Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
well I got hooked up to the internet yesterday... and I worked all day.... got home and was like well I'd like to get online and do some stuff.. but I got in there and started a couple downloads (about 15 ya know small stuff) and felt this overcoming urge to sleep... it sucks to be on day shift.. well semi day shift lmao... I need to get myself a new hobby lol.... now that I have successfully moved into my own place I figure I'll be able to get back into shape... I'll start eating a more balanced meal system... ya know 3 meals a day instead of 1 big huge one before I go to bed.....
I'll be back later.. it smells like B.O. in here eeewwwww ....
omg it's overcome my desk or something... I'm suprised I dont see clouds of green smoke.. it's disgusting I am going to puke... and the bad part is I was stuffed up all day untill I caught wiff of this putrid smell... it's worse than rotting carcas..... well maybe not that bad but it is pretty bad.... anyway enough of that.....
I need to get a weight set.. anyone know someone that is giving one away?? I need to be able to carry around some dead weight for next year... I"m sure my dad will make me do lugging work instead of on ladders painting or hammering shit in.. (cause I suck at that lol) but anyway I will need to be able to do a days work (actual work) without huffing and puffing like a smoker... I mean I dont smoke and a smoker has more aerobic abilities than I do.... but oh well I'll get used to it again...
hey everyone... I won a prize today.. .yep it's one of them loveseat gliders... and well as best I pulled up a quick search here is a brief explanation of what it could be... umm keep in mind it's not as cheap looking as this one but I bet it falls appart if I tried to do some ummm never mind bout that yew get the hint from the title of the chair..... anyway I did win it and now I must try to find a way to get it to my new home... well that could prove to be difficult I spose I could strap it to my bicycle but that just wouldn't be benefitial.. it will take about 3 days to get there... but that's fine.. I keep hearing .. oh yew won a prize.. do yew want it? or would yew give it to me.... ummm yes I want it.. and I can actually use it too.... I'm pathetic but come on.... anyway I will be sitting in my love seat with a beer in one hand and the spatula from my bbq in the other and best of all... getting paid for the adventure as well lol... but it doesn't matter I'm sure the neighbours will help me use it as well perhaps..... and perhaps yew can have a seat on it if yew help me take it home :P
I hate getting the calls from someone that complains and whines.... was speaking with some kid that was not able to get online and I'm explaining the importance of trying a different wall jack and he's freaking out cause he doesn't have a cord long enough to reach to the computer.... (ordinarily it's the other way around... customers always have that long cord plugged in already lol) anyway he's just a kid.... but the poor guy he was last connected an hour and a half ago.. puhleeeze.. at least wait untill your connection dies before yew complain.. I know ya gotta play "unreal" or "quake" or wutever is being played these days but get over it ... it's 7am on a saturday.. you should be sleeping in ya loser... go an make some friends outside or sumthin.... aaawww who am I kidding if I wasn't at work I'd be doing something similar..... well not really but ya know how it goes lol
I have finally found a driver that is worse than me... yes the lady that drives me to work.... (yew know who yew are :P) she's crazy and I felt soooo safe when she drove me home last night... bet we get pulled over by the police in a few weeks.... anyway found out some kewl news today... my job is nearly non existant but they are gonna pay me .... to not show up..... wow I've never been paid to sit at home and do nothing.. it's gonna be boring but I've decided to do some travelling instead... now I dun have to worry bout vacation pay.. I'll be getting paid anyway wooo hooo.... now for the hard part... gotta save a few bucks up for emergencies along the way... and yes a nearly dead beater car that will make it to where I'm going and back..... I love it when things go the right way... the road trip is starting to look reallllly good
ok so I got off my ass and stopped playing games today.... yes I did stop.... (this is why I dun play them at home cause I never get shit done).... anyway I figure I'll just start updating this again instead... I just haven't really had anything interesting to write about recently.... but that's goin to change.. I'm gonna think about telling exploits of my new residence.. (even if I have to make shit up... apperantly I'm really good at that lol) but it's looking like I wont have internet for another month or 2 :( that's gonna be depressing cause I like my internet... girl friend said I could get dialup... ummm I'd rather do without cause it would only suit her needs not mine (isn't that just like a guy to be selfish? lol).... I just lost my train of thought... have a crazy german head sittin next to me and he just nearly killed his machine and all of our cubicles.. I'm fearing my life...... well not really but he did skeer the shit outta me.. gotta big brown spot on my underwear now... mmmmmmmm I have the taste of peanut butter... I'm eating udderly devine heheheh ummm that's ice cream from the crapateria.... so ya know this is somewhere around the 150 mark of posting in my blog... that's somewhat exciting isn't it.... well I guess not... but at least you got to read about 3 mins of drivil here... more to come as I update... (moving in next week so I'll have plenty of spare time to do shit... yes I might even update my websites lol) probably not oh well hahah
been a busy weekend... actually it wasn't.. I spent my days off in sydney my new future home... big house I actually like it... but it's gonna be hard work for a while.... but the thing that I am not going to like about it......... the school..... I had a few drinks last night and was feeling good .. had a great sleep and woke up to the sound of kids screaming and messin about in the playground for the school... that happens to be in my backyard...... but that wasn't the worst part........ at 9 am.............. the school speakers blasted out the national anthem.... at least I'll know when it's 9am sheesh....
not very inspired at the moment... but as it goes I did try to apply for a job on thursday... such a glorious time I had as well..... got out to the place and ask for an application... great she says... I fill it out and attach my resume and she says if I dont hear from them in about 2 weeks then give a call and find out what's going on with it..... I think great that means they should be hiring soon... I get home and low and behold the place I have applied for is about to lay off 200 people.... yes the place is Eds... wonderfull... now I have to find a way to transport my sorry ass from sydney to glace bay and back every day.. that's gonna suck... but living in my own place will be a great feeling again and well worth the hassles of transporting my sorry ass lol... course if the cost of transport is greater that could be a problem but anyway that's in the works.. look forward to my first house party... perhaps I'll invite a few people lol
so I was telling a tall tale and ya think I would have finished it but got sidetracked by roaming... now I just dont have time these days to update but I am trying lol... I forget the tall tale now but perhaps I shall try to get one later....
fans of all ages gather round for the story I am about to unfold is a tall tale... tall being bigger than me (which doesn't take much) and tale meaning no it's not false :P .... anyway this is how it goes.... I was at the mewvies the other night and amazingly I didn't get to choose the film... went to see jersey girl... yes a chick flick.... but....... it was an "ok" mewvy...... I sorta enjoyed it... yes the part where the g/f cried and I tried not to make fun of her... and the part where we sat in the small shitty theatre (cause the gewd mewvies were playing in the better theatre) I can't help but rub that in lol..... but anyway on with the story... so the mewvy was good and I decide to go to kfc (kentucky fried chicken... yes it's a restaraunt and a bad one at that) get myself a twister and a couple chicken burgers.... and well they were horrible.... moving on.... go to the mall and walk around zellers.... odly enough visit the toy section.... and well play with all the toys lol... I just like doing that... course I didn't play half as much as the g/f :P hahaha but again mewving on.... get the bus and get surrounded by a pile of old hags.... and every 2 minutes of their annoying conversation with the bus driver (who is saying all kinds of stupid ... but funny.... jokes) ummm back to the old bag... she's saying the same fukin thing over and over.... my god...... my god... and the horrible voice she was using it kept getting lower and lower... my god.... myyyyy gggoooooooddddddddd.... I wanted to smack her... broken records aren't being used no more.... ewps I didn't mean that... back to the story.. my god..... yes so we finally get back to glace bay and I'm in the mood for sleep... oh hell I gotta go roam.. be back in a bit......
hey everyone... I'm back... for a quickie... oh hell seems that's all I can do these days... anyway I've been playing with this really funny site ... say mail.. it's great service from sympatico... here are a couple examples... enjoy and go ahead and use them yourself.. (remember to send me a copy of the funny ones)
example 2
and the best one I did
example 3
have fun with it yourself... enjoy I may get back tomorrow for some time doing laundry enjoy
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Creater: Joe Earhart