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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
as I count down my last hour at Stream I look back on times past.... I started 1 week after returning from England... I met a lot of interesting people.... met a woman that I shared my life with... learned a lot of new things about computers, life and many other things that I am thankful for... I believe I will actually miss the place.... it has brought me much joy and unfortunately much misery.... but of all the things I think I can honestly say there was much more joy involved.... I have many friends throughout the building and many other reasons for staying but I just can't bring myself to sit in that seat and take another call from some moronic desparate person in need..... I must admit not every call was like that but the ones that came through were enough to drive me over the edge... I need a break from this... and thankfully I am getting one.... perhaps one day I'll come back and take some more calls.... but I hope that isn't anytime soon.... I'm not sure how many people will actually read this from work but perhaps the ones that do read this might pass it on to the others.... who knows...
I leave with a wealth of knowledge and good memories and I'm thankfull to have chosen to apply at this perticular location.. it lead to a wild ride.... I am amazed at how long I lasted... I was only going to try it out because I knew I would hate the job... I was right but the people that I met along the way made it worth while.... I can't mention everyone of course because I will leave someone out I'm sure but I know I can mention some of my most memorable people...
the first person I would mention is Lisa because she was the first person I actually got along with that I didn't know and we became instant friends .... which eventually led to being friends with corEy... her husband....
the second I would mention is my ex - Crystal.... she was one of the most important parts of my life at one time and I ended up learning many different things about myself through many different events that happened between our relationship.... it's sad what happened to us... but I will not go into anything because that would be between me and her.. it's none of yewr business :P ....
the third person I would mention is Eeeeeeena.... we used to be closer friends... but I spose things change.... it's strange what time and events can do to people... I know that much more clearer after this past year....
I have to mention "HR" Greg because he's just an outstanding person that I admire for a number of different reasons... (he'll probably never get to read this sadly)
I'm going to mention Darrell, Linda, Joanne and Bobby... there was never a better bunch of people to travel with... the car ride home was always fun ... it was a fantastic way to end a shitty day....
I will also mention Marcus and Millie because he may have annoyed a number of people I always had something to smile about from him and Millie is just plain funny to listen to on the phone...
my german friend asshole.. I mean steffan lol.... lots of funny tales there as well as misery but all in all it was fun being around the guy...
I'm gonna mention Sherry but only because she'll hunt me down and kill me if I dont :P she believes I'm coming back in 2 weeks... I unfortunately hope she's wrong
I must mention English Kevin.... but I can't think of why lol... I'm kidding
I'm gonna mention anyone I ever sat around and have no idea who yew are or what your name is anymore.... I'm sure I've enlightened your life in some way.... perhaps not... but I spose we'll never know
I want to mention Gary the trainer because he is the best teacher I've ever come accross
I'm gonna mention Wayne from quality... (at least I think that's what he does) lol.. he still stinks....
my favourite supervisors are as follows in order of no importance except the first... Earl Johnston was the best superviser ever... none can match him.... Jimmy is a close second... Wayne and Robyn are the next and I'm gonna mention Bernie even though he turned into an SDM.... I used to hate that guy lol I almost forgot Sean Burke.. he turned into something else as well but I have no idea what he does here lol
the list could go on and on because I am quite possibly one of the most noticeable people in the building... I've tried to be known everywhere... hence the I love my job Fan Club lol.... even if it was meant as a joke... I do actually miss doing things like that around here because it made the job a little more bareable... but after some events I just couldn't bring myself to go around the building anymore...
and I'm sure I'll think of more after.. but for now.. I just hung up on my last caller.... yes I actually got to release the call.... and best of all ... the poor customer felt like a fool...... I love my job
the horrible customers are trying to ruin my mood but it's not going to work..... I keep saying over and over two days left.... two days left.... I think my neighbours are getting pissed off that I get to go and they have to stay lol.... oh well ya can't have everything.... anyway I had to do a callback.... the customer picked up and so did his wife.... they both were talking and asking questions..... when all of a sudden the man yelled out shut up woman... I'll handle this!!!!
this made me laugh that he would do such a thing but it reminded me of a few things I had forgotten.... reminiscing about times past ... thankfully I remember the good times... I do miss them even if it doesn't show... I wish I could have said something but I didn't feel it was an appropriate moment... perhaps one day I'll feel differently
three days left.... I'm starting to get giddy... I can't wait to travel... the sad part will be that I wont be online for quite some time.... I'll have to get myself a journal to logg all the stories... I know I'm gonna see interesting things... and I bet I'll be involved in many great things as well... perhaps I may even purchase some internet time on my travels... we'll just have to see... no matter how I do it though I'll be sure to find a way to keep track of the events so that they can be documented here.... I know yew'll want to hear about it .... cause yewr all nosey :P
I started another part of a story today... but since bloggers draft options aren't working I'll have to finish posting it another day... one of these days the book is actually gonne be put together with all these different portions ..... it pleases me to be creative.... the ribs are feeling a bit better and since there are no calls coming in today at work it gave me some reflection time to chill and put some things I've been tinkering with onto paper.... I hope I can finish it someday legitimately... it's starting to come along to an actual novel.... and from the feedback on parts from some people it should be entertaining as well... I'm finding it a bit difficult to mix humor in with the drama so when I figure this out I'll be able to mix everything into a decent story... but I am confident in my abilities..
on other news.... roomie should be back in town on the weekend.... and if she doesn't show up I'm gonna have to go to hali and drag her ass back for a day.... my going away party is hopefully going to leave some lasting memories to the masses... I just hope I can remember some of it without being one with the porclain god.... seems to be my best friend the day after one of my parties... anyway if you haven't received your invite yet then I suggest checking with me for details.. yes I can be emailed or if I happen to be online.. which isn't all that much lately... yew can message me there... but it's going to be an open invite .. the more the merrier
hidden agenda.... why is it human nature to assume from most people that there is a hidden agenda or that they are out to get you.... I can't speak for most people but I do understand a few of the concepts that go through some people's minds....
there are a few aspects of peoples lives that could make them believe that others want to place harm upon them or that people are out to get them.... usually this is because of prior involvement with someone that has done just that.... the worst thing about this perticular event is that even when someone is not doing anything to hurt that person in any fashion ... some actions are taken with the notion that the intentions are not pure... this happens a lot in relationships.. it causes doubt... fear... or the worse ... jealousy...
I have been part of many of these reactions.. with prior relationships and have friends that are going through these things as well... it's never easy and the strain will usually break things up because the trust is ruined.... but for some they are willing to work through anything to make it work...
I pride myself as one of these people.... I also pride myself as a decent human being that will do almost anything I can to help someone out if it is within my power.... even so much that I've helped people that just dont deserve it and got burned because of it... but I would still offer my help if I could for some of these people.... but that's just they way I am...
I do believe that I have proven this more often than not and yet I still recieve shit about stupid stuff or people bothering me about things they believe I have done when in reality would never do ... I just hope that it isn't because someone has told a lie about me or worse told something I may have done in my past ... people do learn from their mistakes I hope.... I know I have...
people shouldn't jump to conclusions even if a person does have the persona that would ideally make it possible for that person to lead someone astray... the saying innocent untill proven guilty should always be remembered first.... especially when it involves me
Gross Topik #10.... I really must stop putting these gross topiks on my blog but seeing as how I am a story teller .... not to mention strange shit happens to me or around me all the time... I just can't resist telling this story....
I'm not sure how many girls are aware of such things but I'll be not that many.... it begins with a well known fact that men and women have different devices for excreting waste in the form of fluid.... well what happens when your trying to let loose the liquid yuck but the flaps are a bit stuck together??? that's right you piss everywhere except where you should be pissing.... there is a reason why the United Kingdom do not have urinals such as North America has.... it's so they can just piss on the wall instead of the little stall thing we use.... there is less mess to clean up because there is no aim involved.... so... the point?... right
I got seemingly invited to the bar last night... not that I needed an invite but since I was invited I decided to make an appearance... (yes with my bad ribs and all) I was scared of being bumped the wrong way and passing out from pain but I managed... except for when I had to go to the toilet... I'm on my way in the toilet room when this dood is coming out of one of the stalls whiping his face... I spose he just puked... he didn't look to good... so I bypass the guy and continue with my business when all of a sudden this guy rushes into the room whips out his thing and the scariest thing happened..... pee was flyin everywhere ..... I feel bad for the guy that was standin next to him.... I'm certain he must have gotten piss on him ..... I doubt the piss guy made it out of the bar alive lmao.... but I didn't stick around to find out... fuck that I dont want piss on me... it was bad enough I nearly got drenched with a drink earlier.... but enough of the gross topik.. yeah I know yew dont wanna read about some peoples weird fetish of being peed on... and if yew do then perhaps yew can visit the Tucker Max website... one of his stories is the pee fetish.. quite funny... I'll be back soon with a funny story... I hope
you know your old when you are playing basketball with the young guys and your out of breath in 20 minutes.... but it's great... I miss the physical activity.... it's been years since I was on a basketball court but I seemed to pick up where I left off... I can dribble and run but I still can't shoot... someday I'll learn I guess... but the best part of physical activity is accidents... unfortunately I was involved in one and I believe I may have broken a rib or two... it hurts to breath... cough... spit.. and even sit up.... hopefully I'll be able to recover over night cause it will sure suck being at work with sore body parts....
news flash..... flying isn't cheap.... and I doubt driving will be either but I bet it's gonna be cheaper than flying.... it's gonna be a bit strange buying my first car... but after the last few months of effort I can finally afford one.... I'm just not so sure I want to drive all the way accross canada by myself.... perhaps I'll investigate a companion.... anyone want to go for a drive? lol.... of course it's not a free ride.. you'll have to share the driving and expenses..... please dont kill me while I'm sleeping.... I can get us through cape breton and half possibly all of new brunswick... driving partner can drive through to Montreal and I'll take over.. long enough to get through there cause it's hell and confusing (I would hate to be sleeping through someone getting us lost in Montreal lol) hopefully I can get enough sleep to drive through ontario... and sleep through boring ass saskatchewan.... then I'll drive to my aunts place... I wish I could remember how to get there lol...
I was in a very pissed off mood today and something made me smile.... I read in the news that I had been arrested ... now I know I've told a fib about it before on my blog but this time there is an article on a website... I must share it with you so here is the link I hope it makes you smile too... but umm people I'm not really gay as much as some people would love for me to be...... it's just something yewr gonna have to deal with....
my job summed up.... I am describing a pencil 5 times per customer.... I describe it one way and the customer doesn't get it... so I describe it another and another until eventually the customer realizes how stupid they are.. and listens to what I have to say... I answer the same stupid questions over an over and over.... I dont know how else to tell you what it's like other than that if your talking to a dog... the same look on the dogs face that he has no idea what your saying until one day it just starts doing what you tell it to do.. the differences is the fucking dog understands commands quicker than these fucking stupid morons I have to deal with.... when I tell someone how to do something ... they respond with more stupid questions and eventually after 5 or more times they finally repeat the same fucking steps I had originally mentioned in the first fucking place... I'm tired of it... I'd like to start selling dog brains to these people... they might bark once in a while or sniff some butts but at least I wont have to worry about them asking me stupid questions anymore...
wow... it's been a while.... well I guess not but it feels like a long time to me.... creativity has been put asside while I work out some things in my life.... and of course I just got through an XboX weekend... for 3 straight days I sat on my ass and played Xbox.... life is so productive.... but at least money was saved in doing so... it's close to trip time and anxiousness is beginning to play a factor... I dont know what's going to happen next but I hope that thing go smoother than the last few weeks.... I didn't realize how much things and people were dependant on me and I spose I shall have to correct some things... the good news is my boss at work announced that they will bend over backwards to help me out in order to keep me around..... it's nice to know that the fuckers appretiate what I do here.... even if they keep coming over and asking me to keep it down..... speaking of which.... I slammed my desk so hard today that every single person in the room stopped what they were doing (even people on calls) to look my way... I spose they figured that someone died or something.... unfortunately my customer wasn't the dead person.... I've been agitated over the last little while at work but this was beyond.... I really need this break now ... more than ever.... I hate how angry I've become and I dont know how to fix this.... actually I do but the fix is impossible.... and in some ways I only have myself to blame.... it's difficult to change habit but I've learned it can be done if you want it to... the difficult part is to keep up the thing you've replaced the habit with.... so anyone that's trying to quit smoking...... yeah I know what it's like... but it can be done... you just have to want to make the change
over the weekend I've realized I'm an enlightened person and that I do understand the way things work.... I dont understand some people or the reasons they make some choices... but I am starting to believe that things happen for a reason... I just hope everyone involved learns the lesson and doesn't sweep everything under the rug to try to move on.... living life just because you feel you can't go back or admit your wrong is just not right.... it's part of a lesson everyone needs to learn at one point in their life... thankfully I've gotten through mine... and can go forward knowing that I've survived
went to the savoy last night... it's good to get to a decent concert once in a while.... Matt Anderson and J.P. Cormier were playing it up .... Matt is one of the most amazing guitarists I've ever had the pleasure of listening to and I will go see him anytime I possibly can... J.P. was pretty good too but along with J.P. was a fella whose name I unfortunately cannot recall ... but what an amazing talent he is as well... anyway couple of funny things happened while at the show.... I was waiting in line for drinks and someone farted... such a nasty smelling one too.. but nobody took ownership of it and nobody got out of line.... spose beer is just too important lol... while Matt was playing on stage.. the lyrics were as follows: .... oh what shall I do.... some woman in the audience (most likely by coincidence) screamed out in a moan type thing.... kinda one of them ya had to be there moments but it was soo good that Matt actually stopped playing the song while everyone laughed..... the only other thing I can think of other than the amazing performance by all involved was some dick in the back was talking throughout the whole entire show..... and most of his comments were stupid drunkard types.... but we enjoyed the show none the less...
we went over to BK's (Burger Thing) then to Doolys afterwards.... it's been a while since I had BK's so I had a craving.... anyway I dominated the pool table.... well ok I won the most games but still had to lose a couple of times lol.... so on the way out I was trying to spit.. yeah yeah it's disgusting but better out than in.. but the difference being it made me sick..... yes I puked up the beer and burgers... I know I'm not proud.. well actually I am lol.... so the boys went home and I went to the crapi club... it was a less than entertaining night out... I think I might have known 4 people in the joint... not used to that... anyway got a cab home and the driver kept on the C.B. radio makin fun of darrell.... entertaining enough for me... after which I watched some tv then bed.... it's actually a strange feeling going to bed and not drunk on a friday night... spose I'll have to get used to this
Profound .... DA ... DA ... DA..... some things I was thinkin about tonight.. you may or may not find interesting
I wish I could say that I like living by myself but I've grown accustomed to having people around over the last few years... tonight is the first night that I've been totally alone in a long while... at least this time I dont feel totally alone... and thankfully am not wallowing in self pity or in a state that my life is over... in other words roomie has moved on to bigger and brighter things so I am left with the danting task of wrapping things up for the great island I have come to call home.... it's odd... for years I've wanted nothing more than to leave this place and on the verge of doing so ... I find myself comfortable again.... if it weren't for my lousy job I think I'd concider staying myself... but if all goes well then I'll be able to enjoy my vacation and move on to bigger and brighter things myself... it was a lot of fun for the last little while and I look forward to partying again soon but it's time to move into plan mode and get things ready.. some new developments have peaked my interest and may cause my eventual demise but I am over living life for someone else's benefit... (I'm not talking about yew roomie lol) perhaps one day I'll settle for the domestic life but for now it's just too exciting to let my plans go to waste... the last few months have been a blast and I wouldn't change them for the world but now that I'm relaxed I can get back to the work mode I started a little over a year ago.... I just hope that this time around I dont alienate my friends and family.... I've finally recovered from my major pothole and I believe I can make it through anything life throws at me now... without stepping on toes ... I'm not angry anymore (except when working) and I can let it all go.... I still think about stuff but it's a burden I can carry without to much problem now.... I have so much to be thankfull for and other things I should rectify ... I'm sorry for some of the things I've said.. but they were nessessary and I know it.... someday parties involved will understand... but only when they are ready to .... I fear that will never happen... but I will no longer lose sleep over it....
so now that I've gotten this out... I've been told that I'm vague with my stories sometimes.... well you must remember that this is my diary of sorts.. I will share some details but if your not part of it you wont understand... and there are only a few reasons for this...
1. your not involved and dont really need to know
2. your involved but are not paying enough attention to get the meaning of it
3. You Haven't Asked Me Directly!!
your reading my site because your either interested in what I have to say or that you want to know about me.... I'm sorry if you dont fully get what I'm talking about sometimes but if you really want to know then just ask... my email link is plastered everywhere and there is a comments section... if I feel you should know then I'll elaborate on what I'm reffering too... I dont ordinarily open up ... and I wont do it for just anyone... I do like to talk about stuff because it's theraputic and I feel that I have a lot to gain or offer by talking things over.... some of my past has not realized this or taken me seriously but I have taken all my information and delt with it the best way I could... the world would be a much better place if communication was used more appropriately.... perhaps one day the human race will learn it's lessons and move on... unfortunately I am believing this will never happen.. but I'll try to do my part.... it's brought me this far.. and things are looking up.... enjoy yewrselves....
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Creater: Joe Earhart