, 2004
I haven't relized how much I have been wasting my time lately... any spare time I have I spend it sleeping or downloading mewvies.... the only thing different with this is that I normally am chatting or building a website as well... I just haven't been doing that stuff... course pretty soon I'll have plenty of spare time so I'll be able to finish all my website projects that I have started .... (and I know yewr all expecting that ... sheesh) but oh well I'll just have to get my act together..... now for the news (dramatic story time)
... taking the bus along the road and hear pounding sounds on the bus.... normally this isn't something to be worried about.. it's just a bunch of kids chuckin some things at the bus... but this is no ordinary night.... they chucked something bigger or harder.... the bang was louder than normal... or maybe it's just because I was sitting closer to the bang... but not as close as my girlfriend.... she turned towards me a few moments after the bang and the bus driver kept going... until someone said something... I heard a lady say something that a girl got hit... she's bleeding.... another person said stop the bus... then I seen it... my girlfriend had fragments of glass in her face... my first reaction... PANIC... no can't do that... calmly I got her to stand..... took her jacket off.. it was covered in shards of glass... sat her down on a different seat accross from where she was sitting... told her she was ok and not to touch it... it wasn't so bad.. the worst part about it was the shards were just like dust and couldn't be seen too well... any brushing movements would probably cause them to dig in her face.. but we didn't do that... then it started.. I realized other people were on the bus.. they started their "gossip" and all kinds of other stupid shit... some lady came walking over... luckily she had a cell phone... she was talking with 911 and they wanted to know more information so I didn't mind her coming over... but there were some old ladies on the bus and one I remember from a few weeks prior (I'm always taking the bus) she's the same lady I told a stupid story about a few weeks ago ... all she ever says is "my God" and she has a horrible voice too... anyway I used that to cheer my girlfriend up... (I"m soo good at that for some reason) and we realized she was indeed .. ok...
then the ambulance and police came... the ambulance personelle came over and looked around said that there wasn't really much they could do (I'd taken care of everything pretty much) and then they asked how she was gonna get to the hospital.... I thought isn't that your job??? but I remember that my parents had to pay for the ambulance when I broke my leg.. and I was also remembering it was $60.. yikes... it wasn't serious and well they agreed with me... but they aren't very good business people .. normally they would be saying get in the ambulance we'll take yew... yes a very expensive taxi... they mentioned it would cost $120 (after I asked how much their taxi was) I nearly went into shock instead of my girlfriend lol.... so then they left and it was the police lady that came next... she took her statement and that was it... they left to "try to track down the villain"... it was in between all this mess that I looked at the window... it was pushed in a bit (I"m suprised the device .. rock or whatever... wasn't still stuck in the window) a huge spiderweb effect all over it... and the shards of glass were everywhere... I nearly became mad at that point but then I heard people talking and had to keep my girlfriends attention so she wouldn't rub her face or anything else.... in the middle of all this some little girl brings up napkins for my girlfriend to wipe her face... I thanked her but only used it to wipe some drops of blood (and there wasn't much of that) from her face.. didn't want to wipe more glass in her face.... so we continue onwards and go to the hospital
... get to outpatients and do their little interview filling out forms and wasting 20 minutes in the meantime... and finally after a while get called into triage (the interview room before ya see a doctor) and what does the woman do... she starts rubbing my girlfriends face with a cloth... stupid woman... girlfriend is wincing and the woman says.. does that hurt??? no it fukn tickles I have glass particles on my face and your rubbing it into my skin... she didn't really say that but I know she was thinking it... but the rest of the story is boring... except the part where we are waiting for the doctor and my girlfriend is saying.. I wish they would hurry up... I want to go out to the guildwood lol... figures I know where your priorities are ... but oh well it was all good anyway managed to finish our night out...
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
yippie comments section fixed.... now then.... story time again... part 2... the man walked from the bar and decided that the strange event was an occurance that he had because he drank too much passed out... then had the strangest dream ever... since he had been greeted by the barman afterwards, that was the best explanation there could be.... so he starts to walk home but is overcome again by the feeling that someone is following him.. he looks back every five or six steps but each time no one is there... finally he gets home... paranoid and exausted from the mental trauma at the bar.... locks all the doors and falls asleep on the couch.... the next thing that happens is a dinging sound like the sounds of a traincrossing.... shaken awake the man decides he is going crazy and goes to get a drink from the fridge... opening the fridge he hears the noise again.... he looks around but nothing can be found.. and the noise goes away... he gets his drink and goes back to the couch... turns on the tv and becomes tired again.... finishing off the drink the man decides to go to bed... he climbs the stairs and goes up to his room.... opening the door he hears the noise again... ding ding ding.... inside the door he finds to his horror the bed is all messed up ... blood is everywhere... in the bed is a body of a woman... and in her chest a knife... the man reaches for his pocket for the knife he always carries... it's not there... the man goes closer to the bed... but he's even more shaken .. the womans's eyes are open.... he starts wondering what he should do ... hide the body? or call the police.... he figures he doesn't want to go to jail but he
knows he couldn't get the body out of the house without someone finding him... but he must try... the man picks up a towel and wraps it around the knife... takes the knife from the womans chest and puts it aside to clean it later.... he rolls up the sheets around the body of the woman... picks her up and puts her over his shoulder... goes out to the hall and down the stairs... he puts her down by the door and goes out to the car... gets in the car and moves it closer to the door... looking around the neighbours houses makes sure the coast is clear... goes into the house and obtains the body... taking her he places her in the trunk of the car .. carefull not to get anything on the carpet... he moves the car back into the driveway and goes back into the house to clean the rest of the mess... going back upstairs he hears the dinging noise again... pausing to look around he decides to ignore the noise... back in the room he gets rid of the evidence and cleans his knife best he can and places it back in his pocket where he always keeps it.... having the remaining cloths in a garbage bag the man leaves the room and proceeds down the stairs... again the man hears the dinging noises but louder this time... he trips and tumbles down the stairs... hitting his head hard on the floor below knocking him out.. he's twisted in a strange position... he's dead
the man wakes up... he's still on the couch where he passed out coming home from the bar... shaken from what he regards as another crazy dream he gets a drink from the fridge.... then remembering more of the dream he freaks out and runs up the stairs to his room... only to discover there is no mess in the room... nothing is out of the ordinary... except the linens that are normally on the bed are missing.. the man checks the closet... nothing out of the ordinary there either... then he checks his pocket... the knife that he always carries... is there... he shakenly pulls it out of his pocket skared to look at it.. (in case there is blood on it) but there is nothing on it... he puts the knife back and remembers the body in the trunk... he runs from the room down the stairs and out the door... to the car.... he looks around at his neighbours houses and still all clear opens his trunk... the missing linens are rolled up in a ball in the trunk.... shocked the man pokes at them... but they are soft... he pokes harder.. still soft.. the man unravells the linens and discovers that there is no body and no blood... but why are they in the trunk? the man closes the trunk and goes back in the house... he is becoming totally freaked out and doesn't know what is happening to him... he looks at the time and coming back to reality remembers he must be getting to work.... passing it all off as drunken dreams he goes up and gets washed and dressed ready for work... he gets in his car and goes off to work.. still tired from the nights restless events he yawns a occasionally on his way to work.... but then the worst happens... the man hears the same dinging noise as the night before and becomes afraid of what it might mean... but he realizes it's just a train crossing ahead of him... he slows down and comes to a stop right in front of the gate... the noise is louder now.... he calmly waits for the train to go by so he can continue on his journey to work.... a few seconds pass but still no train... he looks down the tracks both ways... no sign of the train... odd he thinks to himself... where could the train be... the noise seems to increase but still no sign of the train.... then the noise stops... the railing rises and the man hears screeching sounds... then he starts to shake in convulsions.... a large truck slams him from behind and the car moves forward into the tracks.... the car comes to a stop on the other side of the tracks and the man comes to clarity but still shaken the man climbs from his car and looks behind him... the truck is stopped on the tracks ... the man decides he should try to help whoever is in the truck... he goes to the window and finds a woman is unconsious at the wheel... he opens the door and checks her.. shaking her gently he figures he better not move her.. in case of neck injury... but he hears the noise that has been haunting him from the night previous... the dinging sound... he looks around but no train.... he remembers the woman at the wheel and thinks it would be best if he gets her out of the truck and away from the tracks... he moves her head to see if she will regain consiousness.. but he goes into shock himself... the woman has a knife in her chest... and a tattoo on her forehead... it's the woman from his supposed dreams... he can't move.. he's horrified... but that's not the worst part... the truck gets rocked to pieces and the man is squished as the train comes from the other side of the truck.. he forgot to check the other way.... ding ding ding... the noise from the crossing sign as the man gets dragged and squished down the tracks....
the man hears a horn honking.... he's shaken back to reality... the train has gone by and the guard rail has been lifted the dinging sound stops.. the horn goes again... he looks behind him the car behind him is honking for him to go.... the man pulls off to the side of the road he can no longer drive anywhere.. he's upset and knows he must seek help... but he is now going to be late for work....
to be continued.....
I fixed the comments section again.... I had it messed up because I was keeping track of how many comments sections I had... so I played with the code again and now it's all set to have comments added automaticly... problem is the way I had it before makes it so there are now 2 comments sections for all older posts.... but that's all tech talk that yew dun wanna know bout .... (and nobody ever reads my archives... do they? lol) .... so here we go with more interesting news.... I get to work today and find out that there is no shortage of free spirit people.... that means people that dont mind showing themselves in public... or perhaps just their undies.... I can only imagine how people would react for me to display my undies in public... I think it would be ridicule or perhaps disgust???? so if that's the case why is it ok for women to do it? I mean I was goin into the lunchroom to put my lunch in the fridge and just as I am bout to go in the room some girl is leaning over putting her lunch in the fridge and her underwear is in my face.... now dont get me wrong normally that's a site a guy would want to see but .... (I'm a happily fakely married man :P).... I dont think it's appropriate at work... but what if the girl wasn't good looking??? I was at a bar a few weeks ago... I"m pretty sure I told the story already but here goes again.... in the bar and I'm sittin in my seat... get bumped from behind and natruly turn around to see what is going on.... but get a face full of underwear... from a larger woman.... ick... short of puking I notice that not only is she leaning over exposing herself but she's also making out with some old decrepid dood..... time to puke.... but now that I've spoiled your appetites I spose I'll go on to thinking up some more better stories.....