the day on my own sucked.... but I spose it was a learning experience.... sadly it turned out to be one of those days.... I constantly dropped things.... forgot to pick up other things before going to the spot I was working on ... it was a mess... but I did get work accomplished... I just hope that it was enough to make me look good lol.... I will find out tomorrow.... for now I really dont have much to say other than I need some relaxation... I may even chill with a few beer tonight.... but what I dont need is a random dood in the coffee shop trying to make conversation... especially when the conversation is just strange.... this guy is talking about random strange things and I'm half listening (wouldn't want to be rude lol) what gets me is the guy is looking at me then looks away.... looks back and then away.... he keeps doing this while he's talking.... luckily someone else came in that he knew so he stopped talking to me... but I noticed that he was still doing the look away thing with this guy as well.... stevie wonder has nothing on this guy...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I was informed today that I may be somewhat of a legend... now in some respects I would tend to agree..... maybe this is one of them respects.... I've been told it's a good blog... but then a great blog would have many comments lol.... anyway what I'm actually talking about is my legend at stream... perhaps it's just because I'm still in contact with many people from there... the occasional message or email or whatever else there is... but it seems that my name is still hung on the wall with the rest of the people on my old team... does that make me a legend?? well maybe if I die (no this hopefully wont be happening any time soon) ... anyway the person that told me this suggested that they build a cube for me... I thought it was a good idea... I even mentioned that they could put the halloween skeleton with the headset in my cube and put up my old time table sign of 4 - 1... I bet people even ask if I am coming back or not lol.... hhmmm maybe people would even gossip about me.... but it makes me wonder... am I known for my silliness or perhaps crafts?? or maybe I am a legend... who knows but I like the idea of being remembered or perhaps that was liked.... maybe I'm just conceited lol
also today I ended up working on my own for the first time in my new job... I've worked on sections of a building on my own before but not an entire job site.... my dad is gone to a concert in vancouver so I was gonna work with another fella.... but he was to do other things instead.... so the boss said I was to work on my own... my dad probably put in a good word for me I spose... sadly his last words before he left was dont fuck up ..... well as yew know I have a horrible memory so I forget things all the time..... of course today was no different... but I think I did pretty good for being on my own.... tomorrow I'll have to put a bit more effort into it because I need to get as much done as possible to make me look good... that way I can keep my job... but I doubt I have anything to worry about.. the fella that was sposed to work with me still works for the company and I'm better than he is.... well at least I think so ... (he has a better memory than me lol) maybe I'll just forget all about this tomorrow... but I doubt it...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
saturday night found me at the races.... I haven't been to the races in a long time.... the track is a distance away ... I haven't been to this place so I dont quite know what to expect... for some reason I'm thinkin of the track back home... which in itself is actually quite good... this track is a bit bigger.... when I saw it I immediately got excited... I felt like a kid on the way to the circus... but then I remembered... I forgot my camera.... (I will not forget it this week) so I'm expecting just regular racing but it turns out there is a new league starting up for sprint racing..... I've seen this on television but have never been to a live event... well let me tell you they are more exciting to watch live than on the television.. there were a few crashes as well which makes it more spectacular...
then the announcement: "and now for the claimer race!!!"
one of the divisions for the raceway is the claimer cars.... this is something I've wanted to do since the first time I ever drove a car.... the claimer cars are regular cars set up for racing and best of all if you have the cash you can actually purchase a ride.... no... not someone driving you around the track..... it's a chance to compete in the race.... $410 and you can purchase a claimer car ... you race it until you crash the car (total it) or someone purchases it from you.... if someone purchases the claimer from you then basicly you get your money back lol.. it's an amazing setup.... so you can imagine what I will be doing in a few weeks... that's right I will be in my first ever legal race lol..... I dont even care if I win or crash ... I will get to say that I actually raced a car on the track... I just hope someone gets good pictures of my crash lol (I doubt I will crash but ya never know) who knows... maybe I might get sponsered for real and become a regular driver at the track ... I already know where I can get wrecker cars for cheap lol
for anyone interested in checking them out here is their website:
Saturday, May 26, 2007
some things should never be shared.... and sometimes this includes normal things but of course it depends on the situation... I would suggest that food not be shared unless your romantically involved or developing something into that... perhaps combs or toothbrushes as well... but I'm only mentioning suggestions not to actually get into the topic entirely... you see last night we went to the bar after the old people had some drinks... I was maintaining a relatively sober mind and enjoying the moment ... I was playing pool because it's something I enjoy .... also because the bar is lousy lol... I may have mentioned before that the bars play mostly rock music but even more bizarre the local bar never seems to have any girls other than 3 - 4 locals that I'd rather not discuss lol (I'm a nice guy remember) ... well anyway a few people my dad knows are in the bar and all of a sudden he gets the brilliant idea of inviting everyone back to the farm ... possible bon fire and such... and of course... more beer... well we make our way back to the farm and discussions ensue.... I spose I may be making my first friends that aren't work related but then again me being me... maybe not.... one of the guys brings up the topic of pick up lines... then proceeds to share a few gems..... I dont really remember them because of course they weren't useable lol..... anyway after which I say something totally stupid...
that was a lousy cum line...... umm I mean pick up line
well laughter broke out of course.. including me because it was hillarious at the time.... but then the guy keeps up... because of my rediculous statement the guy comes up with a new pick up line.... you see there are a lot of people that frequently use crack around here..... so he comes up with... "you like crack?? girl says yes.... he says.."how bout a cum line?" yes of course lame.. anyway the nite proceeds when during another conversation the guy shouts out to another guy why dont you lick the cum from my ass!!!" without missing a beat the guy he's shouting at says "dood you have cum in your ass????" at which I mention the guy is a cum line lol.... priceless I redeemed myself with the very stupid retort I had almost been embarassed with.... the guy will now be known as cum line from now on......
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm beginning to fear for my sanity... well perhaps this has been in question for quite some time .. but I've never questioned it before.... it started when I'm in the coffee shop and I can't help but look around at the different people surrounding me.... sometimes there are frequent visitors (maybe it's sad that I am remembering some of the faces lol) well there was a man sitting accross from me today that was sporting a very bad comb over... it made me think of the one woody harrellson or bill murrey had in that bowling movie (the kingpin) but not so outrageous lol.... but of course this doesn't make me wonder of my sanity... perhaps feeling sorry for the old guy that is ashamed of his extended forehead... perhaps if I had taken my hat of I may have made him feel worse for I am growing a forhead myself but am not really ashamed of it... ( I just feel more comfortable with the hat on lol) anyway the portion of my sanity was put to the test as one of the regulars came in... now I've never paid much attention to him before but this time he sat next to me... the man is an older native guy... he wears a cowboy hat that is pulled down low and he walks with a limp and his head down.... that in itself can be a funny site but it wasn't till he sat down next to me that I began to wonder.....
he is sitting by himself but the biggest conversation is going on under his breath... I'm not certain but he might be mumbling in english or his native tongue... I can't really make him out... but every once in a while he laughs at a joke or something he says.... ok so maybe this is cruel but I started to wonder if I should answer the man... make him feel like he's got a friend or something...... no perhaps not... I think ... judging by the amount of conversation that he has enough friends and they make him laugh.... even if they are all him... or a part of him....
what if he has one of them earpeice things and he's actually talking to someone that isn't even in the shop.... this is where I start to question my sanity.... if some strange person comes into the vicinity of me and I start to make up things that could or could not be possible to explain his/her delusions or oddness..... does that mean that I might be the deluded or odd person? perhaps this might make you think about your reading my page lol.... if you laugh at my silly stories does that make you odd as well?
oh and I forgot to mention that the native guy looks like a very skinny david carradine.... this makes it even more creepy
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
this trip will also be memorable to me because I was driving in one car with the girls while dad and girlfriend took the other car.... the first half hour or so was met with the girls (all under 15) whining about the music..... they dont like rap or pop music lol... so I caved after I tortured them for a while and let them play thier music.... which turned out to be much worse than mine.... but I laughed and played along.... some hints at what they
my favourite part of the trip will be the canyon we visited... I dont know the name of it but I do know that I will return there someday... the canyon starts off no deeper than maybe 5 feet but the further into the hill you go it is well above 40 feet deep... I managed to climb through the canyon along the bottom for quite a ways... andy the son of dad's girlfriend tried to follow me but just couldn't keep up without getting wet.. it was actually quite da
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm getting the hang of working again.... working on ladders is even more fun... perhaps I'll even get used to being up 30 feet in the air someday... but I highly doubt it lol... it seems that there are strange people out this way as well... I'm used to having strange people go by in cape breton but not so much anywhere else... most of the strange people are either locked up or dont come out.... but anyway there are always exceptions... perhaps I'll describe what happened.....
a guy is walking along pushing a shopping cart... I think nothing of it because this does happen from time to time... the guy looks our way.... it was quite interesting to see us up 25 feet in the air strapping wire to a 4 story building... the guy keeps going.. but I hear his cart stop just past the building beside us... even more strange out comes a loud scream noise... it was a cross between a scream and a yelp as if you stepped on a dogs tail..... anyway I ignore the guy and get back to work when all of a sudden I hear this whooshing sound.... it seems that the guy with the cart has picked up a broken golf club and started swinging it in the air like a sword..... but what makes it worse... he's looking towards me up in the air... now I am baffled by this strange site and nearly fall off the plank laughing at the guy... perhaps I'm cruel but I think the guy was cruel..... I most likley would have died if I had fallen
it seems the cart guy likes the area because I saw him the next day pushing his cart and stopped at all the dumpsters around looking for bottles and cans..... gotta like strange people...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
people are weird.... I'm probably no exception especially because I'm in a coffee shop typing about random people in it.... anyway while I'm in the coffee shop.... I cannot help but overhear 4 guys talk about forming a band.... they all appear to be approx my age (25-30)... one looks like a nerd ... one gay... the other two are typical rocker doods.... listening to them talk about this band thing I really dont think they have a chance of anything... they sound like a bunch of boneheads in high school dreaming of being the ultimate stars.... I hope they have jobs because they are strange... one of the rocker doods is trying to run the show and the others are just basicly going along with him... the gay lookin dood isn't saying anything .... example of how bad it is... at one point of the conversation one of them said they were moving out of home... (from the sound of the conversation I think he meant out of his parents home) the other guy said that he could live in his basement but couldn't touch anything lol... sheesh.... other things... they are asking each other if they can play chords or certain songs (popular easy songs) if you have to ask these questions.. should you really be in the band?? well maybe they are all in this coffee shop meeting for the first time... 3 of them are answering an ad in the paper .... yeah that actually sounds like what they are doing....
Monday, May 14, 2007
had another beautiful day today but it all started off with rain.... rain means a day off for me... which was good because I wanted time to spend on the internet (I am a geek after all) so I get to the library and wouldn't ya know I'm settled in.. going about my business when all of a sudden I hear....
lady: excuse me sir are you all right?
man: huh... what??.. ummm??
lady: you can't sleep here!!
man: uhh... ummm.... ohh...
lady: you appeared to be dead to someone
man: I'm sorry I umm.....
and I didn't hear any more of it..... apparently the man had passed out in one of the hidden cubicles of the library... someone must have ratted on him lol... in any event it was quite humorous... I thought back to a time I fell assleep at my cubicle at work.... yeah I think I reacted in the same manor lol....
Friday, May 11, 2007
I nearly forgot to write about my adventures at work this week..... actually I dont really have a big story to tell except I broke a ladder that we rented in order to get to the top of a building... the ladder was 32 feet long and we had to extend it a bit to get to the top.... I was trying to extend the ladder when something strange happened... I fell.... the ladder part I was extending came crashing down and the part that holds it in place broke off... I didn't get hurt except my pride... but it is something that is quite funny so I must share it with the world... I haven't fallen off a ladder since.... but my stupid tool belt keeps getting caught on it when I'm climbing down.. it's very annoying and causes me to either drop something or grab onto the ladder for dear life if I feel like I'm about to fall... plus it slows up production... oh well I'll get used to it someday... perhaps... unlikely... help me I'm falling...
"hi.. I'd like a coffee" or whatever the hell she ordered... "thank you"... the lady then walked out of the coffee shop.... a second later she came back in... "oh my... can you give me a cup of water... some cold water... I spilled it on me" ... at this point I'm ignoring the old crazy lady ... but since the shop is empty I notice pretty much everyone that comes in..... the lady tries to clean the drink off her shirt.... sorry I dont know if she succeeded... myself I would have waited till I got home.... anyway she goes out the door again... a second later ... yes the lady comes back in.... she didn't spill anything on her.. she didn't order anything... she complained about the cigarette butts in front of the coffee shop.... the kind girls behind the counter told the silly old lady that nothing could be done about it because the ashtrays they put out there get stolen so they dont bother anymore... (that's funny shit lol) anyway the lady finishes her silly complain (I think the only reason she did it at all was most likely because it's the only place open along the street ... except perhaps the bar lol) ... so the silly old lady leaves again... thankfully she did not return with her sillyness ... well except that she walked down the street and a few minutes later walked past the shop in the opposite direction again .... maybe she has someone else to bother for now.....
ok so now for the semi more interesting things.... my cousin .... whom is a frenchman I must add also he is 10 years older than me... drives super truck... or long hauling perhaps.... anyway he was passing through going to British Columbia... but he decided to stop by... luckily he came after we were off work.... sadly we were extremely tired but it matters not... me and my cousin decided to hit the town... now I haven't been out in this area (except for some local dive bars) so I dont really have any idea where to go... my dad suggests a local strip joint.... geez... thanks.... well we make our way to the big city .. it's only a half hour drive away or so.. we go by the first bar that I've been wanting to check out but the parking lot is empty... it looks dead... we go by the next one.. same thing... what is the meaning of this!!!!! bars should still be open even on wednesday.. especially in the big city one would think....
well the next one along the way is of course the strip club.... now I do not like going to them... I always feel weird ... or like I'm a huge perv.... but as usual.. there are more girls in the place than guys lol.... (by the way I've only been to two strip clubs so I really dont have much to base my opinions on) well my cousin sees a woman he likes... yes tall blonde the whole deal.... but she dissapears outside and doesn't come back... awwwww lol.... well we are there for about half hour or so.. it's not late by any means when all of a sudden the D.J. blasts over the intercom that they are closing... ummm what the hell kind of city is this.... even a small town like glace bay has a bar that stays open late.. hhmmmm maybe this is suggesting something about cape breton lol........ .... umm anyway... so my cousin asks the bouncer where the happening spot is.... thankfully the guy makes a suggestion and we head on over there
we get to the place and it turns out to be exactly the kind of place I'd love to hang out... it's a college hangout with D.J. and not rock music... all of a sudden I feel like I'm back home on a friday night lol... except I can't drink (because I'm driving) and I dont know a soul except my cousin... then something unexpected happens.... some girl behind me drops her drink... it smashes everywhere... she has flip flop type shoes on or something really thin but doesn't bother to pick up the sharp bits... my quick on his toes cousin decides to do it so that nobody steps on it and kills themselves... but guess what... more drinks start dropping... it was astounding... at least 4 drinks were dropped in less than 15 minutes... it made me wonder if these people were just looking for someone to buy them another drink out of pitty... now most girls really dont have to go through the trouble of that... just ask for a drink I'm sure somone would me more than happy to buy yew one... as long as it isn't a very regular practice (unless your going home with that person regularly lol) but whatever.... my cousin had enough of the place after a while and asked to leave... so we make our way outside... in the front of the place is a girl .. possibly waiting for a drive.. but she doesn't look happy... I make her aware of this and she smiles.... nice.. I'm glad I could bring a nice moment to a sad girl..... anyway into the car we go and my cousin says... "mcdonalds" I say ummm no.... perhaps burger king.... so we go to burger thing.... order up some grub and make our way back to the truck so my cousin can sleep and be on his way... (he has a very nice truck by the way)... sadly I didn't get a picture... well coming out of burger things lot I make the turn into the wrong fukn lane.... I really hate driving in a town where I dont really know the area lol... but thankfully it is 2am and nobody else on the road and we avoid disaster and make a safe journey back.... I can't wait to go back to that bar though.... I just need to find a wingman lol
Friday, May 04, 2007
I was thinking this afternoon that I really didn't show what it is that I do in my new employment.... for anyone that is actually interested in what I do...or doesn't actually know what stucco is lol... here is a basic diagram or description of sorts... you can look it up further information if yew desire....
the part that I do in this diagram is the building paper and wire mesh ... the spacers dont actually get done unless the house is covered with styrophoam
anyway today I want to talk about amonites..... basicly it is a fancy fossil... what I need to know is how much one would be worth... perhaps some of my readers might actually know the answer to this... the one I'm investigating is measured 21cm x 18cm and it is the whole animal.... I'm not exactly sure how deep or thick it is but the rock seems to be at least 4 inches thick.... I could provide pictures if needed I'm sure lol.... and maybe I will just because I can
Thursday, May 03, 2007
One of the benefits of having an outdoor job means that when it is raining (such as it is today) I get a day off... sadly I dont get paid of course but it does mean that I dont have to be outside in the pouring rain trying to tack on wire to the side of a house...
yesterday was my first day of actually doing the job on my own.... I was on the top of the house putting the wrap on a gable end.... basicly this means the peak of the house.... anyway we've been on a job for the last 3 days and there wasn't much left to do so we divided ourselves to sections and went about our duties.... our team consists of three people.. myself .. my dad... and another dude... my dad is the proffessional of our team (he came out of retirement to get me into the trade .. which I'm thankfull for) .. I'm the newbie but am learning the ropes quickly (of course) and the other guy... the other guy has been with the company for at least a year and I've already surpassed his level of compentancy... and even better I've been complemented on my abilities.... sooo maybe I'll actually be able to stick with the job past what I origionally anticipated... but another few weeks will tell... course if the other guy can keep the job for past a season.. I'll deffinately be able to do so.... anyway the house got finished yesterday so we move on to the next one... it's apparently 3 story's high so I get to test my abilities in the air this time... and how to use a ladder jack... it should be fun.... not sure if I mentioned already the use of the air compressed staple gun..... what a toy that is... while I was doing the roof area I came accross a section that has extra metal behind it... this makes it difficult for the staplegun to penetrate.... so when I fired the gun the staples bounce off the wall and fling out in every direction... good thing I wear safety goggles.. could lose an eye..... we can't have that
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I'm totally exhausted... please help me..... I need a bed.. but also want my downloads..... it's a pain in the ass that I can't just let me computer sit and I go do something else... like sleep... yes sleep would be wonderful... anyway I dont have much to say other than I feel like I've been fucked by a donkey and then a steam roller took both of us out..... hhmmm I should probably change this statement but it's actually kinda funny..... speaking of funny a bus just drove by with the words 'Have a Nice Day' on the front..... and on the side the destination was the rehabilitation center....... I spose we should have a nice day... it could be worse.. we could be inside the rehab center lol..... but in order to get in there you either gotta be really messed up or you just got off a very good weekend and are ready to give it up..... enjoy yewr day.. or at least try