I love family.... speshuly ones that know yew well.. see yew on the street... look yew in the face (and I seen him mouth my name) but keep driving along like yew dont exist.... that kind of family is great.... I think I'll go visit him later..... with a big stick in hand perhaps... anyway I am once again at this hellhole job and the rumors are getting worse.... people are complaining more and moral is dieing once again.... people dont know how to do their job and others are giving even more rediculous information to these people that know nothing...... I got a call yesterday and the lady was trying to transfer me a call.... she couldn't figure it out... we havent' had any new hires in at least 4 months... these people must have transfered at least one call to tier 2 in that amount of time... but that's another story.... this woman trying to figure out how to transfer the call (didn't even ask me what-s0-ever) hit the wrong button and put me on hold ... I'm assuming back to the customer.... said some nonsense.... hit the wrong buttons again and then released both me and the customer..... where do we get these stupid agents from???? and can we sell them to our competitors.....
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Monday, July 19, 2004
Gross Topik #7
how about the time ya go into the washroom at work ..... and yeah .... dont leave floaties in the toilet here.... people give ya funny lewks when they go into the stall yew just visited lmao... speshuly when yew know them.... they take offence or something to it... I mean the toilets here suck... if you flush it gets rid of most of it.. but there is always some sort of floaties (usually toilet paper) and ya just can't get rid of em.. I mean I flushed it twice at least and didn't get rid of em... so I'm sure the third flush (that he did) didn't help any either but the look he gave me was great... priceless (I hope he's reading this lol)I'm at work with big blotches of pink crap on me.... I was out in the yard all afternoon yesterday ... cut some more of my long 3 foot grass and in turn got myself eaten alive by some sort of bug... it's strange I didn't feel the bites at all .. until the evening when they started to itch... now I have welts all over my body.. well my arm neck and legs.... (I wasn't totally nekkid in the yard) so I went to the drug store on my way to work and got myself a bottle of itch relief meds.... calomine lotion.... the shit dont werk... so now I have to go back tomorrow and get something a lot stronger... what I need is some of the gunk lisa gave me last week .. .but didn't tell me what it was so I am lost as to what to get now.... oh well lets tell a funny fone story...
I love it when people tell me stupid shit on the fone... except of course when they are impeding progress on the call.... well I had a few interesting comments last week.. my number one favourite was this dood that was sooo happy to be speaking with me... he called me a resolutionist specialist.... wow that's a great title... I will now be reffering to myself as that for a very long time... of course that same dood also informed me (during the course of the call) that he needed to stand up really quick.... meanwhile explaining he was overweight and that his momma's chair was busting.... and he scurried along shouting and stuff for about 5 minutes... he comes back and exclaims how lucky he is that he caught that.... (not for the fact that he would have fallen on his ass really hard.... but that his mother would have killed him) the man sounded like he was at least 30 or older... I'm curious how some people get away with this lol....
another one was having some difficulties dialing the internet and I took her through a few processes to resolve her issue and of course she likes to read every damned thing on the screens that pop up.... (ya know these people never realize that every person we have on the phone does this... we know what the screens say ... ya know we were trained on the issues and screenshots) anyway she's reading off the screen for clearing dialing rules... it states clear msn dialing information... and she says to me... ok I'm going to click clear M&M dialing information.... lovely msn will now get sued for advertising candy products in their software lol
how about the man that called in for tech support and was waiting on hold for about half hour and .. conveniently... forgot his fone number.... I can understand falling assleep on the fone after that amount of time.. but not forgetting the phone number... and after he finally found the number I found out it wasn't our issue.. sooo he waited all that time... and plus the time for finding the number..... for nothing lmao....
I love my job.. can't yew tell??
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
it's exciting to see a grown woman beating the hell out of a machine because it wont drop her bag of chips to the bottom... yew know them snack machines that ya put yewr money in and the snack falls to the bottom of the rack and yew push in and take it out... and most of the time it never works? well she was beatin on the glass.. smacking the bottom... cursing and shouting at it... all of that was obviously going to werk... what she could have done was go to the main entrance and talk to the dood that actually owns the machine .. I'm sure he would have come up and opened it and gave her her small back of rip off chips lol...I mean we put our $1 in the machine for a bag of chips or bar that is only worth 25 cents... but we gladly pay it cause it satisfies a small portion of our day... between talking to idiots and stuff.. but oh well what is more statisfying I think is watching someone else go through what yew went through a few days earlier.... and wonder did I really go on like that... yeah probably did...
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
well after a day off I've become ... in a gewd mewd... I dont want to rip someones throat out (at the moment) what I need is a stress reliever toy at work... cause nothing I used to use works anymore... I think the best thing for me to have would be my happy face squeeze ball... but someone stole it from my desk.. worst thing is I had 2 of them... and both are gone... bastards.. and they wonder why I love my job... yeah... anyway my website got put on hold again... I've been building pages for too many people recently... I've discovered that it's gonna be quite some work to putting mine together again... and of course keep putting it off... well after getting home from hell I dont feel like doing anything except sleep or watch a mewvy... great hobby I have lol anyway more later
Saturday, July 10, 2004
well I'm having a wonderfull day..... I wake up and get into the car to go to work.... I smell something.......... cat piss.... it sorta went away.. but it was very faint...... so later on (after some horrible calls) I go to lunch... and catch that smell again.... I stopped... it was on my jacket.... the fukn cat pissed on my jacket... I threw it on the ground....
I took some more calls.... and I'm sick of these ones... here are a few more examples:
omg these fukn backwoods hick mutherfuckers just learned how to read and is sooo fukn proud of that fact that he decides to read off every fukn window he sees... not only that I have to repeat every command I issue him multiple times.. because he isn't listening.... oh and that's not the half of it... he doesn't understand the words I'm saying... yeah he can't understand very simple commands ... a baby would turn around and hit me because I'm talking like an imbecile
I need to get a new job before I shoot myself in the head..... I'm totally losing my mind for the second time since I started at this job... odly enough the last time I felt this way.... it was on the same damned fukn contract... I need to get a lobotomy or something......
Thursday, July 08, 2004
well I've begun my short lived reign upon dial tier 2.... I lost it on a customer.... she was not listening to me and her issue was in need of proper help (short of disabling her antivirus/firewall software) she could not be fixed by my company.... so I (short of telling her off) informed her of the situation.. but she would still not take my word for it.... sooooooooooo she got upset and I transfered her to customer service (as she requested) they saved her account and transfered her back to tech support... she went through the puppet strings again and amazingly got fixed by the higher level of support (that I told her didn't exist lol) they uninstalled her anti-virus/firewall .. which I told her needed to be done (and from my understanding we dont touch at msn cause it's not our software) but oh well she got fixed and she hates me for life.... (so do most other people I've found out) I've lost no skin over this and my feelings remain.... unhurt.... sorry miss american lady... next time try being nice on the phone (and dont call me at 15 mins to the end of my shift sheesh) by the way I'm not like this with most of my calls (contrary to certain belief) ..... I love valid troubleshooting it's great....
so I've uploaded some more "strange" pics to my groups page.. feel free to check them out (if you like) and just as a taste of them... here yew go

Monday, July 05, 2004
after much delay and requests.... the next part of the story
the man is sitting in his car close to freaking out... why the visions keep haunting him is puzzling to him... he's never experienced anything like this before... he decides he should get some treatment or perhaps a second opinion... but how do you explain seeing visions of killing people or dying to proffesionals without having questions asked about you... or worse suspisions raised ... he decides he must go and visit his girlfriend .. she'll be able to calm him down and help straighten everything out ... but right now he's late for work... grabbing his cell phone he calls in and explains he is sick and cannot come to work (side note: it's great to be able to do this without being threatend that your fired) and turns his car around and goes to his girlfriends house.. upon arrival he knocks on the front door... no answer... he knocks again... she's not answering... he takes out his phone and calls her number.... it keeps ringing and ringing... then an answer.. finally... but it's her voice mail... he leaves a message and turns to go when he hears a scream the scream came from inside... without skipping a beat he tries to open the door... it opens ... it wasn't locked... rushing upstairs to where he asumes the scream is coming from ... he finds a woman in the hallway screaming... she's huddled on the floor against the wall and when she sees him she screams again... and gets up and runs into one of the rooms.... he's totally freaked out now why is the woman screaming.. and worse who is she and why is she there...
he decides to get some answers and goes a little closer to the door where the woman went in... not watching where he's going he trips over a cord ... the cord is attached to a vacume cleaner... she must be the cleaner he decides... calling out to her he asks her why she is screaming and that he's the boyfriend of the owner of the house... she is quiet in the room.. but not answering his calls... he continues to ask what is the matter and where his girlfriend is.... the woman is not answering and the door is locked... remembering the front door being unlocked he decides to search the house for his girlfriend... first her bedroom..... there on the bed is a limp form... blood is all over the place... and a knife is sticking out... it looks like ... no it can't be... it's the knife that is always in his pocket... but it can't be.. his knife is in his pocket... he reaches in his pocket... the knife is not there... the knife is in her chest... how did it get there?? the man is freaking out now... the ringing is back... he hears sirens... it's getting louder... it wont stop... the man falls to his knees crying... why is this happening .... then a voice calls out.... the man turns around... he starts walking toward the shouting... all of a sudden he feels heat on his chest... it hurts... he's falling backward.. he can't stop... vision is getting cloudy... there is blood coming out of his chest... the police rush around him but his eyes close... the man is dead.....
leave it to me to be the best agent on the floor.... we all moved to new desks again and to show how please I was at moving I decided to take the advice of my neighbour and pull a prank ... on my desk.... my neighbour had some streamer rolls left on his desk from somewhere and thought it would be a great idea to gift wrap all his tools ... computer and things... well I thought it was such a good idea that I did it ... and he chickened out lmao.... so onward I went wrapped up the phone... the keyboard and laced the monitor with streamers..... then did the mouse and also did one of the old modem displays that we had kickin around..... so my neighbour being the chicken wrapped up his water bottle that he didn't want and left it on my old desk lol..... but that's still not the best part... I was off the day of the move and didn't know where I was moving too so I had to leave my drawer of junk at my old desk and we all know how protected our stuff is in our desks (yeah right) ... so I came in the day after the move and went to my old desk.. found that all the wonderful giftwrapping was ripped off and left on the desk.... and some personal things of the new inhabitant of the desk were moved in and placed accordingly..... and best of all... my drawer of junk.... was gone.... I freaked... went up and down the ailes twice looking for my bucket... but it wasn't there... so I figured they were getting back at me for the great present I left before I went home..... well I took the things that were on the desk and hid them on the person in retaliation... (I"m so nice) and I took the headset from the desk and marched upstairs to find my new desk... it didn't take long to find the new section we were in cause of my fellow agents (they stick out like a sore thumb... in a nice way :P) so I go up and down the ailes looking for my new desk.. and I find my name tag... and on the desk... is my drawer... yikes what did I do.. I (like most others) overreacted and freaked out over nothing.... so I got my deks all situated and had to run back down to my old desk.. fix everything I messed up (hopefully I didn't wreck her crosstitch) and get out of there... I think I shall be visiting the hospital soon...
Saturday, July 03, 2004
went to see spiderman 2 at the theater.... wow... it was amazing I want to see it again... course next time I'll be getting my own copy of it but it was sooooo good.... but yes afterwards myself and my g/f walked home and on the way I had a light snack.... rose petal.... delicious... mmmmmmm yummy buggy rose petal's... and the reason for it??? a joke I spose.... my g/f nearly threw up lol... I must appologize but it was soooo funny that I was teasing her by pretending to do it again.... and again.... I didn't really eat the thing but I've seen them eaten before... powers of miss direction lol.... perhaps I should start looking for a new hobby lol