judging by the inability of my "fans" to comment on my very nice comment page I think I may have to start creating things for people to talk about.... I check out supersteve's blog all the time and he has 14+ comments on his daily events... and I get 1 a week if I"m lucky.... perhaps his stories are just better than mine? or perhaps I have smarter readers heheheh.... perhaps I just have shy readers they say they read my stuff but dont have any comments... perhaps my writing doesn't deserve coments at all ... maybe I'm just that good??? I didn't think so.... perhaps I'll write some twisted stuff that leaves yew guessing from now on.... yeah I think I'll try that for once...... guess what I"m talking about today :P
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
I hate yew all.... I sent a mass email to the entire building at work stating this.... I thought it was a good joke concidering all the silly people that keep sending I love you messages to the floor.... but that doesn't matter... I have decided that I can't make any more signs for my fan club... breathing in the marker fumes are giving me a sore throat and I can't be asked to do it anymore... now I just feel like shit and would like to go home.... I no longer love my job or think it's fun to even suggest that I do.... I would like to burn the building down and go work for macdonalds again.... ummm no I"m not that desparate to leave stream... but it was a thought... perhaps I'll just quit..... (here is where your supposed to say no no.. yew must stay.. it's not the same in hell without yew) sucks that I'm the entertainment of hell.... sheesh.... but anyway I have a better thing to write about than work... it's something that has bothered me for a very long time and really (until recently) I thought it only happens in cape breton.... ya know when you see 5 police cars with sirens blazing and lights flashing speeding down the road it's time to go in the other direction because something major is going down... such as a bomb or pile of shotguns blasting some people apart... but nooooooooo..... lots of people decide they should get closer to the action so they can see what's going on .. and then gossip about it to everyone they meet (even total strangers) the thing is... that these people get in their cars and race over to whatever is happening... cluttering up the road and blocking traffic for the police.. ambulance.. firetrucks.. whatever is supposed to be going in to help out the real people in trouble... and that's not even the worse part..... it's amazing that the people dont even know what's going on yet they will rush over to get a closer look..... little do they know that a bomb is in the building that can take out the three closest entire blocks.... with the people along with it... but your so happy that you got a glimps of this event that you dont even care that your in danger.... and they wonder why I dont want to go "see what's goin on".. I dont want to be that one person that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.... the crazy dood with the shotgun blasting off random shots outside his house because the police are getting too close and he's freaking out.... yeah one of them stray shots hit me in the chest and I'm dead... lovely all because I wanted to see what happened... why the police rushed over here... but anyway I'll stay in the dark and enjoy my time while I have some.. going the opposite way of the police and sirens or whatever... besides while there are 20 cop cars going that way.. I can go the other direction and rob the convenience store on the other side of town hehehehehe......
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I'm bringing I hate my job to a new level... I've brought back the fan club and am pleased at the new slogan.... Tell me ... What's the point..... it's great... maybe now we can get some answers... but I doubt it.... I'm also mad at blogger.. I had a very well typed out "nice" post about things at work ... but it got lost somehow ... server issue or something and I dont remember what I wrote.. but it had to do with the giant and a missing tupperware (yes I'm still dont have it back) but that's a different story and I dont care to repeat it (can yew tell I'm not in a good mood?) but at least I'm in the XP que today ... for now anyway I see a lot of day shift people around it's terrible I dont have any of my familiar faces around... spose I'll request a shift change soon... but who knows anyway I must get back to making signs.. I have enough straws for 200 so I spose I'll need more... so far there is great demand for the signs... we'll see if I can get the entire building this time hahahahahahahahah ..... but this time I doubt if any supervisors will think it's a great idea... though if I put a smile on a few faces that's all I'm looking for... for now try to enjoy yewr day (going into que soon)
Thursday, August 19, 2004
can I have some more bad news at werk.. I'm starting to like the place again.... of course I"m being sarcastic... but I have started work on the fan club signs... many of you will probably want one (although only a select few were enthusiastic last time) but I'll be passing some out anyway .... and as always I'll have a pile of them hanging from my desk so people can come and take one as they please.... of course I anticipate being fired over this so I'm crossing my fingers.... I'm mad at the giant.. he stole my tupperware (course that's what he thinks... and I think it's funny that small me would be mad at a giant... he thinks it's funny too) anyway I think a case of beer and some supper is in order.... perhaps just the beer... yeah just the beer.....
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
the group around me were discussing possabilities about missing our turns during the shift bid today (for those that dont know ... an annoyance devised to cause panik where we have to stress over choosing a shift for work) and the one I stated was the possability of being stuck on a call (cause that never happens) and missing my turn.... so 20 minutes before my turn I finally get off my call and check my message (I had been offered vto) but decided that it was too early to take it ... so I pressed ready and waited for my next call... which I had hoped I wouldn't get... but of course I got one..... the shitty software wouldn't co-operate..... as I had explained earlier in the day it fukn happend.... I was pissed... but not at the fact that I was stuck on a call and missing my turn in the bid.... so accross from me is sitting a "supervisor" (which I have come to hate them all these days) and I explain to him (while I"m talking to a customer) that my turn is coming up in 10 minutes and I cannot make my turn.... he tells me he can't do anything that I should ask someone to go upstairs for me.... WHAT'S HE THERE FOR?????????..... so a few minutes pass.. it's getting closer to my deadline I now have 4 minutes to my turn... no end in sight for my call... I'm starting to freak out saying I'll put my customer on hold and go up.... when he finally gets off his rocker and calls upstairs for me to inform them I am going to be late I'm on a call...... the "supervisor" he called missunderstands and they send a search party for me.... figures... they always get things right at work.... so the "supervisor" calls back and restates the issue... so luckily they wait for me and I get to make my turn ... without having to pull a flipper and tear the fuckn walls down..... apperantly a dood in training earlier in the day (he's number 5 or somethin in the list) didn't know his time and missed it by 15 minutes ..... so they skipped over him .... sad thing is he was speaking to my "STUPERVISOR" before it all began and the bitch didn't tell him his time because she couldn't bring it up on the computer.... funny when I went up this afternoon to find out my time.. the other "supervisor" looked on a sheet of paper and found me right away.... it's funny how some "supervisors" will go out of their way for agents... but most of them wont... and they wonder why we love to come to work.... assholes.... I love my job... yes it's time to bring back the fan club only slightly reworded I will open craft corner again (if I ever get a seat of my own) and begin the club all over again... until then good luck....
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
it turns out I have a reputation.... and it might not even be that bad of one as well... apperantly people believe me to be a tier 2 agent and I dont even know them... word of mouth is a powerfull thing I guess lol... I was at my station on a call and had left a messenger window open on the screen... and because I was concentrating on a customer didnt notice the supervisor sitting in the cube next to me trying to get my attention to turn the damned thing off... and the only reason he knew about it is because I can't stand the online web messenger (found here http://www.e-messenger.net) but anyway it doesn't matter he then went away on his business (I didn't get a written warning I'm amazed) but apperantly someone told him I'm a tier 2 agent (again a person I dont know) and he told her to appologize to me about "the incident" lol so I spose it pays to be a "fake" tier 2 agent....
anyway I fed the giant today... but even more funnyness came of it apperantly he read an earlier entry and decided to make a joke of my comments... however so I brought him the dish and he agreed it was tasty so I left him with a full dish for dinner... but took the fork... saying I needed it to eat and of course I did...... so I left him to his business and went on to eat my delicious meal.....
after I ate I decided to go back up and supply the giant with a fork... he was very pleased at my efforts (and thus decided not to kill me after all) stating how he didn't know how the fuk he was to obtain a fork for eating the meal... and well I'm just picturing him eating with his fingers lol brings new meaning to finger licking good..... hope he doesn't mind my speaking about it this way ... I am still only small after all lolol and in his own werds... the giant is apeased lol.... enjoy your day....
apperantly this was in the paper this morning... that's great... gotta love it lol... now if they would only give us the calls that we are in que for.... instead of flipping us from one contract to the other... makes the dial agents feel like shit because someone on XP is getting paid more to do their job... it's a great thing..... not!!!

remember to wish me luck today..... I agreed to feed a giant... or rather give him a taste of an interesting food.... yes I'm going to share some of my curried chicken with Ashley (hope I spelled it right) and since he towers over me I am rather skeered about sharing... (he might kill me) well I doubt that but it's funny to think about anyway.... perhaps I shouldn't make fun but I'm sure we could all use a good laugh about things.... between losing pay and moving to a new contract... where nobody knows anything about what they are doing.. (except a very select few) and the fact that we can't learn anything about this new contract because they flip us into a different que before we even take a call.... makes me glad I signed my form (for those of yew that dont work with us dont worry bout it... it's not really important) so perhaps I'll move on.... I figure I'll give XP a shot for a while .. (if I ever get to take some calls) but I have a sneeky suspicion that I"m not gonna like this one either and I just want to quit.. more than ever now.... but I"m not giving up yet still have some dreams that I'd like to fullfill... I'm just gonna have to bring back the craft corner again haha.... I spose I'll stock up on my suplies today ... well maybe tomorrow it's fukn raining and I hate walking places in the rain... so what shall I make first? so far I"ve created a duck... cat... whimpy the poop... an elephant... a mouse and a girraffe.... now I just need ideas... so lets hear em... perhaps a mascot for work with the emblem enblazed on it's side... though I'm not sure I can fit stream sux balls on the side of a rat.....
Friday, August 13, 2004
ok so here it is... and this is great... and of course my idea... but someone else got to it first... cause I'm lazy and can't be bothered lol....

word for the day.... ZZZzzzzzzzzzz .... spose it's not really a word but it's the feeling for the week... I'm soooooo tired having to get up at 5:30 (not really but that's when the alarm goes off) my ride comes at 6:15... and I can't seem to get out of bed till at least 6:03 lol... so that's not very much time to wake up and do stuff.... however today is the last day I have to do it for a very long time... (I hope) anyway got through the week of training and now it's onward to a new and "exciting" contract..... perhaps I'll even make a website walkthrough for that (but I still can't seem to get my personal one done) anyway nothing interesting going on at the moment other than a great picture that was sent to me today.... I might post it here (if I think of it later) but yew all have probably already seen it... I was going to create the picture but I didn't get a chance to do it first lol... oh well this will work just the same lol... anyway enjoy yewrselves maybe once I get on the phone again I'll have some interesting stories to tell... if not I guess I'll just have to make up my own again....
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
disturbing news at werk.... though if ya think about it it's not all that disturbing.... I would like to think about it this way ...... I have a job... it's not a good job ... and I'll never like it... but it pays me so I can do the things I like doing when I'm not there..... and I've had worse jobs.... that's what keeps me going.... now the thing that bothers me with all of this.... is the people that I work with.... (not all of them) the ones that complain about everything..... they make it so unbearable to walk into the building ... it's like going into another world..... it's a feeling that is depressing... it's like a wave... anytime I see the company logo I feel like... well I'd like to strangle the closest person to me because I picture them complaining and whining about their job.... people!! it's a job.... it's what pays the bills.. of course your not going to like it... and it's always hell... your here to do it... so lets just do it.... of course with a pay cut it makes it slightly different.... but then if ya dont take the pay cut... you (and the rest of us) wont have a job at all.... because they will just shut the place down because they can't afford it.... in all honesty they can... they can just run it cheaper somewhere else.... the only thing that really eats me up about the whole situation is the part where management will not give us a decent answer about anything.... it's horrible and I'd rather not hear anything more about it... just to do my job and hope that it gets better some time soon
Monday, August 09, 2004
an amazing day.... slept in till 12 for the first time in a very long time (that I can remember) and went for ice cream.... then on to see the tall ships (large sail boats from around the world) then proceeded to the casino and had a fantastic meal.... (which was over expensive but was super delicious) then out to the gambling floor where my girlfriend complained that she lost 2 bux to the slot machines lol... funny stuff... anyway back to the ships to see the FREE concert woo hooo go stampeders.... and meanwhile freeze our asses off waiting for the fireworks to occur lol.... but all in all was a great day and yippee to do it again someday...... but had to go to bed early because I had to get my ass up at 5am to get ready for work .... which I might add didn't happen .... I slept in as usual lol... rather I decided not to get my ass out of bed and just layed there.... well actually I fell assleep... I didn't even hear the alarm.. I have yet to find out how it turned off cause I dont remember doing it lol... anyway I have decided that I would like to quit my job again... too many rumours and complaining co-workers... it's getting way too depressing to come into this building anymore... moral is just horrible here... but that's another story....
Friday, August 06, 2004
me and my bad mammory... but we all forget things... I have my paper that I jot down things that I hear on my calls and base some of my stories on ... (because I can never remember anything unless I've heard it a million times) so I have a couple great stories (that some have already heard) but they go a bit like this.....
picture talking to a PC illiterate (as they like to put it) and you say a specific task.. like click on the icon dial up networking please.... well what if they heard it wrong.... way wrong.... the gentleman asked me ... so you want me to click on dial up not working??... yeah that's right sir yewr dial up is just not working.... you better get it fixed.....
how about ..... I"m helping a lady with her connection... she can't sign into our software... and steps require us to update her passport information (not really but it's a good test of some issues ... so we come to the spot where she has to enter her time zone... and not missing a beat she inquires to the gentleman sitting beside her saying ... I'm not sure.. one second please.... are we in central time zone?? to which he replies.... hhmmm no I dont think so.. nope were not in there... we are in daylight savings time... well I just about fell outta my chair.. that was soo great... priceless....
but anyway it's even better from some of our agents..... I happened to be in a higher level of support and a call comes in from one of our agents saying that they just cannot sign in... they've done all these steps and it just doesn't seem to be working.... I get introduced (amazingly cause most of them dont) and it begins.... I ask the lady a few introductory questions like how long has it been happening and this that and the other thing.... then I ask her... what do yew see on your screen?.... she replies well I see the member center.... I'm like huh? I thought this lady couldn't connect... so I asked her to click on the home button up top... she gets the homepage... this is quite remarkable for someone that cannot connect.... so we click on mail and more.... it works just fine to..... so I ask her... well your connected what would you like me to do?? she says she's not connected that she's had so much troubles that she needs to be fixed.... I say scuse me but yew just brought up the homepage.. your getting your email.... your connected .. your fixed there's nothing more I can do.... she's like oh.... well that last guy told me I wasn't and it would take a few more things to get me fixed.... well I guess we just did em thanks for calling... hang up now thank you.... but thanks for jumping me in the que... I coulda gotten a really rotten call I spose.....
I love the customers that dont want to listen to us.... we are the proffesionals.. they called us to get their issue resolved after all.... if they dont want our advice.. why call?? so this lady is having major issues with her computer and I ask have yew restarted your computer.. she replies no.... I reply that would be the first thing I would try... lets go ahead and do that.... well it was a war.... I'm not restarting my computer.... I ask why??? she replies that she has this game that it saves her information and if she restarts the computer the information is gone..... she has this unbelievable high score that she needs to keep so she can keep playing and make the score higher.... I'm thinking to myself who is going to see this score that your building up? if the software doesn't save the score when you shut it down.. it sure as hell doesn't have an option to send it online..... what is the point of this stupidness..... so I suggest a couple other things and say if they dont work you will have to restart your computer... I'm not doing that there's gotta be some other way she says...... so I thanked her for calling as well and enjoy your gamefull day.... I mean gainfull day lol.....
and in closing (for this display of nonsense).... it's always better when the customers say something that gives ya a chuckle while on the call.... I've heard some analogies of different pieces of software but this one is the best I've ever heard..... I'm describing different options to a customer and he's picking up the pieces and moving on .... when I described that msn uses internet explorer to do everything.. he says sooo.... msn is like the internet explorer (IE) ... only it's IE on steroids??? I gave a chuckle and thought to myself... well more like IE on crack.. but we'll let yew think that because yew pay for the service... enjoy yewr day.........
Thursday, August 05, 2004
read the below comment first..... (after this post... then this post)
by the way I dont actually have nasty critters or any ear fungus.. I'm just siting possabilities that are the reason why people dont use other peoples equipment at werk.. it's just plain disgusting and rude......
I've decided not to complain anymore... I have come to accept my job sux.... and that I love the people I work with... yes they have lots of respect for our belongings... and also they love all of the rest of our fellow werkers.... I came into work yesterday and decided that I would allow the use of my personal workstation and all of my belongings to a fellow agent from a different team... I was soo happy to share that he eagerly used my headset and everything I owned in the desk... now if ya ask anyone else on the floor they think it's disgusting that a person would use someone elses headset.. it's unhygenic and well they say just plain icky.... I however dont mind that he use my belongings.... he could have done what I did... go to intraday and ask for a new set (because someone apperantly stole his)... so it makes it ok for him to steal mine... great... so I proved not only am I not lazy... and that I actually am a nice agent on the floor.... however I do hope that he catches my ear fungus.... and that he also catches the fleas that are under my desk.. as well as gets fingeritus from my mouse (because I pick at my ears) ... and perhaps I should also mention the crotch critters that seem to be going around this building.....
one of the agents that was sitting around me last night jumped from his seat freaking out.... I have a bug.. I have a bug... look it was under my pants... it crawled all over me..... well I hope I'm not sitting in his seat today... however I'm becoming itchy at the moment (just like yew are now I bet :P lol) but that's another story...... have a nice day... I plan too....
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
I haven't been around... yes yew knew..... well I'm back.... I have decided that I love my job again... I had this great kind fella shouting in my ear because he wanted to be helped and the more I told him I could and was very capable the more upset he got... I couldn't understand it.... so he wanted to speak to my supervisor.... well mine is on vacation.... and the closest one was 3 flights down stairs.... so I told him one wasn't available lol.... again he didn't like my answers so I got mad.... he had a simple issue and the issue was simple as well but time consuming.... he freaked out saying there's got to be an easier way... there wasn't and I spose he didn't like the way I spoke to him ... so confident and self assured... he even said I didn't know what I was talking about... great so my confidence isn't showing hhmmmm... oh well it doesn't matter he wanted to speak to someone else sooo.. I suggested I transfer him back into the que... he didn't like that one either lol... well so I couldn't trasnfer him... how do I give him to another agent???? she then he started swearing and everything so I transfered him anyway... but politly thanked him for calling.... (ok so I wasn't to polite muttering thank yew for calling under my breath ... sue me... he wants to lol) apperantly he called back and got a better agent..... the agent told him the same things I did.. but for some odd reason he didn't freak out like he did with me... must have been speaking to a woman lol.... so evidently he got his issue fixed but still wasn't satisfied.. he called back again to complain..... about me..... great so his threat about going to corporate was true... (I"m skeered) some stupid agent transfered him to tier 3 so they could make a formal complaint against me and he's gonna write micocrap head office to get me fired lol... lovely I can't wait ... the good news just keeps pouring in .....