Saturday, September 29, 2007
I forgot to mention something amazing that happened to me a while back.... I completely forgot about it until now because of events but I cleaned off my camera today and got reminded..... I woke up one morning after a rain week.... because of the rain the dirt roads in the area (that I must travel on to go anywhere) were exceptionally muddy thus giving my car a nice coat of dirt.... anyway it was also cold so there was frost on the car through the week.... the combination of the two things ...
frost.... mud... created some cool designs on my car .... sadly the pi ctures I took do not do it justice.. but yew can enjoy the nice pictures of my very dirty car....
lazy day has taken me over.... though I still have things I could do ... but since it rained last night I really dont feel like it... sometimes I marvel over how the weather can create a mood for people.... for me.... when it rains... I dont want to do anything except for mope around and do nothing... when it snows I feel like playing in the snow (unless of course it's wet snow.. that just plain old sux) when it's sunny I feel like swimming (providing it is warm enough of course.. but then there are such things as indoor pools which I used to take advantage of..... I miss those days) lately there has been a new part of the weather for me...... it is called wind.... I used to be a fan but no longer ..... but then again I've not been in an area that had this much wind.... allll the time.... it is so constantly windy here that most of the trees (when you can find them) are all leaning over.... wind does not allow me to work comfortably either.... and for this I now dispise wind
then there are just random days when you should be doing something but can't be arsed to get out of bed.... today was one of them days...... I dragged my ass out of bed because I was bored... seemed like a good enough reason to me... I spose I made a good decision for I am suddenly feeling good.... I may even get some stuff done..... but probably not... for now I'm just going to enjoy the evening.... maybe I'll even go out on the town.... yes feeling that good... but then again ... we shall just have to see ... I may even run into someone that wants to tell me about the aliens taking over the planet through dogs and cats..... (it's the reason why dogs chase cats didn't yew know??)
Friday, September 28, 2007
strange things happened last night... or perhaps I shall say it differently.... a dood said some very strange things to me last night.... I went down to the bar to chill out .... luckily ran into some people but before they came in I was given a speach... or maybe the guy was preaching.... I'm not entirely sure still.... but I will share some of the conversation highlights....
first of all I'm sitting at the bar .. by myself... just taking in the sights.... a fella comes over and introduces himself... first reactions had me freaking out... but it wasn't anything like that (he wasn't hitting on me)..... it was worse....
after he introduced himself he started by stating.... "I have something to discuss with you... now most people just disregard it or shoot it down.. but just listen to what I have to say before you judge it"
I decide to go along with it.... after all I'm here for entertainment... and this seemed to be the beginnings of it.... the guy starts rambling on... I dont remember most of it but the highlights appear to have him believing that there is a mysterious hidden planet in our solar system.... admits there are many other solar systems given that there are millions of stars in our galaxy and there must be other planets around them stars like our sun.......
he's completely baffled by this missing planet and believes it to be there and we will discover it in 2010....... it's hidden because there is highly intelligent life on it that chemically engineered us humans..... that's right... we are engineered by an alien race and the proof is everywhere......
sadly the guy couldn't give me any legitimate proof other than this mysterious planet that doesn't exist........... yet......
but then he began telling me stories about the bible or rather that the bible was a story about humans or some weird shit...... this is where I just broke down and started laughing at him.... so I'm sorry I dont really recall what he actually said about the bible ... but it was something to the effect that the bible was created to document something historically important about this alien human making race.......
he actually compared the bible and humans being created by aliens.... but he believes in god...... I was baffled myself that they let this guy out in public.... a million things sprang to mind but I really didn't want to debate a subject I detest with a moron that couldn't debate playing go fish with a deck of cards..... so I cut him off from his discussion and told him that he lost my vote with his intriguing theory when he mentioned the bible ... or rather compared the bible and his rediculousness.....
myself I'm not really one to defend the bible or call it blasphemy either but I'm really tired of people using the bible to convince others of their point of view.... especially when the bible contradicts completely what they are trying to say...... such as alien races engineering us from a missing planet....... however after thinking about this a little more...... the alien race could be deemed as ...... God....... and the mysterious planet.......... heaven/hell ........ but did this guy think of that last night?? hell no!!!........ and I'm not giving my good ideas to a moron..... oops.... maybe by me telling this story I've just given someone some amunition to start a new religion themselves... .... maybe I'll start my own.... yeah I'll call it ImadeUpraiseME....... but I wont ask you to kneel before me...... I'll think of something else to prove your undying devotion for me..... I'll get back to yew about this..... in the year 2010 when I see this amazing planet appear from no where
Monday, September 24, 2007
sometimes my dad amazes me.... I recall writing a story about a fella that wore makeup a few months ago at one of the jobsites... maybe I didn't go into detail but I think I did... I'm too lazy to look it up..... anyway it matters not... the fella with the makeup is working on the same home as us again and low n behold .... it's his birthday.... my dad suggests that we take him out for dinner to celebrate..... it seems that dad and the makeup dood are becoming good friends or something.... maybe my dad has some hidden fantasies??? ok probably not but I like to joke around dont I.... so we go to dinner and sadly the first thing I think of is the people that are choking on their food when they see the make up wearing dood...... ok so I'm mean but I still sat down and had dinner without mocking him .... so I couldn't be that mean... but then again.... I spose I am mocking now that I'm writing about it.... but it's a story that must be told.... I found out that the make up wearing dood does a full drag in the evenings..... I spose it would be kinda difficult doing carpentry in a dress.... but then again nothing seems suprising anymore......
except perhaps that I didn't mention to the hot waitress that it was the makeup doods birthday and perhaps he should have gotten a free cake or something lol .... well he's sposedly watching his figure so I would have had to eat the damned thing I guess.... and I hate cake so that wouldn't have gone over to well lol
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
why?????????????? I just dont understand some people..... believe it or not.... not everyone smokes.... and yet some people assume that everyone does.... or even if yew dont smoke... you should still have some on yew that they can either bum or buy...... either way.... when I say I dont smoke to these people that ask the wonderful question......
can I buy a smoke off yew? or yew got an extra smoke?
why do they give me a dirty look or one of curiosity that I'm lying to them..... perhaps I should start responding with yew got a beer? I'll trade yew my non existant smoke for yewr non existant beer..... sounds like a decent trade to me..... in any event I think I shall start calling these people on the dirty look they give me..... like what the fuck is yewr problem .... yew are bumming me for a smoke and I'm the monster for saying no....... whatever pal
wondering? yeah... me to..... about what are yew wondering though? what this post is about perhaps? or maybe what yewr gonna do this weekend.... school? work? or maybe what your life will be like in 10 years... who the hell knows.... myself ... I'm lost... I couldn't imagine my life being like it is right now years ago.... but in some ways I'm doing far better than I ever thought.... and all this on minimal schooling... or perhaps I should rephrase that... after all I did take a lot of school... but I was a "C" student (except for a few choice classes) and of course until college.... they keep announcing some story on the news about grades... do they matter? maybe they are trying to get opinions..... my opinion would be varrying on the type of schooling or classes.... but then there are too many different types of teachers as well.... I could do well in certain classes that I hate with the right teacher..... example... in grade 10 I had a miserable bitch "supposed" teacher for pre cal math..... the hag just sat at her desk after a 2 minute session of writing stuff on the chalkboard...... without the explanation of what it all meant...... needless to say I didn't learn anything and a bit less than a month our first test came along.... I scored 8/100 not bad I spose given the circumstances..... this caused my lack of ability in math... I dropped the class for academic math..... sadly ended up with the same teacher for it and I skipped more time from school which ended up me failing math for the first time in my life.... matter of fact it was the first and last course I ever failed in my entire life ..... my first and last time ever in summer school was the result and the teacher was surprised to find me in his class.... we were in the class less than 30 days in july.... I learned more from him in that time frame than I did with the hag all school year....... my tests were nothing lower than 80% (highest in the class lol) ......
you need more examples? I had an asshole teacher in elementary school and he specifically told me I would never amount to anything ........ ever........ I spose some would agree with him but I wouldn't in a million years.... but of course it would be just my opinion....
so I say... no grades dont matter... however that shouldn't mean that you just push the kids through school like they do now.... there has to be some measure of abilities that the kids have to live up to.... and if they are not cutting it... then they pay the penalty of repeating the grade... slap on the wrist will not work for they do not learn a damned thing except that they can get by with minimals....... think about it people.... even macdonalds would like to have college education to work there....
sadly I dont know where this is going so perhaps I'll just end it with a joke.... (yes it's old but it's a good one about a Little Old Lady in court.....)
Defence Attorney: Will you please state your age?
Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old.
Defence Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st?
Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front p orch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the p orch and sat down beside me.
Defence Attorney: Did you know him?
Little Old Lady: No, but he sure was friendly.
Defence Attorney: What happened after he sat down?
Little Old Lady: He started to rub my thigh .
Defence Attorney: Did you stop him?
Little Old Lady: No, I didn't stop him.
Defence Attorney: Why not?
Little Old Lady: It felt good. Nobody had done that since my Abler died some 30 years ago.
Defence Attorney: What happened next?
Little Old Lady: He began to rub my breasts.
Defence Attorney: Did you stop him then?
Little Old Lady: No, I did not stop him.
Defence Attorney: Why not?
Little Old Lady: His rubbing made me feel all alive and excited. I haven't felt that good in years!
Defence Attorney: What happened next?
Little Old Lady: Well, by then, I was feeling really "spicy" that I just laid down and told him "Take me, young man. Take me!"
Defence Attorney: Did he take you?
Little Old Lady: Hell, no! He just yelled, "April Fool!" And that's when I shot him, the little bastard!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
couples baffle me... well not all of them but there are quite a few that really get to me.... perhaps it's why I'm still single... but probably not.... I dont get the people that gotta have their hands or arms intertwined together to show every person they pass that they are ...... together.... I was gonna say happily together... but I'd be cynical if I had said that first..... perhaps it's just my outlook on life that makes me hate this trait with people..... each of my ex's never got my hatred for holding hands walking down the road... it's not that I dont like yew or dont want to show affection.. I have other ways of doing that... I just can't stand holding hands... it's a silly forced custom from ages ago and now because of that some people think it's nessessary to show that yew care....
another thing I hate is when couples go out with single people.... they act all mushy gushy and dont realize they are making the single people uncomfortable.............unless there are more single people to interact with ... but a threesome crowd... it's not nice at all.... oh wait... maybe I did this when I was not single.... if I did... I'm sorry to anyone I may have made feel weird or whatever... I swear it's the girls fault lol...
whatever it is or was... I am suddenly curious about some of the customs that dating brings out in people.... maybe I shall make a list of what should or should not be done.... (yes of course this will just be my opinion .... and yew may not like it.... but I dont care)
Friday, September 14, 2007
ok so you are now reading one of my bloglike posts...... I feel sorry for you.... well no I dont because when I write something it tends to be somewhat interesting... if not funny or just plain rediculous..... this is one of them times..... I have been emailed a cold and am obligated to pass it to everyone I know...... I of course am not going to do this entirely intentionally because that perhaps would be wrong.... however.... I will give it an effort.... because...... I said I would.....
k,so 1 sore throat,stuffy nose,achy body and painful sure to forward it on too all the ppl u know...heheheh,maybe i will get rid of it faster
yew'd be suprised that I've done this before and it kinda helped.... I'm a big fan of placibos...... especially if it's me handing them out... why? because I'm a trixter.... I enjoy the misery of others? no.... it's because I really like to help people.... then yew'll now be asking... why would I spread a cold.... because it could bring people together... yes together.... you see for those that have the cold... they get a combination of a few things.... (well some people do)
1. yew get to snuggle with the significant other (if yew dun have the typical one ... the significant other could be the loving warm bed that yew hybernate in till it's over)
2. yew get time off work... (otherwise the plague spreads to everyone and work becomes so much fun... yes sarcasticness can be read... and when yew finally get over it... yew get it again because everyone at work had it after yew and have passed it around again)
3. yew get to cough up all that extra crap that has lined yewr inards (if yewr lucky)
4. yew get to complain about everything.... yes even the smallest things such as the person beside yew looked at yew weird..... the difference is .. yew get away with it because nobody wants to come near yew because of yewr infectious disease or they just plain feel sorry for yewr unfortunate (possibly self inflicted) predicament
5. perhaps the most important..... yew can be the most annoying ... assholian... bitch/prick on the planet (if yew decide to be) and most likely get away with it... unless of course the person yewr directing yewr "passion" is also sick then yewr just a bitch/prick
so ... enjoy yewr cold... yes the one I passed on to yew..... for it was given with love..... not because I'm an asshole lol
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
what is it with the world today... on the radio this morning they were talking about things that a man over 30 should never do .... anymore.... there were a few funny things and of course a few other things mentioned.... and then I compared them to myself....... yikes...... I am either a typical 30 year old weirdo .... or I fall into the coincidence catagory..... personally I think the list was just full of crap ..... after all the list was compiled from people that called in to voice their opinion...... I mean come on.... since when is it wrong to watch wrestling??????? though I must admit I haven't seen the show since december and I know a few people that are more enthusiastic about wrestling than I am..... (yew know who yew are lol) another that was mentioned was video games.... now I'm not much of a gamer but a lot of the games these days are created for men... not boys..... my favourite one that was mentioned was blog......................................................................................................................
well I spose the idiot that mentioned that is incapable of writing.... and even better the radio show host would have to be killed because he has a blog for the radio show lol.....
others that were mentioned....
take a camera to a nude beach...... (as if anyone would ever do that)
Eat Oreo cookies in stages.... (do they not coin their slogan for this???)
Propose via stadium Jumbotron ... (the lady that called this one in must have turned someone down via the stadium jumbotron)
Have a ponytail...... (I know a few people like this)
Have a mullet.... (as well as this lmao)
Sleep past noon. ... (yew try working a backshift and not do this)
I will however agree with this one!!!!
hug amusement-park characters or mascots .... (why would anyone other than a kid do this???)
oh and the other one I agree with.... wearing a chain wallet..... well I personally dont think anyone should wear them ... they are just silly unless of course yewr hiding the entire chain .. but then again that sorta defeats the purpose doesn't it.... I spose some people will lose just about anything so they need the chain
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
spelling.... does it matter?? .... in some situations yes.... do people spell words incorrectly... yes a lot of the time... especially when people are in a hurry.... me...... I let every one know up front that I'm a terrible speller (course I'm not for the most part but I'm indeed not perfect) ... a lot of it is a matter of choice ... of course my personal thoughts would be portrayed in a different light of actual writing.... but I must agree ... I am a terrible speller at times... then there are the few werds I choose to spell wrong because it's my style of writing... (yes I know I spelled words as werds) yew for you... and even newer.... ewe for yew or you.... but they way I spell doesn't impact my message for the most part or I'm certain I would have heard about it much sooner than this.... blogger doesn't have a spell chequer... but even if it did I probably wouldn't use it... well maybe I would... there are a few words that I take the time to look up if I think they are incorrect.... but of course if I'm in a hurry there is no way in hell I'm taking the time for that.... or maybe I just dont care if it's spelled correctly.... this is for the most part just quick thoughts to make an attempt for someone's temporary entertainment..... and in some cases it is just that.... a few of my readers only read this drivel to keep tabs on me.... or for the simple fact that once in a while I actually do have something funny to write about.... sadly today is not one of those days.... and this isn't a rant... so whatever it matters not....
but then again.... I just received an email from my mom.... for those that dont know... she was a hairdresser that still has her own shop (for part time regular customers) and we can imagine how many hair products are in a hairdressers shop..... I've been informed that my wonderfully talented little brother has more hair products than the shop does.... is he a little vain?? but then he does have much more hair on the top of his head than I do..... (I said top of head.. he has yet to grow a beard as well as I do lol)
Friday, September 07, 2007
I find it strange that people still hitchhike .... but I spose if you must then you must... certain things come to mind when I think of hitching... of course first is not that new movie called the hitcher but most people would think about such things when they see someone with the thumb extended....... I have my own personal stories about it but that will wait.........
even stranger to me is the fella I encountered last week hitching with a dog.... I couldn't believe my eyes but I actually saw this .... and maybe your thinking that the dog could have just been friendly and come up to the guy while he was standing by the road... but I assure you this is not the case..... because of my proof.... with him was a woman sitting down by their bags.... and guess what.... on her lap... that's right another dog.... ummm pardon me... it's exceptionaly difficult for one person to get a ride... I want to know who the hell would pick up two people and two dogs?????? oh and the damned luggage they had with them.... it's just rediculous.... but I saw it.... part of me wanted to pull over to ask them if they were for real... but I didn't really want to give them the hope that I was gonna give them a ride... I'm not one to pick up hitchers.... besides I was only going 2 minutes down the road so they would have been really pissy at me for giving them a ride to nowhere...... but they gave me an exciting idea for my book..... no yew cannot hear it yet!!!! and no it's not gonna copy the hitcher sheesh.... give me some credit...
anyway my hitcher story would be the time me and a sorta buddy decided we wanted to go to the fair but didn't have a drive (and nobody wants to wait 2 hours for the damned bus in cape breton) .... we ended up hitching (and I will never .... ever..... do this again) we had to walk for a while and eventually got picked up .... sadly I didn't realize who's car it was till we crammed ourselves into the back..... we were surrounded by girls..... I know what your thinking but it wasn't like that.... the girls were quite young except for the two ugly people in the car...... and one of them felt the need to hit on me.... I think I would have rathered the scary dood kill me.... (from the movie)
I've had a few other experiences of hitching but only because I happened to be in the car while someone else was driving and picked up the strange people..... lucky for me I dont get scared to easily I spose..... but one day I got somewhat adventurous.... I actually picked up a hitcher on my way to town a few months ago..... town is only two minutes down the road so it's not a big deal (unless he was "the hitcher" and decided to kill me lol) the dood turned out to be alright though we had a small conversation about nothing as I drove him into town.... I kicked his ass out and went into town to do some stuff.... I wasn't more than ten minutes or so and needed to go to someplace further down the road and well I spose I forgot about the hitcher.... perhaps it was lucky for him I was in a nice mood and really had nothing better to do.... so I picked him up again ...... but what bugged me about it was that as soon as he seen my car he started to pick up his bag expecting that I would pull over....
I think it might have been quite funny if I had put the signal on ... slowed down... then kept going..... I wonder how far he would have ran up the road after me..... but I'm not such an ass lol.... anyway I drove him to the next town and he was ever so happy to get that far.... especially after he saw the coolies he would have had to walk through (I keep meaning to take pictures of this... eventually)
anyway that is my hitcher story.... and I have a deffinate storyline for my book you'll be happy to hear.... the problem as usual will be filling in the blank spots..... but I am more optomistic now that I have a real idea in the works....