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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
I'm in shock... someone has actually cleaned up the boogers that were on the batheroom stall at work..... for a while it seemed like every single time one went in the stall (trying not to puke) there was a new booger on the wall ... someone trying to create a collection I guess... or perhaps they were just seeing how much of the wall they could fill up before someone actually cleaned it.... however I'm sure there will be a new collection started soon enough.... it's just reduculous that anyone would put it on the wall instead of using the toilet paper that's even closer to you and probably easier to get off the finger... yes I said finger.. how else would they get it smeared on the wall... sheesh.... well I've covered this topik before so I shall leave it to rest and .... hopefully.... never have to cover it again....
the kitten is growing up ... .quickly... it was weak on it's tiny little legs for the longest time .. but now it scampers around.. and is getting more adventurous.... on the weekend it has come out of the closet home (they sometimes keep) and was touring around the upstairs... well it got close to the stairs... and I dont have the ummm pleasant nature to follow the damned thing around all day to make sure it is out of trouble... (that's what it's mother is for) ... anyway the kitten managed to squeeze itself through the banister rails and fell through the crack down 12 feet onto the floor below.... nice... way to go stupid ass cat.... oh dont worry it managed to stay alive.... one of our previous cats did the same stupid thing lol.... sooooooo now maybe it will try to use the stairs instead... though I have a feeling the first time it tries that it will tumble down them haha....
on a brighter note.... had the darts banquet this weekend and got drunk as usual... the night before had meat darts (shoot darts and if you win.. the prize is meat) needless to say I didn't win any meat.... but the darts banquet I managed to pull off outstanding victory of last place... and it was a team effort... we spent so much time drinking and carrying on that we forgot to win a few games lol.... oh well perhaps next year we will actually win a few games... what I did win though... rookie of the year... but perhaps that was because I was the only one?? haha
puzzy magnet..... hhhmmm.... I doubt it .. but I'll go along with it... though I think the cat just likes the warmth of the bed... espeshuly since the blankets keep the heat inside.... but it's increasingly tough to get sleep ... if ya move ya kick a cat or kitten... or roll over on em... or they put their cold nose on you... or they dig their claws into ya... they gotta be moved.. and so far they are moved to a spot that should be sufficient.. it's out of the way.. they are finally back in the warm bed that was made for them... and best of all the cat appears to be content so hopefully she wont move the kitten...
in other news nintendo has a gameboy player for the gamecube.... I'm becoming addicted to video games again... just need to get my hands on some gameboy games... anyone have any old gameboy games they dont play anymore and looking to get rid of them?? I'll gladly take em off your hands... may even pay ya for em if need be... so long as the price is reasonable....
the cat has moved into the bed... a good nights sleep is next to impossable now... soon will be time for action.... the kitten has droopy ears... perhaps someday soon I may post a picture... maybe... (unlikely) anyway went to monster trucks the other night.. wow... I love them beast machines... the sound of them is my favourite part... appart from the one that was trying to do donuts and nearly went into the crowd... such a great performance... and then there were the stunt boys on bikes... they were flying at least 30-40 feet in the air... and some of the time barely hanging on.. as soon as I can scan the pics I'll be posting them on the site somewhere... but for now I must get some CD's finished going out tonight...
the cat is becoming a nusance.... or perhaps it's just funny.... though it left crystal scared last night.... we thought the cat ate it's kitten.... we came home last night expecting to find the cat and the kitten in the bed... so rolling back the covers.... no kitten... took all the blankets back 1 at a time.... no kitten... so the hunt began... went through every room ... no kitten... it was gone... it can't walk very well yet so it didn't get up and leave.... so we waited a few moments the cat just looked around like it was lost as well... strange.... so then we look a little closer.... pausing every few minutes to listen... figure if the kitten was lost it would be mewing..... no mewing.... the kitten was gone.... eventually we found it... the kitten was in a small box in a closet behind the computer... (never would have thought to look there)... anyway found the kitten... put it back in it's rightfull spot... we even made a better bed thing for them upstairs... but the cat doesn't like it I spose... because it took the baby somewhere else.... I'm beginning to think it doesn't like us... (oh boy)
as much as most men would like to have more women in their bed...... I would like to point out that I would not like to have them take up more of the bed so that I have nowhere to go but out of it..... our cat woke me up this morning and as it loves to do ... jumped under the blankets... but it didn't stay to long.... it decided to leave.... great I moved back to my usual spot without worry that I might squish the cat... anyway I am nearly back to sleep when I hear the kitten mewing... I look up in time to see the cat with the kitten in it's jaws climbing into bed..... geez what is this.... isnt' it just like a woman to invade the personal space of someone... so anyway... it's been a week since it entered our home... and it has it's eyes open... mind you they look like they are blurry or about to close again but they are opening... I spose another week and the kitten will be chasing the cat around the house.... it just better not be in the bed when I get home.... we took the kitten and put it in the cat bed downstairs... but just as we were making our way out the door to go to work... the cat decides to take the kitten back up to the bed... I spose I'll be shooting the cat's afterall :P
so my craft making has expanded... I"ve been making flowers (so lame) so I had to make something more.... (cough) masculine.... ok so it's not either but it seems like it.... I've been making birdhouses... and well I've only made 2... actually I"m working on my second one... the design is ok.. but it's a lot of work... (I dont want to make any more lol) now I need ideas on what to make... I've become quite good at making stupid stuff... though I've decided I may take up crochet again... yes make myself an ugly blanket.. something to snuggle into perhaps... or get tangled in with my g/f lol... yeah that sounds like a plan
I swear.... really I do... I swear really loudly too... yes loudly speshuly at werk... but it's because my customers/guests are idiots..... and hopefully they will get me fired.... though somehow I can maintain my composure during the call.... at least while I am speaking to them... I got a warning today though ... I cursed the hell out of a guy today... but I'm getting nothing but assholians on the phone today.... anyway next topik..... Monster Trucks.... wooo hooo.... they are back... but a piece of bad news... tickets are 30 bux.... unfortunatly they have me hooked and I"ll probably fork over the expensive feez just to watch the show.... and it better be a good show or I'll be flipping out and tear the place appart.... picture me tearing into the seats in center 200.... I'll not even be able to break the first one let alone the building (such a wimp I am) yeah well wutavah.....
I'm so dedicated... I enjoy myself at work.. (not) I enjoy blogging (sorta) and I enjoy wasting time... well at the moment I am wasting some time because I am bored... VTO is on the go for my contract but I can't take it .... I have to wait for my loving g/f to get off work so there is no point to get off early.... the getting off I may be able to handle... anyway that is a different story... I wish I had news to tell but I"m boring... I've become another person that just works.. eats ... sleeps.. and works... the most eventfull part of my day is the bus ride to work... ya never know what kind of weirdo your going to meet... yesterday we had entertainment on the bus... I'm just thankfull the guy with the guitar strumming away wasn't using his vocal talents as well... I may have had to freak out and jump off the bus... lol.... so I could tell the story about the cat... we got a cat from my mother (she got it from the SPCA) it was a rescued cat so it's very timid.. (or was) the cat was alright would come and sleep in the bed... didn't meow... it is litter trained... but what we didn't know .......... the cat.......... is..... umm was........... pregnant.... the cat came up to the bed one morning meowing out of control... freaking out.... well we thought it was dying or something... but then it went under the couch (it's favourite spot) and never came out.... we moved the couch... seen a puddle under the couch.... well the cat gave birth under the couch.... much to my suprise... oh well now have 2 cats... luckily the first litter doesn't always give out 50 new kittens.... now to think of a name for it... I spose couchy is too silly... I'll probably go with problem... here problem... here kitty.. here problem.....
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Creater: Joe Earhart