howdy.... the weekend of weekends has turned upside down.... I've not had to spend my birthday at a funeral before... it wont be fun and well I dont really know what to say.... my aunt dorothy has had an unfortunate accident .... it is a shock to the entire family but I refuse to dwell on it as I am not one for mourning... instead I will share my dorothy stories.....
the first I recall is back when I lived in ontario.... kewl auntie dorothy would come visit us but unbeknownst to her we had a slight problem in the house.... summer found our home to have visitors and they came to her in the night.... "flap flap flap flap" came the noise in the room.... "what is that????" came the response.....
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bat..... oh my god... it's a bat.. it's gonna get in my hair... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
being somewhat used to this my dad got out the device of the night to shoo the bats out of the house.... this time two tennis rackets were used.... all I could do was laugh at the silly girls screaming in terror of the tiny bats that might land in their hair and get all tangled
the other story I have I dont really remember details as I was quite young but I do remember the outcome..... we were in a place called red lake fishing.... it was a family spot many years ago.... anyway most of us were catching fish but great auntie dorothy or one of the girls... (I dont recall who) managed to catch a turtle.... the cute (I hear) little thing wouldn't let go of the hook ... and they tried and tried till dorothy said here let me try and as she put her hand to the lips of the turtle it lashed out with it's suprisingly fast head and latched onto her hand between the thumb and index finger..... needless to say she found out the hard way that the turtle was a snapping turtle... them suckers have a bite as strong or stronger than a lobster claw... the chewfest on her hand lasted quite some time and as they tried to get the clampers off her hand she kept shouting "ow ow.... dont hurt him... ow ow"
on another note I have made my first huge purchase and have obtained

my first "legitimately mine" car.... some funny things about it... I got in the car and drove it around.... felt quite comfortable in it.... it was fantastic..... standard trans of course.. (I've grown to love driving standard.... makes the car more responsive lol) I look forward to learning some new things about cars... such as where to put oil and other things they need... ok so I'm kidding but there are a few things that will be needed for my car..... the first thing I will need to take car of is a paint job.... I may do a patch up but since it is my car I believe that I will ensure that it gets done right... now all I have to do is resist the urge to put fancy doo dads .... such as wheels n such..... but oh well it matters not....