Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I left my cheat sheet paper with all my events to write about at home.... oops.. but I'm gonna try to recollect (which shouldn't be too difficult because it's the best part of the trip) the events that took place for the big ski trip....
one of my purposes for the trip was to go into the mountains.. originally I had plans for visiting Kimberly (the place where my grandmother lived) but it was a bit out of the way... Kimberly is a small town that has been modeled after a European town (I forget the place) it's very quaint (that I remember) but extremly nice place to visit... I will get there over the summer I am sure...
now one of my favorite places to be ever is in the mountains.... it's absolutely gorgeous for scenery and I find it peacefull to be among them... and of course my whole purpose for being there.... the skiing... recently I've been introduced to boarding but for the mountain experience I wanted to be comfortable so I went back to skiing.... especially for the mountains because they can be intimidating if you make a wrong turn.... I shall come back to this because I'm getting ahead of myself...
the trip started off with some business so that it would be possible to spend a few days away from the farm but it was all driving after that.... we were going to visit with my aunt dorothy and along the way it was suitable to stop at a place called Fernie to enjoy the mountain snow... along the way there were some sites to see... first that I recall was going through Crowsnest pass.... basicly this area is the path you can take through the mountains without having to climb them lol... there is probably some history about this but I really didn't get into any of it... we stopped at a local pub along the way... was set in a very old style barn type building... had cute waitresses... the one waiting on us gave the best service I've ever seen from any waitress.... I made sure she got a decent tip.....

another place that we passed through was actually under a mountain... there was a town (I forget the name) that was located at the bottom of the mountain ... one year the mountain collapsed on it... whiping out the entire town.... the only thing that remains is the rubble... the town completely covered... the pictures show the mountain and the mound of rocks in the forground is where the town used to be... the road we are on was built overtop all of this...
we stopped at a resaurant called amazon something or other.... the places was very nice and had very good cheesecake... we had the buffet but while we were eating the cute waitress came over to make sure we saved room for the cheesecake... I'm very glad I d

it got dark as we were driving to Fernie (the ski hill town) and out come the animals... as I mentioned before it's not uncommon for deer and such to be wandering along the roads.... especially in winter because salt is thrown down on the roads..... as we were driving along there were some goats on the side of the road.... I couldn't get my camera out quick enough though.... a while later we came across some deer.... now at first it looked as though there were two.... but as we got closer there were at least 5 that I saw.... it was neat to watch them bolt up the hill... they are very fast creatures..
we got to Fernie late and decided to pull into a hotel... of course the one with the hot tub and swimming pool.... adventure sets in and we explore the hotel... we find the hot tub and then the pool... then our room...

after a good nights sleep breakfast was on the agenda... I went out to the restaurant in the hotel we ate in that night... it was closed.... I took a look at some of the brochures by the front desk as I decided where I would go..... (this is important for the story) I asked the lady at the lobby desk where a good place to eat wass.... she mentions a place next door and the restaurant in the hotel accross the street...... (nice way to keep business I think) I go outside look around ... I decide upon the restaurant next door... (it's closer) I tried the door.. it's locked... I notice the neon Open sign in the doorway..... I notice the hours posted on the door... it's 15 minutes after opening time.... interesting.... I decide to cross the street to the local 7-eleven... as I'm walking away I hear the door being unlocked..... great someone was playing a joke on me..... I got myself a sprite at the 7-eleven and make my way back to the restaurant..... I sit by the big screen tv and watch football highlights as I eat my pancakes and scrambled eggs... (both of which suck I should have gone to the hotel retaurant accross the street) I get up to pay for the meal and find out that my ski pants have lost the money ...... thankfully I have my wallet in my jacket so I pay with debit.... I get outside and wonder where I should go first.... I have to try to locate the missing money.... after all it's 20 bux.... I concider going to 7-eleven but notice some dood was walking towards the hotel along the path I had used to get to the restaur

we get to the ski hill and I'm

this reminds me of part of the story before we got to the hill.... I needed a hat to cover my ears and everyone else needed mitts...... we stopped in town to get some but since i

we split up.... dad and emily go to the bunny hill because emily is a bit lacking in the skiing knowledge..... I proceed to the chair lift... excitement sets in again.... I'm being lifted up the hill.... I checked out the map before I got on... (yes they need a map because the place is huge) I discover that I need to take three lifts to make it to the top.... while I am on the chair I like to turn around and look backwards as I go up.... the view is usually spectacular.... this time
it was truely breathtaking..... I was in awe as I went up... the excitement just continued to increase...... when I was to the top of the first chair I looked down... the view was fantastic right there... but I could go higher..... and I did..... I skiied down the hill a bit to obtain access to the next lift.... as I went along I was like a tourist in a museum ... I stopped every few minutes to take pictures.... I have a few of the pictures posted here but the rest can be found on the webshots link on the left at the top of the page..... I took the next lift and then proceeded to the third lift..... it was unbelievable...... 3 things came over me.... amazement.... excitement... and sadly loss..... I was truely thankfull to be where I was doing one of my all time favorite things..... but I was doing it alone.... I wished I could have shared this experience with someone else........

I got off the chair lift and the first thing that hit me (besides the amazing view) was the smell of the pine trees..... I looked around and then had the difficult task in deciding where to go first.... I decided to take it easy first.... (as pictured to the right) I took the groomed trail along the mountains taking in the view and the amazing slopes .... it took aproximately an hour or more to get to the top.... it took about 20 minutes to get to the bottom but ag

next up the hot springs and any loose ends I have missed.... oh and the ride home in my awesome vehicle
I'm taking a break from the story of my fantastic trip so I can put in a holiday message....
I'm working for a friend on Christmas eve.... and I tried to put in for Christmas day as well but it's not approved yet.... since I'm single and dont have a large family available to spend christmas with I had originally decided I would rather spend it in the hellhole job that I have grown to hate.... at least since it's a holiday I wont take many calls.... maybe I can make it through the day without slamming the monitor to the ground.... perhaps not... anyway this isn't what I want to talk about....
every year I have put aside time to create a Christmas page and then I send a link to everyone I know to enjoy my creation as well as share a message of warmth (or whatever) this year I have been so wrapped up in everything else or nothing at all that I really haven't done anything about the holidays except watch them zoom by.... I didn't even go out and get anything special for anyone..... I also didn't make or purchase any cards for anyone.... I really dont like this..... I managed to put out a christmas wish to anyone that I have interacted with over the past few weeks but I dont feel it to be enough....
I myself am not a big Christmas person but I do believe in the spirit of giving and love the way that some people seem to glow at this time of year... but I feel that it shouldn't take one day a year to make this happen.... people need to live every day like it's Christmas... I dont mean give gifts every day... I do mean treat everyone like they should be... and not just becauses it's a holiday and that's what people do.... when your walking down the street do you smile and say hello to everyone you pass? do you walk with your head up to see everyone that passes you.. drives by.. or signs or decorations in windows? or are you one of the people that walks with their head down not paying attention to the world around you.... a simple smile to a passerby can change a persons attitude for the moment... even for that one moment it could brighten a dreary day.... we need more of that as the world keeps changing...
I have many things that I have to get done as soon as possible so that I can get on with the next phase of my life but I'm going to take the day off and spend it with my mother on Christmas day... something I should do more often on normal days but have in recent months/years been avoiding.... I've grown distant from people because of some events this year but there is a short list of people that I've made a point to keep close.... I want to thank those people ... they know who they are..... I've made a few new friends this year.... lost a couple... but life is an unending chore.... I spose that all we can do is our best and I hope that I have been doing that....
I can no longer call myself a man of faith and I would never put forward a religion on anyone but I will agree that for the better of mankind a lot more kindness is needed and I have tried to spread as much as I could to my friends.... I hope that we can all do this to the best of our abilities.... even a little can be so much to some people.....
Happy Holidays... I hope you spend yours well and hopefully with family..
Thursday, December 21, 2006

after settling in I got the guided tour of my new surroundings.... first the farm.... the various machines including motorbike ... snowmobiles and barns..... I was introduced to the Alice dog.... this dog is only 4 months old and is still learning where to pee..... while I was staying there the dog peed twice on the carpet.... it also chases the car when we are leaving.... it also (like most dogs) makes short work of bones.... we gave Alice dog some of the remnants of the deer carcass we mutilated while cutting deer meat.... after the surroundings we visited the locals.... I was introduced to greg.... he makes an awful shine.... the

now this is actually something I would like to talk about.... the windmills are located all over the place in the area.... I actually marvel at them .... it is one of the best creations for power that has been invented ever.... when I go back out there I plan to visit one of the farms.... the farms is a collection of the Windmills in one area... more than at least 6.... I've heard that if

other random things that happened while I was out west:
- one day we were driving around and noticed a transport truck was going through an intersection really slowly.... he was halfway through when the railroad gate things were coming down..... the gate got wedged inbetween the two trailers the truck was pulling and ended up being ripped off..... it couldn't have been that bad ... the gate was back in place a few hours later.... but it was quite funny to see at the time.....
- Spitz..... it's a name brand of sunflower and pumpkin seeds... the interesting thing about this would be the flavors they have.... yes I said flavors.... ordinarily there is salted and nothing else... well they have seasoned.... pizza.... dill pickled .... BBQ.... and of course salted..... yes I purchased some of each... I have yet to try them though.... it's a bit difficult to eat sunflower seeds while driving.... especially in snow storms....
- Rules of the road.... it seems that alberta .. ontario.. manitoba and saskatchawan all have a law that you must slow down to at least 60 kmph when passing construction... and any emergency vehicles (police, ambulance, tow trucks) it is a good rule to have I think...
- for some reason I have Killer Garbage on my notes of things that happened... unfortunately I have no idea what it reffers to or means... it certainly sounds funny though.....
- one of the most fantastic sites that I wish I could have enjoyed more was seeing aurora borealis (commonly known as the Northern Lights) I had just gone to bed and was peacefully snoring (I'm guessing at the snoring) when all of a sudden I the door was opened and the light turned on.... "Joe get

- I had a few outings to the bars... sadly it's southern Alberta so it's all country folk.... I didn't really feel at home... but there were some nice sights.... I shall look forward to interacting with them some more when I go back lol....
next up I shall begin the story of the ski trip.... this by far was my most favorite part of my trip....
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
after landing in Calgary I had about a half hour wait for my dad.... so I decided to go on a tour.... I asked some security dude where I could get something to eat.... him being very thoughtful noticing I am carrying large luggage suggested I get a cart and take the elevator to the 3rd floor and visit the food court (yes the airport was very large) I took a look around at the different choices and settled for taco's (I'm a sucker for soft taco's) after chowing down I headed to the front of the building.... the entrance has a long corridor for taxi's and such... even a bus terminal (which is not out of the ordinary unless your from cape breton) I grabbed a bench and began to watch the comings and goings of the many different types of people.... the most noticible were the turban wearing super bearded taxi drivers.... one of them even honked his horn and shook his fist at someone... it was quite entertaining....

dad showed up in my new car... now he gets out and we do the whole greeting thing and he says ... so your driving right.... keep in mind I have been up for aprox 24 hours at this time with the exception of a cat nap at roomies place...... we pile in the car and I drive the scenic 3 hour drive to his place.... he decides to show me the surrounding area on the way home.... I'm not bothered it was great seeing farm land beyond farm land again..... on the way out of the Calgary area you could actually see the mountains from there..... but again the further away you got.. you could still see them.. jus

so my dad lives on a farm... yes you can smell the various fumes of cow from the surrounding area and the occasional truck that motors by.... but it is very peaceful and I enjoyed my time there.... to the right is a picture of I spose a typical sunset on the farm.... I can't wait to go back
along the way it is not unusual to see deer in the fields.... I saw many of them while travelling around the area.... generally there are two at a time.... I recall seeing a group of 5 or so at night on the way to through the mountains... (I'll come back to this when I get to the ski trip story)
something else that seems to happen to me during my travels is seeing strange sites.... I found it unusual that a dood was riding a bike down the highway with a trailor attached to it.... and inside the trailer.... two dogs.... they were just sittin there with tongues hangin out.... enjoying the fresh air and cheap travel ....
so I had a decent sleep for the first time in 5 days.... it was good to be in my own bed again and not have to rush to wake up and get back on the road.... so I left off with being in the halifax airport and getting on the plane.... great......
for those of you that have been on a plane you may have come accross the wonderful experience of turbulance..... I personally enjoy it.... especially when it's really rough.... sadly (or perhaps luckily) I only experienced mild turbulance..... for those of you that have not been on a plane.. turbulance can be described as driving down a bumpy road in a car that does not have very good suspension.... except much more dangerous...... if you happen to be in extremely rough turbulance the plan could actually rip apart and of course we all know what happens then... almost certain death .....
well at least I can tell you about the kewl new toys that air canada has installed on the plane... they have an interactive touch screen display device.... you can choose music (which sucked) movies (I watched - Talledega Nights - My Super Ex girlfriend - and part of A Scanner Darkley) .... there was even recorded TV shows... (I checked out some of the comedy)
One of the things I really hate about airports is the complete lack of cheap stuff.... I wanted to get notepad and a pen but there was no such thing other than of course the $6 souvenir pens.... which I was not about to purchase..... I had resounded myself to asking the flight attendant for one when I noticed tucked behind the cash register was a cup of regular pens for a dollar.... sold lol
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
well my adventure has been put on hold..... the rumor is true... I am back in cape breton... and the odd part is... it's kinda like I never left... on my way out of town I was thrust out with a snowstorm... on my way back in I was greeted with another storm..... the odd part is.... for the most part... this is the only place accross Canada that seems to have snow (other than the mountain region of course).... well except for Ontario... northern Ontario has much more snow at this time...
so my adventure has many stories to be told and rather than put them all in one post (which could take a while to read) .. I am gonna divide them up into a few stories to read over the week..... well I'll probably just end up writing them all up tonight but at least I have some decent pictures to go along with it..... I love my new camera.... anyway all in good time... for now I shall begin with my continuation of the adventures I've just gone through......
I left off with getting to halifax and getting on the plane.... there were a few things that I left out... I was a bit strained for time (was using the library internet and my dad was hovering over my shoulder lol) so as I mentioned I was stuck in over 3 hours of standstill traffic.. this was because of the above mentioned snowstorm that hit and some people just dont know how to drive... apparently someone had managed to get their car sideways blocking off both lanes of traffic.... and because of the snow it was impossible to get around him.... even the police and rescue trucks had a hard time because of two lanes of traffic blocking off everything.... but they eventually did and I finally got to where I needed to go.... along the way I managed to get lost of course... I'm not fantastic with directions the first time through... but I generally remember once I've done it once... my many adventures of the past few weeks i

so how did I get unlost..... well roomies cousin kept calling my phone ever 20 minutes to check my progress... she said that she felt like she was a girlfriend calling me to make sure I was coming home ..... we found that amusing.... anyway with her helpfull directions and my amazing driving ability I managed to get to her place in one peice..... along the way I took a wrong turn and while I was trying to turn around with the crappy tired malibu some jerk pulled into the street behind me blocking me in.... I had nowhere to go except for up the street.... of course blocking that side of the street is a big huge van... it's stuck spinning it's tires.... so now I have van spinning in front of me and idiot behind me.... I have no where to go and am about to get stuck myself ..... luckily jerkhole behind me pulls off to the side of the road and parks the car... I then proceed to back down the street and go about my merry way.... no way in hell was I helping to unstuck the big van after the hell trip into halifax....
the other thing I didn't mention happened at the airport... while I was waiting for my plane to begin boarding I was watching the traffic pass along... there was a number of different people walking about but for the most part at this perticular moment the people all seemed to be dressed up in suits .... very professional people and such.... except for one fella walking among them.... he looked very odd with the surroundings.... kinda like waldo in one of his Where's Waldo find me scenes lol...
anyway I have much more to tell but after the gruelling 4 day drive by myself accross the great country of canada... I am absolutely exhausted.... I will continue tomorrow... I kept notes of my travels so I wouldn't forget them lol for now.. enjoy .... sleep
Thursday, December 07, 2006
a quick update for anyone interested.... I have arrived in the big west and have seen a few sites of interest.... I just finished carving up some deer meat... that was interesting... and I've visited some of the locals around.... I could probably get used to living out here..... I've been keeping some notes on my adventures so far and will try to keep notes for the rest of my time here as well...
my trip to halifax was actualy quite nutz.... I was trying to do the speed limit but with bald tires on the Malibu it was a bit difficult to stay on the road while passing the slow people.... it's fun to drive in storms.... perhaps I should have taken it easier I might not have gotten stuck in the 3 hours of standstill traffic and perhaps might have been able to enjoy more of my time in hali.... as for being in hali ... roomie gave me a brief tour of her side of town.... she showed me all the important stores with wonderfull articles to buy..... since it was 3am there wasn't much open (thankfully .. I dont need to be spending any money lol) but she did show me the great store called Cleaves....... well I'm wondering where the age was in that.... yeah yew know cleavage...... well anyway she also told me about her wonderful bus people... it's good to know that halifax also has disgusting peole on the bus as well as home..... she wanted everyone to know about the band of booger pickers that she sees on a daily basis... yes they eat the gold they find too..... I'm glad you could share in this misery like us....
After my quick visit I got to the airport.... that was fun as well.. there were a number of people sitting around waiting for the plane and a little girl started screaming.... there was an older fella that looked like santa.... started ho ho ho'n... it was kinda funny.... the plane itself had to be sprayed down to get the ice off the wings... it was kinda cool to see the hot liquid crap being sprayed all over it... other than that the only interesting part of the airport was returning the Malibu... there were no attendants so ya had to put the keys in a box and hope for the best.... I dont like that myself.... anyway I'm gonna dissapear again for a while but perhaps I'll be able to update next week sometime..... enjoy...
Sunday, December 03, 2006
well I got a car today.. a red Malibu.... what a nice fukn car lol... I did my last minute visiting.... it's funny.. nobody wants me to go.... or perhaps they are all just being nice.... but at least I get to hang with roomie for a bit.... that will be kewl... I also obtained a nice present from messenger and it got sent to almost everyone on my list.... for anyone that was silly enough like me to click on it and load the stupid thing.. yew can remove it with a scan at enjoy... I'm off for the world beyond for at least two weeks... if I get a chance I'll update with stories of my adventures.... internet will be dificult to find for the first little while though.. we shall see...
a very big shout out to tasha and angel for coming out to my supposed party.. as well as todd and lee.... a very big thanks for roomie for calling me at the bar and making it all worth while... I'll see you soon.... my trip starts off with a bang.... the singer of the band 'Kick' is amazing..... I cannot say enough... wow... anyway .. my last sleep in cape breton for a while will be tonight and I begin my new adventure tomorrow... hung over prolly but it's all good... I hope I can get back to an internet source soon so I can update my progress and check back with friends from home.... I am so happy to have friends that can show me a good time... I must laff at finger boy.... yes some random comes up to the table beside us and tasha makes conversation.. whipps out the camera and the boy just starts posing for her with fingers out... it was very strange but quite funny... yew prolly had to be there... in the middle of the madness I feel my leg vibrating as I figure out my phone is ringing.. I try to answer it but since I am by the band with everyone else I can't hear a damned thing... I go up to the top bar and discover the caller is roomie.... me and her talk for a bit but she can barely hear me.. she tells me to go to the bathroom.... I get in the bathroom and talk for a bit... I feel like a moron cause I'm in the toilet talking to a girl with a bunch of guys pissing around me.. guys are pissing and I'm talking on the phone... fuck this I go outside .... to the cold... talk a bit more and say ummmm I'm gonna go .. thanks for the call but I must get warm lol... I hope I can manage to get the pictures... should be ok.... but I bet tasha deletes half of them because she is in em.... we shall see... oh and before I forget.. we are in slobway.... of course... and these black fellas are behind us gabbin it up with a few young girls ahead of us.. I interupt at an appropriate time... and become part of the conversation... the one fella is goin on about who killed kenny... (southpark comedy.... one of the most racist shows ever) but it doesn't matter... we go on about our business.. we are sittin down eating and all of a sudden one of the fellas comes over and says yewr alright... keep it real .. gives me the handshake of the "hood" and goes on about his night.. it was quite funny.... if he only knew how close to black I could possibly be.... I spose I should be shot for that statement... but it's sorta true lol