Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
I have a car again.... at least for the night anyway.... I can't wait to joyride home... kinda like I did around the parkin lot... I'm sure that if anyone saw me driving around the parkin lot they were going oh my god my car..... he's gonna hit it... maybe on my way home I'll even pass a few people... (they are a bit difficult to find at 2am) but most importantly I'll be doing the BK's run on the way home..... mmmmmmmmmm whopper..... today has been full of nice things.... I've shared the pictures with everyone that wanted them (I think)... and I've also got the car running... and when I get home the elements will be changed... even if I have to replace the whole fukin heater lol..... a side note... last night I got dragged into what will be classified in my book as girl talk..... I am a good friend but why am I that good of a friend??????
oh right because I'm a genuinely nice guy.... this has been a private joke with a good friend of mine for a very long time.... I have to start using it more frequently .... this might shed my asshole image lol.... not likely... because I'm not really one.... though I am trying... anyway a few more stupid stories from work..... customer goes on about his silliness and after realizing his questions were stupid he tells me that he just had a $35 fool lesson.... (I got him to quit the application and open it again) another customer tells me that the steps I gave him were like a breeze in the Carribean.... I answered back without the hurricane.... my favourite was.... are you a mac genious working for Microcrap....
so I've decided to start answering the phone with an appropriate greeting... thank you for calling microcrap moron support my name is Joe.... I'll answer your stupid question if you promise not to annoy me.... I dont think this will work out to well though
I am counting down the days...... my announcement of quitting stream (for real this time and I mean it lol) is coming soon.... the countdown is put forth with horrible call after horrible call.... I've had enough and am quite certain that one of these days some customer is gonna drive me over the edge and I'm just gonna take off my headset.... put my coat on ... throw my badge on the desk and walk out without saying goodbye .... the only satisfaction I'll get out of this will be the thoughts of the customer saying "hello? hello? are you there? hello? where did yew go? I can't get my email still... please help me? helloooo?"... my goodbye email is already a few posts back so I dont need to do anything with it.... it has all I want to say in it.... the sad part is I will leave behind a lot of new friends when I dissapear.... I'm really sad about this because I really do have a lot of good friends around and I wont be able to hang out with them anymore after I finally retire my headset.... well until I visit.. but honestly that wont be anytime soon... perhaps someday things will change and I might concider coming back ... but I need the right reason.... I can only think of three things that would make me come back to the cape though.... but of course I will not discuss any of them here..... I'm just waiting for the moment when the powers that be come over to my desk with security in tow to ask me to leave.... my work ethics for stream are non existant right now.... I barely keep notes... and am not really pleasant with most of my customers.... it's only a matter of time...

well it's been a while since I've had a drunken blog and well for those of yew that read the story already will see that this one has been altered... I had to remove some inappropriate things and well had to add some important events that I had of course forgotten until reminded the following day.... so here goes:
I smell like candy floss (cotton candy)... one of the girls always wears this fragrance.... and if you go near her it is absorbed into everything lol...... yes I went to a benefit dance for someone that I don't know really well but it was for a good cause and a co-worker and since I was asked to go.... I had to...

ok so Im' an ass.... apparently I knocked some poor blonde girl over on the dance floor that nobody seems to know who she was.... and I either didn't know about it.... or laughed at her.... depending on who ya ask.... I unfortuneatly dont remember this.... I am quite certain that I helped her up... but again depending on who ya ask... I may not have.....
I also forgot to mention that I had been engrossed in my own reality and didn't realize that a speach was going on at the time.... when I heard what I had thought was a boring anouncer talking I shouted out shut up and was immediately informed that I had screwed up..... I must appologize to the individual because I was absolutely rude at an inapropriate time.... the gentleman was thanking everyone for coming to the benefit.
... and I had absolutely no idea what was going on..... anyway I will take care of that as soon as I see him....
before going to the benefit we gathered at tasha's place for drinks and such.... tasha has a small rocker chair and let me tell you it's pretty comfortable.... (I'm glad I didn't break it lol) they took a picture for prosterity.... as you can see it was pretty funny.... kendal and her sister said that I had to get up and dance... it just wouldn't be a nite if I didn't (of course) but if only the dj would play some half decent music.... well I spose they can only do so much... anyway I got plenty of pictures and the night was quite fun...
on the ride home kendal was dropping us all home .... but since we were a bit over capasity .. tasha decided to lay accross everyone in the back seat... thankfully I didn't get her feet.... ummm never mind lol (sh
all I mention kendall driving like me..... except she was riding the dood in front of us's bumper ... I would never do such a thing) but it was a great night
there were a couple of side stories from the day after.... I am quite hung over and spent a bunch of it near the procalain god.... I did after all consumed at least 10 beverages and one that fell to the floor as I made my way accross to the table at the benefit.... well since I smelled like cotton candy and was sick my buddy gina messages me and says 'sooo you feel green and smell like the circus' she of course means that I'm super sick and smell like cotton candy....
also in the process of me sending pictures to various people tasha mentions to me:
(L) Tasha(L) uploading pix HAHAHA says:
im saskwatch!
LeeEeeMuR - watching 24 (6) says:
hahahahh she's tiny remember lol
(L) Tasha(L) uploading pix HAHAHA says:
i look like i eat people
I spose in a way she did.... she was towering over kendal in the pictures and the picture of her humping kendal didn't help... but it certainly was funny lol... yew can see more pictures of the night at her piczo page.. a link is in the menu at the top of the page in the blog section
well it has been a long ass day but of course I made the best of it.... I helped a friend of mine move... and got to drive a big honkin ass truck too... it was lots' of fun ..... I'm stuck in the bay at the moment because my car wont start... but I get to drive the huge ass truck instead... lot's of fun.... I drive the thing back to the bay and get it stuck in the driveway .. as yew can see in the picture of the huge rut that I placed in the ground.... it is impressive... but managed to back into the proper spot and we proceed to move the furniture and stuff onto it... the thing is huge... anyway I try to back into where I'm sposed to be but it's just toooooo big... and I take out a tree.... meanwhile people are scurrying about to move cars ... screaming from windows to turn
the other way... and I cannot hear or see a damned thing as I take out the tree because I'm watching in my mirror's as two people are in the house window watching me.. and some dick is down the road with his lights flashing in my windows... next thing the guy I'm helping move comes out saying yewr taking out the tree... ooops... ok so I move forward and the guy moves his car... I back in and everything is ok again....
a side note of the trip takingn the truck back to the rentals..... the parkin lot has a spew of mess on it because I drank to much lol
oh my god........ it is rant and rave time..... I had an absolutely disgusting day at work....... I've had the most stupid people I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to in one day...... and to top it all off.... morons at work pestering me about my ability to do my job.... you know who you are... but probably dont read this... and if you do... fuck off... while I'm on a call... I am working.... and if I'm pacing it means I'm either pissed off or severely annoyed... this means DO NOT COME NEAR ME.... and most especially DO NOT ASK ME MORONIC QUESTIONS ABOUT OTHER THINGS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I'M DOING RIGHT NOW!!!!!! this job is hard enough for me to do on a daily basis without having some self righteous bitch trying to tell me how to do it .... on top of that ... telling me how to do it wrong..... I know what I'm doing and if I dont.... I will put the customer on hold and ask someone else..... not yew..... you have your job somewhere else in the building.... go fukn do it.... there is a time and place to bring up shit.... when I'm on a call is not one of them.....
I've never wanted to rip someone's head off as much as I did today but since I have some strange ability to control my emotions...... I managed to get through this hell day and be one step closer to putting all this behind me......
anyway I must put the bitterness aside.... I have a few things of some small laughability.... the first I will mention was a call that one of my co-workers took... it was a man that had received an email from his dead mother.... dated 35 years in the future.... talk about creepy lol... the funny part was that the lady kinda snickered on the phone and the man became upset .. it was no laughing matter after all....
one of my customers was a bit surprised when I had requested her to wash the installation disk .... even more so she wondered what would happen if she put a wet disk in the drive... umm yeah.... anyway to further bewilder me she proceeded to ask if she should put the disk back in with the label facing her? .... well no lady it didn't work that way last time... lets try putting it in backwards....
so another co-worker had been sitting minding her business when the subject of crack had come up... I mentioned something of butt crack.... she retorted with no I have enough butt crack to go around.....

a night I was to be celebrating with my buddy CorEy for his birthday found me going to the bar with a bunch of girls and I didn't stop laughing the whole night .... I went over to Lee and Jen's place to shoot the shit before goin to the bar.... after trading stories we all head over to Hermans where low and behold we run into Tasha, Angel and Katie..... well the pic fest began..... picture after picture was taken... many different poses and various people licking various parts of other people... quite entertaining.... then the girls started taking pictures of boobs... anyway needless to say it was fun and then we all headed home.... we stopped at BK's of course and while we waited in the drive through two girls hopped out and ran to timmies for the pee parade.... I think the car in front of us was jealous cause the guys hung out of the windows watching the girls get in the car lol... anyway here is a small sample of the pictures that were taken.. I can't post half of them because I will be hunted down and killed if they ever get seen by people lol (yes I have some bad ones of yew tasha hahaha) 

day two found us all lounging around the T.V. we watched movies and ate a munchie platter.... the platter was not very good except the nachos...... mmmmmmmmmmm jalapenos ... I think the cheese gave everyone gas.... well it gave me it I know that.... so we watched a really bad movie... legend of lucy somethingorother...... it was a really crappy movie..... but it was funny how roomie was cringing under a blanket because the ghost was supposedly scary.... me and kim got a good chuckle at her expense....
before the movie we were all around chatting... the subject came up how I live in the pier.... bowers asked me if I did.. I said yes... she then proceeded to ask me if I knew......... immediately I said no before she could get soandso's name out.... she stood there for a good 3 minutes looking at kim and roomie as if to say is he for real?? roomie just laughed.... she finished the soandso's name or rather repeated her question... I let her finish this time and still said no lol...... apparently it's strange that I live in my own house and dont know any of my neighbours... sorry.. I like it that way....
after the movies me and roomie went for another excursion accross town... again we took the scenic route.. but not as drastic as the day before.... it was fun.... then came the sobey's trip.... I was looking around for cheesecake (which I somehow amazingly still haven't eaten) and roomie was going through her list... I came up to her cart with a box of strawberries.... she pointed to the one she already had.... funny that we think alike in some things....
there wasn't much else of interest that happened that I can recall other than my ability to drive.... I raced along as best I could mostly at 120..... it was kinda interesting as me and some hot girl passed each other.... sadly I had to get gas so I could not continue with the chase... though I would have won.... but boy did she like to drive fast lol..... the entire trip was aprox 3 1/2 hours from hali to sydney... not bad if I do say so myself.... I even took the scenic route from port hawkesbury to st peters.... so I could have shaved off at least 20 minutes I'm sure.... the only cop I saw along the way happened to be parked in the dealership behind big bens convenience... luckily I had slowed down by that point....
anyway the next trip will be in two weeks for the snoop dogg concert in new brunswick.... this I cannot wait for... ice cube and belly are scheduled to be appearing with him... the concert should be a blast
I'm extremely tired... sore... and oddly enough.. relaxed.... and I owe this to my good friend(s) in halifax.... the weekend started off with rushing around town to get some last minute things worked out so I could take off for the weekend... after doing this I realize that I could go back any weekend I want... the only thing I'll change is that I'm not sleeping on the floor anymore.... (sadly I can't help if I pass out)

the rushing around town was to get a gift for roomie.... I needed to get some tshirt transfers for the creation I made .... a shirt that says: Support Cannibalism EAT ME!.... now the saying itself cracked everyone up (I got it online somewhere) but I put that on a Tshirt .... very decent... also picked up alcahol.... (for some stupid reason I forget that halifax is not like cape breton.. the city still lives after 10pm) and I get a pizza..... no a whole pizza.... it was requested... apparently Halifax does not have good pizza and I was informed I did not have a place to stay if I didn't bring one....
so the trip began with a long drive in the awesome car that I have grown to really love... it motors really good... and I bet a few people get upset when the kcar zooms by them... I made really good time.. but nothing interesting happened along the way... I got into town and drove by the house.. nobody was home.... I decided to do some shopping....
I haven't done any shopping in a very long time.... I dont like doing it.... when I say shopping I mean browsing through malls .. checking out stores.. not looking for something specific... just killing time and if I see something I like .. I get it.. well I went to walm
art.... got a nice pair of shoes.... I then went to a previously mentioned cleavage store... I mean cleaves.... I was told that I would like this store..... it had some really nice.... "pricey" stuff in it.... but they did have some decent hats that I picked up..... I went into an electronics store... (I'd be ashamed of myself if I didn't at least check one out) they had some really nice things but of course I need to save some money for getting home... I decide not to buy anything else here.....
I swing back to the house... still nobody home... I go get something to eat then swing buy roomies work.. it's almost quittin time so I figure I'll give her a ride home.... the adventure nearly starts but first we need to get home wash up and stuff.... the plan is to go over to kim and bowers place for drinks and laughter.... shouldn't be difficult....
we start the drive.... I have no idea where I'm going and roomie knows where we are going but our communication is not together.... we drive the tour of halifax/dartmouth .... yes the scenic route.... I'm not complaining.. this is just part of the story... the only thing that sucks about it ... is that I dont really remember where we went lol... we did manage to get a very nice view of downtown Halifax/Dartmouth including the bridges.... I just wish the camera could take pictures of the dark with all the lights.. it was very beautiful...
we get to Kim and Bowers place and after all the hugging and introductions are made we begin to drink.... pictures are taken and other things happen.... I begin to black out.... (this is probably the reason I haven't drank much in 4 months) the only thing that saves me .... or perhaps creates even more fun ... is that I now carry a pen and paper with me..... apparently when I pulled out the pen and paper to write down some things that had happened roomie had burst out laughing.... but she knew this was because I usually get her to remember stuff for me....

the first thing that will get mentioned is the taxi drive... Frank the driver is a really kewl guy.... he made small talk with us... let us (except me.. I threw mine away) bring drinks into the van.... and he made an amazing slam dunk to put the toll fee in the meter as we drove by the gates to the bridge... (I hope I dont have to explain this) something that intrigues me is that on my paper next to Frank the taxi driver is written: I've had to much to drink.... I dont have pants... but I love you Frank...... I know this is not something to do with me but I have no idea what the pants thing is in reference to.... the girls were screaming I love you Frank as we got out of the van.... I had to clean up two of the beer cans because they didn't want to take them ... Frank thanked me....
we had decided to go to a bar called Cheers.... I'll first say wow... I really liked this place.... it was connected to three different bars.... personally I liked the middle one the best... it had better music.... the bar we stayed in gave us a booth so this is where we managed to settle.... the band was pretty good though... (I believe it was called tenmile house... though I could be mistaken... it's written on my paper lol) before I get into the bar a few interesting things happened... some random girl walked up and asked if she could stand in line with us... she was on a mission to get laid tonight (I sadly dont remember this part.. it was discussed the next day) the bouncer at the door told Leon to stand up straight... he was leaning against the building as we waited to get in.... spose the bouncer might have thought he was too drunk .... we pile into the building and the next bouncer is patting us down... I've never been searched to get into a bar before lol.... the bouncer was not impressed with me... I had a camera.. mp3 player.. cassete device hooked to that.. wires for my camera and mp3 player as well as gloves.. hat and
a pile of change in my pocket... he asked me to show him most of it..... then asked me to remove my hat.... your not allowed in the bar with a hat on.... I'm glad I had just shaved the day before.. I might have looked a bit silly without my hat on...
the rest of the night is a blurr to me.. I recall walking around the bar exploring it on my own... I recall wipping out the pen and paper to jot some things down and some girl named Tiffany took it upon herself to write down her number and said: YOu better call me!!..... I recall going to the Apple Barrel for food after the bar and I recall laying on the couch at Kim and Bowers place... I recall waking up to ladies noises.... I could only think of getting some water.... blah....
filling in the blanks the next day..... I took out the paper and started looking through the various things that made no sence to me... the pen and paper thing may not be the answer I'm looking for to refresh my horrible memmory the following day... now I'm not blaming alcahol... I'm blaming my inability to remember anything that I dont concentrate on.... or selective memmory perhaps... anyway among my pen scratch is a bunch of other peoples writing... the first is: u aint never gonna get us drunk enough..... second: NO ASS BOWERS Good Luck!!!
nice people I call friends lol....
third: Joe met the height requirement for the Apple Barrel ...... sheesh
fourth: Joe loves Koely cus she's awesome ... this being in the same writing as the third one... .I spose it's a good thing that we are such good friends ... especially when I read it off the next day in confusion... roomie bust out in laughter
so this is when I found out that I probably shouldn't be bringing a pen and paper with me to the bar.... especially when drunk... cause I really dont have any idea when the paper was written on or how it got out of my pocket then into my pants pocket... but also I have no idea how the pictures were taken either because I dont remember taking
them lol...
another thing that was written down was a bathroom incident... when I first got to the bar I made the usual pit stop... after I was finished doin business I had gone to wash my hands... some girls had walked into the toilet.... apparently it's not uncommon .... more had walked in later in the night when I visited again... but the reason I mention this is because the first time the girls walked in... the two took a look around and said oh my... I'm not goin in here .. it looks weird.... I spose the two had never seen a urinal before and weren't sure if they could sit on it with a bunch of guys around lol... roomie tels me that some guy was in the ladies toilet and they exhanged looks.... he walked out... roomie shouted behind him.. dirty bastard yew could have washed yewr hands!!!!
another thing that was written on the paper was: gimme sumthin that doesn't leak... I had no idea what this was for.. but apparently Kim was brought a tea pot that was leaking all over the place.... I spose it was funny at the time... and Bowers nearly killed someone because her pancakes didn't get delivered...
I know I had a good time ... but I missed out on some things... which I plan to get corrected the next time I go....
I'm still trying to catch up to my stories of things that have been goin on but I think I am there now.... I must go back to new years eve.... normally this is an exciting night for me but this year I was not expecting to have a good time at all... except for lounging around with mom watchin movies... first thing I will mention is that it was absolutely frreeezing cold outside..... I was expecting to have checkstops around the town but there weren't any.... for those that dont know what a checkstop is.... it's a police blockade making sure everyone that passes through is legal and not drinking... because of this I decided to change the tail light bulbs on the car... one was burned out.... sadly I couldn't figure it out and because of the cold I gave up.... (I managed to change the next day successfully)
since I hadn't planned anything I kinda winged it... my friend Gina convinced me to go to the Radio Club... I hate this place for many reasons but mostly because I'm always bored when I go there.... except that it's the only bar I was ever involved in a scuffle because of someone else..... (I'll not get into this) now normally I wouldn't make fun of the mentally challenged but you dont normally see them out at a bar either.... especially on New Years eve.... well as we waited for the challenged to do his pattented hand stuck up his ass we tried to ignore him... for me this is a task.... we socialized with some friends for a bit and then I took her home and rushed up to mom's for our annual cheeze tradition.... I missed this tradition last year.... perhaps it could mean something.... anyway the tradition goes you must eat cheeze as the new year begins for luck.... depending on how this year goes I bet I never miss this tradition ever again.....
after I rang in the new year with mom and my brother I headed off to hermans where more of my friends were partying... again it was absolutely freezing outside but thankfully the lineup wasn't too bad... among the waiting was a man with a dog.... the man was of course blind.... which was kinda cool in a way .. the guy was being hit on by the lady that takes the money ... it was interesting .... she even gave him a kiss and she wasn't even gonna take his money....
speaking of money it cost $12 to get in the place... a rip off if you ask me.... anyway I took a walk around the bar and finally found the girls... one of them started to thank me for taking care of them last week... a slight drink n spew event had occurred which I shouldn't mention but it was funny to all involved so I dont think it would be a problem now.... the girls were sitting at a table the week before when I came back from the bar.... one of them was doubled over... one was rubbing her back.... the one rubbing the back had asked me to get some water for one doubled over... I didn't make it back in time.... she had lost the contents of her stomach.... all of a sudden she leaned back and said... OOoooohhhhhh I feel better now...... we all laughed but it was time for her to go home... anyway this night was filled with saying hellos and Happy New Years to people in the bar... the band was half decent for once.... and yes I can say I recall because I was sober for the first time since I turned 19....
after I left hermans I made my usual stop at Slobway..... it was very strange.... I had an uneventful subway trip for the first time.... in months... absolutely no strange people or happenings... it felt weird... so I made my way home and lounged around for a bit when I heard something out front.... someone was on my step... small and blonde... she was crying.... it was very cold outside still... I opened the door and asked if she was ok..... she said she was waiting for a ride... I asked if she was sure they were coming... then she asked if she could wait in my porch.... I would have let her wait wherever she wanted lol but she settled with the porch.. I left the door open to let some heat out... it's cold even in the porch.... her ride eventually came and she comes in thanking me profusely and then said... if I win the lottery I'll remember you..... all I could think of is the lucky person that is living here at the time she wins the lottery ... I doubt it will be me
it's been a tough couple of weeks for me in some ways... being back at stream is draining the life out of me.... I'm tired of the same stupid questions over and over and since it's been busy it's been worse... the next two weeks are gonna be very tight... as well... having a car isn't all it's cracked up to be as I knew it wasn't gonna.... between spending for gas and other unexpected expenses I think that I am gonna be swamped with extra bills that I just dont need right now... anyway enough depressing shit... it's time for funny stories....
as you know I have a car now.... it's an expensive luxury automobile... and yes I love my car.... it is very good on gas.. it is very reliable... and it even has giddy up n go.... now when I say giddy up n go I mean that I can beat nearly anything off the line.... or was that just my driving skills.... I'm probably to hard on the little car but only time will tell... since I got it home I've had 3 major things happen to it.... some idiot stole the $20 stereo out of it..... some idiot scratched the paint.... and I believe someone has even put something in my gas tank... I'm not impressed.... I think the guy next door has something to do with it and if I prove it .. I'm gonna press charges.... first question.... who the hell scratches the paint of a fukn Kcar...... even more... steals from one.... people it's a 20 year old vehicle.... only a person who is broke would own one.... why would you steal from that poor fuker..... perhaps you think it's funny to fuk with a down on his luck fella.... screw yew too
today I had my nickname for messenger set to: anyone want to let me use their shower???????
this was only meant to be a joke... my water heater is acting up since I got back in town so I've had to boil water to get a bath until it's fixed.... anyway other funny people messaged me to either poke fun or join in my misery.... here is what some of them put:
can I take pictures and post them on the internet? I replied with only if your going to be in the shower with me..... yes amusing I know.... she declined because her b/f might get jealous
you can use it if you clean the kitchen.... sounds like a good deal to me..... but she added: if you do both at once I'll cook you dinner..... I replied with: sold lol
probably the funniest was gay paul: (I wonder if he gets upset when I reffer to him as that)
can anyone join you? .... I replied with a cute female can join me... he replied with screw that find someone else..... lmao I almost laughed in my customers ear
speaking of customers... I've not had a chance to share any stories from work as of late because of the vacation story.. I wanted to complete that first.... not that I've really had any wonderful stories to tell because I've grown to hate the place... but anyway I've become a less than desirable person to talk to on the phone and most of my customers can tell.... well one of these unfortunate people went through the support I fixed his issue in 2 minutes or less and he tried to make some small talk.... (I dont small talk at work ... not even if there is a step that takes 10 minutes) I didn't really engage him in it but he turned around and said so...... that makes this a $35 conversation.... I answered with sorta... I guess he was a bit upset that he paid money for his stupid question that I answered in less than a minute and was expecting at least a conversation.... sorry I dont support that
it's been busy around here .... holiday season and all... but I'm back to finish the story... before I get to that I want to wish everyone a happy new year... I'm so happy that the year 2006 is over.... it started off very well... and ended off alright but I'm by far not happy by any means.... I have a lot of great things going on in my life at the moment and I'm not gonna complain .. but I'm not where I thought I would be and that bothers me...... I shall rectify this in the coming year.. it's going to be a wild ride because I'll be starting a lot of new things that I've never done before and leaving behind the comfortable life I've grown used to..... it shall take some getting used to ... but after my 2 week trip .... I wont have any trouble fitting in.....
after the ski hill w
as conquered it was time to move on.... we dragged our sore broken bodies off the ski hill and proceeded to drive away to my aunts place... the real reason for the trip ... it's been a long time since I was around Dorothy... she used to babysit us at one time.... a story comes to mind from back then... she was visiting us and during her visit we had another house visitor.... it wasn't uncommon in the area to have creatures that fly ... enter houses.... at night... well I'm a sound sleeper but the noise of a few ladies screaming "aaaaaahhhhhhhhggggggggg" "it's coming for me" will wake the dead... well the night visitor was a bat... a tiny one.... and the ladies were scared it would get stuck in their hair... well my dad came to the rescue.... with tennis rackets lol.... the bat was swatted out of the air and carted outside where it belonged and everything was returned to normal... anyway I learned a few things about my aunt while visiting her.... she has a wonderful daughter that I never met before... and she likes drum and bass music.... (form of techno) I pictured her a rocker lol.... and she has a very nice place in the middle of nowhere.... or a new term my dad said to me (reffering to where he lives) 'buttfuck nowhere' personally I'd like to live where she is... she lives on a mountain... surrounded by trees.... if we had more time I would have enjoyed a walk through the area.... I love hiking through mountains.... 
while we were in the area there is a small resort for hot springs.... my father just couldn't resist visiting it... hot springs was also on my list of things to do while I was on my vacation.... it had been a long time since I had been to them and there are many in the area.... for those that are unfamilliar with hot springs.... underground water is heated by lava streams (or rather being close to them) then brought to the surface... the water is incredibly warm and are an incredible source of relaxation... even in the winter time.... they are outdoors.... now picture snow on the ground... it is perhaps -2 celcius and your outside swimming.... the water is naturally heated underground then comes out of the mountain into the man made pool...
in order to reach the hot s
prings we had to take a ferry ride and drive along some twisty windy roads... yes this is mountain area afterall ..... the ferry ride was nice and I got some decent pictures from the boat.... it was very cold outside though with the wind blowing along so I just couldn't stay outside to enjoy the ride..... now like I mentioned there are many hot springs around but this perticular hot springs resort had a cave you could enter ... it was like a super sauna... and because of this they recommend you do not spend any longer than 15 minutes inside.... there is a strong possibility you would pass out if you stay any longer inside.... especially if your close to where the water comes out of the ground... in any event it was super relaxing and I can't wait to go to them again... there is one part of the resort that has a small tub that is I spose I'll reffer to it as room temperature... in other words whatever the temp outside.. the water is that temp.... lets just call it super freezing... I could not get more than my foot in the water.... and even after I did that I got imediatly in the hot springs again..... and I'm not one for extremely hot water lol....
after the relaxation we had to make our way back home.... it was a long drive so we started off.... along the way we came accross a few things that I should mention.... one is a sign that I saw that reminded me of home.... or more specific ... my friend gay paul..... the sign was for a store called 'Paul's Superette' perhaps I'm the only one that finds this funny..... the other is a town that is called Yahk...... this by itself isn't really noteworthy but my dad mentioned that I could tell everyone that I had been to Yahk and back...... yes my father is an interesting character... perhaps yew know where I get it from now
when we did get back we stopped by the local bar.... it turns out a few of the guys were in the bar already.... so we joined in the celebration... I"m not sure what was being celebrated but it was a good time... this is where I met darby (the girl in the photo with me from a few posts prior).... wow is all I can say....... we had a pool tournament to which I lost my first game but I did not lose any more after that.... there was more to this story but I cannot get into it past this.... and dont ask me either.. I'm not about to explain it lol.. but I will say that this night was nearly the cause of my non return to Cape Breton.... or at least my being late a day and having to take family emergency time off for the first time since I have been employed with Stream
so this was my big trip.... the only thing left is the ride home.... I was to drive the entire 5000km home all by myself.... it is a very long gruelling drive I must admit... there were a few things along the way that I will explain... the first is the plains are very boring and flat.... wind is another factor and when accompanied with snow it makes visibility very limited... picture driving along at 110km with very little visibility other than the tail lights of the vehicle ahead of you.... sadly most of the vehicles were going 80 or below ... thankfully there was a second lane .. and I'm a very couragious and confident driver or I probably would have had to use 5 days to drive instead of 4..... and I spose I should mention that my awesome car has better tires on it than the stupid rental car.... in any event I made extremely good time along the way... I had come accross a few vehicles in the ditch crashed or otherwise.... one was a tanker truck it was flipped upside down.. the cab was crushed.. the trailer was on it's side... I came accross two tow trucks.... one of them was blocking off two lanes of traffic... it appeared he had done a U turn on the wrong side of the road... the stupid bastard nearly hit me..... the second was unexpected... he came out of nowhere.... turned on his lights at the last second..... it scared the crap out of me..... but again I'm a very good driver and managed to escape the drivers stupidity....
my first stop was in Kenora, Ontario (other than gas)... yes I went through 3 provinces in one day.... the hotel I stopped in had a krapioke nite goin on... sadly I was too exhausted to go in for a beer... besides I was on a schedule and needed to be on the road as soon as possible...... I did take a moment to check out the cute girl singin though.... I dont think I will ever stay in that hotel again though... it was very cold.... even colder than my house....
my second day was spent driving through northern Ontario... the roads are very twisty turny and with the blowing snow it was not very nice... before I get to the snowy conditions I did have a very scary event happen to me....... I had been driving along with I'll call it driving partners... these driving partners I will call them people going generally faster than the posted speed limit.... I would let them pass me and then motor along with them.... this way if anyone was getting a ticket it wouldn't just be me..... it worked out to my advantage for the most part... I got to go along quicker and it was interesting.... except for one very scary moment..... I was following a transport truck which was going at times slower than the posted speed limit..... this is very frustrating if your trying to make good time..... well since the roads are twisty windy it is very difficult to get a passing section ... but thankfully there are spots where the road is uphill and they give a passing lane.... well the posted limit is 90 and I'm passing the truck.... I notice my speed is in excess of 120kmph..... oops..... in the lane going the other way with a pile of traffic is a cop car... double oooooops...... I get in front of the truck and slow my ass down...... in front of me is a car doing between 70 and 80...... fuk...... I'm worse off than I was behind the truck.... but this isn't the scary part.... I'm checking my rearview mirror as I should be...... a car comes out of nowhere around the transport truck.... like a maniac I must mention.... the double lane passing zone is no longer available and there is oncoming traffic..... the car is riding my bumper but I can't do anything about it because the guy in front of me is super slow.... I take another look... it's the fukn cop car..... thankfully panic does not come over me..... I did mention I'm a very confident and competant driver..... next thing I know the maniac cop is passing me... I back off (like any good citizen) the cop is now between me and the slow moron ahead of us... then the thing I'm dreading since seeing the cop happens.... the lights start flashing... I'm on the verge of freaking out but I maintain some composure.... muttering under my breath.. oh fuk .. oh fuk.. oh fuk..... the slow guy pulls over.. the cop follows...... I keep going....... the transport behind me .. keeps going..... I can no longer see the flashing lights (thanks to the truck behind me) I check the mirrors every few seconds.... and begin to speed up to the posted limit...... thankfully I do not see the cop anymore....... I have escaped my near death experience... ok so not death but I was not looking forward to my first speeding ticket (or whatever else the cop might have had in store for me) I learned something in that moment and accompanied by the other several cop encounters I came accross along the way home..... as long as your in control you really dont have anything to worry about..... another such adventure was on the third day.... I'll come back to it in a minute......
as I was travelling along it was not very nice out... blowing snow but this time it was wet stuff... I was following a transport truck again.... it was the only thing saving me time.... I had run out of windshield wiper fluid... my vision was impaired but I could see the tail lights... I kept goin... if I had stopped to fill the fluid I would surly have lost my way and had to pull over..... the blowing snow was that bad.... I was not about to spend the night in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard..... I somehow managed to get through 180km without fluid to my second stop was in a place called Cochrane... I highly recomend everyone to stay clear of this place..... I was again exhausted at this point and had no alternative but to stop... I saw a sign a ways back for a hotel that had an indoor pool... I kinda needed some extra relaxation.. besides if I was gonna pay for a place to sleep I would have wanted to get my monies worth.... well the places ended up being $99 for a night.... I was not staying that long to warrant spending that much... I decided against it.. told the lady I couldn't afford it.... she made a call accross the street.. they wanted 79..... umm people I'm driving a kcar.... I thought about spending the night in the car in their parking lot..... this did not really go over well with my mind... I knew I still had at least 2 days of driving left.... I got in the car and drove back to the places I had past while going through town.... there were at least 2 other places..... the first one I stopped at was closed.... what kind of fukn hotel closes their doors unless they are not vacant... this place had one car in the lot.. it was by far vacant..... at this point I was pissed off and very tired.. I went accross the street to the other place and relented to pay the 59 plus tax for a few hours of sleep... needless to say it was not worth the price but I was thankfull for not sleeping in the car
so back on the road I got.... and motored on.... I really dont recall anything of interest except the scenery of northern Ontario... it is fabulous... there are many lakes along the way and the area is not flat by any means..... the other cop incident happened along the way.... but this one was not as exciting... the cop was travelling along and passed me and the guy ahead of me.... the guy behind me takes it upon himself to pass us all as well.... the cop was doing 100 kmph or so (the posted limit is 90) the guy behind me follows the cop along.... the cop does not do anything about it even though he is matching the speed of the cop.... I become very pissed about this because of the scare I had the day before of the cop tailgater..... but I motor on... the cop does a u turn close to a town (perhaps out of its jurisdiction) and I motor on.....
I did stop along the way unscheduled I must add at a place by a lake... it was a beautiful location.. the store was beside a lake on either side of the highway.... there was an island in the middle of the one side... the island had trees.. again it was very beautiful..... I wish I had taken a picture but I was not in any mood to do so... along my travels I had seen many signs for Slobway .... I had developed a craving for a sub.... and so I stopped.... the unfortunate guy that was working there had to deal with a cranky tired ..... me..... but he was a moron and deserved a cold shoulder from me.... the store is 4 things... a corner store (with gas station) a Tim Hortons and Slobway..... I just want a sub and then get back on the road.... the guy stands behind the counter.... notices me standing there.... acknowledges the other woman working there leaving the floor to the back somewhere..... he states .... "she left me" I ignore the comment... it's not like you need a degree to make a sandwich.... the guy finally decides to wait on me..... I give him my order and he begins.... I'm checking out the surroundings including the cute girl working the Tim Hortons section... the dufus making my sub starts the small talk... I'm in no mood... one word answers come out.... he says... "long day?" ... I reply .. "yes" he says "you travelling far"... I reply again with the yes ..... out of the blue the guy says "you want a coffee?" I hate coffee but this guy couldn't posibly know that.... I reply no... I just want the sub and get back on the road..... perhaps I was a bit rude.. but I was just not in the mood for conversation ... or to stop in the first place... the guy finally takes a hint and stops the small talk..... finishes the sub and rings up the order..... I'm paying with debit so we have to go to the other end of the store to do that.... he's doing the transaction when he asks again... "you want a coffee?" at this point I'm sick of the moron and notice the transaction was approved..... I said are we done? told him to put the paper in the trash walk away from him.. grab my sub and left.... perhaps I was a bit rude but I was in no mood at all for people... I just wanted to get home... and he wasn't helpfull at all .... I can laugh about it now.... I am a bit sorry about my behavior... but it's too late now.... if he has a blog I'm sure has posted about my interaction with him (such as I have done with some of my customers) I bet my version is better....
it was coming on night time and I was beginning to get a headache.. the lights of oncoming traffic along with the being tired was not a good combination.... I pulled over.... I had no idea where I was... the gas station had lots of light and lots of parking lot.... I ate the other uneaten portion of my sub and leaned back to relax for a bit.... I couldn't sleep.. my head was pounding... I decided to go into the station ... and am very glad I did... the station was being operated by 4 hot girls and one lucky fukn dude.... I got some asprin and a bottle of pop.... it was Mountain Dew... after poppin a pill and sippin on the dew.... I shut my eyes for a few moments and was ok to drive again.... I got on the road and found I was on the outskirts of Ottawa... which was good news to me.... it meant that I was still making good time.... but I was coming up on the dreaded drive through Montreal.... I was not looking forward to this at all....
sometimes I am my own worst enemy... and I proved it in Montreal..... first I will point out a well known fact.... people in Montreal and most of the rest of Quebec do not observe an official posted speed limit.... yes including the police... this suited me just fine because I wanted to get through Quebec as quickly as I possibly could... sadly I could not make it through the entire stretch without stopping for gas and oil.... one place I stopped at just before the madhouse of Montreal I was fortunate to have an english speaking attendant... I was not so fortunate after Montreal.... but luckily she didn't say anything that I really needed to understand... she quoted the price of gas and I paid with debit... and even said Merci to her.... it was almost like I actually spoke french lol.... but I'm getting ahead of myself.....
Montreal is the dreaded place to drive... if you are not paying attention to the signs you get lost and it is next to impossible to recover (unless your me) well getting off the main highway is not recomended because the way back on the highway is a navigation nightmare... there are no signs and if you stop for directions your less than likely to get a friendly response.... (well that is what I recall from past experiences) I had studied the way to go before getting to Montreal so I knew what I was supposed to do..... this did not prepare me for my first time driving through alone.... I was driving along and I was on the right roads as well.... but for some stupid reason I doubted myself and got off the highway.... oops... I took a tour of the slums of Montreal.... a place I have grown to hate... but I was lucky ... I made a circle and managed to get back on the highway going back the other way..... after this I realized that I had been going the right way in the first place and became pissed off that I was headed back the way I came... luckily there are two ways to get through Montreal.... so I kept on the second way.. sadly after I had come to the realization that the way I was going in the first place was the right way I again began to doubt my directions and got off the highway again.....
this sucked because I was going the right way again and I had gotten off.... as I had mentioned it is incredibly difficult to get back on the highway unless you know what your doing..... when I got off the highway I was in a posted 50 zone... I was doing 60.. with again a car on my bumper.... the car was a cop...... great just what I needed.... I pulled into a gas station... the cop sped up... unbelievable... the town of nutz and the cops are worse.... I think I'd feel at home driving around Montreal..... so I'm in a gas station and I decide to ask for directions... I'm fukn lost.... I again get lucky.... the girl running the place is very attractive and speaks some english.... she gives me directions and I turn around to leave when I remember that I can't remember shit..... I tell her and she writes the directions down.... at the bottom of the note she writes something that I will never forget...... Have a nice road !! .... the !! has been turned into a smily face.... 20 minutes later as I'm driving down the highway again I finally stop laughing ... have a nice road.... and I thought was funny..... so I get through Montreal and come accross Quebec city... I'm going over one of the bridges and oddly enough a cop has pulled over someone... I have to wonder how fast the car was going to get pulled over.... course my buddy George (after telling the story to him) mentioned to me that the guy could have been going super slow..... I have to agree with this as me and the other two cars going by the cop were doing 120 in a 100 zone lol....
my third stop was at a closed gas station somewhere near the New brunswick border.... I was getting close to the sleepy driving nods and knew I had to pull over... but there was nothing near me to stop so I pulled over there.... I had a sleeping bag and pillow along with me just in case.... thankfully ..... I hopped in the back after parking the car in the back and tried to sleep..... I was absolutely exhausted but when I closed my eyes I saw headlights... I couldn't sleep..... the reason.... the fukn mountain dew that I had purchased and drank a few hours earlier.... it turns out that it was one of the shock drinks with caffine in it.... the shit was keeping me awake.... I was a bit curious that I had been able to drive so far without stopping..... (I actually didn't realize the dew had caffine till the following day after reading the label) I finally passed out after a while... I have no idea how long I as out but I dont think it was more than 2 hours...... after my cat nap I got back on the road.... I made it past the New Brunswick border and as I began to look for a hotel to stop in I began to get the nods...... the nods is what I reffer to as sleepy driving.... someone that has been driving far to long and will fall assleep at the wheel if they dont pull over soon..... I pulled over in a truck stop.... hopped in the back and passed out.....
I woke up to wondering where the hell I was and what time it was... it was light outside... I gassed up as a thank you for being allowed to sleep in the parking lot... even though there were a few other trucks parked there that night (all of which were gone by the time I got up) I was close to home though.... I am sure I had passed Edmonston that night so I was gonna be home by the end of the day... there wasn't much excitement after this..... I was too tired to really keep track of any special events.... I will mention that I had stopped in gagetown to call off work.... if I hadn't called off I could have been in jeapardy of being fired.... I had a momentary notion to stop by my buddy georges place ... it turns out he was just getting back in town himself anyway.... the only other point of interest was the only remaining toll booth from the whole trip accross Canada... it's in Nova Scotia..... yes a place you have to pay a toll in order to be allowed to pass..... I was not impressed at all.... but one thing I am thankfull for is the new highway they have in New Brunswick... double lane highway all the way through rather than the single lane twisty windy thing that we travelled along when I was a kid...... (though the absence of the big huge potatoe man statue will be missed)
and that my friends is the end of my vacation story..... I was greeted in port hawkesbury with a storm.... it was so bad that the people ahead of me were driving at 20 - 40 kmps in a 90 zone.... it as not a good greeting at all ... especially since I could have safely gone through faster ..... they were driving in the middle of a two lane highway.... I was super pissed.... thankfuly some of the drivers pulled over and allowed the rest of us drivers through..... just like cape breton weather it was clear 10 minutes down the road.. as if there was no storm at all... anyone that has driven the St. Peters highway in Cape Breton knows the twisty windy road.... it is the most treacherous road I've travelled all the way along the 5000 km..... I was being tailed by an idiot on my bumper... so I pulled over and let the asshole go.... again it was night time and his headlights were giving me a headache..... the SUV was that much bigger that the headlights were above my trunk and were similar to high beams blaring into my rear view mirror.... needless to say the guy began to speed along the twisty windies.... luckily the guy behind him passed me too..... so the three of us began our high speed chase through the treacherous road to sydney.... I kept up as best as I could but I did not want to get a speeding ticket so I backed off.... it was very exhilerating to drive like that and I would have loved to keep going but since I am a capable driver I did not want to get killed that close to home... I had proved to myself that I was a very good driver while I had gone the distance accross Canada... I did not need to keep up with two morons in Cape Breton ..... though I could have even though I was driving a Kcar.... I was a much better driver than the two SUV drivers and I proved it by keeping up with them for as long as I did.... the only reason the two morons had gotten past me in the first place is because the size of their vehicles made it very difficult to see the road with the lights blaring on my eyes....
in any event it was a fantastic trip... I cannot wait to go back in April... so much that I will most likely go back sooner...... I just need to get some things taken care of while I'm on the island... half of which have already been taken care of..... I'm already ahead of schedule...
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Creater: Joe Earhart