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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
it's been a busy week... I've been putting all my effort and free time ... well most of it... into finishing the damned stairs... I actually started putting the stain on this moring.. it's gonna look really nice.... other than that I've had to clean the floors ... because of the dust from the paint scraping it's making everything yucky... but I spose it will be ok in the end... once I have all this junk done I'll be able to finish off the deck in the back and the boards on the front of the house.... once all this is done I have to replace the front door and my job is complete.... oh and some more insulation in the attic.. can't forget that one lol.... but all in all it should make the place livable and fairly decent looking to sell.... I'm please with my mediocre work lol....
on another note I'm having a horrible work day.... but perhaps some funniness can be said about it... but lets see if I can put it in an interesting fashion.... anyway it's always nice when your talking to a complete moron that they admit to it first hand.... unfortunately that did not happen to me enough because almost every person just kept on arguing with me or ignoring my instructions.... one lady went as far as to say I'm trying to do it right but I"m just not..... yeah thanks your a star... how about the guy that continued to tell me that the issue he was having was a bug with our software and kept arguing the point when I finally got it through his thick head that he was wrong.... but even when he admitted he was wrong he still wanted a bug report done.... oh fuk it I'll type it in the notes but it isn't a bug....
speaking of notes... we have to keep track of everything we do on the calls and sometimes I have this habit of typing something into the notes about the customer or something silly happening around me (because I have a horrible memory and need to jot stuff down to remember them for later.... ) well the notes get reviewed by our bosses and also the company we work for and many other departments.... I wonder what they will say to the cause of my customers issue being typed as this:
cause: customer is stupid
yes this is actually what was saved in the notes and I cannot change them lol.... after I realized I did this it made my night.... I couldn't stop laughing for about 5 minutes.. but my mood quickly changed on my next call... what a horrible night... it's that bad that I cannot wait to get home so I can scrape more paint lolol... I only have one step to scrape left though... thankfully
what does alcahol do to people that makes them think they need to prove something? I was at the bar last night in typical fashion only slightly better than usual... I dont have game or just dont use it if I do... I just do my own thing and see what happens .. well part way through the night I was talking to a friend and all of a sudden her friend buts in all rude and hissy at me... I have no idea what it was about but perhaps she thought I was hitting on her or something... but anyway regardless I went about my business... later on happened to be talking to the same friend again and all of a sudden the other chick gets in my face again... next thing I know some guy is in my face tellin me some nonsence that I couldn't make out... so I ignored him and continued talking to my friend.... then he gets between me and her and says that she was his and I shouldn't be here.... well that was just down right funny.... but since I'm smart and dont want to be barred from a place I've just started to like going to... I walked away saying see ya later to the friend... meanwhile I was being watched apperantly.... I was standing by my usual spot waiting for a friend to come back for I would have someone to talk to when two indian girls come up to me..... one asks why I wasn't dancing.... I shrugged and then she says I'll be back... we'll dance.... then goes outside.. I spose to smoke or something ...... I'm trying to decide what to do .. run or otherwise when I have the urge to take a leak... meanwhile I forget about what just happened.... I go back to my spot and a while later the two return and drag me on the dance floor lol.... great now I am gonna be slave to two dominatrix indians.... thankfully I'm a nice guy and know how to duck for cover if need be lol but all in all it was a decent night out... spose I'll have to start watching my back now.. the bullshit is starting all over again...
I dont understand what some people think when they speak.. example... I'm mowing my lawn and some kid next door is hanging out the window watching me.... says to me.. what are yew doing?.... umm what does it look like? I wasn't in a very good mood because the mower wasn't working well.. it kept shutting off on me... course it was my own fault... I figured if I let it run long enough it would burn off whatever was in the gas tank causing it to shut off... I was wrong... so I had to waste about a doller in gas to empty the tank and get rid of the material .. I think it might have been water.. doesn't matter.. it's gone and now the mower works right.... so I continued with the mowing... the grass was about a foot high in the center and very fukn thick.. anyway I finally got through it and because the lawn was so tall there were many clumps of grass just messin around.... the kid from before ends up coming outside and standing at the edge of the lawn watching me finish up.... I ignore him and finish off then go inside to get a drink.... and let the mower cool off.. I go back outside to find the kid is using his hands to rake up the grass... I figure he's gonna mess around with the other kid that is with him.... but no .. the kid says to me do you have a rake? I'll rake it up for you.... I'm like umm no... he then says well umm could I borrow your mower? I'll put gas in it and bring it back... I'm resisting telling this kid to fuk off when all of a sudden two more kids come over.... the other kid says .. do you live here? I'm like ya.. he says it doesn't look like anyone lives here.... can I look around inside? what?? ok I"m about to freak out on some kids when the other first kid says do you have anything else I could do???
as much as I'd like to watch the kid scrape the paint off my stairs so I dont have to do it... I resist saying no... and I dont think so about the lawn mower.. my luck the kid would make a pile of money and break my mower and not even give me a portion of it for borrowing my mower... punk kids.. but ya have to admire his lets say ambition.. he'll probably go far in life.. if he learns a little more negotiating skills... and of course get rid of the nosey little brats that were with him...
anyone that knows me knows that I like dancing.... and I like to watch other people dance or at least try to ... last night however was crazy.... in the middle of a busy dance floor some dood decided to do an impersonation of a horse or something because he was riding himself all over the place... bumping into people and everything... but at least him and his buddies had a good laugh... course then there are the people that like to dance real close however most of the time it is two ladies rather than guy and girl.... well there are the occasional time when the people dancing try to go down and then back up.... and then sometimes one of the partners slips and takes out the other partner... pilup on the dancefloor lol... it happend with a couple rather large women last night... very funny... I dont think there was anything of interest other than that... but there is one thing that happened that I am not pleased with....
I got bit by a cat......
so I am over a friends place and I went outside to get some fresh air because I was falling assleep before we all went out... and of course not wanting to pass out in a room full of evil ladies I just went outside.... as I was out there was a cat roaming around.... I dont know what posessed me but it had to be something.. perhaps over tired or just plain ole drunk I guess.. but I decided to pet the cat... well the cat loved it.... purred n all that junk kept turning around in circles the whole deal..... all of a sudden it chewed a hunk of flesh off my wrist..... it hurt like hell and I started to bleed.... after the shock wore off I jumped up and went into the house and tried to clean myself up without bleeding all over my friends floors... I managed to get the cut cleaned up and after looking at it closer discovered that another half inch and I would have lost the main vein on my wrist... most likely would have needed stitches... lucky for that cat it's quick.... and not mine.. it would have been strangled and all it's teeth pulled... even if it was an accident... but I spose it's just the way life has been goin for me... everything is great as long as it doesn't involve puzzy....
alright so I was asked to write a story about being stuck on a deserted island and I can bring one person and one item along with me..... I read a few of the other stories that people had done up and I found that they were not very well thought out... I may have missed a few things but maybe I'll try again one day... for now enjoy....
well these island fantasies are quite ummm crazy and will be difficult to top but if anyone can do it... I can..... but first I must address some of these previous posts I read on the topic... I'm staying away from the yucky crab shack.... one of the stories created by a friend of mine had the idea of catching crabs while being deserted with his beautiful mistress fantasy....... the baby island shouldn't be baby island because the toy was used not the man.... another friend of mine decided she would take a man and a battery operated toy.... you can draw your own conclusions there..... now onward with my version....
knowing that I would be deserted on an island I would think that I would want to have some decent company... and also knowing that rescue would most likely not be an option... I believe that I would prefer to take someone that I could create a new life with.... therefore I would have to take along a very nice female friend that I see a future with given the correct circumstances.... I'm not going into detail with this side of the story.... but only because of my present circumstances lol......
as for the thing I would bring with me.... that will be a bit more complicated as one would want to bring something that could be usefull for surviving but you can only bring one item.... soooo after carefull considerating... I would bring a postmail bag... this being a big huge bag that mail delivery trucks use to transfer mail around... it may be difficult to carry but since there were no specifics with what I could bring this is what I choose to bring.... lucky for me I put carefull concideration into this and have decided that the bag is full of very usefull things because I happened to be on a plane that went down and the plane can carry the bag for me to the island... meaning I dont have to carry it at all no matter how heavy it is.... so first in the bag is a laptop with a satilite hookup capability (hopefully my bank account continues to store money for internet payment lol) why must we be such addicts lol.... second is a shovel and hatchet... might as well have a number of tools just in case... among these tools will be a few rolls of duct tape.... a blow up doll for when I am in the dog house.... seeds for food plants and a water purifier so I can get water to them if need be... a flashlight with rechargable batteries complete with a battery charger... rope would be essential and perhaps a durable tarp as well... will need shelter from the rain of course.... plenty packs of water proof matches never know when you might want a candle light dinner lol... also a backup inflatable doll in case the first one punctures from a jealous companion that you pissed off.... of course I would also have to include a battery operated generator that is solar powered (I'm sure they exist) otherwise my battery charger and laptop are useless... yes I thought of those things just thought I'd leave you in the dark for a bit .... Im sure I still have room for a few more things so of course I'd have to include a beer making kit (I'm sure I'll have time to perfect it) but in case I will bring along a case of strong liquor.. I wont need much because I'm a cheap drunk... I'll just have to hide it from the inflatable doll.. I mean the lady friend I brought along.. but since I brought along a blow up doll then I'll have to have a shaftlike rubber thing for the lady friend for when she pisses me off I can tell her to go fuk herself with it.... but anyway no island retreat would be complete without a pair of sunglasses that way I can hide my eyes when I am rolling them at my lady companion being thing.... maybe I'll just take the axe to her..... and survive with my taped up blow up doll (she broke a few times)
I love loud music.... speshuly when there is a smooth bassline.... my new favourite song happens to be by David Banner and it's called touching..... the only reason I mention this is because it could serve as an example I spose... anyway I mix a lot of music and create CD's with these mixes.... my most recent mixed CD is being played in my stereo... I"m very proud of this stereo... people can hear the music down the block if I so desire lol.... sadly I thought I blew out one of the speakers cause all I could hear was static when it was turned up loud.. but if I lowered the volume the static went away.... this was very odd.... so I checked the cables... reconnected the static speaker to the opposite side of the stereo... no change... hhmmm why does it sound ok on low volume.... I have another set of speakers connected to the stereo as well for the surround sound (not that I need them lol) so I disconnected them.... now my speakers sound good.... spose I may have blown the small speakers.... I'm very thankfull it wasn't my good speakers lol that would be a shame.... but I bet the neighbours wouldn't mind sometimes
I wonder what the next step is..... when you go to the bar and are playing a game of pool and someone comes up to ya in the middle of the game... askin if they can have the next game..... one would normally assume that they want to play the winner for control of the table.... why is it that some people assume that when they put their money in the slot that they own the table.... that's not the way it works people... and what the hell is the idea of trading someone's ID for the que ball.... I doubt I'll ever play pool at club crapi anymore..... the table is not level and makes shooting next to impossible.... but we can't have everything we want.... hopefully someday soon I'll stop seeing all these situations in relation to life but perhaps it's a way of putting into perspective the way things should be.... it turns out lessons are around every corner and it's a shame that I took so long to see it this way.... but I know the future will be bright.... a lot has happened to me in the last few weeks but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.... looking at the bright side helps me get through the day.... maybe it will work for you..
feeling hungry I went to slobway to get some subs... when I got in line at the store there was one fella ahead of me.. there was only one guy behind the counter.... he had long fuzzy hair that really ... really really ... needed a hairnet for his job... but for some reason he didn't have one.... now when I walked in the guy ahead of me had to have been there for a few minutes.... but for some reason there were no vegetables on the counter ..... it was 11:00 pm and I'm sure this place was 24 hour store.... so what was this guy behind the counter doing??? normally when I go to a slobway store if they run out of something they replace it then and there so there is always something on the counter... but this guy.. he was replacing everything as if the store had just opened.... and worst of all he was doing it one item at a time... with people waiting... the guy ahead of me was becoming extremely agitated... but the guy behind the counter didn't seem to notice or care... why is it that most people go through life without actually paying attention to how they affect other people? it's taken me a tough lesson to figure it out but I am hoping that I'll be able to take that lesson and pay more attention to those that are around me....
I suppose that nobody wants to hear about my work stories but sometimes it's all I have to write about and well this one may not be all that interesting but I felt I should say something about it because it has a point of view... I myself hate talking on the phone... parts of the conversation are always dull and ya have nothing to talk about till the subject changes or if there are other people in the room they are being talked to and the person on the other end of the phone is ignored.... I hate that lol which is why I dont talk on the phone very much... but it's even worse ... when I'm at work and I am not talking about the steps the customer must do I dont want to say anything..... but most customers insist on talking about personal junk such as where are you located ... and what's the weather like.... well the woman I talked to last night went way beyond that... and I spose lucky for me she chose a semi decent topic... I still didn't want to talk to her but since it's my job... I did.... she started telling me that she was a graphic designer but it sounded more like a hobby then her actual job... and she was telling me about recent video's she had seen on tv... and wondering if I liked them .. I had no idea who she was talking about though..... so the conversation moved on to what music was good... and even though ya could tell she was black she was amazed that I actually liked hip hop / R&B lol.... what I couldn't figure out is why she thought that because I liked that style of music that I would like that style mixed with rock... ummm nooooooo anyway people on the other end of my work phone need to stop talking about personal crap.. your not my friend and you are calling for help... not to make a friend.. quit that shit.... and for the personal calls??? if you have nothing to say.... or want to talk to other people instead of me...... dont call.... course then there is the aspect that some people call just to hear someones voice.... wonder if these people like mine.... maybe that's why they keep buggin me
I walked out of my house this morning very confused... I was coming down the steps and about to get in my co-workers car when I hear these 3 ladies talking to each other.. two are walking up the road and the other is crossing the street.... one of the two says out loud I'm jealous of your tan.... now this wouldn't normally be strange but it for sure was... the three of them were pretty good looking but what I couldn't figure out was that the direction of the comment came from the two girls that were not caucasian..... one was black for sure the other was quite close.... so either it was a racial shot at the lady crossing the street or it was a jealousy thing.... if you ask me they all looked pretty good so maybe it was just a snarky compliment between friends..... oh well it was funny just the same...
ummmm I dont know about you but I really think there is a problem with this.... a grown woman standing in the middle of her home.... grabbin for her balls.. and exclaiming something about them knowing full well she doesn't have any.... but yet it was quite funny... the next week is going to be very .. very... fun .. the tormenting... the repeating of stories lol... pure torture I'm sure.... the lady in question is a co-worker and she was hosting a housewarming party and thankfully provided the entertainment with stories of her kids... thanks for a great time.. we shall have to do it again someday... on another note... I keep meeting old friends recently and last night was no exception and because of this I am truly thankful to have so many even if I dont talk with them very often... true friendship is hard to come by but something I've come to respect a hell of a lot more.... I just wanted to say thanks to my friends for being there when I needed you...
I spose it was a good night if you walk out your front door the next morning and nearly fall down the stairs because you feel like your drunk..... yes this happened to me this morning..... and all I remember about last night was reminicing with old friends.... it was a good thing to catch up and relive some good times .... sadly I dont have any special points of interest so no storyworthy episodes will be displayed today except the bouncer hitting on my friend... quite funny.... I uncharacteristicly got a bit drunker than normal... apperantly I was so drunk I was falling assleep against the wall of a very loud bar... I personally think I was just tired.. but it is definatly a possibility... reason I know this... a few years ago me and a very great friend of mine decided to go to the poolhall.... we split (more or less) a bottle of whiskey and ginger ale.... the next day my friend informs me that while I was walking home... I was told repeatedly to stand up straight... I replied with I am... but I wasn't... I dont remember that incident but I can't quite recall much of anything after the poolhall so I just have to take his word for it...
I haven't written anything in a few days because I dont have any stories... but something happened to me just now that I felt I had to put down on lets say .. paper... I got attacked..... it was scary... I didn't really know what to do... I was sitting on my couch watching t.v. when I felt something on my arm... it was fuzzy and sorta ticklish.... but when I moved to see what it was.... I have to admit I jumped out of my skin... it was a big... huge....
maybe I shouldn't tell you.... perhaps I'll just leave this to myself... I might feel ashamed .. but .. perhaps not because many people have a fear of things.. but not me... I'm not really afrad of them but when they are physicaly on top of you it's kind of hard not to jump..... so what was this amazing thing that made me jump? ok I'll tell you .. it was a big.. huge....
no I dont really want to tell you.... it might become the talk of the town..... not that I mind beingn the topic of conversation but perhaps it would be best for me to be quiet for once...... oh you know I can't do that.... it was a bee... but it was a big one... what I want to know is where the hell did it come from.... I had come in from outside and put my coat away.. sat on the couch after making a sandwich.. I was there for a bit... and then all of a sudden the bee was on me... so ... where was it all this time.... oh well the monster attacked me without warning.. but I eventually took care of it.. thankfully I didn't get stung.. but so much for all the loverly honey it could have made...
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