Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap
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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
I haven't been on a boat in a very long time.... and oddly enough the last time I was on a boat (other than to fix it while it was onland) was only long enough to jump off it into the water... gotta love fishing boats by the beach in table head lol..... but today was a different story... I was actually master and commander of the vessel.... we have been fixing up a boat for the last month or so and after a few setbacks the maiden voyage was today.... we hooked up everything and dragged it to the mechanics place to pick him up..... after he was along we headed to the lake...
I've been getting lots of practice with driving a truck and trailer around since I've been in alberta.... between various jobs and such... luckily I haven't crashed one since my tow trucking days.... (if yew haven't heard about that keep reading there is a post dedicated to my big crash) anyway the trailer for the boat is tiny unless of course there is a boat on it.... I backed the boat towards the water and well for some odd reason I couldn't line it up right and had to try 3 times before I managed to get it in the water.... ok task one complete
we tied a rope to the bow and let it loose.. the dock is only short so it didn't take long to get it tied up.... it was quite windy so if the rope had slipped well someone would have had to swim to get the boat back lol.... the mechanic had said first thing that he was not getting wet today.... (make a note of that) after the boat was in the water and tied I moved the truck out of the way (so someone else could use the dock) ....
we started up the boat.... it's an old boat so it hadn't been used in quite some time.... after a few minutes it purred like it belonged on the lake.... time to test out the work... with the mechanic behind the wheel we chugged off slowly at first.... this is after all the maiden voyage.... we get going and start to pick up speed.... and after a bit we are at full throttle.... the boat starts bouncing in the choppy waters...... splash splash splash... water begins flying in the air as the boat hits the waves and the splashes soak us both..... so much for the mechanic not getting wet lol...... I move from the back of the boat to the front so that both of us are up front and the choppiness stops.... the mechanic eases off the throttle and we turn then make our way back to shore.... this is after all a test
as we are nearing the dock I notice another boat and one of the people on it are waving at us..... they are in distress..... the boat had stalled and wouldn't start.... we turn towards them and throw them a line and manage to tow the guy in... he's got a nice newer boat..... I smiled as we took our old boat with the newer one behind us in tow.... after we got back to the dock and all the thanks was done ... the mechanic got out (he needed a smoke) and I took over command of the vessel
I pushed off the dock ... now the lone person in the boat and coasted away from the dock... (I found out later that yewr supposed to go slow coming and going from the dock.... damned heavy driving foot lol) it was time to see what the boat could do... I raced off to the other side of the lake and made a few turns... after being soaked again I decided to take it back the other way and back to the dock.. it was enough of the testing.... so I learned how to drive a boat... unload and pick it up with a trailer.... (backing the truck and trailer with no boat on it sucked... as you cannot see the trailer at all.... and sadly the mechanic did not assist me with this whatsoever... but after all he was only there just in case the motor didn't work out... this was after all the test run)
I drove the mechanic home and picked up the rest of our boaters and went back to the lake.... we made our way along the lake and with 3 of us in it the boat seemed to skip along the water a little better than the first run.... of course we had to balance the weight accordingly... I was in the back consuming beverages... but I much rather being in command lol ... we drove around the lake for what seemed half hour or so.... then headed back...
the other two needed a smoke break so I again took a turn at the command... (I'm really beginning to like being called commander lol) I proceeded to zoom around the lake and after another half hour or more I made my way back to pick up the old folk smokers.... we all took another tour around the lake... this time with me in command..... we didn't splash as much as the previous two times.. I'm getting very good at it lol..... on the way back we found another boat in distress... this one a bit bigger than the last one..... and of course we proceeded to assist them by towing back to shore..... I was again told I could make a business of it.... yes I think I could live with that job.... piloting a boat around the lake rescueing people... yes that is the job for me lol.....
but since it was a boat and maiden voyage I dont have any pictures... but of course the big test was for tomorrows events... canada day seems to draw a big crowd of boaters and we will be among the various crews on the lake.... I shall take a camera and document as much as I can and hopefully spare the camera any wetness... I'd hate to lose a camera just so you all can see how great of a commander I am.... well then again I'd hate to not share this with yew.... envious aren't yew :P
I witnessed the most fantastic display of lights in the sky last night.... a thunderstorm rolled through the farm last night and as the sky danced with lightning bursts every 3 minutes or less I waited to hear the roar of thunder that normally comes with the lightning.... it didn't come.... I've never seen that before... even if it was very far away there normally is a small amount of noise at least... but not this time.... it wasn't till the rain started that the thunder finally reached us... and loud it was... I managed to scab a few photos amazingly enough with my camera..... but it just doesn't do it justice.... 
some people baffle me.... I've seen clean freaks and other such weirdness but there is a time when some habits should be left at home... or just stay home yewrself... I went to a restaurant today ... was a chinese buffet place... if your not familiar with buffet it's a table set up with food .... you take a plate and fill it up with whatever you want from the table..... remember many other people use this besides yew.... the place was quite busy as it was open buffet time... this old couple comes in and is seated at a recently vacated seat... there was some rice on the table... the woman was seemingly super disgusted by this and I spose complained to the poor girl waiting on her...
the girl upon coming over to the table ... said let me clean that off for you..... she brushed the rice off the table onto the floor with her hand.........then walked off
priceless.. I wish I could have seen the old bags face.... not long after that the girl was back and proceeded to take the table cloth off .... shake it in the air and put it back on the table rearranging everything on it....
this poor girl is either very new or very awesome lol
after everything was set back on the table the woman proceeded to pick up all the items and checking them for cleanliness.... yew know ... no spots on the silverware or glasses.... I spose there wasn't because she then got up after shaking her head a bit and headed off to the buffet
rememeber I mentioned that buffet is used by everyone that goes to the table... there could be anywhere from 50+ in an afternoon.. depending on how busy the day is... that makes 50+ other people (not including staff refilling the pots) touching different parts ... leaning over or whatever else they may have done.... and she's complaining about a little rice on her table......
I just dont get some people.. they make no sence....
working on a book is hard work... it takes time... patience ... and probably most important creativity... I have these characteristics but something I'm lacking.... motivation.... over the past few months I have written a few paragraphs but they mostly lead in different directions... I'll need to find a way to tie it all together to form a book... my attention span for writing (unless I'm telling a fresh story is somewhat limited... but I am confident that I'll eventually get this damned thing done... what I'm afraid of is: lets say my book happens to become a hit... I'll not be able to follow up on it because it will take forever lol... do I sit on my book until a second one is done? well I spose that will depend on when I get this one done... (and no marcus it's not about my adventures... this blog will detail that alone lol) so far I have murder and mystery... I really need fill.... background info and descriptions... yew know the boring stuff... then maybe I'll have a book... but more than likely I'll just be selfish and keep it all to myself (except maybe a couple of testers lol)
I've noticed that there are a lot of blogger type people that are turning into the book writers... or wannabe writers... I wonder how many of them can actually do it... I'm finding that it's not as easy as it seems... but I will force myself to create one before I die.... at least I have a starting place.. it seems good so far... I just need more of it lol... so ... should I use my name? or one of them fake things... if a fake name is needed.. what should I use? feel free to use the comments section to let me know....
I broke off early from work today... the compressor for the air staple gun quit..... since I couldn't get it running I decided to give up for the day after using nails to get the wire on the walls.... man does that suck..... anyway it also sucks setting up scaffolding 15 feet up by yourself.... it really sux..... anyway I packed up and left for the weekend... I returned some movies (really rivoting reading I know) and proceeded towards the lake.... I contemplated getting some beer for the afternoon sunbathing and soaking but the beaches dont allow it and well I'm by myself to take the fall .... so I skipped it.. instead I stopped at the coffee shop for a bit..... possibly a good thing I did too because outside the place is a trumpet player and a dood with a guitar.... can't hear the guitar guy but the trumpet you can hear down the street.... man does he suck lol... I'm not sure what they are doing out there but perhaps they are raising money for something..... thankfully I wont be forcing myself to stay here for to long.. the hag that runs the place is in .... besides the lake is waiting for me... it's far to hot to do anything else (unless your sitting in an air conditioned coffee shop doing nothing but reading other peoples blogs lol) man do I ever need some new friends ... a side note.. here are two interesting blogs I've come accross .. not to send you somewhere else but you may want to check em out sometime....
Lost In Laundry
.... Hijinks Galore
this may be a sad event but I think it's just plain old funny.... every couple of days I find myself on a scaffolding... sometimes 20 + feet in the air and out of the blue I'll shout out a quote from the movie accepted....
if you haven't seen the movie.. there is a part in it that has a dufus dressed up in a hot dog suit.. he's in the middle of campus handing out fliers and shouting "ask me about my weiner!!!!!"
except for the suit I repeat that phrase as loud as I can for anyone that cares or not... it's quite funny... my dad has altered the saying slightly... our job is to put wire on the walls.... he shouts out ask me about my wire.... if you ask him.. he says it's nice and tight...... (maybe that's where I get it from lol)
so I'm in the coffee shop and for anyone that knows me ... knows I have a slight giggle problem... well these two little old ladies come walking (sorta) into the shop... one of them (the younger of the two) is using a cane.... I believe the younger is the daughter... she has a hunch that would make the notredame hunchback appear to be straight.... I'm sorry.. but I must describe it.... anyway the older woman sits on a chair and the hunchback stumbles to the counter to place the order.... after a bit they sit down.... I maintain my composure somehow.... until of course I read something funny on my laptop.... of course the sad old woman thinks I'm laughing at her... until she looks at me and notices I'm not even paying her any attention.... after a while of my giggling I hear the hunchback telling the other one something about me... how silly I must look in a coffee shop surrounded by people giggling at something on my laptop.... if she only knew I was giggling at me telling the story to someone online... (yes I'm mean .. screw yew too) when I reply to her that I do it all the time and she could ask one of the girls.... she exclaims that at least I'm somewhat normal and not one of the super geeks lol.... I like the hunchback all of a sudden... she tells me about her neice that does the same thing.... apparently laptops (or computers) keep many people entertained even when they are by themselves...... of course this fact makes me feel better about looking like an idiot laughing at a screen in public lol..... but then again I do it at work as well.... it doesn't take much to set me off... a random thought or whatever... but of course if yew knew me... yew'd know this already :P
I've had my first major drunk since I moved out west (sorta) let me tell you it's not fun working with a hangover on ladders..... anyway being on a farm has some advantages.... huge fires lol.... and of course lots of intoxication.... somehow I ended up with a monkey on my head and well of course I had to have a picture of it...... I tried to do it myself but I just couldn't get the angle right after about 6 tries I passed the camera over..... I was chasing the do
g around as well .... it gets quit hot out here as maybe you can guess by my sweating brow lol

anyway my new favourite saturday thing to do is go to the races.... I almost missed them this week but I'm glad I went even if I was late lol I'm going to submit my pictures to the website as well... maybe
I can win a free pass for next year lol... sadly I dont have anything else to mention in the way of news or stories... maybe later in the week... we shall see... but enjoy the pics ... as they go around the track between races for warmups they sometimes do a crowd salute of 4 wide... the track barely fits them and it's quite cool to see.. I managed to get a couple shots of this feature... but my favourite is the storm that was moving in on us... it actually circled the track entirely before it started to rain lol.... but the shot is quite nice and I think it could leave me with the winning image
I'm not the best person to be talking about public appearance but I do realize that some things just shouldn't be done in certain situations.... perhaps these could include burping or farting in public.... (personally I dont feel that those two should be included but some people do) I was on the job site this week and it was lunch time.... after I finished putting my stuff away I started to walk to the car when beyond my control I let out a wapping burp.... something I'm not ashamed of or care what anyone really thinks when all of a sudden one of the other workers (from a different job entirely) gives me the look and says something to portray his annoyance with me.... I give him the look back and say what??
the guy announces that he's eating.... I again get the look as if I should be shot for burping while someone is eating.... normally perhaps I would have toned it down as far as the burp goes... but only if I was in a restaurant... some super public place or perhaps just at mom's home.....
well I'm not in any of these places.. I'm on a construction workplace.... yew know where "supposedly" manly people are (maybe the dood with the makeup is a friend of this guy) ... what I dont get is if the guy was serious or not but it matters not I let it go of course after laughing at the guy...... but this brings me to the point.... bodily functions cannot be avoided sometimes but bodily actions can be.... what is the deal with someone standing in front of you and picking the undies out from the neather regions... especially if that someone is a nice looking younger woman.... personally I'm glad that someone isn't ashamed to just let it go but after witnessing the guy with the exposed super keg belly running down stairs (yes all flopping everywhere) I think that it would be wrong of me to say that one is ok while the other is not.... it's a good thing I'm a nice guy.... she took my smile as a nice thing... she was pretty but I was smiling at her inability to keep her hands off her ass in public lol
I had a couple of topics to write about on the way home from work today but for the life of me I cannot recall what they are... I believe I'm gonna have to start carrying a pen and pad again lol.... (that just seems to get me in trouble though)... I suppose I could poke fun at the expense of the person that just fell going down the street on a skateboard...Not just any skateboard but one of them super long large ones they are bringing back these days.... anyway she looked kinda old and perhaps learning how to use the thing.... I didn't notice at first because I was wrapped up in my book (I've been doing a lot of reading lately) when I noticed someone coming accross the cross walk a little quicker than normally possible.... I glanced and saw it was a person on a skateboard... I wasn't sure if it was a guy or girl at first but it turned out to be a woman.... I'd say she was closer to my age than a normal person you would think to be on a board with wheels.... however she got to the curb and tried to muscle her way up the sloap when all of a sudden she wobbled.... she regained her balance only to discover that she was headed for the side of a building.....
she jumped off the crazy out of control wheeled board ... can't say I blame her on the monstrosity lol.... course the board is so big that it would have hit the wall first and she may not have hit her head on the building .... we shall never know... it was kinda funny to watch though....
I just remembered one of the topiks from work.... occasionally (more often than not) while we are working on a building there are other workers doing their thing on other parts.... electrical... air conditioning.... drywall.. whatever... anyway we were at this building for two days (today being the third) and nobody has been in it except the contractor to inform us about another project we had to complete..... I was working on a section when I hear my dad talking to someone... I assume he's on the phone.... he wasn't.... he had mentioned to me that he was talking to a queer (my dad is very politically correct) ... I didn't investigate and kinda didn't really catch his comment... I ignore my father a lot lol.... well as I continued work I was patching up a section of windows when I saw the ugliest woman I've ever come accross on the other side of the window!!!!!!!
it turns out my dad was talking to a man/woman/thing... I'm still not exactly sure... (I didn't talk to the guy) .. now I've heard of cross dressers and such but I must admit I was a bit freaked out to see a man working in construction wearing regular clothes for work but with piles of makup such as a grandmother would wear.... somehow I maintained my composure... I'm actually shocked a little... any other day I probably would have fallen off my ladder in fits of laughter at the sight of a dood with granny makup doing construction... but he is probably very good at what he does or he wouldn't be doing it.... it's all good.... it's making me think of a conversation I had with a gay friend named paul....
paul had asked me how I was doin in alberta and inquired on the possiblity of employment for him.... I mentioned that there was heavy lifting and lots of dirt in my job... he didn't like either aspect of that... but perhaps he could join the motley crew of mr makeup lol... his job looked easy... but I honestly dont know what the guy was doing.... and I'm not meaning to be an ass or anything ... I just find this topic a bit funny
on another brighter note... kids are quite funny... one of the girls is cleaning up in the coffee shop when a kid follows her up the stairs... the kid wants to help her out... he's not more than 5 years old and loud just like a normal kid.... the girl thanks him for helping and such when the mother says to the kid to come on because they are leaving... the kid in a panic starts running for the stairs shouting repetatively
mommmmmmyyyyy dont leavvvvveeeeeee meeeeeeeeee.....
aren't kids great lol
I've been introduced to the new phenomenon called facebook... what is the deal with the need for people to share their information with everyone in the world... meet new people from anywhere..... at first I didn't get it... or rather it brought me back to a world I left behind... years ago I was addicted to chat and used almost any program or service to reach out to the world.... after a while I felt like a strange person that didn't know any real people.... I was afraid that facebook would be another type of service but I was wrong.... granted there are some features in this service that are just rediculous and should be terminated by everyone.... however I have gotten in touch with some people from long ago that I would never have been able to without this service.... people from my hometown... people from school.. people from all over the place... I'm enlightened all over again with the amazing ability of the internet...... people wonder why I am so hopelessly addicted that I would drive 30 minutes away from home just to catch a few moments of internet time.... well other than my need to get free stuff (yew know what I'm talking about) I'm victom just like everyone else... I am one of them people that cannot go past the computer room without checking my email or to see if someone sent a message.... dont lie to yourself you do that too.... we all do it... well those of us that have computers and internet (it's odd that some people still dont have these items)
I was in a store a few days ago and bought something... they asked if they could have my email address for something.. I said I didn't have one... the lady gave me the oddest look... she knew I was lieing and was gonna call me on that .... but it's just easier to say no than to give out a fake email address (like I want all your spam lol)
I have a point of view.... though sometimes I shouldn't share it.... but if I didn't people wouldn't laugh as much or perhaps even cry ... I'm not sure ... I think that sometimes I should take a moment and think before I speak... however spontanity prevents me from doing this or perhaps my desire to be original.... I've discovered it could be more than this.... I've noticed over the past year or so that I have an incredible ability to be cruel and not even be aware of it.... and sometimes even be aware of it but not care... to be honest I'm not sure where this is coming from... I had nothing to write about but sometimes that's when my best writing occurs.... I decided to make a comparison to where I was this time last year.... it is fairly close to the time I felt it was the end of the world....... this past year has brought me through a major rollercoaster in my life and I think I've ended out in better shape... in more than many ways...
Last Year
I was working in a call center at a job I hated (anyone that knows me knows I hate phones)
I was in what I thought was a meaningful relationship with a strong future
I had very little money in the bank and close to living pay check to pay check
I had goals that couldn't be accomplished
I was very out of shape (couldn't walk up stairs without wheezing)
I now have a job that I enjoy (most days)
I dont have a girlfriend holding me back (not that girlfriends do this... my ex did)
I'm debt free....
I can now see my goals within reach (it wont be long now)
I've shed some size in exchange for a more toned physic
a few years ago I was invited to go west but I didn't want to give up on a sure thing... the risk was to great.... now I wish I had taken the risk.... things may have turned out differently... but this of course doesn't mean I would go back and change things.... I always say if I were to go back and change something I wouldn't be me.... and I just wouldn't agree with that... I like me... I like who I've become and I know there are many people out there that would agree.... I can't help looking back to things I miss ... yes even my past relationships.... but time goes on and I'm finally glad for the changes.... I know things are where they are supposed to be for now... at least in my life...
I would like to take the time to thank everyone that takes the time to read this mess regularly or not... even if I dont know your there lol....
the people that were there for me over this past year... you know who you are.... you deserve my biggest thanks and gratitude and I must also thank the new friends I have made... there are so many of them lol.... I couldn't have done anything with myself otherwise.... except wither in self pity... I'm not about that and we all know it... now if only I had a funny story to liven this place up.... nope sorry I dont... maybe something will happen tomorrow... or even better.. on the way home tonight .... for now enjoy yewrselves... I know I am
why are bathroom fiascos always funny??? I'm in the coffee shop chilling... almost falling ass leep when I happen to catch a very big woman come in grab the key for the toilet and went to use the facilities..... just as she was going in one of the girls that works there was taking the cleaning things to clean the toilets..... well obviously they can't be cleaned while someone is in there so she put the stuff down and did something else for a bit.... the big woman comes out and puts the key back... but doesn't buy anything.... the cleaner was making her way to the toilet but the big woman shouts ......
"do not to go in there.... seriously do not go in there... I died in there..... "
I'm in the corner of the shop covering my face trying not to laugh..... apperantly the girls (workers) are doing the same.... the big woman leaves and all of a sudden laughter erupts from everywhere.... sometimes it's just sad that our bodily functions can cause different reactions.... but it always amazes me how bold some people can be and not be embarassed by certain things.... I may not shy away from a good fart... but I wont exclaim in public where I know no one that I just died in the toilet..... well maybe I would....
my car died yesterday.... well actually it is having an electrical issue and the battery went flat.... it might be ready in a few days... but I doubt it will get fixed.... my new car ..... ummm MY new car as in my first ever actually my own car in my name and everything.... is in the works..... for now I have inherited a cutlas station wagon.... it's actually a decent car.... today I got asked where my car was.... after I mentioned that it may never be seen again (in my possession anyway) the lady said aawwww... it was cute lol..... well it may have been a hatefull car at times but it seems that it was an attention grabber after all ... I did enjoy driving it around even with all it's problems... standard transmission takes some getting used to but after that it is a lot better than automatic... you can get up to speed faster.... you can rev the engine at people easier.... and well it keeps yew interested while driving through town (rather than falling ass leep)
I just got the nicest smile from a woman in a very long time.... it's amazing what a smile can do to a person..... even if they are in a bad mood.... today I am covered in mud again ... have a deadline on the job ... has to be done tomorrow because we are renting a boom lift.... of course because I have a deadline it rains..... but oh well the horribleness of it all has melted away by the smile.....
a crazy thought came accross the mind as I contemplated my newly refreshed feelings... a topik that was brought up in conversation a few months ago..... and being that I'm in a new town full of strange people.... I'm not entirely sure what to make of new people anymore.... by this I mean that I haven't grown up with these people... they could be anyone ... or been someone else in the past..... even a different gender.... makes ya think about meeting new people all of a sudden (unless your the type of person that's into everything..... but again that is none of my business) what if the flirtatious person that yew just met and kinda like is actually the opposite of what he/she is...... and pulling it off well... do you find out in the heat of the moment or does that person come clean up front..... might make for an interesting first date topic of conversation lol.... or perhaps it would just creep most people out and fizzle any kind of feelings one might have had going into it...... oh and just so everyone is clear... this has not happened to me (that I know of) and I dont want to start now lol... but perhaps it might make you wonder about that girl or guy you kissed long ago that was kinda sorta ok but you had a feeling that something was a miss... umm or misster......
food for thought......
I know what it feels like to be a redneck.... no my neck isn't sunburned... well it is but that's not why I'm feeling like a redneck..... I may have mentioned the irrigation canals in prior posts... if you dont recall or dont want to look back .... the canals are a system of little rivers to feed water to all the farms of southern alberta.... it's quite a neat setup..... anyway the water happens to flow through the farm.... I joined in the fun of swimming in the cannal.... it was great fun.... especially since the day was super warm..... working outside on some days (especially like yesterday) are not fun..... however the counterbalance would be today... got to work and after a few hours it started to rain.... the rainwater collected on the roof and ran down the side of the building the gathered stuff fell harder than the actual rain so I was drenched in seconds.... being that we were already wet we just kept on working... it was kinda nice actually ... till the rain stopped and the wind picked up.... it just got downright cold after that .......
well over the weekend I had taken a trip to the local lake.... the week before I visited the place but the water was freezing... it was not this weekend.... I actually enjoyed the water... but I enjoyed the sights more.... and this time I'm not even talking about wiminz lol.....
I've arrived in redneck country.... and so now you know why I started this post that way.... the place is called stafford lake and is one of many places to launch boats .... I sat and watched for a bit as boats came and went.... for some odd reason I liked that.... but it was super hot and I was not in the shade so this did not last... I made my way to the beach side... (which isn't far from the launch) as I got closer to the beach side 3 things arose to my attention.... first there were many families around.... lots of kids to be more specific.... a few air rafts and such... second was a couple of nice lookin wiminz..... then there was this older guy in what I will reffer to as redneck attire.... jeans and a t-shirt (man he looked super hot in that getup surrounded by everyone in shorts n such) and a kid in similar fashion beside him.... they were both casting fishing lines off the dock..... I wish I had brought my camera so you could see what I'm describing..... basicly the water is not very deep... surrounding the beach area are a bunch of bobble buoys not tied together and the area itself is maybe 80 meters or less long and 20 meters out... if that.... the people are all swimming around and the dock is in the middle of all this.... these two boneheads are trying to cast in between all the kids.... but nobody is saying anything.... now I'm sitting by the edge of the water when the kid comes off the dock and towards me... he stops in front of me and starts casting... I'm about to freak out when a woman comes down to the shore and starts talking to the kid that he's not allowed to be fishing in the swim area.... (she apparently works in the store at the top of the beach) the dad has dissapeared before the woman came down so the kid had to bear the bad news alone...
now that the weirdos had been removed I began my plunge into the waters.... it felt great... I began to watch the various boats travelling back and forth again... some of them carrying skiiers.. some with super air rafts and such.... it was semi entertaining... of course this was till the king redneck comes along.... picture a bunch of southern alberta people staring out to the waters (including myself) at what appeared to be a bunch of grocery store pallets tied together with a couple of canoes under it..... makeshift raft.... on the top is what made it the super redneck getaway.... the two men that were floating away on this contraption were sitting in lawn chairs.... under what appeared to be a very large beach umbrella.... beside a cooler and a bbq.... tied to the back was a sea-doo.... there was a small outboard metal boat on the top of this raft thing.... and of course no redneck excursion would be complete without bringing along the dog.... I believe I have gone through the twilight zone and landed in a new world..... I'm not sure I will ever recover.... I'm not sure what an ontario born caper redneck looks like but if this keeps up I'll be able to show you .... the weirdos are rubbin off and it is scaring me lolol
the manager of the coffee shop is a bitch.... I know she's seen me before..... I have been in the place regularly for quite some time... I sit in the same spot each day and I am familiar to a few of the workers...... spose I should explain why she is a bitch... I understand that if you go into a place such as a coffee shop to use a feature of the place (free internet or toilets or something) you should purchase something there..... I'm not that much of a cheapskate.... but I dont agree with having to purchase something every single time you walk in and out of the place....
I came into the place today ... got my usual orange drink and sat down.... opened up my laptop started to do my thing when I received a phone call.... I had to go help my dad buy a camcorder..... so I waited for him at the coffee shop while I did my thing... he comes ... (by this point I know the hag lady saw me... she may not have remembered it perhaps ... whatever) I pack up my stuff and leave the shop.... go down the street to another store.. help make the purchase and come back to the coffee shop.... the trip wasn't more than 15 minutes...... I take my usual seat in the corner (so I can see everything) and set up..... I figured since I had already purchased the orange drink (even though I drank it already) I would be ok to sit back down and continue ...... I was wrong.....
the lady comes over to me and frets that I have a litre bottle of sprite on the table ...something she doesn't sell.... one I had grabbed from the car on my way back in.... it's supremely hot here and the little 355ml bottle of crap they sell isn't gonna cut it.... well I inform her that I had already purchased a bottle not more than half an hour ago and that I had left then came back.... surely it wouldn't be a problem.... I even said I would purchase another one.... but I gave her the look.... yes yew know the one (I thought I was gonna get tossed out lol) so the bitch walks away and I go to the counter to purchase yet another drink... the two workers are busy with other patrons that actually want something and the bitch walks past the counter... yes the one I'm standing at ..... and proceeds to do something else.... so I wait.... she walks past me again...... I wait some more... one of the other girls comes over and said "hi again" cause she had recalled waiting on me already..... and I said "the usual again" and she gets me another bottle of the same shit I get every time I come in.... I gave the bitch lady the look again.... I think she got the point... I'm not just some freeloader..... it wasn't the purchase that bothered me.... it was the grief she would give a regular customer as opposed to one of the weirdos that frequently come in just to use the toilet and not even buy something... yes this does happen very often..... this could also be the reason that they keep the toilets locked and have the keys by the register..... but they still dont stop people from coming in off the street and using them without purchasing something...... so hag lady... fuck yew.... oh and by the way.... the bitch lady waited on the next customer...... that is why I call her a bitch.. but at least she gave me something to write about
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Creater: Joe Earhart