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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
I've seen a lot of things in my time but the world keeps suprising me...
a man walking down the street feels the impending pressure over come his ability to walk any further... decides to let go of his dignity and also a load of something else.... perhaps just couldn't make it any further or doesn't care... or maybe even didn't think anyone would see.... or perhaps even worse... wants to put on a show for the entire town... more or less....
now I didn't see the whole thing .. because I just dont care to watch people and their strangeness... I'm not the type to investigate personal issues nature or whatever... what people do they do... I mind my own business.. but the idea of people talking about it over and over you just can't help but take a peek.... here goes.... I've stalled enough
the dood without a shred of apperant decency stopped in the middle of the parking lot... figured this is as good a place as any.. nobody is around.... I can hide behind this twig... in the bushes... hauled down his pants drawers and all... and proceeded to take a dump at the back end of the parking lot..... now our building is 5 floors high.... security cameras that can view the entire surrounding area of the building... at first I spose it wasn't apperant what was going on but then everyone started to say look over there ... look at that.. it's a man.. no it's not.. yes .. and he's doing his duty in the parking lot... yuck.... and low and behold there was the man picking up his drawers as he stood up... (I dont think he wiped).... but what was worse... 2 people are walking past him and he still doesn't do anything... even better... if he had walked about 50 feet there is a restaraunt with a bathroom that I'm sure they wouldn't mind too much for a desparate person to use... but that wouldn't be normal for this town I spose....
now I know that nearly our entire floor (which has at least 100 people on it) seen it... so how many more people in the 5 floors seen it?... hopefully the security camera picked up a good shot so they can display it on the tv to arrest the loser
thankfully this is a free country
peoples reactions are great.... espeshuly when they are disgusted.... but perhaps I should stop making people jump or sick or whatever... it amuses me I spose... for example .. my lawnmower.... or perhaps my mothers as it should be called... it was left outside all winter... but... I thought I could fix it... just needs a bit of oil and some gas... and a bit of ... unfortunatly ... work.... so I put the oil in it.. and put some gas in it.. pulled the stupid cord... it wouldn't go back in the thing-a-ma-bogger... well a little bit.. so I pulled and let go.. it somehow went back in... ok that's a start.... so after messing with the stupid cord a bit it sorta starts going back in every time I pull it... but the mower doesn't start... hhmmm after thinking about it a bit.. I decide maybe I should change the spark plug... so a couple days later I come back with a plug and a tool to get the old one out... great... now put the new one in... pull the cord... ooooo it started... with what my mom called a hiroshima cloud of smoke... good analogy cept I didn't dissapear with it... (I wish)anyway now it starts but cuts out after a few seconds... well I'm getting somewhere.... apperantly I put tooooooo much oil in the bastard machine.... lovely so perhaps I can make it work if I keep starting it... next thing I know oil starts pouring out of the muffler when it cuts out... great... now I have to worry about the damned thing blowing up... get the rags... clean it up... try again... it starts.. puff of hiroshima smoke it dies again... more damned oil... maybe I'm not getting somewhere... a week passes and I see a sign down the road for lawnmowers for sale... problem solved.... bartered the man to 40 bux for his clunkers... and was going to bring my junker in to get it fixed... sooo do the trade thing with mom.. she brings the clunker out to my place and she takes the new ... ummm old but renovated... mower home... she's happy... last week I tried the stupid mower again... it starts a little longer now.. but more smoke and more oil... getting on my nervs then it starts raining... bugger....
I gave up for a bit... but notice out of curiosity I got the wrong spark plug... this week I changed it... but hell if it was doing the same thing... with a little more enthusiasm (or pissed off at the damned thing) I kept at it till it spewed less oil and starts a little longer... during my little escapade with the mower this afternoon the neighbour putting her clothes out on the line and all... shaking her head at me... closes her windows.. (musta been hot in her apt lol) so I decide to leave it till later in the evening...
later in the evening comes her clothes are gone but her windows are open... being the nice guy that I am ... moved the mower close to the windows and started it up... hiroshima goes in her window.. oops.... people walking in front of the house are holding their noses as they walk past... and others just laugh as they walk by.. but regardless of all this I keep at it... managed to get the damned stupid mower to finally work... and with the occasional cloud of smoke it's now running and I may be able to cut my grass... but if it isn't one thing after another... I"m out of fukn gas so I gotta now get some before I finally figure out if the stupid mower will work afterall...
I did however enjoy the reactions of the silly people going along... cept for one of the school kids came to investigate while I was using the good mower last week to do my lawn before I get the clunker of a machine.... the kid (who for some stupid reason didn't listen to his parents about not talking to strangers) stops in the yard on his way home (or to the crack house or something) says to me.... must be hard to cut the grass ... to which I reply to the stupid kid interupting my venting as the mower keeps dieing from the 2 foot blades of grass..... it's not hard at all kid... the mower does all the work... spose the kid didn't understand at all because he decided to sit there like most typical cape bretoners (no offence to some of them) to sit there and watch a person work... little bastard get your ass home or to that fukn crack house or something.. get off my lawn or I'll shove the shitty mower up your ass....
other people children.... sheesh
my little brother is an international star lol..... played the louisburg playhouse last night... did an amazing job... he's really become quite talented.... and of the visiters in the area... there were people from georgia I believe... others from great britain (UK) and others from accross canada... pretty impressive if you ask me... but anyway I must find a way to fix the stupid lawnmower... it starts up but it shuts itself down puttering... believe I have too much oil in it... hopefully it will all be burned down soon.... anyone want to donate one to me??
perhaps I should have given more notice.... my little brother is in a show tonight at the louisbourg playhouse... with that in mind ... I have to get ready for it... starts at 8pm... if you read this in time.. come see lol....
planning a trip is becoming harder over the years... but only as a result of becoming semi responsable... I'm trying to plan with the g/f reasonable spots to go that wont cause a gaping hole in our pockets... the places to go are the easy part... but the prices of the places to go are becoming unreasonable... looked into plane tickets... ouch... even the train is unbelievable... they want $1100 one way to go accross the country... that's rediculous.... course I seen a railcard special.. 900 bux and I believe you can stop anywhere then get back on.... so if this is the case... why the hell do they want so much for a one way ticket... I think they messed up their info.... anyway perhaps I'll go through a travel agent... maybe even look into the possability of a cruise... oooooOOOOoooo a cruise.... but would have to get a plane somewhere to get on the boat lol... oh well perhaps I'll just stay here and party .... by the way going to have a bbq in a couple weeks... maybe I'll invite some people and more than lisa and corEy will show up lol....
EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWW ... well that's what some people would say... I brought in a lunch last week... and forgot about it... well the fridges are supposed to be cleaned out every friday.... it's been nearly a week since I forgot... I went to the fridge to put my lunch in there for today.... low and behold there is my old lunch... still in there.. hhmmm so I decided to take the dish home... I dumped the contents into the trash and washed out the dish... I may feel sorry for anyone that goes into the lunch room later today.. or tonight..... my lunch was a big hunk of fish... bones and all... yummy food but it has a potent smell on ocasion... I just hope it doesn't reek too much when I go to get my lunch later lol
how do you know it's too early to teach your kids about the birds and the beez.... perhaps it's never too early... but I think there is .... espeshuly when it involves getting your own rocks off teaching them.... now I know what your thinking... and no it wasn't me... I have nearly no involvement in this... other than that I happen to own the stupid things that are involved.... now.... I was minding my own business getting a drink.. in my own home.... when I climbed up the stairs to go into my computer room... yes I have a computer room.... what self proclaimed nerd doesn't.... anyway in the hallway in plain sight of everything ...... the momma sitting there with ass raised in the air... and the kid licking away at the backside and using paw as well.... that's right the damned stupid cat was teaching the kitten to paw and lick at it's fukn ass and I dont mean cleaning either... it was in full cat glory ... I dont know if any of you have ever seen a cat in heat.. but it's not a pretty sight... they have no shame and dont care where they do their business... now the kitten is just barely a couple months old... it's just about off the nipple.. but come on... isn't that a bit early to be teaching it to do the nasty... with the mother that made it?????? and people wonder why I hate cats
(best oriental accent) What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do???
this is what I heard from my guest this week... I tried to find out the issue... information about the hotel... explain issue to guest... every replay was ... can't connect .. What shall I do??? .... then repeated... I asked him to stop what he was doing... I would activate the room connection for him... he replies... What shall I do??? again I stressed... nothing sir... I'm going to purchase for you... What shall I do??? ... well ummm you can imagine how pissed I was getting that this point.... the hotel engineer is in the room with the guest... the guest passes the phone to him... he's just as stupid as the guest... the engineer... the guy asks me what he wants me to do... I spose the guest said to him I wanted to talk to him... anyway I inform the engineer what I was going to do... (after telling the guest 5 times) and what does he do.. passes the phone back to the damned guest... first thing out of his mouth...... What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do??? What shall I do???
and they wonder why people snap and go on killing spree.... I was at my end... was about to pull a United States postal freak out.... (or hang up on him) when I just said your not getting connected.. please try again later.... the guest kindly said What shall I do??? I said try again later .... What shall I do??? ... are you sure I said? he said what... I said... What shall I do??? and hung up.....
enjoy your day....
it's the end of the world.... I just read that is retiring.... he's not blogging there no more.... now I dont read much blogs but I did visit this one religiously (well until recently) but I can see why he is giving it a rest... I myself have been plagued with the same things (except of course the rediculous comments section) ... though I dont have as interesting stories and dont know exactly how many people actually visit this lame little excuse for rambling on... but it seems to me that I must email the fella and have him give me his secret new spot... because although I dont check out the blogging scene much.. I do enjoy his banter... it is occasionally funny and informative at the same time... I can only hope that people enjoy my boring drivel from time to time... (if only people would let me know lol) oh well perhaps if I ever get back to my story writing people will actually come back again...
well we are going to try something new... the community blog (which I haven't spoken about in ages) is going to be soon .... deleted... that is of course if people aren't using it... I noticed yesterday that there were two posts that I wasn't aware of... anyway I've made the current users... admin users.. yes that means they have run of the show over there... and they can invite anyone they wish... perhaps we'll have an interesting debate or some sort of debacle lol.... I just hope they dont wreck the layout... because I'm not fixing it :P ....
on another note... my job.... of course... I'm sick of the moronic people that call in... I ask for a phone number and they insist on telling me the name of the hotel before they happen to look at the phone ... for the number I'm asking for.... I didn't ask for the name I need the digits.... the other thing that pisses me off lately is that people call in... they have to be at a meeting or on a plane or train or whatever the hell they need to be doing in 10 minutes.. yet they need to get on the internet first it's very important that they pay 10 bux to send out that last minute email to their lover or client or boss.... that they are on their way... and then they get upset because they have to do 20 minutes worth of troubleshooting before they can get online... we dont snap our fingers and magicly make your shitty computer work people.... if we had that kind of power we would give it to you so you wouldn't call us.... but that's enough ranting for now....
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Creater: Joe Earhart