Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
4-5 days of freaking out partying and new beginnings..... enjoy.....
now that my head is cleared of the fog and I have begun a new life so to speak...I'll try to recollect the events that have occurred over my work breakdown and mini vacation that I so deserved... I will of course focus on the better parts.. because if I didn't .. it wouldn't be entertaining... anyway I freaked out on thursday and flew out of the office and never looked back.... I couldn't stand to be in the building any further and did not wish to go back.... thankfully I had a fantastic weekend full of fun and friends... I want to extend my thanks to all of the people I received messages from and those that came and celebrated with me.... of all the jumbles in my mind of the many many events I witnessed and took part in over the last 5 days I will try to put them in words that make sense and not what a drunken blog portrays..... though it seems to be somewhat acurate even if it is totally rediculous the way it is written...
the first thing I will go over is my anger on thursday... the blog from Wednesday was nearly a complete farce... it was my interpretation of the events I would have loved to happen on my last day of the second worst job I've ever held in my life... this in itself is not exactly true because I've had some pretty lousy jobs but what makes this job so lousy is that every couple months I break down and just do not want to do it anymore... well when I came into work on thursday I took a few shitty calls and decided that I didn't want to do it ever again.... and I walked out.... I didn't do any of the crazy things because I kinda want to remain out of prison and well the references I would get from this place are worth while having for future employment ventures... however I did leave my webcase customers hanging.... I didn't even realize that I had not done them till after I left... but oh well it doesn't matter... none of them replied to my messages in the 4 days I took off.. so they couldn't be needing assistance very much...
thursday night I spent with roomie and I ended up gettin shitfaced doing absolutely nothing.... it was great.... unfortunately I was sposed to get up early on friday and do stuff to get my bday party together... this of course didn't happen because I was hungover and well to lazy to move my sorry ass.... and that would have stayed that way but I had made a commitment to pick up a new friend from St Peters.. we know her as the hurricane as I have mentioned in previous posts.... so a road trip commenced....
I left sydney and drove along the highway and every 10 minutes or so there was a group of motorbikes driving past me... a H.O.G. convention was being held this weekend in Cape Breton.. the idea was to gather hundreds actually thousands of bikes and parade through the streets... I'll come back to this as it happens in the days to come.... for now the bikes that passed me were quite the site to see... and made me feel better as I listened to music and drove along the whinding twisting roads.... there weren't really any points of interest to add here other than the Cape Breton scenery which you would have to experience yourself to fully appretiate it... although now that I think again I remember two more bikers passing me.... but the difference being they came from behind me and passed me like they were in the fast and the furious... since I was doing the speed limit and they blew past me like I was standing still they must have been doing 140... it was kinda fantastic
I get to St Peters and try to remember the directions I was given and figured my incompetance had let me pass my destination since I passed the main town (which isn't very big) and it appeared as though I was heading back into country... but as I pulled into the church parking lot to check my directions again.. I figured well maybe I just didn't go far enough... I consulted the directions and checked numbers of houses around the church... found that I hadn't gone far enough and turned back onto the road and kept going...... I spose until now if I hadn't just admitted this I probably could have kept the illusion that I really did make it there in one peice without any difficulties... course I had mentioned I tried to call the hurricane but of course my phone was useless... no signal when I needed it lol...
anyway the trip back was even less eventful other than a quick pit stop at the canal to check out the fisherman.... I note this because the hurricane made me take a picture of him... sadly by the time I got the camera on him he was not actualy fishing... oh well.... we stopped for a bite to eat... I am really beginning to love pan fried fish... especially from the place we stopped at.. it was fantastic ... oh and the girl that waited on us really insisted that the fries were the best... they were pretty good... but I spose I should mention the wall of sayings they have posted... I took pics of the better ones and when I get them from my camera I'll try to post them...
the night time turned into another drinking party... had a few drinks at the house and watched a movie... had some laffs a glass of wine ended up on the floor and made the room smell nice for a while lol.... the cab ride was interesting as we pulled up to dooley's and had a few games of pool... it turns out that I got my ass handed to me because I kept sinking the 8 ball... umm.. for some reason lol.... but then it happened again... a beer ended up being spilled on the carpet.... poor hurricane had the spills lol..... so we then moved on to some dancing at the crappi club... met my friend clare and proceded to show my (or was that our) talents on the dance floor to the hurricane.... (we really are quite the dance partners) she had been informed that I was quite the dancer... yeah I spose I am.... she in turn showed me her robot moves lol (as she described it.. I think she did better than she thinks) however there was the dood in the biker outfit doin a jiggin dance with a woman.... it turned into the hurricanes incentive to dance... maybe she just wanted to get closer to him lol... anyway other than that I managed to spill a drink all over myself.. and I have absolutely no idea how it happened...... oh yes and I got beat up with a sub .... I think the hurricane has anger management issues...
saturday... happy bday to me.... I ended up sleeping in... I was sposed to go pick up a couch so people would have a place to sit when they came over... oh well it was raining anyway lol..... but I did eventually get out to pick it up.. must thank my buddy for that again.... I got some groceries and this is when one of the kewlest things I've witenessed in an extremely long time happened.... the H.O.G. rally was driving past the grocery store... I've never seen so many bikes goin by... even hot biker chicks I was.. really impressed... and the roar of the bikes.. I just wanted to stick out my arm and knock one of them off and steal the bike just to be in this parade lol... but of course I couldn't do that because then it would be a race... couple thousand bikers chasing me to kill me for steallin a fellow bikers bike lol.. anyway after the bikes went by we got the groceries and then headed back to the house to finish up preparations for the party...
I managed to cook up some curry sauce which ended up being used as a dip for nacho's... fantastic idea lol... peole started showing up and the party got under way... I buzzed around my huge house like a fly... from room to room and then outside and back in.... managed to make my presence known to all that showed up.. even some people I've never met before... so perhaps I have a few new friends... all in all it was fantastic night that continued out to hermans and beyond... I've already mentioned some of the highlights but I spose I'll go into a bit more detail...
I didn't get ice for the party and was asked what kind of host I was.... I never get ice cause I dont use it lol... and well it turned out to be a good thing because me and lisa go next door to get some at the store... in the process of obtaining the ice lisa says to me that in order to break the ice apart one would drop the bag on the floor and to the ladies shock and amazment behind the counter... not to mention lisa the bag exploded on the floor when she demonstrated what should be done.... I couldn't stop laughing... at least we tried to clean it up for the woman... and she was mopping the floors anyway so she just had to run over it again is all... but what people dont know is that lisa put the ice back in the bag.. yes the stuff on the floor.... another reason that I dont use ice... ya never know where that stuff comes from.... so for all of yew that did have ice in yewr drinks? hope yew enjoyed it lol
unfortunately lisa beat me up for telling that story... and now I'm sure the nex† time I see her she'll do it again lol... but it didn't stop there... her husband was talked into showing up with the fruit bootie pink shirt.. yes I have pictures and they will be displayed soon enough.. just have to set up the FTP server on my new hard drive (being installed tonight) but that's another story... so apperantly the people out on the step were hollering at people going by.... if I had known I would have been able to join in lol but I was too busy dancing around the house... aparently I left the party when there were still people there.... which I cannot believe I did but since I had spend the whole evening drinking and carrying on I probably was not in any shape to be in charge of anything not to mention that I had been drunk for the past two days... so partying on to hermans.... I honestly dont remember getting to the bar or even going for that matter... I swear I blanked out for the ride to hermans somewhere after Lisa and CorEy left the house because I do remember saying good bye to all of them in the van... it's a shame they didn't leave the chairs behind lol..
so anyway what I remember of hermans was dancing... I remember going out to the smokin area and everyone out there found out it was my bday and I got hand shakes and high fives around... I do believe even some hugs... all strangers... I hope the hugs were from girls lol... maybe the hugs didn't really happen.. who the hell knows... I do remember another time goin out to the smokin area the line was not moving.... so I cleared a lane for me and the hurricane but the bouncer wouldn't let me out... nice... I shrunk back a bit and figured I was gonna be tossed out but after turning around the nice bouncer let me through and when I turned around the hurricane was no where to be seen...I spose the lane only works for short people lol but then the storm blew through the door and the party continues... it seemed that the more I travelled around the bar the more people that seemed to know me... and I know I didn't know any of these people but perhaps this is how drunk people become so popular lol
so the only other thing to mention was dancing... I like the way the dance floor is set up in hermans.. but its always way to packed and the sound system is not set up properly to allow the music to flow through the bar like the bands... oh well I danced all over the place and probably stepped on some toes for the first time in a very long time but at least I didn't fall.. and ... I didn't spill any drinks lol... after hermans came the adventure to slobway... aparently we had an incident with olives.. I expressed how disgusting they were and some dood that was getting them mashed into his sub was praising them... but I dont really remember this incident.. it was told to me later... and aparently it was quite funny to witness... oh well maybe someone can tell us more about it later...
after this I got assaulted by a sub toting hurricane... I think I'm actually getting used to seeing people getting beaten by subs lol.... and finally after all that I managed to sit on my couch and relax for a few minutes munchin on a sub... it seems that a conversation went on about how crappy we felt or how much fun the days events where or maybe it was just drunken blabbering.. I remember talking.. but I dont remember what was said.. but apparently it was funny... maybe the hurricane remembers it... so then the passing out happened.. I dont know how I made it upstairs.. and for that matter the porcelain god was never used.... I actually wasn't hungover at all on sunday morning.. and I think I was the only one... maybe I danced myself silly.. maybe I just had the best sleep I've had in an extremely long time.... or perhaps other things.. oh well.. I've heard that everyone had a great time and hangovers were had by many lol...
and then there was sunday... my little brother the superstar was playing a show for seaside days in Dominion so I had to make an appearance... he really is very good at his music... makes me proud that he's part of the family... after my brother is done of the stage it's time for bubs the clown.... a nice lady that for some reason cannot remember a kids name.... she asks a volunteer to come up on the stage and asks his name.. it's carter.... she proceeds to call him carson... and says his name wrong about 20 times... she asks the crowd for a magic word .. some guy behind me yells out carter..... she yells back.. noooooooo that's my helpers name.... what does she do next? she called the poor little boy carson again lmao.... it was incredibly funny if you were there.... not to mention she called another poor kid by the name of collin .... colon (yes the excretment oriface)... I then proceeded to get a decent burn on my arms and a stripe accross my face... the hurricane has a crispy forehead lol.... anyway fun and games and yucky hotdogs at hawks field and then I'm off to mom's for birthday lunch... she made my favorite dish of all time.. chicken creo (course I can't spell it but that's how it sounds) and thankfully I got to take a nap... I passed out at mom's for about 2 hours
to cap the night and fantastic weekend off we enjoyed a wonderful fireworks display it was really good... very bright and very loud.... where I layed on the grass it looked like the blasts of light were right above me and in most cases they were.. I could feel the ground shake as well.. it was great...
in closing we ended up at the firehall and proceeded to have more drinks... this would be the 4th night of drinking and I'm still not sure how I did it... but it was a great birthday weekend and thanks to my friends and family I managed to get back in the right frame of mind to continue with my plans.... 3 months to go...
Dear Journal.. just cause the hurricane said so... today I went to see barbie in the parade... ya know the motorcycles... yes tha motorbike parade... and it was awesome.... got to see all the kewl bikes go by and some of them had really kewl hats makin them look funnier than I could describe.. but man the bikes were fantastic... return of the drunken blog.... and what a blog it is... I have the ability of pretending I am' a normal person .. except the background noise of the hurricane storm called Katrina.. and lots of noise it is... but at least she didn't hit no one with a sub tonight.. except me... and dayum that hurt.. anyway onward I had a party tonight for my 30th birthday and what a party.. had some fantastic people show up... and it was a lot of fun... I'll try to post some pics of the event tomorrow... but in the mean time I'm gonna pass out and try not to wake up huggin the keyboard... or the porcelane god..... but I'm sure that I will in the morning.. but what kind of drunken blog would this be if I didnt mention it... but for now... I"m gonna go pass out and perhaps remember some of the great stories tomorrow... such as my friend Lisa smashin a bag of ice in the store.. and CorEy showin up in a fruit bootie pink shirt... at least no one spilled any drinks.. and I cant' continue.. I'll try tomorrow
it's becoming a recurring event.... friday nights of pain or pleasure.... and last night was no exception... I believe that I've not seen so many spilled drinks in a long time..... sadly one of the spilled drinks was all over me.... so I ended up being loaded and covered in it as well.... my living room smells like wine... and the carpet by the pool table we used at Dooleys smells like beer.... but lucky for me the only drink I spilled was the one that went all over me at the crappi club.... perhaps I should pay more attention to what I'm doing.. course I still have no idea how it happened lol... anyway after a bunch of dancin we made our way towards hermans to see what remained of the street party.... we come accross two black ladies... they were extremely full of ... umm.... energy... but one of them appeared to be on the ground trying to pick herself up..... and the two of them were goin on like some of the ladies you see in the movies.... 'bettah watch out girl..... yew'll catch hepatitis in these streets.... yew catch anything these days'... and then the crazy bitch tripped again ...... the other one kept walking away... saying.... 'oh watch out girl'.... and the one that tripped started rollin on the ground with her dress goin up over her head.... it was quite the site to see...
the day I finally quit stream.... what a loverly day... I hunted for 3 supervisors and in turn each time I told them to fuck off and die.... I managed to take 3 calls... told the first one to stop whining and grow a brain... the second I helped because she sounded nice and was actually decent to talk to... and well she gave me her phone number.... the third I cursed and swore up and down till the old fuker hung up.... then I said into the phone because I know the cocksuckers downstairs listen still... thank you for calling.... have a nice day....
chances are they will say they fired me but I got up and walked the fuk out of that shithole.... perhaps someday they will hire me back... but after today I highly doubt it... before I left I visited the toilet on every floor and had water spill all over the floors .... except for the second floor... I peed all over the place... ya know I had to go from all that walkin and yellin... but the first thing I did when I got in today was to go to the crapeteria and bitch slap the bitch behind the counter for being so fukin stupid...
next on my way out I shook hands with the security guard.... conveniently I didn't wash my hands after pissin in the bathroom... yuck I feel sick.... and I ripped the picture off my badge and stuck it on the door so people could see when they walked in.... only problem is... how do I get all my personal junk out of my drawers.... I forgot to pack it up... well spose there really isn't anything of importance there... a bunch of craft junk and a stuffed bear that my ex left behind... yeah nothing of importance.... if anyone wants it feel free to pillage my desk
amazing .. I have posted 160 times on this stupid page of crap.... granted probably 30% of it is actual crap and should never be read but it's there and I'm not changing it (for now lol) but hopefully from this point forward there wont be too much crap.... for now I am going to tell a stupid story.... I show up to work and usually head to the crapeteria for some munchies .. yesterday I go down there and low and behold it's to early for me to go down there.... the bitch crankass woman is behind the counter... she is completely rude because whenever I go down there and she's there ... she looks right at me then goes about her business doing something else... refusing to wait on me... that's all fine and dandy.. I'm a regular customer and anytime she is there I just wont get anything.... I waited about 5 minutes... I was being lazy cause I didn't want to walk down the road... but after 5 minutes of this bitch lookin my way but not taking an order.... I had enough.... I went down the road and got some decent service....
on a side note .. I show up to work today with more food from down the road and it turns out that people are getting angry with me.... of course they are joking (perhaps) but one said... I hate yew.... shocked I said why... well she looked at the food and said it smells so good.... indeed thats why I got it isn't it.... another one came over to my desk... I said what?.... she said I"m niffin..... yewr what? niffin..... ummm ok.... apparently the smell of the food drew her over to sniff my desk ... thankfully she didn't put her nose in it lol....
I dont like it when I dont have anything to write about.. it leaves me with the feeling that I'm not creative or that nothing important is happening in my life.... both of these things are not even remotely true but I cannot write about the events I have going on in my life... other than the stairs are done.... thankfully... and I might add they look very nice... and the other is the party..... plans are progressing.... now I just need to clean the place .... of course I'll have this accomplished on friday somewhere before the road trip I hope.... anyway need a new BBQ and and I'm actually gonna decorate the place... it will look like people actually live there.... thankfully I'm a good interier decorater if I want to be... or I'll have some helpfull hints from the master I learned from..... we shall see how it goes... for now... I must think of something decent to write about.. perhaps a new story I have been working on ....
I hit a snag today... I broke down and went on a shopping spree... I didn't know I had it in me lol.... I am officially now wireless... but no that doesn't mean you can come and steal my internet... I know you were thinkin about it... while I was shopping I came accross a neat but silly invention.... it seems that there are electric BBQ's .... what's the deal with this??? isn't the idea of a BBQ to burn your food on an open flame?? if I wanted an electric BBQ I would just cook on the damned stove.... not to mention that I have to plug it in so I can't take it somewhere like the middle of nowhere in the woods and cook with it.. unless I set the fuker on fire... yeah umm hunnie can yew please plug this in .. I wanna cook something... fuk that...
this is a reminder for the big birthday bash in the pier... Saturday July 29th.. come one come all (except one) it will be a party you wont forget... perhaps... if you need directions email me
it turns out I have another story about americans... apparently it's a common misconception that americans are under the impression that canadians dont like them... well I could agree with that but the guy I was speaking to last week mentioned a new aspect of this.... he actually asked me (and was being totally serious) if it was true that canadians dont like americans because they dont speak french... this baffles me... there are many better reasons not to like americans... but this is not one of them... perhaps it's because most americans have turned a real dislike for france lol... who the hell cares... I casually informed him that I didn't speak french then asked him since I didn't speak french maybe I hated myself?? no buddy I just dont like you because your stupid... and as the saying goes.. you've opened your mouth and proved it..... on another note... another person I was speaking to last week decided to stop troubleshooting her issue for a few minutes to yell at her kid... the kid was taking the family bike (I spose they share it) to the store or something and she was complaining that it didn't have a bike lock.... the kid said it would be ok but the mother insisted that it would cost a lot to replace the bike.. somewhere in the vicinity of 1500..... I'm thinking to myself that if the bike cost that much I'm sure you could spare 5 bux for a decent chain lock.... whatever... so the woman proceeded with her arguement and the kid mentioned that she didn't pay for the bike but the mother said that's not the point the point is that it would cost a lot of money out of your pocket to replace the bike.... the kid then said I'm not paying for it.... and then the punch line from the mother..... (again being totally serious)... I bet if I take you to Judge Judy I'd get my money.... (for those that live in a hole in the ground... Judge Judy is a T.V. court show) what the fuk is this world coming to? buy a fukin lock for your fukin kid and stop being an idiot....
I didn't want to write about this but it's just too funny to pass up..... on friday I was content with staying home and watching movies while having a few drinks.... that got dashed.... I was talked into going on a blind date... but a blind date for someone else... picture someone being setup with someone else... never met before.. or if did didn't know much of each other.... and one of them brought a friend.... is it still classed as a date? or would it then be called a 3 some? perhaps it's something else... but at the risk of being an asshole (not that I mind) I figure I should stop the story before getting into details... that would be wrong lol.... well whoever said I was a nice guy.... well I am but only in certain aspects... lets just say it was a fun night out... I almost concidered getting up to sing... it was that good lol... but since the audience was less than desirable I figured I'd not risk becoming a star for the local community... (though I was told I was a star... maybe for a different reason lol) perhaps I'll tell that story someday... but not anytime soon... as for the blind date.. right from the getgo it didn't go to well... no sparks... other than the need for a ride somewhere.. I think it would have been cut short there.... (if it were my date I woulda went home) but since it wasn't I became the buffer for the letdown.... (I shoulda got paid for it) so I was my normal self... I was half drunk at the time and cracked some jokes... told some stories... the usual.... it turns out that apperantly (not through any thought of my own) I was making fun of the date.... I had no intention of that it just sounded like it I spose... I didn't get a crack on the jaw so I couldn't have said anything nasty ... oh well it wasn't destined anyway ... but it was entertaining... but since I"m a nice guy I'm not going into detail... besides you had to be there in order to get it... the only funny part that needed to be told her was that it was a blind date and I was brought along (against my actual will) to be the "buffer" because she knew it wasn't gonna go well lmao... sheesh I feel so used...
I woke up this morning and came down the stairs.... started watching some TV.... I heard some racket outside.. but I ignored it.... I watched a movie... and then the phone rang... it was for the roomie.... after I passed the phone I looked out the window.... the store next door had set up a BBQ stand.... in my driveway.... now the guy that runs the store parks in the driveway all the time.... but this is a bit extreme.... they blocked off the entire driveway to put on a BBQ for the store.... I can't wait to get my new car to put a stop to all this crap......
amazing... just amazing... I witnessed a fantastic show tonight... yes it was Trooper... I'll recap some of the events.... the first is the band that warmed up the stage.. the Buzz.... they are really good... and then trooper came out... they had music playing over the speakers while they all walked in and grabbed their instruments.... the buildup was great... then the drummer started to play.... it was building up to the climax where the music dropped off and Trooper began to play... then everything went dark...
nothing was happening... Ray.. the lead singer was on the stage with his arms raised like Mr. Wonderful bodybuilder dude lol... I looked around... it was fantastic.. it actually seemed like it was planned... but it wasn't... the power went out in the whole building and basicly the whole block... but that's ok... it got sorted out after about half hour or 45 minutes... thankfully Trooper was really good about it and after the power came on they started the show again.... but not alone.. during the "blackout" they were in the dressin room with the warmup band The Buzz... jammin with the acustics... and the power came on.... they didn't get to finish the song so they all came up and did the song for us... together.... it was great
another part that was great was the people started dancing in the aisles... the security guards were just standing back.. except one... he comes runnin down the lane and tell people to go back to their seats... so eventually they do... for a while... now I"ve never seen anything like this at the wonderful Savoy theatre... but people got up out of their seats and sorta rushed the stage.. so the guards let them go because the lead singer said it was ok.... but.. some of the more adventurous people decided that the front was not good enough and tried to get on the stage.... well it was quite crazy.... it was so crazy that one of the guards litterally threw one of these kids off the stage... I swear the kid landed on his head.. but it was fantastic.. I'd pay admition all over to see it again and again lol...
so then came the end of the show and the autograph session... the little girls came out and got their boobs signed by the band lol.. what a great night
giving information to people is sometimes futile...... even reading or listening to what a person says.... people have the tendancy to hear only what they want to hear..... we need to take the time to take in all the information that is given to us and then process the information.... above all else if your not sure what the person is saying then ask them to clarify it.... but even when this is done most people still dont understand what is being said.... because we have a mental block that will only allow us to think what we want about it.... an example... the power of suggestion is used on us and because of the way we think or use our minds... the power of suggestion can manipulate us into doing things even if we dont want to.... hypnotists can fool the weak minded.... also you see many people go to so called psychics .... the psychic says some words that would ordinarily mean something to just about anyone and because of the way we think... we read into it and take what we want from what was said.... this leaves us with the notion that they read our mind or saw our future.... again the power of suggestion... because of this we live our lives with the thoughts that were presented to us and for the most part live to make them come true..... but we dont need to speak to a psychic for this to happen... anyone can say a certain something to anyone out of the blue and they will react to it in their own form.... take this page for example... mostly meaningless drivel but when certain people read it .. it becomes entertainment... others think about what is said and find a meaning being suggested.... but it's all in the way that we interpret the information..... keep this in mind the next time you are listening to someone speak or write about something they feel important.... you might be thinking of how it will affect you rather than the true meaning the person is actually talking about.... this means something to me.... what does it mean to you?
I dont even know where to begin.... the most rediculous things happened tonight.... I could start with the guy we thought was dead but I will leave that one for last.. I showed up at the late bar fashionably late.... they call it hermans.... anyway it was a friends birthday and everyone decided to step out.... there were lots of sites to see as well... and for once the band was actually quite good.... but anyway from the highlights are these:
I saw my cousin out for the first time in a long time... but probably because I haven't been to this bar in ages.... I only mention this so she might see herself online lol
the birthday girl decided to show everyone at the table her box.... if you dun understand.. yew dun need to lol
there was the kewlest dood I've ever seen in my life... he was in front of the stage doing his version of the drummer... but to no drum.... and no rythum... and mixed it with dancing... he looked like he should be in a straight jacket but in actuality he was quite funny to watch....
I dont like to mention names but this one was kinda interesting and I have to mention it...... "hurricane" Katrina... lol I can't elaborate other than she brought a party storm with her lol but I'm mentioning it for those that understand....
after the bar the most interesting things happened.. some of them I may not be able to tell because I can't remember but the two that stick out and sorta capped the night... first we are in subway waiting for the lineup to let us go through when this guy starts talking to us that we are lets say vulgar and his supposed virgin ears can't handle it.... roomie says to him virgin ears indeed they been fingered many times before I'm sure.... so he takes this as an open invitation to chat up a storm... he tells us that he goes to church... since none of us believe him we let him know... he proceeds to try to outdo roomie... which he's failing miserably... so he turns on me... going with his churchly attitude he calls me an alter boy ... what a lewser... at this point I'm just ignoring him because he's trying to start a fight... and as always I dont need shit like that lol
which brings us to the main event of the night.... we leave subway and walk down the block lookin for a cab... we decide to wait in front of the library while I call a cab... accross the street is a fella sittin on a step holding his head in his hands crumpled over.... he's passed out on the side of road... roomie decides she's gonna go over and see how he's doing.... she asks.. but he doesn't respond.... didn't even move... she yells.. still nothing... so she sits beside him.... now ya have to see this sight to grasp the full potential of the situation.... me and hurricane are sittin on the curb accross the street waiting for the cab... roomie is sittin beside this passed out drunk.... we are all laughing uncontrollably... (or maybe that was just me) when all of a sudden roomie pokes the drunk...... still.. he didn't move an inch.... we decide he's dead... do we do anything about this??? of course not it's just too funny.. so roomie starts tellin us to come over with him.... I'm not goin over just in case he is dead lol.... so she comes back over with us... but then hurricane goes over and tries to wake up the drunk.... he's still not moving an inch... our cab comes .. me and roomie get in the car and then hurricane comes in the other side.... we are driving off when she decides to tell us.... to wake him up she hit the passed out drunk with her sub....
He still didn't move an inch lol
the werd lesbian is kinda amazing to me now...... as I have had my first real lesbian experience.... of course I'm not talking that I was with a lesbian but it was kewl just the same... you see I was at the club and a friend I haven't seen in such a very long time came up to me tried to kiss me and meanwhile nearly falling over decided she wanted to dance just that instance.... ok this is all fine and dandy but she is a lesbian.... where does she think this is going lol.... so I'm being dragged to the floor (not that I mind at all) when we start dancing she's all over the place.... getting freaked out as she gets closer then all of a sudden her eyes start wandering lol..... yes she's lookin at the girls...... next thing I know she says... I'm a lesbian... I like boobies..... so the first thing that comes out of my mouth is ... well my boobies are kinda small lmao... I couldn't help it next thing I know she is grabbin som girl beside us... I"m thinkin oh hell.. and I dissapear.. but not before I tell her friend that was on the other side of us.. that she's a mess and look out.... so a little while later someone gets knocked over.. turns out to be a girl.... and standing over the girl... is my friend the lesbian.... yikes .. remind me never to get on the bad side of a lesbian lol... sadly the bouncers came and dragged her ass out of the club... but not before she pissed off some people... I can't believe that there are still guys that would put the pucks (punches) to a girl... but there was a guy that was absolutly livid.... he was nearly gonna chace the bouncers down just to get at this girl.. and I mean this girl is skinny so if he had been given the chance I'm afraid she would not be with us today.. luckily on my way out of the bar I seen her waiting for her friend and she appeared to be ok... but I bet she will have one hell of a hangover in the morning..... speaking of which.. I shall get my ass to bed.. two weeks to go till my birthday bonanza.... you best get your party hats..... wooo hoo... oh and just so ya know.... the indian girl from two weeks ago was still trying to pick me up again tonight... spose I have a fan club lol...
I wonder why some of our customers are sooooo negative ... just because you find it difficult to speak with someone from another culture doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to them or to anyone else for that matter..... now this person has never even spoke to me but because he's an idiot and probably from past experiences has assumed that I am not who I say I am.... probably thinks that I'm over seas in a little hut sending off my emails laughing at his american stupidity.... however even though I am not over seas and not in a little hut and maybe I just might have an accent that he might not understand... yew know intelligence... I am laughing at his american stupidity.... perhaps someday people like this will be eliminated from society so the rest of us can enjoy a full and free life... one were we all get along and dont have to worry about the person we meet tomorrow making us feel like dirt or less than....
you ask what brings this on? I'm tired of the rude ignorant pathetic assholians I speak to on a daily basis that complain about the last person they spoke to was so difficult to understand... I'm so glad that I'm speaking with an american that I can understand..... no sir/maam.... I am not american.... yes I dont speak like I have a bug stuck in my mouth but since I work for a worldwide organization and the days of racism should be behind us.... I think it is only fair that we all be treated equally... I understand that you might be frustrated that you can't get your stupid junk mail from the porn vendor you recently signed up with but taking it out on the poor person that answered the phone and you didn't have the patience to talk calmly with them because you couldn't understand them... or were too uptight speaking to someone from another country that you made them nervous and because of this they spoke a little faster than they normally would with someone like you...
perhaps an example is in order? I'm working with a customer through email.. have never spoken to this person ever... my email is to the point and well organized... my name is clearly there.... yet because of this jerkoff's mentality he doesn't believe that my real name could possibly be Joe because he understands that I am not in the united states of craperica.... never in a million years could anyone outside the shithole america have the name Joe...... it's just plain impossible.... and another thing.... did my typing ability show some sort of ethnic origin??? I wonder if I used a specific word or spelling of one that may have given him the indication that I was not from the United states of Craperica.... or perhaps it was that I showed a little intelligence and didn't spell anything wrong (thanks to spell checkers) this person should be taken to his local sewer treatment facility and forced to swim in the fecal matter for a few hours... it might give him a new feeling of fresh and open mindedness... perhaps even give him an appretiation for real life.... but anyway when I think of how these people treat persons they have never met or even spoke to.. how do they treat people they interact with on a daily basis... how do they make it through life.... but someday we may all get along... that wont be a day anytime soon but someday .... someday
some people get nervous when they turn a remarkable age.... I on the other hand am barely noticing the difference... it seems that this year will be my 30th year of existance and the closer it comes the more I worry that I will not be able to celebrate it accordingly.... on this occasion I would like to have a blowout party for the first time in my life to celebrate ... ordinarily I treat it like any other day and just go on about my business but I really feel that it is important to make this one special... espeshuly with all the bullshit I went through for the last three months... now that I have my life back in order it is time to pick up the last missing peices and live life to the fullest.... soooo there is lots of warning... a full on party will be held in of course my honour.. Saturday 29th of July.... all are welcome (as long as you dun break nothing lol) but bring your own booze or otherwise... I can't afford to be shelling out for you all (well sorta lol) if ya dun know my address just send me a note and I'll even provide directions with the help of mapquest lol... and if you need a place to crashs I'm certain that can be arranged as well.. you might want to bring a pillow lol but make sure you certainly bring a smile... anyone that is not having a good time will need to submit to some fun... hell maybe even a krapioke machine of sorts might turn up
we shall see..
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Creater: Joe Earhart