I was going to add more to the story but I got so wrapped up in life that I neglected to type any of it out... yes I've become a person that barely looks at the computer except for obtaining mewvies.... worst thing is I miss it... and when I get in front of the computer (cept for at work) I find that I dont do anything except mewvies or check email... but yew all dun wanna know bout that... I had a juicy story to tell but it's a bit over the top and I refuse to lower myself to that... but I'll think up another one and perhaps let ya'll know bout it.... (this is boring drivil isn't it) so I went to the crappywood on friday night (first time in a few weeks) and met up with a few old buddies.... they were goin around trying to pick up something.. and well they did... they picked up the biggest ugliest skank there was there and didn't seem to mind at all..... and she was just after propositioning another set of buddies of mine.... (I think I need new friends) so saturday I spent my time at a wedding reception and that was another laff... the groom's son spent the night dancing his ass off.... and through most of it.. it was the carlton dance (from fresh prince of bel air) funny lewkin stuff.... but now I think I'll rest and try to think of a gewd story yew might enjoy....
Monday, May 31, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
I'm taking a break from listening to the other agents complain and whine about their job..... I call for a story... I'd like to tell you about a man I used to know... he's a great fella... likes to drink a lot... well one night he was going to his favorite establishment and was enjoying the moonlit walk through the quiet town he grew up in... and along his way he met a few people that he knew.. greeted them and moved along his way down the road... he occasionally looked behind him feeling that he was being watched.. but never seen anything out of the ordinary and continues on his way... when he finally gets to the bar... he notices something strange on the door.. a sign saying there is renovations going on and the place would be closed for the night... confused the man tries to think of where he can go for his nightly drink... so he rambles down the road trying to find a suitable place... but in his confusion he gets lost... going down another side street he finds a dimly lit building that has a sign for drinks and girls on the front.. and as we all know this combination is a great attraction for men... he steps in and finds he's the only one in the building except of course the bartender and the doorman... so onward to the bar he goes and orders up a drink and he asks the bartender where everyone was... the bartender didn't answer just gave the drink and continued wiping the bar with his dingy cloth... again the man tries to strike up conversation but is interupted by some music and a light flashing towards the stage... a woman comes out and starts dancing and jirating on the stage.... intrigued the man forgets about the barman and proceeds to watch the show... the show heats up and the man starts to feel funny... like he was being hypnotized.. slowly back and forth the woman dances to the beat of the music and the music starts to fade away.. the man gazes at the woman feeling mesmerized he waits for her to come towards him... in a dreamy state the man gets up and starts to walk out the door.... trying to stop himself... but with all his might he cannot.. he knows he shouldn't be going this way but he continues walking until he gets to a house that he feels he's never seen before.. he tries to open the door.. it wont budge... he breaks the window and reaches in and unlocks the door... he decides he must go up the stairs ... still foggy from the music and the mysterious woman dancing back and forth he hears someone saying orders... he begins to wonder where the voice was coming from.. but all he can hear is the music playing back and forth.. the voice fades away again... the woman continues keeping his concentration.... she dances so smooth and the voice continues with the orders... you must kill her... you must kill her... and then he finds himself in a room ... a woman is asleep on the bed... she moves slightly... the man reaches in his pocket for the knife he carries... and pulls the blade.. stabs the woman and without thinking he stabs her a few more times... in the moment of excitement he realizes what he is doing and stops... he looks at the woman and finds out he knows her.. it's his girlfriend... shock comes over the man... he forgets the voice.. telling him to do the horrendous deed... forgets the woman dancing on the stage.... forgets the bartender that doesn't speak... and remembers the worm in the drink... he didn't mean to swallow it... but he couldn't help himself something told him to swallow it.... the man drifts back to reality and finds he's holding the knife still blood all over the sheets and dripping from his hands... the woman's lifeless body ... the shock comes over him again as he remembers it's his girlfriend... he pulls back her hair and notices a tattoo on her forehead... it's not his girlfriend at all.. the woman just looks like the man's lover... the man gets up and begins to run out of the room and back down the stairs... he slips on the carpet... and falls down the stairs... the man loses conciousness ... it seems like a deep sleep for days... the man wakes up with his head throbbing and is sitting on a chair... the chair is in the middle of a room in front of a stage... on the stage the woman is finishing her routine and the bartender finally speaks... "hey mister"... the man comes out of his dream like fog... "hey mister.. your spilling your drink on my floor"... the man shakes himself and appologizes to the bartender... and asks him where he is... the bartender tells him he's in the place he visits every night.. and offers him another drink.... the man decides he must have fallen asleep, has the drink then goes home... on his way out the door he notices the sign on the outside the very same sign about renovations and that the place was closed for the night.... but how did he get in? what a strange night...
Saturday, May 22, 2004
it seems that I have either frightened my normal readers off ... or they just dun like the new comments section that blogger has forced me to use..... perhaps it's just the fact that most of my readers are actually from work.. and they only read it at work... but are now so skeered to read it (they might get fired) that they wont comment either... but I am sure that it's more than that.... I've neglected my blog because I actually have other things in my life for once... a house to take care of... a woman I have to worship and the lack of interesting people I make fun of in my life.... perhaps I should start going out again... but that would be too easy.. not to mention make me broke and I just can't afford to do that lol... but I'm sure I'll come up with some stories tonight... am leaving work early tonight and because I am .. work has this new policy where ya have to fill out a book telling them where your going to be and why your leaving... well for one it's my business.. but if they really want to know that I'm leaving work to go get drunk and dance the night away then so be it... I just think that it's none of their business lol... but I'm gonna stick it to the man :P... party on...
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Gross Topik #5
why do disgusting things always happen at werk..... and worst of all.. I find them.... I've told yew about the boogers on the stall walls in the toilets... well now someone has gone a bit further.... yes they must have been having one huge ass monster fukn shit... cause the dood ... I'm assuming ... while sitting on the can pushin it out..... started biting his nails off... and left them all over the fukn floor... I'm sooooo disgusted right now I could just puke... I can't wait to get out of this shit hole... perhaps I can get a job where people aren't soo disgusting.... yes like at a sewage treatment plant.... I would rather digg through poo....
Gross Topik #4
(I think)we all have done it at some point in our life.. but I must say when your a grown person (unless yew have a mental deficioncy???) there should be no reason what so ever ... to have food all over your face... that's right food... not dried to it.. (cause we all have tendancy to forget to wipe mustard or something) but dripping ... ooozing gunk (remnants of food) on our face.... most people will at least wipe it with their sleeve or something but I must say most people wont even be that bad at work.... I can't really go into that subject but anyone that works with me has probably experienced it or knows what I'm talking about.... anyway this perticular person has a thing for food apperantly... yes I was walking by the desks going to meet up with the lady that drives me to work and I was carrying a tupperware with icky food in it (had been sitting all day on a desk) and I just happen to walk past this person... the person says to me... with a dreamy look in eye... and tongue hanging out.. drooling of sorts .... I'd have to say.... asks me.... what's in that (reffering to the tupperware)... I kept walking away thinking... didn't yew have enough to eat today? I can still see half of it on your mouth... cringe cringe.... I think this is possibly werse than the B.O. story I told a while ago.... but the bad part is.. a few days ago I happend to be walking by ... I was roaming that day (helpdesk thing) and I could smell this stench worse than rotting fish on the fishplant.... but remotly the same... I nearly puked... and now that your as sick as I am I will leave ya to it.... enjoy your putrid day lol....
well I went out last night... first time since I moved into my own place... and it was alright... went to the wonderful crapi club... I mean capri club... yeah it was gewd.... turns out it's cheap night on friday and all the lewsers go there... and people that just want to get drunk (cause it's cheap) ... so it's also a great place to go if yew want to make fun of people.... like I do.... so we get a table and chill.. the DJ starts to play some older than dirt music and I'm in disbelief but there is this dude on the dance floor doin some sort of jig dance and pauses to do some dirty dancing jig.. then continues on with his motions... and repeats the movement.. (yew'd have to see it to really get the funniness of this) I think he was trying to impress some girl.. but from what I could see he was staring at some guys...... but that's not the kicker... he's on the dance floor by himself... yes by himself.. nobody dancing with him and he's doing this jig thing..... ok so funny moment gone proceed to talk some more.... couple songs later... another dood is up dancing.... again .. by himself.... what is this.. we all take turns using the dance floor?????? well I guess it's ok I enjoyed the show lol... at least this guy had some rythm.. and most important.. no jig movements.... but that's not the best part of the night yet...... there is a show on TV... elimadate... some may have heard of it.. it's a blind date show that the person goes on a date with 4 of the opposite sex... and has to elimidate a person in each round till there is only one left... yew get the idea... anyway in the last round there is 3 people.. the contestant and 2 of opposite sex.. they always seem to be in a club and do some dancing... well it's funny to watch them dance (anyone that knows the show knows what I'm talkin bout) so back to the story.... this guy is on the dance floor with 2 girls.. and he's doing some john travolta / james brown / step dancing ... kinda thing... and for some odd reason the girls like it... he must have money or something cause he looked like he should be wearing a ronald macdonald costume and tripping over his feet.... anyway that was the night out and it was alright I just wish I had a camera.. cause the sites were just too funny......
Thursday, May 13, 2004
fantastic... the boss of our great company has been reduced to flipping burgers ... spose she's practicing for her new job.. yes yew know the one at bk's... or mcyuckleds.... anyway I ate the disgusting burger... and then another... and then I asked for someone else's coupons... and hopefully I'll be able to get someone elses coupons too heheheh.. more later after I decide what else to write
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
testing comments section... bastards fix yewr shit
well I got the comments working but I dun like it... the haloscan is much easier for my great viewers to use... dun gotta click the back button to get back to the page .. it loads in a separate window... oh wait I can get that to do that too... next update that will be fixed...
ok so I'm an idiot... I plugged the kettle in this morning (cause I'm a nice guy) to make my g/f a coffee..... and then my ride (for work) showed up... I rushed out of the house and forgot bout the kettle... and didn't tell anyone about it... good for me.... I dont have a phone and didn't realize till I was bout 10 minutes away from the house (and I wasn't driving so couldn't turn around) so it was plugged in all that time.. there wasn't much water in it so it would have boiled out and then just heat up... I dont even want to know what it looks like now.. prob doesn't even work... good for me I move into a new place on my own and what do I do... I burn the fukr down lol.... way to go... but it turns out they found it and unplugged it so I'm safe .. but hopefully learned a valueable lesson.... wake up in the morning before yew go doin stuff and leave the house.... ewps...
ok so I was informed that my g/f has a new neice... and she is totally excited.... yes very excited... and wanting to share in the excitement... dragged me to the hospital (no not kicking and screaming as she'd like to put it) to hold the baby and do that thing that people do for new babies.... baby talk..... yuk.. I never understood why people must do that... it makes them sound stupid and the baby doesn't learn how to speak appropriatly... and worst of all... every one of the nurses (except one that I seen yesterday) does it.... ooochie cooochie cooo... yew lewser get a personality and help the baby learn how to speak properly.... b'ye .... anyway I'm sure they'll come out just fine it's just something that annoys me (trivial stuff lol)... anyway I did hold the baby .. as I am very good at it... and the baby nearly cried twice but since I'm soo great... managed to sooth her to comfort... perhaps I made her pass out when I farted... I dont know... but anyway everyone said lewk... she loves him .. he's so good with her... and that will be enough of that subject (for now).....
on a different note... I am not liking the new blogger.. it's messing my comments section... though they have added a comments section to blogger it's not fukn werking.. though by the time I have this one published it better be working or I'll just have to get upset lol....
Monday, May 10, 2004
hectic weekend.. I completely messed up... that's right it was mothers day and even though I had plans of going to visit momma... (and take her to dinner) I didnt ...... and worse... I didn't even call her.. what a horrible son I am :(.... but that will be rectified today cause I will visit her and make sure I give her a nice hug :) on a different note.. blogger has changed it's interface.. and wow I must say it's improved... I'm curious though... they say they have new features.. I must find out what they are.. if they benefit your reading pleasure.. ( I doubt it lol) but that's another day ... today gotta concentrate on working... I took a long weekend off.. what a refreshing experience.. but it's a hard task to come back to this horrible place... and worst of all I gotta do level 1 werk (:P at yew level 1 people) oh well more stories to tell will come of it I"m sure ... and anyway when they happen yew'll hear about it.. gotta get back to work now
Thursday, May 06, 2004
it doesn't pay to piss off managment.. they always get their revenge.. and this time it wasn't even in a pay cut... I got put into tier 1 all night... and well I had some fun with it.. but it was just plain old horrible... reffer a customer here.. and there.. and everywhere cept where they needed to be... (well not really I'm a gewd agent remember) ... so that's all fine but I get the best customer I've ever had on my phone today... he tells me his phone number with some "legibility"... and I stress some..... very much so... great I get his account up.. and low and behold he doesn't know his email address.. wonderfull.... I move onto the issue.. and he spoke for had to be 3 minutes... the only 3 things I got out of it... New CD .... install....... not working..... well that was it... I attempted a few steps... and well as much as he could speak with a mouth full of marbles... I understood him so clearly... not likely.... but anyway this went on for a good 10 minutes.. I tried sooooo hard to fix him but I just couldn't understand a word and he wasn't getting me at all either.... the only thing I could really make out from him was the drooling.... I could actually hear the drool coming out of his mouth.... or was that marbles... perhaps not... but that's not even the best part... I'm sitting in my chair wondering what I would do next.. when I say to the guy next to me... please hang up on my call....... odly enough.......... he did....... anyway enough of that I feel so badly... I just have to get on with my life.... now there is an idea... how about this.... another of my buddies here at work has a non paying customer on the line... says to him.... it's really very simple..... if yew dont pay.. we dont help yew... funny part is... he had to tell the guy 3 times lol...... I was in tears...... but more crying because I had such a horrible day... lets do it again tomorrow
so I was pissing off the werkplace today... they flipped me to tier 1 for a while and low and behold they flipped me when I had been scheduled for break... so I go on break... and the que goes up and down for a bit... then my break is nearly over and I"m bout to press ready and take (a horrible call) when another tier 2 person asks me to relieve them (for roaming umm help desk) yes yew get the idea.. well I didn't take a call and they flipped me back... later that day I heard from my supervisor (wonderful lady that I used to never see till I got a day shift) she says umm seems like you weren't doing your job today.... I said I was... she said well there have been some complaints.... and ya know what... I dont care.... moving on... my girlfriend (sitting next to me) is trying to guess my password.... do ya think I should let her know it? .... I dont... it would be more fun for her to guesss... and well being my g/f .... I could never lie to her (cough) anyway enjoy your day... I hate tier 1 .. but it's better than dial... (which they nearly flipped me into tonight) spose they were still mad at me for events of the day heheheheheh.......
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
I think we all missed lisa's comment... anyway I have come to the conclusion that I need to get underway with my website again.... the girlfriend is not gonna like it much but that's too bad :P and well perhaps I'll have a chance to get back into it now anyway ... she's got a game cube yesterday heheheheh something to occupy herself... but I bet I get a slap for mentioning this lolol... I just need to get some different games cause the one that we got ... I dun like that much .... (mario party 5) anyway that doesn't matter I will just have to get back into web design I have a new concept that I think will work and also it will make it easy to manage.. (though I've been saying this for ages lol) I have tons of new content that I need to get off my machine and onto a website so I dont have to take care of it lol .... I know what your thinking... (yes I read minds) you dont care about any of this you just want to see the end result... and I dont blame you.. but as I keep saying it will (eventually) be worth the wait :) .... enjoy
Monday, May 03, 2004
sasser me a home.... wow call volume increasing again .. thanks to a new virus.... lewks like we may actually keep our jobs if this continues.... though I doubt it will really last for 2 months ... ya never know though ... still see calls about the blaster worm lol.... anyway was a great day off yesterday.... went to the flea market.. bought some pooop.... I mean a winnie poop bear..... and of course got my share of flea's lol..... and of course drank some beer.. tis good to have beer on yer day off... just need the sun to come out so I can sit on the back porch and really get to enjoy the day off.... perhaps I'll even get to clean up the yard perhaps... or even better I could put a railing on the back porch thing... and of course gotta paint the damned thing... make it lewk nice... but oh well it will all be good soon... maybe install a cooler lol..... welll it's that time again... gotta get back to werk... maybe I can bitch at a couple agents today.. make them feel glad they have a job.. ewps... our customers already do that to them lol....
Saturday, May 01, 2004
now that I am hooked up to the internet again I need to find some interesting stories to write about again.... seems my audience has either disapeared or found me boring over the last little while... yes probably the boring part... but that must change... I've had some reality in my life as of recent ... so it's been my focus for everything... but now I think things are settled a bit I can begin my fun again.... so here we go....
I woke up yesterday to a very hot room.... the sun was actually shining in my window... it was great... so I got up and did a few things... then it came time ..... yes time... had to get out on the roof (20 feet in the air) to paint the sofet & fashit (if I could spell it would be a miracle) .... well it was quite the reach I must say... gotta love being short.. but ya know it goes like this... putting a step ladder arched against the wall and not supported by anything except the weight of the person standing on it digging into the shingles... what a thrill.... anyway while I was trying to focus on the painting instead of splatting my head on the sidwalk down below... rolling over and getting hit by a car..... I decided to listen to some music instead.... great idea..... but couldn't get off the ladder to do that.. oh well scrap idea almost done.... anyway enough of my boring story ... onward... with the week I"m going to format my pc again.... it's come up with signs of the blaster worm... I'm sooo disgusted.... my fast internet has become crippled and I just want to cry.... not really but I am not looking forward to backing all my crap up.. I have toooo much junk.... the formatting will be quicker than backing up my junk lol... anyway I fill like shit so I'm gonna stop typing... punt my customer and go into idle break for about half hour (see if they catch me).......