Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

I spose I'll start where everything starts.... of course... at the beginning... why? because it would be foolish of me to start at the end.... although I bet I could pull it off.... so I started the adventure with a cab ride to pick up bobby and go to the dollar store to pick up parts for my costume.... the driver was a maniac..... he drove accross 4 lanes of traffice obstructing at least 4 cars all of which were trying to turn different ways.... I was laffing at his foolish old ass and he chuckles and says 'some drivers.. shit I wish they would learn how to drive' I just shook my head and mumbled umm yeah....
we get back to my place so I can gather m
y gear and head for the bus... bobby meets a cousin and the girl his cousin with sits down then kicks his cousin.... (he deserved it) but on top of that a while later she asks bobby if he was wearing braces.... she was very embarassed when she found out that the supposed braces were brown spots on his teeth..... and of course we exploited this for our amusement.... she embarassed very easily... along the way I take out the afro wig and bobby proceeds to wear it ... while walking through town he's amazed at all the people staring at him... one girl even hollered out the car window.. is your hair real?? funny...

I was sposed to be going to a halloween party but ended up staying at Dooly's longer.... after this it was time for halloween fun at the strange event.... lots of good costumes... I managed to snap a few pics... I didn't get the pic of the best costume though... dressed as spawn.. it was fantastic.... I did however manage to freak some people out by switching my wig from black to white.... lots of fun... my friend Gina was chased around the bar by a tall scary lookin dood.... I can't believe how freaked out she got .. it was very funny... after leaving the event ended up standing in the cold rain b
y Stream (place of employment) waiting for a cab.... Gina decided to walk..... but she walked off with my jacket so I got to freeze... fun.... I had to call for a cab 3 times because the stupid dispatcher kept sending the cabs to the main event... I freaked out on the guy and magicly a cab showed up 2 minutes later...
onward I get to hermans.... there isn't really a lineup but there are a pile of fights goin on in the lobby so they wouldn't let us in.... meanwhile all the stamped people kept goin back in (damned smokers) th
e 3 other people waiting with me are becoming annoyed while of course we all freeze our asses off (I'm only freezing because of gina taking my coat) finally the mess is cleared up and we were allowed to enter the building and begin another round of fun....
the top prize was a barrel of monkeys... they had a great costume... I passed out more leighs and one woman said thanks for the lay lol... quite funny... afterwards I found out the girl the bit me (at party night weeks ago) lost her purse... seems that someone up and walked off with it.... hate when stuff like that happens..... after the dancing and everything was over we bundled up... well roomie did.. gina still has my jacket of course... and we ventured out into the wet madness.... we are accross the street from hermans watching all the people flutter along to their destinations.... one girl decided it would be kewl to dance in the rain in the middle of the street.... the cars didn't seem to think so but it was still funny just the same.. she was singing too... I congratulated her ..... the barrel of monkeys went by as well getting drenched.. I mentioned how awesome their costume was and if it weren't cold and raining I would have asked them to stop so I could get a picture... other
than that the night was pretty much over.....
for normal people...
me and roomie decide to make our way to get some food.... we head for jaspers but then change directions to the casino.... it was closer.... the munchie plater was amazing.... I have a new love for deep fried peperoni..... wow.... after some laughing and carrying on and I spose I shall mention the casual flirting of and with the pumpkin girl... she asked me my name and I had to ask roomie what it was lol... I dont think the guy she was with was to impressed.. but if she's askin bout me then he couldn't have been that interesting.... and so ended the night with a cab ride home and thankfully a nice warm and very dry bed....
I have absolutely no idea where or who I am...... awoke this morning to nothing but fogginess.... I remember two things..... I got robbed...... and I dont know how I paid for anything last night...
it started off with getting dialed up at home... I was doin pretty good.. had a few drinks and the costume was coming along.... I remember laughing and carrying on with roomie while doing so.... I remember hearing it's time to go (or something similar) ... I remember nothing after this in any detail... except that I got robbed....
I know we went from home to a friends place.... we watched her get herself all dialed up as a superwoman it was a pretty good costume.... roomie got all dialed up in her pimp coat and hat... I was to be her man whore..... super stuffed and all (if yew know what I mean)..... sadly there aren't any pictures from what I can recall... equally sad none of me unless someone at the bar took some... which I cannot recall at all... I have no idea how we got from above friends place to the bar but I know we went there.... I dont remember going up the stairs... I dont remember walking in.. and I sure as hell dont remember paying to get in.... I know I was there because of the stamp on my wrist and for some odd reason an entry form for something I'm assuming is the costume contest... why I have it I will not know.... but I'll assume for now it's because the good people from the bar gave me a ballot and I spose I was sposed to put my name on it.... great that was like giving a blind man a picture ... I dont remember being at the bar to get a drink but I do remember I had a drink because every time I tried to fix my awesome hat I spilled the drink all over me.... I must have looked some pretty... perhaps it was just the hat.... I had gone to the dollar store earlier and picked up some leighs for handing out to customers.... well hot girls I guess lol.... I remember handing out 3 of them for sure..... I have no idea where the rest went.... of the 3 I remember one went to the hot girl that serves the drinks.... she actually wore it all night.... the second went to some random person that I can't recall... the third is the most entertaining.... the thing fell apart.... I was taking it off my belt loop and passing it over to a girl but it didn't seem to be coming off all at once... I pulled and it kept coming.... I wish I could describe this properly... well how about this.. you know the magician act where he pulls the scarf from nowhere and it just keeps coming out of his hands??? yeah it was like that.... I remember this because I remember seeing the leigh on the floor stretched to it's limits...
this is the first halloween bar trip that I dont recall looking at other peoples costumes... as a matter of fact we may have been the only people dressed up.... the other odd thing was I dont remember them announcing a winner.... perhaps everyone was like me and went home with their ballots..... hell if I know I was way to drunk to know my name..... which brings me to me getting robbed...... I'm dancing away like I normally am except I'm all over the place... since it's halloween some strange force comes over me and I just lose control... I have no idea why but I am able to go up to anyone and just dance away.... and not get slapped.... it's great... but I'm getting off topik... I'm in the middle of the bar and next thing I know some girl comes up to me and says..... what's it gonna take to get that hat?? I'm trying to formulate a response but the words aren't coming out... I smile and mumble something incoherantly..... so she reacts by saying something else..... this completely blows me away..... I'll show you my boobs .....
ummmm ok
this girl (which I sadly have no memory of except that she was cute) looked around checking for bouncers and proceded to lift up her shirt flashing the entire dance floor..... and me with a center stage front row seat.... if only I wasn't drunk..... I might have been able to do something about it... shock took over at this point..... I've been flashed before but never in a bar..... as I stumbled around the dance floor trying to recover (remember I'm blitzed at this point with beer all over me to prove it) roomie comes over and says.... ummm that girl just walked away with your hat.... I couldn't even say anything about what just happened.... the rest of the night was a mystery to me.. this is the only thing that I could really recall.... yes of course... what normal man could ever forget being flashed in the middle of the dance floor in a bar with hundreds of people around.... I know I will not be forgetting any time soon.... I'm a bit mad that the girl did actually take the hat because it will be difficult to replace and well I need it for tonights fiasco.... I hope the girl shows up at one of the bars tonight with the hat on.... maybe I'll be able to at least talk to her.... maybe flash her to get it back lol......
I had typed up an extra bit that I had recalled but lost it and am very pissed off about it... I am beginning to really hate blogger's tools.... they are not reliable and I keep losing half of what I write... anyway here is my attempt to recall what I typed: 
I suddenly remembered a few extra things about last night and will sum them up for you as follows
1. I had a huge bulge (and not just my tummy)
2. I recall walking to slobway after the bar... I recall my buddy darrell picking us up.. I dont recall how it got paid for or how I got in the house
3. while walking to slobway ... had another episode of get yewr wrip on.... (yes the wripping of the adverts from telephone poles)
4. I also believe I recall throwing one of these adverts at someone we were with... and I'm certain if I did she was very mad and was going to kill me
5. I can't remember a pile of what I wrote in the post that got lost because of blogger and I'm pissed about it
6. I have to go get a new costume because of last nights events
7. I must appologize for the link to the video... I can't post the link because I can't figure out how it works... when roomie wakes up (if she does) I'll get her to show me how to fix this
8. I woke up next to a cat... probably a good thing.. if I had woken up next to someone else it most likely would have been very akward
9. I have no idea why I just typed that... probably just needed something funny here
10. I found this as I was trying to figure out how the video thing works.. check it out.... Dont honk at old people

as I sit here making my preperations for tonights escape from reality I must post my most recent details of the event..... so ..... me and my little brother are out on the town doing chores and other things.... along the way is a trip to the clothes emporium called Value Village... I picked up a few things that would be instumental in the nights events... my custom Afro.... as you see to the left will be the main focus of my costume for the greatest night of the year.. yes the bar scene at a bar... dont worry better pictures are yet to come with the whole lot of us gonna be all decked out in some gear.... yes .. gear... and that's not all .... there are some stories of some of the things I picked up.... well ok so there wasn't an interesting story except for home hardware where I was getting my kewl chains for the nights events... and might I add they actually look quite decent.. but it doesn't matter.. the girl that was cuttin the chains.. yes she was kinda hot.... was flirtin with me while finding out what the chain was for... she even offered me her pimped out costume if I was her friend lol.. perhaps I should have told her to use it herself and come out with us.... yeah that would be the smart thing to do.... but of course I being a nice guy didn't... I'm sure there will be plenty of oportunities .. specially with the getup I have goin on.... yes the story will be fashioned tomorrow.. look forward to it.. on another note.... roomy wanted to put this on utube.... .but for your enjoyment pleasure... enjoy.. a video of dressup time for testing purposes.. I really think this should have been deleted but it's just too funny not to show to the world.. and since I dont care lol it's perfect...
ummm I'll try to get the link tomorrow as for some odd reason I can't find it and well I'm half in the bag...
the night of almost everyone drinking more than they should have was last night... myself included..... I have never ever drank as much as I did last night... but the strange part is ... I wasn't drunk... however... I got burned.... twice.. got bitten... got wet... was kissed... again twice... went on a tour of eastern cape breton and I even managed to spend way to much money on one hell of a night out..... the events are of course foggy as usual but with the help of everyone I should be able to describe it as follows:
first it started with a trip to the mall to pick up chips.... I needed to have snacks for when people arrived.. there was sposed to be a party at my place.... I get to the mall and go around different stores... get some bowls for the chips... picked up some juice and of course the chips... bobby showed up first at around 6... since no one else was to arrive till around 9 or 11 an XboX tournament started up... sadly I got my ass handed to me.... I'm not much of a gamer lol... perhaps I should have put on a racing game instead... then I would have won.... anyway my cousin arrives with her two friends... they are already half in the bag... I think I am up to my 6th beer at this point.... music is played and downloaded... as I took over the DJ'ing one of the friends didn't like what was on and had to have her way and find an appropriate song to put on.... since I was already searching for a song I wouldn't relinguish my command on the mouse which the girl didn't feel was cool so she got her chompers and bit my hand.... I still have the marks from it a few hours later... it's like a bruise now except it's just red and sore.... the other friend was in shock that I didn't scream out or anything when she bit me and didn't let go of the mouse... perhaps that's why I still have the mark.. she clamped on like a crocodile for about 2 minutes at least...
side note.. cousin ended up with cat hair all over her new outfit before going to the bar.... quite funny if you ask me...
I made some phone calls to the other people that were sposed to show up and found that they were already at the bar or not coming to to unforseen circumstances.... great so me bobby and the three girls pile in a cab and proceed to the bar.... some laughing and carrying on continues and some bad jokes about teeth... we get to the bar and sadly everyone (except me) gets hit for ID.... bobby the brain doesn't have his on him but strangly gets hit for ID as well... craziness follows... he shows the bouncer his Stream badge hahahaha..... we think about the situation for a bit.... I'm up to about 8 or 9 and am ready for any adventure....
road trip!!!
we make a few calls and our buddy darrell comes and takes us on a tour to the bay... while waiting for him to arrive we wait at slobway and a bunch of girls are walking down the street to hermans and I know something funny happened here but I cannot recall what it was.. maybe bobby can enlighten me ...
inserted here bobby explained:
yeah man np i was fuking weak and yeah the girls in front of slobway they kept talking about this one chicks pants and why she kept playing with her ass lol also u mentioned being bitten and one of said girls was like I would have kicked her ass it was funny
... after this we head for the bay .... bobby gets his ID and I pick up my friend Gina at the Strange Event bar to join us on our adventure.... we get back to the bar after some crazy stories are told in the car about lesbians.... nice... and bobby the brain shows his ID.... the bouncer allows him passage... first stop... bank machine... it was packed by about 10 people... ok so a tour around the bar begins... I see all kinds of people.. oddly no strange freaks.... so far..... we settle by the stage... meet up with the rest of the crew... introductions are made and then the drinking commences again....
bank machine first... my cousin is taking her time ... tying up the line... I playfully shove her and tell her to hurry up... some dick gives me a look.... I dont like him already... the money flows and onward to the bar to release some of it.... dancing commences but the dance floor is over crowded so we move to in front of the stage... there is always room there.... but not for long.. for some strange reason people kept coming to where we were.... and then the hissy fit.... for some odd reason I perhaps felt violated... every time I turned around there was some guy standing behind me... I'd move.. but then there would be another one.... so I freaked out.... it was a bit silly .. and I probably looked like a fool but at the time I didn't care....
another tour of the bar happened after this.. we met up with some more friends and proceeded to go outside to the smokin section.... this would be where I got burned..... twice.... and they wonder why they have to smoke outside lol... so now I have a burn mark on my left hand and teeth impression on my right hand.... at least I could still hold a bottle.... so it continues....
there was something else I was sposed to mention at this point but I cannot remember what it was for the life of me.... maybe I'll just fill this space in with the hot girls kissin on the dancefloor.... but then perhaps it was an exageration... it sure as hell looked like they wanted to go at it right there... I doubt there would have been too many objections... oh yes I remember now... my buddy Fowler was getting his groove on ... I kinda got distracted by the hot girls on the dance floor .. they were much more interesting than his crazy antics with a girl I will not mention but parties involved will understand why it is funny... I'm sorry I can't elaborate.. it would be mean...
well it was nearly all wrapped up except saying good byes after this and meeting our ride home outside... somehow we all got separated and couldn't find each other... but all met back at my place to continue an after party... I believe I was up to 10 - 11 at this point... this would be a record for me.. one I do not look forward to breaking.. but since it was stretched out over time this would be why I was still able to have use of my limbs and such..... however my friend Gina was close to passin out on the couch...... and I closed off the night with watching a show on the computer... I think I'll need to watch it again because I probably passed out myself but it was from exhaustion instead... these 6am adventures are having a toll on my system I tell yew lol
a string of events has happened this week on calls and I just can't ignore them anymore... the first I will mention is a co-worker transfered me a call because she wasn't trained for all the applications and the issue turn out to be an issue with the portion of software she was trained for... I troubleshot the issue to death for 45 minutes because her other computer seemed to work just fine.... the fuking cause of the issue......
the bitch customer couldn't connect to the fuking internet..... no wonder your email doesn't fuking work....
I'm so sick of this bullshit... if I dont get out of here soon I am going to snap.... but then there are some moments that make the job worth while.. well not really but at least something to laugh at.... I'm asking a customer for a case number and she's talking like this:
SRX (cough cough) 060 (cough cough) blah blah (cough cough) blah blah (cough cough)....
that was just rediculous..... and what did I do? make fun of her of course.... I'm mimicing her to my co-workers while she's doing this.... so of course I miss the last few numbers.... what do I do.... of course I ask her to repeat herself:
606 (cough cough) 380 (cough cough)
geez... it's a good thing her issue was simple because they would have had to carry my co-workers out of here on a stretcher.... I'm growing increasingly tired of the stupid obvious questions.... like someone downloading an update...
do I click on install? no click on delete fukhead...
I'm trying to install my software and it's asking me to delete the trial version.. should I do that? no leave it installed... it works better
I'm trying to check my email but a message says my database is corrupted... should I click on the rebuild button? I wouldn't ... it might fix the issue
I'm trying to send a file as an attachment but the attachments never get through... it says something about a virus.... why aren't my attachments going through? ... you have a virus you fuking moron....
the same virus person.... but I have a mac..... yeah stupid... macs get virus's too
please put me out of my fukn misery... I can't wait to quit this stupid job... it wont be long
I dont really have anything to write about today .... so I'll just mention this: over the years I have dabbled in poetry... I have over the last while posted some of it on one of my sites.... conveniently it was the community blog that I used to run with a number of friends... link is: ... if you feel like checkin it out.. enjoy... I try to update it once in a while.. but since it's not one of my main passions it doesn't get done regularly.. I'm just wondering how I would feel about sharing it with others... anyway that doesn't really matter... maybe something interesting will happen at work... sposed to be chinese day today..
the first thing I'm going to mention is cadillac..... but I'm gonna come back to this.... there were a couple of events that took place last night.... I think the first one is gonna be at a friends place.... we are sittin around listening to music when one of the ladies says.... we have playboys.... me being the only guy in the place the lady assumed that I would find a playboy more entertaining..... sheesh... perhaps I shouldn't mention it but what the hell.... the topic of ejaculation comes up and with it a short debate on which is messier.. men.. or wiminz... I of course state that when done right the female one is much much messier.... one of them said no way and I said well yewr doin it wrong then ... and I'll just leave it at that (I'd hate to embareass anyone)..... while waiting for the cab we almost had a spider web war.... that was kinda funny listening to ladies shriek.. "get it off me!!! get it off me!!!" so off to the bar... there were a few interesting events but the only one that I can truly remember is the dancin dood... now the description will not do this justice but with an effort I'll do my best....
captain caaavvvveeeeeeee maaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! (from the cartoon)
this guy looked like he should have a club to beat a woman over the head and drag her back to the cave as his new pet..... he's on the dance floor with his head hangin down.. hunched over with both arms outstretched kinda like he was hugging someone but there isnt' anyone there... and he's swaying back and forth like dustin hoffman in rainman to some unidentifiable beat that he's imagining... because he's not goin with the beat of the song playing.... he keeps goin pretty much all night like this moving to different spots on the dance floor... quite entertaining... and he's usually there every couple weeks with the same thing.... one of his buddies reminds me of kumar from 'kumar and doofus go to whitecastle'... (I dont remember the other guy's name) he's got a cheap ass Saturday Night Fever suit on and he stays by the stage all night doin a little shuffle once in a while... nobody ever talks to him except the caveman guy and they always leave alone... curious...
anyway back to the caveman... at the end of the night we are chillin at the back because it's very hot in the bar (so the ladies said) and all of a sudden cave man gets a burst of energy..... while the slow songs are playing.... he starts bouncin.. jumpin up and down and then even so far as to punching the wall.... but he doesn't stop dancing with himself (or the imaginary girl)....
so we leave the bar and head towards slobway... I end up goin in by myself but there are a few people actin up in there as usual.... I just wish I could remember the conversation (since I was alone I of course dont have someone to remind me) but something about people being assholes was the usual topic.... some poor drunk girl was having a debate with another drunk girl.. and a drunk guy was in the middle of it all..... it was quite entertaining.. I'm sorry you all missed it... so after leaving there we head back the other way to jaspers... this seems to be the spot of choice... and of course I dont mind because the food is good there... which brings us to the cadillac....
we are walking back and are about to cut through the crapi clubs parkin lot when this loud noice starts comin toward us... it turns out to be a cadillac.... all I can hear (besides the blast of exhaust) is roomie goin oh my ... mmmmm cadillac.... so as the guy drives by I yell out something like "pick me up honey" of course with an impersonation of a woman.... roomie didn't like this lol.... so the cadillac starts driving around the block a few times.... after leaving jaspers we end up walking back down towards the crapi club in search of the cadillac.... sometimes I wonder about the ladies lol.... anyway we get back to the apartment and then the cab ride home.... the only other thing that would be worth mentioning (that I can remember) is the sound of the cadillac goin by the house at 6am and roomie goin out on the step to get a closer look lmao..... I fell assleep very close after this so I dont know how it turned out...
I'm filing for assault charges....... I am in terror... I cannot believe this has happened to me.... I was at work minding my own business when I got extremly frustrated with a call.... and I screamed out... I spose it was kind of loud... of course I banged on the desk as well... next thing I knew I was being attacked... I got bludgened from behind me......
thankfully I wasn't hurt.... much....
aparently at the same time I was going into a hissy fit... the lady behind me was taking a call.... and as the guy on the phone read off his number ... I had my moment .... the customer asked her if she wanted him to repeat the number.. she exclaimed that it wasn't her that made the noise... and then she threw her pen at me..... we all had a good laugh over it afterwards... I think they will all be glad if I get my new position.... off the phones... or better... leave..... which will most likely be very soon thankfully.. I've been doing this more than long enough...
something is not desired by some new foods... I dont understand what it is about some things that people make that suggests new foods sound extremely bad... except for this..... ingredients.... we were in a store last night and there was a sign on the door for Mexican beef patties... it sounded good to me.... so I enquired with the clerk... he mentions that they aren't very good... and also suggests that we check the ingredients.... well ok so he reads them off...
beef... sauce... ass... spices... other junk
well I dont know about you but I dont think that I wanna eat ass..... mind you the guy was a moron... the sign actually means assorted spices.... but still he made it sound so horrible that I wouldn't even try it.... it was quite funny though.... however this brings up another point.... I'll put money on it that he's eaten ass before.... and I dont mean his lovers.... anyone that has eaten a decent roast has eaten some animal's ass... how about eating the tailbone from the chicken or turkey.. yes another animal's ass... have you ever eaten a hotdog??? of course you've had even worse than some animal's ass... but all this talk about food is makin me hungry.... I'll think about talking some more later... enjoy yewr foods...
scary... I've applied for another position... scarier... I got an interview.. if I get the position I may have to stay in hell for a little longer.... lucky me... re-evaluating my situation seems to be a weekly event these days... hopefully something more permanent will occur soon.... I hate to drop everything for the unknown but it looks like it's going to come to that... but yet it's still exciting.... it's been a long time since I picked up sticks and wondered where I would sleep or eat next... I'm just thankfull for the past 3 months.. things couldn't have gone better... and there is still a great month ahead of me....
the weekend was still the same... went to the crapi club ... got drunk... went to slobway... but got a phone call on the way back... a new destination.... Jaspers... it's been a while since I was there and the breakfast is still good.. I remember years ago when my father was around and I would stay with him on my days off to visit... we would play Risk for hours with a bunch of friends then when the sun came up would head off to Jaspers for breakfast before sleep.... lots of fun... nothing like global domination and beer lol...
saturday was filled with pool playing sharks... thankfully it wasn't for money.. a couple of the boys would be goin home with nothing lol... and of course watching Montreal kick Toronto's ass...(Hockey) shootouts still count lol ... then off to the bar.... and just to mix things up for once.. poutine instead of slobway... gotta save room for the turkey dinner on sunday... I had a great meal with my family for thanks giving...
speaking of turkey dinner ... spose I would take the time to let everyone know what I'm thankfull for this year... so I've made a top 10 list:
1. life (I'm alive and there's never a dull moment these days)
2. family (I dont know what I'd have done this year without them)
3. friends (this list is growing for the first time in a long time)
4. my upcoming plans (I'm just plain thankful)
5. roomie (included with my list of friends but special shout out just the same)
6. my ex lying to/leaving me (opened my eyes and I still haven't bad mouthed about her)
7. internet (my communication with the world)
8. sadly my possessions (but as you can see they aren't top of my list)
9. I'm going to mention my job.. without it not much is possible
10. beer and detox... (this one I look forward to leaving behind in a month)
it's amazing what has happend this year... it's still a mixture of emotions but I look forward to seeing how my top 10 list will change the bottom 7 items as nothing can change the top 3.... but it will be difficult to say how often I'll see family next year... travelling makes it difficult to come home... Happy Thanksgiving everyone..
it is so sad to keep having to deal with this on a daily basis.... stupid people... I'm tired of it... I can handle stupid questions but when people are just plain rude to other people especialy when they are just trying to help... it's a bit too much for me... yesterday I get a call from some asshole that keeps exclaiming to his mom that he's trying to help her out.... the guy is being a dick to his mother... and he's not a younger fella either... then he tries to give me attitude as well.. I just couldn't deal with that... I snapped at him .... thankfully theh prick got the hint and realized that I didn't think much of him ... but since it is my job I got straight to the point and got him off my phone... the fukwit became appretiative and appologitic... the bastard better be as appretiative to his mother as well....without her he wouldn't have had the ability to be graced by my presence on the phone....
the other thing that pisses me off about my job is the continuous comments about customer service... yes they are a bit difficult to communicate with but they are having the same difficulty with you... back off .. at least they are trying... but if your gonna bad mouth someone because of the way they speak... you should at least be able to speak yourself.. for example... this bitch of a woman calling in... the very first thing out of her mouth was: "oh thank god you speak english" she paused waiting for my response... when I didn't offer one she began to read off her case number.... "S as in sam.... R as in ray.... X as in Extra"..... you stunned bitch... your gonna complain about someone elses inability to speak english when you have no idea how to speak it yourself... she did mention some other stupid comments with incorrect english language but I was too pissed talking to her to write them down... I'm sorry....
my descriptive powers have given me an opertunity to write about someone that gives inspiration to many... I knew this was going to happen... however I didn't believe that this person would be asking for the uneducated description of oneself.... I'm impressed that I was asked.... or perhaps more impressed he's still checking out my blog lol... it may mean that I am actually an adaquate writer myself (of course there is the exception of spelling but that's what spell checkers are for.. and I just dont use one ... yet) perhaps this is where the inspiration comes in... in any event this is supposed to be about someone else so here we go with it......
years ago I would go to the bar and hang out... drink and party whatever... I would make my way to slobway afterwards and there would be a man behind the counter that was always friendly and depending on who ya were... had something to say about you or more than likely the state of mind you were in.... it's amazing what some people are labeled with at certain points in their life but SubwaySteve is one of the most known figures in my town.... yes even more known than me.... for now... I dont know exactly when I first met him but I've grown to belive that he could be an influential part of my life in some ways... I'm certain that others would agree in some manor... but I will not call him SubwaySteve ever again.. he has been self promoted (rightly so) to Supersteve.. This is the name dubbed opon his website to describe his alter ego... it is also one of the reasons that I write in this blog... there were two blogs that I read continuously.. one was SuperSteve and the other was Cory Smith's... both were quite entertaining and led me to contributing my own flavour of entertainment that you find in these pages...
perhaps a description is in order for those that may not know him or perhaps are looking to find out... Supersteve is a larger.. balding.. (ok I'm kidding about the balding though perhaps he is .. I haven't seen him in a long time) friendly and an outgoing fella... I doubt you would find a nicer guy around.. except me of course... he has a strange obsession with an american football team called the Steelers... perhaps it has something to do with the local economy ... there used to be quite the steel industry close to home... but yuk.. american.. I couldn't live with myself... well I spose I could as there aren't any canadian teams in that league.... ummm sorry.. back to the point... oh yes.. obsession with a football team and rubber ducks... and of course his new bride... I dont think I ever met her legitimately so I unfortunately cannot go into detail about her... you can read about her in his outstanding blog... (yes there is a link to his blog in my blog links at the top... it is a very worth while read... in case your lazy click here -- SuperSteve -- )
He transformed himself into what I would call a living legend when he started his blog.... the infamous blog that eventually got him (perhaps allegedly) inexcusably fired.. I remember the first day I walked into the building.. I was greeted by Supersteve... he was not my interviewer but the first of many familiar things I would find at my new home called work... and I was very glad for this... unfortunately I dont have many other stories about him of a personal nature but Supersteve is quite the guy and I'm glad to have him as a friend.. even if he isn't a close friend... but that just shows how much character he really has...
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Creater: Joe Earhart