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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
Gross Topik # 3....
flatulance... that's right farting ... why is such a natural (but sometimes smelly) occurance such a problem with most people... I mean I could be sitting here and well let out a silent one and nobody would know except for the smell... and the comments that would be made because of the smell.. it's downright horrifying to most people... however... if I lay out a very loud uncontrollable blast ... the same comments can be told .. even if there isn't a smell at all.... think of it this way... if we were still in the old ages before deodorant and soap and kewl shit like that... what would people say about it then????? the wonderful fragrance of flatulance would be welcome over the stank odour of B.O. I'm sure... course it might be enough to make someone puke if they are both mixed together yikes... (aren't yew glad yew stopped by today???) anyway furthermore.... why is it that most women will either not fart in front of their partner or deny they do it at all... try to keep it a secret for as long as they can.... but then one day there is a slight blush on her face when she just can't hold it any longer and lets out the biggest blast yew ever heard (from a woman) and all she can say is .... what are yew lookin at???? like yew dont do it... and all I can think is ... didn't I say that last time I did it but got hated for a few hours.... oh well lets all try to get along and grow greater with our air fertalizer
drunk... wow drunk... I hate it when I get so drunk that I just fall apart.... get sick and pass out... and it wasn't even my fault... well I didn't have to drink but I did anyway but it wasn 't all bad I managed to score myself some points even though I kinda screwed up as well at the same time.... (I'm not getting into that :P) but anyway I spose I should get things in order.... I haven't been myself... well my regular boring self lately... I have been pre-occupied with my girlfriend that I have stopped doing things that I used to do on a regular basis... just dont have the time or the options to do that because I'm always at her place... perhaps I'll have to make some changes or something..... I doubt it will happen though anyway it's time for a shower and a power nap before werk... hopefully I'll have a story to tell soon
writing my own novel... yes I think so... I've always wanted to do such a thing... but every time I put forth the effort do start one... it sucks... I've come a long way with my writing that I have learned a few things about expressing things with werds... the only real problem is that I tend to write about first hand situations better than describing stuff... but I have created some rather tasteless (depending on yewr point of view) short stories that I've been told were rather gewd lmao.... perhaps I may share some of my writing soon... just need a place to actually do some of this stuff...
though had a rather curious delema today.. was showing up to work and there was a dirty bearded guy in the entrance talking with security (they probably wanted to throw him out but were rather afraid).... it was my dad..... I thought he was gone... but nope he's been around .... love the communication between my mom and him and me... blah... anyway pretty soon I'll have that such a place that I'll be able to go to chill now and again...
and eeeeeeeeeena bailed on me for skiing again... now gotta do some coniving to get myself out there... but I think I have that taken care of... just might have to leave the little brother home.... poor guy he's been lookin forward to going more than I have (if at all possible)
and my buddy came home from the army... gonna be an interesting weekend to say the least lol friday night out... and saturday off... drunk friday night... snowboarding saturday well hell lewks like I'll be spending my paycheck or more this weekend alone... but it should be werth it... enjoy byyyeeee
I'm bored.... yes bored... I am waiting for my laundry to finish... and because I haven' t been home in so long (for any length of time) I really dont recall what I used to do on the computer... for some reason I always had something to do... now I"m just sitting here actually watching tv.. because I can't find something better to do ... though I am sure if I was in the mood I could rig up something on my website.. I just dont feel the need right now lol (lazy as always) anyway closer to getting a place of my own yes a place where I can kick back .. grab a beer... play music... or fall assleep on the floor (if I so desired... ya know) but that shall have to wait I'm certain it will happen soon lol for now I must get back to laundry and being bored
what's with all this gay talk???????? I never hinted to anything of that nature :P and ummm well I spose perhaps I did... do I have a hidden secret? masking it up behind choosing a woman??? nope I"m all straight arrow.... being gay is an excuse to not try to get a woman .... I couldn't get one or I dont feel comfortable asking one out on a date... but I could ask my buddy to go and well one thing lead to another...... and it was exciting... perhaps it's the pure pleasure that the gay guy feels from a real orgasm... but honestly that's just tooo sick to talk about here (I've heard some kewl things about a certain place in the rectom.. yuk) anyway as funny as this subject can be I think I'll turn away from it because I might cause some of my readers to dissapear.... dont get me wrong I dun accept or dissagree with being gay... if one chooses to be so then so be it.... my opinion doesn't matter .... unless of course yer askin me out... then I'll just tell yew my opinion lol.... hope ya dun got a fear of rejection.... or perhaps yew have a better way with werds... hhmmmm no ... no amount of convincing could ever sway me that way... no man can treat me as well as a woman can lol... and I dun mean cookin and cleanin for me... (unless of course she wants to lmao)
what a chore... I just spent the last hour being spit on.. thrown up on... kicked and punched.. crawled on... pushed around.... pulled... chased.... and headbutted.... no wasn't making it with the girlfriend but her nephew...that seems to love me for some reason ..... wants to play... I think I was a bit rough with him though (at one point) but he survived... I however did not.... I had to borrow a shirt from someone to make it to werk on time.... so anyway moving on to funnier events.... went out to the bar last night and was having a reasonably good time.... sitting with my g/f talking and all of a sudden someone starts rubbing my shoulders from behind.... in mid shock I see an even more shocked look on my g/f's face... I thought it was another woman.... soooooooooooo I'm next to freakin out when I look around I am even more freaked out.... it's a guy rubbing my shoulders.... aaaccckkkkkkkk .... now the crappywood has been getting freakier and freakier these past few weeks so it doesn't suprise me but I would hope that a gay guy would get thinking it's a bad idea to touch another man that is holding hands with a woman in a bar... sheesh.... lucky for me the guy wasn't gay... he was married and a friend of mine lol.... anyway that was the big shocker of the night... left early there (so I didn't get to hear my fav song :( ) anyway no problem back to work I go I need a vacation... wish I could afford one lmao....
Gross topik #2
Time is less and less available for me these days... well that's sorta not true but not spending my extra spare time (and I have lots of it ususally) in front of the computer.... but I've been getting complaints that I haven't updated and am slipping... well I can't put off my personal life for yew to fill up yers lmao..... (spose that was a mean shot) but anyway I have a topik that has been messed with before... yes yew know the one..... nasty people in the bathroom..... picture yer sitting on da can and well I spose yewr pickin yer nose.... welll there is a wall on the left of yew and the toilet paper on the right of yew... I guess the extra effort in grabbing a piece of paper and blowing yer nose or at least wiping the crap off yer fingers is just toooo exerting... or perhaps yew just want to gross the next user of the sanctum of the bowl... and decide to use the wall instead.. ...
I just dont get it.. why are boogers on the wall every time I go into (any of) the toilets in my workplace.... it's terrible... it would be just as easy to grab a piece of toilet paper from the opposite side of the stall... oh sure the paper might stick to yer finger for a moment.. but hell it dun stick to yer ass .... hate to think what the booger wipers do with their shit on their ass... perhaps they wait till they get home and dragg their ass on the carpet... (makin me sick just thinkin bout it) but enough of this I got werk to do gotta finish the cards for the baby shower (no not mine sheesh)......
one of the greatest things about tech support... is the hold music... yes the hold music I could sit there and listen to it for hours.... (if I was forced that is) well apperantly that's what half of our customers do... listen to hold music... lucky for us.. msn has 4 - 5 different songs with ads about the features of their product playing through them... over and over and over and over and over ... well yew get the idea... over and over... yeah that's how bad it is... anyway I was on a call one time and we were quite qued up (as usual) and finishing off my support boundries was about to escalate the call to a higher level when the guy (after I explained what was to happen) he comes back with a great remark... oh boy more crummy music.... I suggested to him to do what I do.... I listen to it quite frequently after all..... to sing along... well I think he just about came through the phone after me lol ... perhaps I should not show my empathy or willingness to assist next time
well it's been a bit ... nearly a week... how rude of me... keep my adoring fans (yes yew 4 people) waiting for a new entry... price I pay for having a girlfriend I spose.... anyway events of the moment... yew guessed it none... I'm boring what can I say... but lucky for me I use werds eloquently (even if I can't spell them lmao) but anyway I decided to clean my room today... well sorta... and I found a page of jotted down werk stories that I might try to decipher... sadly because of my wonderful mammory.. I mean memory I doubt if I can make a story out of them... well perhaps with my imagination I'll be able to recover something from it.... but that will come later... eeeeeeena is sposed to take me skiing this weekend.. but it's not lewkin good so have to postpone plans... perhaps on a friday or a sunday... march break is coming soon so there will be an opportunity to go then... maybe even twice... shame I can't get the g/f to go... she thinks she'll fall all over the place... (isn't that why we all go ????) lol but oh well plenty of time for that in the future (perhaps lmao) but anyway I must get some sleep gotta werk tonight somehow .... be back later
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