love it when things go as planned... that's why I never plan anything... take it as it comes... every time I plan to do something... something goes wrong... or something happens to interupt it... no suprises this weekend either... was sposed to go away for the weekend but well so much for that idea... anyway spose I'll just have to entertain myself now.. but I"ll get to play some more of final fantasy... what a hard fukn game.. I'm totally lost in it.. turns out it's a bout a bunch of girls that go around looking for spheres (memory balls or some shit) .. they sing and dance and parade around... but also whoop ass on strange looking bugs and animals... lmao where do they come up with the ideas for these games.. anyway more news on road trip... 3 stops are in the making... halifax is first stop... I've never been to the clubs up there and well going to rectify that ... next stop is gagetown to visit my buddy in the army... he says the clubs up there are really good as well ... course anything is better than here.. clubs really suck here.... though I"ve been thinking about adding a detour to PEI because it's the only province I haven't been to yet... course that's just to say I've been there I dont think there's much I"d wanna see there... I know what a potato plant looks like lmao.... anyway still open for suggestions of places to stop from anyone that's going to come along lol... course I know a lot of land mark things to see along the way so it's going to be a great trip anyway ... so start saving up for gass money.. and course drinking money... and well looking for at least 6 nites accomodation at a luxurious 1 star hotel someplace lol
Monday, December 29, 2003
Sunday, December 28, 2003
I'm sure everyone wished they were at werk tonight... I over heard the greatest call ever tonight... and well because of the circumstances cannot really talk about it... but I'm sure it will be all over the building by the time anyone reads this... so really it doen't matter... but wow what a call.. and best of all the call was dealt in a ... well nearly entirely.. proffesional manner... but I must say the call (except for the closing) probably would have been great with quality... except maybe a few choice werds that were used.. but other than that it was an awesome call... and I have to admit made the agent very please to be well leaving our organization lol but extremly pleased to have had the opertunity to have had this call because well the customer went away happy .. and the issue well was in the right direction of being resolved... anyway enough of that... yew people from werk will hear all about it I"m sure.. for the rest of yew I"ll post the call on the website when I ever finish the damned thing
I've just downloaded a pile of drum and bass music... watched a very funny english mewvy called Ali G in da house... it's very very stupid but very very funny... and well some of the songs on the soundtrack I kinda like.. but only because of the beat lol... this music style is very popular in europe... but not really popular where I live.. actually I dont know anyone that knows about it or that listens to it... cause well it sounds like a pile of noise with a beat behind it lmao... oh well a few of the songs aren't too bad.... so yeah off to play some more final fantasy... might actually post a decent story some time soon.. untill then enjoy this drivell
Friday, December 26, 2003
amazing what a video game will do for a person.. even a strange one.. got my little brother the new wrestling game for playstation for christmas and well sadly I think the reason the little pervert wanted it for was the bra and panties match in the game... yeah they actually have a bra and panties match in a video game... mind you there is lots of other matches equally amuzing but it's a video game .. shouldn't be getting jollies off a video game.. seen one in the store a few weeks ago.. it's a beach vollyball game.. but it's all women in it... do people really play this shit for the enjoyment of the game??? or are they just watching the bouncing... ummmm never mind... buncha sicko's that's what they are doing.... anyway spose I"ll go play a bit of playstation.. hhmmm wonder who's in the bra and panties matches anyway.... oh puhleeze as if yew wouldn't take a look :P ... course I"m going to play the game I picked out final fantasy wooo hooo much better game I must say...
Thursday, December 25, 2003
found out what it's like to get vto again... for those of yew that dont know .. that's voluntary time off.. yep that means the dont need you at work so you may leave... course it's a holiday so there really isn't a need.. well nearly... some people find it imperative to send the pictures of the presents they opened early to their long lost internet buddies... but umm dont you think that the people that actually need the interent that bad.... know a little more about what is goin on? and well have a better connextion or rather know what to do to get themselves online... it's a bit silly that a person calls in on a monthly basis to get walked through unplugging the modem and amazingly get back online.. how simple is that... I mean I have a network and must power cycle the router every couple of weeks.. it's not difficult and takes all of 3 minutes... wow... so this woman that called up hassled the agent before me about some silly crap and well they determine the modem to be deffective or some garbage... I take her through verification of processes and begin to go through to order a modem.. but she starts freaking out that she's not gonna be able to use her pc for the duration of christmas and proceeds to tell me how terrible msn is and that we should show more compasion during the holiday... yes lady your at home whining the fuk about something stupid and I"m working durring the holiday.. listening to your rude ass bitch at me because you fuxered yer system... so I take her through a few more things and reinstall her modem .. great now it werks good but still not connected... check her connections and she's set up without filters.. has a filter on the dsl.. ask her well do you have phone in other side? no she tells me.. I double check (because we all know how great our customers are) and she insists so get her to unplug it and put direct in.. no need to have it if there's no phone.. all of a sudden I dont have a customer either.. smart lady during christmas.. soooooo what do I do ... in the spirit of christmas I call the bitch back... great more complaining about our great service... and she didn't even thank me for calling her back... amazingly I didn't hang up on her and continued on through the garbage coming out of her mouth.... and finally escalate her call.. too bad she dont know she wont be on for another few days anyway.. ppp down and all gotta love living in colorado area.. shitty phone lines.. anyway I"m off to enjoy a christmas sleep so I can work again during the holidays
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
two days to christmas and I still have not made a christmas page for this year... I've gotten so lazy lately and I'm just hating it.... I'm getting down to work on my website during this week.. I've put it off for far too long and I must rectify the situation.... it has been my dream for the longest time to have a website that is fully functional and to promote my hobby.. but so far I've treated it just as it is... a hobby... I need to get it underway and proffesional looking so I can start trying to make a job out of it... because it's really what I want to do... mind you I dont see major money in it... but I do see a pasttime working for itself.. a reason to continue with it.. and of course also it would allow me to get some new toys that I've wanted for so long... I'll just need some place to set up shop.... but not to worry I have done some research... now I just need a providor that will give me what I need..... bandwidth lol... perhaps I can get some deals from locals... who knows... and well I'll work out the buggs ... course after I get my site done... and yes you will enjoy the site.. I've had a few ideas playing around and I love the new format of my site... it's easy to navigate and best of all loads quickly... it's just my content that takes soo much time to format and set up... I can't seem to stay on one thing for any length of time.. and that's been my downfall I need change in my life to function.... so I have a few goals at the moment I believe that will be enough fuel to get me where I need to be.... get ready for another makeover.... it's gonna be glorious... and I dont mean makeup neither.. dont be silly yew freak :P
Monday, December 22, 2003
I've turned over a new leaf... yup I've thought about being miserable for a little while.. and well even my best efforts to be miserable have failed greatly.. I"m just toooo fukd up I spose lol.... anywhere I go I make the best of the situation and usually it's worked to my advantage... I can't even be hateful to a person I dont really care for... well I wouldn't go that far because if I dont like someone .. I just dont like them lol but even then I am amazingly nice until crossed... which well so far hasn't happened... prob because of my personality most likely... but not many people have ever crossed me... but lately I"m starting to feel like some people are taking advantage of my generocity and niceness... and well quite frankly this must stop... though there is nearly nothing I wouldn't do for a friend or family member.... I've noticed a few things about the behaviour of people around me lately is becoming a bit strange... now I"m sure that some people will get the wrong idea about this post but I dun really care at the moment.. it's not directed at anyone because that's how I am.. if I have a problem with something or someone they know about it or find out very quickly because I"m direct and to the point... I've been thinking lately about my current situation and recalling on the past 3 years of my life and wondering why I"m back in this hole that I struggled to get out of... and Iwas out of it for a while but then ... like a lot of people.. came back... well now the difference is ... I find I have a decent job and I"m actually starting to like it somewhat... and am saving up some bucks for the first time in my life.... the only thing I"m missing is a place of my own that I can do what I like when I like and not have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing... that's what I had 2 years ago in england... sorta lol.... though I still had to answer to a woman.. I did have the option of grabbing a beer if I so desired .. or turn the music on.. or dance around in my underwear.. not that I really do that thing ... because it's too fukn cold.. but I"d like to be able to if I so desired... sooo I"ve made up my mind.. I"m going to get a place of my own soon... and become broke like the rest of my friends.... but before I can do this I'll need two things.... 1.) need to get my license.... and need to have a savings built up for my trip in the summer.... 2.) I've decided to go accross canada on a road trip... I miss those...
when I was younger the family used to drive from ontario to nova scotia to visit mom's side of the family... see the sites and to get away... I want to relive that this summer.. but most of all I want to visit dad's side of the family again... I was very close to a few of them growing up... I've grown accustomed to having them around.. most of them anyway.. and well I haven't seen most of them in so long it's just sad... but I think it may have something to do with seeing my dad again.. perhaps I"m just growing up and starting to realize I've not reached fully what I had hoped to accomplish when I was younger.. not that I"m complaining I have a lot more than I thought I would have... and damned sure more than a few people would have given me credit for back then.... espeshuly that shitty teacher that said I'd never amount to a thing... I"ve accomplished a great deal though... and I know I have.... I've travelled the world... made a lot of friends through my travells and basicly have everything I actually need... all provided by myself from my hard work.... though I have had lots of help along the way ...
I'd like to take the time to mention I"m thankful for what I have done and those that have helped me on the way... and I am greatful for the times I will have in the future and would like to wish everyone the best in the coming new year... but most importantly enjoy the holidays.. even if you have to work.... and now that the serious stuff is over.. who's gonna sign up for the massive road trip I'll be taking in the summer?? you'll meet lots of scary relatives of mine but I assure you it will be a very fun trip.. and well even though I"ll be driving.. I really do know the way there and back... just forget the story about my trip to halifax.. I was very very very tired that night and day ... had only 1 hour sleep remember lol.....
Sunday, December 21, 2003
I was told that I shouldn't write about werk anymore but I have to say I think half my readers only tune in for the great stories in my werds .. because I'm not afraid to tell it like it is... and well this is no exception.. I like taking strange and interesting calls because well it gives me something to talk about but this call was less than desireable.. yes the customer had a stupid boring issue that well I verified was stupid and boring .. all the steps were done and I attempted to escalate the call... good job it's done.. but the agent that decided to answer the phone starts saying one moment.... asking me how this was... one moment... how this is.. one moment.. how that is.. one moment.. I wanted to shove a moment down his throat and he says one moment... after every damned thing he says.. one moment... yippie I love talking to morons.. one moment... great how about one moment to shove something up yer ass you might enjoy it more... or perhaps you should have a moment of silence for your dumb ass to catch up to the rest of the werld... yes a moment of silence for your moment to catch yer breath... anyway I'm sure you could stop saying it for a moment while you type your ticket to help a customers "moment" ok so drunken blog has returned but yes this is a brief moment not to be repeated because the last post will most likely get me in trubble... but since I"m wrecked I doubt if it matters... now time for sleep.. but have only one thing to say.. one moment..... I'll transfer yew to a person that has a moment for you
well now there is new meaning to licking a dog ass.... that's tonights topic.... but it's not that simple.. yes I went to a party tonight and though I cannot say much about the "party" I have to say it was interesting.... I showed up and well it was all girls.. great a house full of girls and well one decicded to wreck the place (I'm sure I'll hear all about this very soon) I walk in and get warned.. yes it's a house full of girls and you better watch out cause yer the only guy here.. how do you feel about getting raped?? first thing came to mind was can't rape the willing.. but I must protest because the same person that said how do you feel abut being raped .... wrecked the place... she proceeded to knock everything over and more so she used the person that owns the place's tooth brush... ... that's right I said it.. used her toothbrush... all because she was so drunk she went over to the dog..... and well kissed the dog or rather kissed the tongue of the dog ... and well later found out the dog had just finished licking it's ass hahahahaha.. I must pause for an hour while I laff........................
ok so the dog had licked it's ass and then puckered up and licked the face f the unsusspecting drunken lady..... great.. how about seconds... as she asked if anyone had a breath mint.. it's not so bad if we hadn't told her she never would have known
so later the lady decides she's had enough and wants to sleep... the house owner decides yer not sleeping in my bed... without concequence.. and so the owner drives everyone home and proceeds to draw all over the passed out drunken person... if onnly we had pics.. it would prob look something like a tatoo gone wrong.. anyway that was funny .. great christmas gift is all I can say.. enjoy and well I must take my drunken ass to bed.. I"m sure I"ll catch shit for this post later.. but I"m ready for the concequences.. the only person to really complain is the persn that kissed the dog after licking it's ass.... doubt I'll hear much about this lol... as if she complains everyone will know who it is.. not to say that her friends wont say anything.. hhhmmmm no comment because remember I"m still a gentleman :P
Saturday, December 20, 2003
yippieee drunken blog returns lmao..... managed to scam some time off tonight .. much to the dismay of my fellow werkers.. they decided to be mad at me for having a night out for once.. yeah I"m used to having friday off.. haven't werked a friday since I started the horrible job except for training... but that's another story... and well now just have to try to get paid for my time off.. course I'm sure I can weasle that around... not like I dont have vacation pay sitting there collecting dust cause the cheap bastards at werk wont pay it out to us great agents .... anyway I was told that I write too much about werk and that it's boring soooo I have to find a new topic.. perhaps I'll talk about stuck up individuals... yeah that's it.. new topik.. perhaps I'll just have to make up some subjects but since I'm a bit incompacitated at the moment (drunk rather) I dont think it would be possible for me to be any more creative but I must say there is a party at a friends place tomorrow and I'm sposed to show up.. but who know what will happen there.. I'll prob be too tired from werking all night and just not go.. buuuut.. I may be convinced to go because well someone is sposed to come and take money from me for boooze... yeah boooze.. gotta like taking time to have booze lmao.. perhaps some more time off will be aproved.. but yeah I doubt it
oh but I broke my fukn desk at werk today and well the people that laffed at it... yeah they laffed at me.. how rude :P but anyway I dont mind because well I still brok e it but it really wasn't my fault... the bottom drawer opens by itself.. yes like ghosts (if yew believe that bullshit) opened it ... and well I went to put my hat on the desk when I tripped over the open drawer and well it fell off it's hinges somehow.. strange.. but so I was playing with it and well it came entirely off its hinges n shit.. fell on my fukn foot and hurt like a sun bitch... but I still got to go out tonight afterwards.. perhaps they will fix my desk next week.. though it wont be mine then it will be someone elses ... blah I"m rambling time to eat my sub watch a movie and sleep.. if I find out what that is... hate drunken blogs :P
Friday, December 19, 2003
our job has become in jeapardy... yeah that's right I said it... apperantly people are leaving their phones signed in or not changing their passwords.... and others are taking advantage of this to roll the que a number of times... good job... sure the que drops in a matter of seconds.. but what happens next dumbass... they call back... and all of a sudden which center is the least busy... ours... so not only the people that were just calling and got dropped are now disconnected.. but the people that were calling in get routed here as well... now the que goes instant red and the volume increases more because the center is the least busiest.... well at least you had a minute of a break I spose.. hope it was worth it .. cause now it wont be clear for an even longer time .... though I spose perhaps it was funny.. but who can you tell??? nobody because if you get caught yer fired... so then leaves me to what's the point????? no point yer an idiot (whoever did it) but oh well tomorrow is another day...
anyway I really dont have anything to write about today .. I'm bored... but I did download a new movie so I'm gonna watch that.. though it's only "Elf" so I"m not expecting a great movie.. it will prob put me to sleep at least ...
Thursday, December 18, 2003
I've decided to take my christmasy hat to werk and see if I can get away with being in the sposed spirit of christmas.. mostly to poke defiance at the crazy hag woman supervisor that has been raining terror around the floor lately... I hope she says something to me because I'll just have to tell her where to go... and perhaps I might even make her one of the signs that the rest of the people around me have... yes it will say her name in bold letters and instead of flowers or some special design it will have a swatsica (nazi sign).. hell if I could spell it but perhaps yew all know what that means... and for the record.. I think it is crazy for someone to wait at your desk every time you come in just to say... take your hat off... though I must say today she actually said take your hat off please... perhaps she's been told she's less than friendly... or perhaps she might think it will make me take my hat off quicker lmao... I have to say that I took my hat off in a quicker manner when she said that.. but mostly cause she skeered the shit outta me when she said it.. I had only just got in moments before and was loading toolz on my pc... I threw my hat it bounced off my shelf and hit the dude that sits on the other side of my cubicle... hhmm wonder if she was impressed with that... oh well dont care.. like to see her tell me to take off my santa hat... maybe I should put it on her head and shake it around.. well perhaps if there were bells on it... anyway enough ranting .. time for sleep....
now I know I had recieved an edumacation.. and yes I learned how to read when I was very young.. but I did always struggle through school.. mainly because I never could pay attention.. I was too poor basicly or I didn't want to give "attention" any funds... my mind wandered along to the window and I enjoyed watching grass grow more then listening my boring ass teachers lecture on some subject that I knew little about or found useless to know... I liked a few subjects but for the most part thought school was useless... and well I did finish it .. but I never did learn how to spell correctly... I mean normal werds I can spell great and others are well forced shortcuts and stuff or "haxor" terms because I think it's funny when people think I'm a hacker or stupid shit like that... anyway besides the point... did you ever think that it might be my 60 werds per minute typing that I just happen to spell a few werds incorrectly.. yeah I think that's a good excuse.. though I have to say that even though I type that fast I use the backspace key the most.... if I didn't use that damned key I could prob type in the vicinity of 80 wpm ... impressive yes I know.... but I"m not bragging of course... as far as a spell chequer? I dont know if I can use one in this blogger though perhaps if yew mention (send an email.. if you know how) to support for blogger they might think that would be a great addition to their site.... anyway onward with something more interesting.... the comment is wasting my time....
had one of them great people on the line that well.. she works for qwest and of course.. knows how to set up the internet... great I'm in the mood for this... so go through some troubleshooting and yeah it sounds like everything is as it should be except... there is no lights on the modem at all except for power.. well at least we got one cord right... further investigation suggest that the modem seems to be installed.. however there is multiple addins for the modem in the network stack (win 98) and we all know that should not be there... anyway a little later into the call the lady (that werks for qwest) leaves for a min and some dude comes on phone and well one of the first things he suggests (after I mention the cords again) that should the line coming from the modem plug into the computer or into the wall jack? well is that the dsl cord.. the phone line??? yeah.. well ummm I think it would be better for it to be plugged into the wall jack.. and well after a couple changes (and some swearing) amazingly the dsl light comes on... great I would love to get a job at qwest so I can learn how to hook up a telephone cord.. that would be great... anyway needless to say their computer was a piece of shit and needed to stop complaining about the bad service from msn.. that they could have gotten aol.. (and yew think our service is shitty??? good luck with aol lol) anyway sent out a new modem and thanked them for calling... suggesting that they read the manual on the new modem when it comes and go through the install step by step... not sure if they were thanking me for making up their mind of cancelling service or for the helpful information.. but oh well tomorrow's another day :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I've figured it out... it's the stories that makes us freak out like that... yeah yew know when your in your living room comfortable and ya hear the scratching noise... look over and then all of a sudden something runs accross your legs or in front of you and ya jump a mile in the air... of course I'm not talking about your younger sibling ... it's them wonderful rodents... mice... yes they are great... I want to have one as a pet.... feet it peanuts and brush it's fur... and of course let it play with the bottom of my shoes... splat!!!!! horror stories from way back when that say they carry diseases and stuff.. in truth I think they just chew the shit out of your house or your food and that is just gross so they made stories up about them .... for fuk sakes they are 2 inches long at the most plus the tail.. and ya know.. the perfect size to fit under your shoe... but yet we all jump when we see one because for some stupid reason we are afraid we might catch something...
fortunatly I dont have to werry bout that no more but at my previous establishment of employment I had the great job of cleaning the fukn traps on a daily basis.. but we had the glue traps.. they were very easy to use.. yep get one of the cardboard boxes from the trash and rip off a piece... put it over the trap.. step on it.. hear the squish and the skwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk and it's over.. pick up the cardboard and throw it out ....
at one of my other jobs they had caught a mouse in the back corridor and started playing foot hockey with it lmao funny losers....
in the course of writing this post forgot 4 things to write about and it's pissing me off I need to have a new brain installed or perhaps some memmory banks.. or geez that just sounds stupid.... anyway onward with the rest of the night I need to get my laundry done I"ll post some more stories later I have a few from werk written down lol
Sunday, December 14, 2003
seems like I have a fan base larger than I originally thought.. that's great... and to show my appreciation.. I'll continue to post my stories... just hope I can keep them coming as it's a bit difficult at times.. had a bad day today but it has given me a few very good stories that I will post over the next few days.... I just finished watching pirates of the carribean... I've seen it before but the copy I had was attrotious lol (I still can't fukn spell) but this copy was much better and I have to say I did like the movie.. so that's just great.. course I like all kinds of movies.. pretty much will watch anything out there lol (cept porno's yew sick freaks) but that comes to another story... I had gotten my hands on a copy of what I thought was a family movie.. yeah it was bruce almighty... was testing it out to see if it was in fact the movie I had gotten... and about to convert it to vcd (dvd playable) and well it was something else.. normally I'll play the beginning and click halfway through it to check the quality... and to my suprise .. and thank god it was at 4am and nobody was behind me in the living room couch.... could hear moaning and groaning in my headphones... and then nothing but flesh on the screen.. yikes let it play for a few seconds and then went yeah.. that's enough mans ass in my face for the night and well much to yew sick freaks amazement deleted the file... so now that I've entertained yew again.. I must get my ass to bed... tomorrow is my friday then I go and kill my dad on monday... well yell at him for a bit lol... and have a wonderful night
Saturday, December 13, 2003
have one thing to say.... wow supersteve reads my blog.. I'm impressed... and he's a member of the top blog of canada... that's nearly worth writing more just because of that... course who could blame anyone for reading my stories... (most days anyway lol) .... I actually had some funny stories today and well because of my horrible mammory.. I mean memory... of course I must admit I forgot them... but here goes I"ll try my best.....
guy on the phone is going on an on about how slow his downloads are from the download manager and well he's run a speed test and just can't seem to grasp the fact that the test reveals he is getting decent speeds for his provisioned connection... just because the download manager tells him he's downloading at 24kbps and well he's provisioned for 256... he keeps mentioning that he's called in a number of times and keeps getting told the same thing over and over.. and well the customer service he's recieved from the tech agents has been horrible.... he's stuck on this speed test site that he was at... said he was getting download speeds of dialup at this speed test site... and I"m like kewl yew know a different website to test speed so I"m curious as to where he could be getting information from and ask him for the site.. (he's run 3 other speed tests besides this one.. and this is the only one he's believing because it has a lower result) ... soo I go to this site and can't find the test and ask him outright.. how do you run the test? (cause I can't find the thing on the mess of fukn links) he tells me and I click on it.. I explore the page and find there are 5 different tests.. dialup (50k) dsl (200k) cable and a few others... in his description he's telling me that the test is downloading 50k... and I"m curious.. ask him again what he's clicking on.. he says the automatic one at the top.. I ask him to click on the dsl test and low and behold by magic the test reveals his speed is normal (good job at clicking on the dial up test loser) so he still doesn't believe the results and starts calculating the figures and complains the figures just don make sence and dont add up... then that he doesn't have a calculator ( I neglect to mention the one in windows.. oops) well he's getting pissed that I proved his silly little theory wrong and I get short with him... (must admit my customer service skills were helping till he started shouting at me but I somehow lost them) I suggested one last time he speak with customer service to get a higher provisioning rate which he says he's already paying more than enough for his speed and doesn't think it will be any better... well I ask him what he would like me to do... to which he pauses and (I spose amazed) doesn't quite understand that I said it and thinks again.. well I guess there's not really anything you can do he says... finally he sees the light... but then he comes back to reality and starts freaking out again... I told him the last time your recieving your speed and the only thing left I can do for you is transfer to customer service.. would you like me to help you with that?... he shuts up and says ok... I kindly thanked him for calling and transfered him to customer service... I spose he'll get better customer service with ... customer service..... have I ever mentioned I love my job?
Friday, December 12, 2003
yikes I"m out of my fuking mind... and I spose I'm not the only one.. I was sooo bored that I went through a few blogs on the go around here.. yeah I spent a bit of time clicking on links from friends blogs (that I really dont read because they are mostly too personal or boring) and well there are a few sickos out there and proving it with thier posts.. crazy.. anyway wont be doing that anymore (most likely lol) so I wish I knew how many people actually come here.. it amazes me that some people keep going to these strange blogs that post nothing but crap.... and yet continue to go there to post a comment on how horrible they are or just plain fuked up... anyway I must admit that a lot of what is posted here is pointless but sometimes I can post something remotely amusing.... anyway anyone that comes here you must leave a comment (so I can see how much of a fan base I have :P) even if your shy ... just leave a silly comment saying you like what's read here or that yew dont like for that matter... I"ve gotta come to a decision to keep posting stuff here or not.. I may use my time to be more productive... but still post stupid stuff here once in a while... like cory.. it's getting quite boring writing here when I dont have a story to tell... and no more drunken blogs from me because of my shitty days off and late shift lol... sooooooo here's to the future..
leave a comment
enjoy yerselves I may be back soon.......are you suffering from monkey withdrawal???? yes I knew that you were.. I just typed out a big stupid post and it screwed up so I'm not going to repeat it... because well it was boring.... but that's because nothing interesting has happened lately.. gotta love being in tier 2 ... most of the stupidness has been weeded out by the first level of support.. though I have to say there are still a few that get through because well the agents before me is not asking the right questions or the customer lies.. or that the agent just sux.. yes your included in there somewhere marcus :P lol... anyway I just love the actiontec modem... mostly every one that has come to me in the last two days has not connected... and the agent before me went through an hour or longer call trying everything they can to get it connected.. and what do I do with them??? verify the fukn keycodes or unplug the 20 foot cord the dumbass american is using and bang customer is online... I'm amazed.. my favourite is the customer that goes through the super long calls and can't browse but is connected.. and the agent does everything except reset the modem... I get it reset the modem and they are online and happy... to bad they didn't do that an hour ago and get online.. amazing ... but anyway everyone knows I'm great anyway so go ahead and tell me... lol.... anway I'm bored and no interesting stories lately so gonna watch a new mewvie and try to sleep (whatever that is) enjoy... oh yeah I forgot if you haven't already check out the xmas party pics at yeah the best one is the pic of ryan doing something.. perhaps it's dancing lol though none of us are sure he could be falling on his ass drunk lol

Monday, December 08, 2003
just had to announce that.... but onward... it's great how we all go to a party and well more than half of us got smashed and couldn't remember shit about anything.. and though I took lots of pics I dont remember anything about half of them.. oh that's right because Ina had the camera half the night... but a funny story about that... yep a good friend of mine asked me politely not to take any pics of her and though I (nearly) complied with her request... Ina indeed did not.,.... yup she took a pic of the girl and what did she do??? she grabbed the damned camera from her and what happened then???? the fukn batteries went flying and the lost one of them nearly ruining the rest of the night to get ... blackmail.. I mean pics of my wonderful cowerkers lol.... but after looking around a bit found the batteries and well of course I deleted the pic for her... camera shy I spose but it's a funny story.. course I would have been pissed if hadn't found the batteries.. but oh well things turned out ok... the pics though they will take some time .. I'm going to edit them for size and upload them to my website so everyone can take a look.. it's gonna take a few hours though because well Ina took way to many lol... but another funny event of the night.. yep near the end... someone yells at me to blow out the candle and then pass me the holder.... what did she do next??? she put it in her purse.. how shocked was I lmao.... what does she do next??? she grabs the one on the other end of the table and puts it in her purse as well hahahh... so well not to be a copy cat or anything.. I grabbed one and put it in my coat .. well when people walk by her desk they will see it sitting on her desk lmao... how mean am I lolso it was a great night out.. except after the party some of us decide to go to the strange event... and of course I get dragged up on the dance floor... fine.. I put my jacket on the ledge thing by the bar.. and well come back for it later.. to find it's fukn covered in beer... bastards.. oh well it got washed tonight as I walked home from werk... and yes in hurricane blowing rain fury .... gonna wash it tomorrow hopefully it dont fall apart... if I dont fuk up the damned plumbing lol... time to enjoy the weekend... how does anyone enjoy monday and tuesday off????? though kareoke is mondays.. I may have to go down and strut my stuff... I can sing by the way..... :P but I didn't say well (even though I can when I wanna lol)
Sunday, December 07, 2003
oh the one thing I forgot that was perhaps the most funniest..... yes there used to be candles around all the tables at the party... well thankx to a few of the "special" people that attended.. the candle holders seemed to disapear.. hopefully the people that owned them (probably work) only paid a doller for them lmao.... and hahahahah at the people that took em.. hopefully one will turn up on my desk tomorrow when I show up at werk.... but I didn't take it :P
so I early outted tonight... yep had to go to the party... and am ever glad I did.. had a wonderful time.. got drunk and well laffed at everyone.... I got tons of good pics tonight.. not sure if anyone wants me to post them but I'll be asking permission soon... and yes of course a website to come.. though I'm sure most people except "barb" wont mind.. but me being the genuinly nice guy I must ask permission first lol ... very dissapointed that I didn't see a few people there but I have to say there were a few very nice people there that I must say hey hey to em... course one of em was super steve .. he already has a job... knew he would... and woo hooo some girl I dont know but I must say I gotta find out ... anyway that's besides the point.. the pics I got are quite good and well when I get permission of the people involved I will have them posted with of course comments so everyone can see and because of the content.. well that could take some time.. (aren't yew glad yew didn't show up?) just kidding .. yeah I have to take into account that I early outted again and say that even though I did.. I did go back to see if it was busy.. and well sadly must report that they didn't need me... it was dead when I went back.. though they said it was busy while I was gone.. just not when I showed up again lol... poor people but yeah at least I went back to see if everything was ok.. more than I can say about others.. oh well another drunken night gone.. and well perhaps one of my last for a long time.. cause well I'm back on a written warning again.. stupid points... at least when the freeze is up.. I"ll be back to the same amount of points and a month later another point comes off.. soooooooooo I'm still a good agent.. just not a great agent lol... back to werk tomorrow.. then gotta do some fukn plumbing on monday.. get that shit over with before it gets tooooo cold and can't do it no more....... yew shoulda been at the party if yew weren't... but if yew were chances I got a pic of yew being bad.. specially yew (mildred :P) hahhahahhah
Friday, December 05, 2003
nothing interesting happened today... I actually had a decent day.. but I"m in fear of losing my job.. yup people around me are supposedly getting fired for ..... well one thing I do well and sorta enjoy sometimes.. yes blogging... yew know this silly thing that your reading.... usually I can put something together that will really make someone laugh or perhaps think about a situation differently but I'm of course happy to entertain you in some sort of fashion... of course I dont normally do this during work or anything (mainly because I have the attention span of a stick) but I do know a few people that will read it during work and also know that it's a brite spot of some people's day (though I can't imagine why.. I"m really boring and they know it :P) course if I do get busted for typing up some sort of entry in this note keeper I call it.. well it captures my thoughts or interesting stories for future refference.. remember the stick??? yeah anyway... if I do get busted for it I welcome the firing.. I could use another job... it would make up my mind for what I want to do.. it's just I"d like to put it off for a little while so I can save a few bucks.. yew know be more prepared for when I finally decide I"ve had enough of my "wonderful job"... course part of my day has been going around the building saying hello to people.. I hope that I bring enjoyment of sorts because I know the job is miserable lol... but I've met a lot of people I would consider friends because of this "wonderful job" and well most of them I'll never see again if I do decide to get out.. but some of them I'm sure will keep in contact for a very long time to come.... anyway before this gets depressing I think I'll tell you a funny story now... I"m typing in this great story and I happen to look outside.. it's 5am and usually the only person I see outside is the dude on his way to the fishplant.. he's out there on clockwork nearly every morning.. and yup there he is.. goes by and then a little later some dude is going up the street smacking himself... yes he's smacking himself... and stumbling.. well there is snow out there perhaps he's just stumbling.. well closer analysis.. yep he's stumbling all right he's drunk... and well he nearly falls in the snowbank up the road... probably why he was smacking himself... whiping the snow off his sorry drunken ass from falling in the snowbank going down the slight hill accross the street lmao.. anyway am glad he made it up the street.. I dont need a drunken snowman on my lawn or anywhere near my home.. though it would be kinda funny.... anyway I'll do my best to get fired for blogging now... enjoy and good night lol
Thursday, December 04, 2003
before I get to my mistake I must look for an apology from some "asshole" that I was trying to help... got transfered a call and go through verifying steps are done.. because that's my job.. and well I go through trying to ask what has been done when this guy starts doing the stuff again... good job monkey... and he's starting to get pissed off cause he has to do a few steps over again... but really he doesn't have to do some of the things he's doing as he's already done them... and I"m continueing on... I'm gonna verify a locked lim when the guy goes to unplug the filtered modem line.. he's muttering that he has to crawl under his desk.. big fukn deal.. and he puts the phone down and as he does that going under the desk he says.. fukn asshole... thanks your going to get fixed for sure now ...... I bit my tongue though and continued with the call .. promptly escalating and getting rid of him... (it was a valid escalate :P)
with that out of the way and not ever getting an apology... I must admit I'm already doing great as a tier 2 agent.. but I think I'll need more training.. yup I managed to really screw up again... later I finished a different call and proceeded to escalate.. well I did.. and heard a blank sound as if nobody was there but the line was active.. I thought I got hung up on... so what do I do.. go back to customer assuming the line got dropped... and tried to escalate again... ok minor mishap easy to recover... trouble is.. I now cannot go through the transfer proceedure.. for some reason it's not working... good job... sooo brite idea comes over me.. call em directly... so I did... got a dude on the line and exlpain the issue... and he agrees to take the call.. excellent.. go back to customer to introduce... and well the customer is confused... he thinks I've already transfered him and is wondring what I"m doing back with him... so umm I explain the situation again and introduce him to the next agent.. but for some reason he is already speaking with a different agent.. umm now I"m confused... lucky guy this guy is ... he now has two tier 3 agents to speak with.. so then what do I do... I ask him if he's ok from here... great recovery... the guy says he's ok from here .. and I appologize for the mix up to the two gentlemen and one customer then duck out of the call... I'll be suprised if I dont get fired very soon for screwing with the good agents.. and I wanted to be a tier 3 agent just think of what damage I can do when I make that level lol
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
going to start today with the fact ... bad fact... that I have been awake for over 24 hours now... cept I had a power nap for maybe just under an hour this morning... and well this is going to lead to a bit of swearing and well bad manerisms but they shall entertain you none the less I'm sure.... well lets get started...
man am I ever tired and I can't go to fuking sleep because I have to be on my work schedule.. but to hell with work I'm going to sleep anyway in about 20 minutes.. anyway I"m driving along .. mom and brother are sorta sleeping and I hit an animal... what a start.. I know what your saying but no it's not true... the animal was already dead.. I just happend to make it even flatter..... I"m suprised I didnt' have to clean up any blood... but that's just the beginning.... continue driving
further down the road I"m flicking my high beams off cause a truck is coming in the opposite direction and out of fucking nowhere appears a fucking box... I have no idea what it was but it made a very loud clunk under the car... now that was skeery but it woke up my mom....... and what did she do?????? she fuckin grabbed my arm.... skeered the fukn crap outta me... thought I was gonna smak into the fukn mack truck.... anyway situation under control... continue driving......
get nearly all the way to halifax no problem and on the outskirts... what do I do??? I miss the fukn exit because the sign was all faded and couldn't be read... shit fukn shit so I turn around and go back 10 minutes to the last fuckn exit because there's no ramp on the other side to get on the fukn bridge... fine... come back get on the right exit... continue driving... go over the bridge and am looking at signs.. they are in the same lane... one says childrens emergency (the one I want to follow) and the other says adult emergency (happens to be in the same lane supposedly) I"m in this lane waiting for the childrens one to come back when this lane is turning and I can't switch lanes because traffic is backed up n shit.... so I take a wrong turn down the road... I turn the fuk around and get back on the road... and find out there's no left turn.. great so I keep going turn around again and finally can make the correct turn (that I didn't have to make in the first place) continue driving.....
get to the correct street and what do I do??? turn the wrong way.. but I got to see where dalhousie uni is.... great turn around go other way and amazingly get to where we need to be.... park car....
we arrive a bit early and well mom says wonderfull and early too.... I expected we would still be driving around trying to find this place.... (to which I reply.. but you weren't driving :P) anyway go in and find place to eat... great I go back to car and try to sleep.. can't fukn do it get in back seat... curl up... power nap.. next thing I know the car alarm is going off.. what the f...... ummm helll oops Hi mom... turn off the alarm and try to wake up... good job nearly shit my pants and swore in front of my mom and little brother (I'm a good boy remember)... anyway I'm not feeling so good... the breakfast we had isn't agreeing with me so I say I'm goin to the toilet before we set off again..... good bye breakfast..... continue driving...
well my brother seems to think he knows where we are and leads us in the wrong direction... (suprise suprise) so I turn around go back and go back the way we came.... and navigate to gas station... fill it up and continue driving..
can see the bridge we gotta get in but dont know how to get on it.. only signs I see are for something that starts with B.... dartmouth.... and cole harbour or some shithole.... so I remember seeing the sign for some shithole before and follow that one... suprise it takes me under the god damned fuking bridge.... so once again turn around and go back sadly this is where I managed to cut some guy off.. he was going about 2000 km/h the fucker deserved to get cut off I didn't see him then all of a sudden nearly hit the bastard.... but moving on I take the right exit this time..... (I'm such a great driver).... now go accross the bridge and theres a toll.. I didn't have any problem on the way in... but for some stupid reason I roll down my window.. and chuck the change with my left hand... ...... ............... (this is kinda funny) ..... ..... ..... ... the dude in the booth looks at me...... .... ........ I throw the change (already said that)........ and all three of the quarters hit the fucking wall...... then roll under the fucking car..... great I"m tired as it is.. the guy is looking at me trying not to laugh and or... call the cops.... so I hop out of the car and can only find one fucking quarter.... reach in the car for more change.. handful of dimes... and throw em in the bucket... the guy says they wont work.. great he reaches in the bucket and says hang on I'll get your change.. a whole nickel... I say no that's ok I just want to get going..... continue driving.....
no more problems till we get to port hawkesbury... we stop to get something to eat... yippie I'm feeling like shit (and tired too remember I lost my breakfast before started driving again) so we eat and guess what... continue driving....
getting out of port hellsbury.. I again manage to miss the fucking exit for sydney.. I must be really tired or something.... anyway drive back to glace bay and somehow dont kill us as speed demons keep passing us on the windy twisty road and my mom is going watch the road be carefull... then some asshole cuts into my lane coming toward us and nearly takes us all out ... as if my mom isn't skeered enough... and one final note then I'm going to sleep.... I jokingly say to mom.. wouldn't it be funny if I miss the bypass turnoff too?? she wasn't impressed oh well that was my adventure hope you would like to come for a ride with me sometime.. I'm a great driver just ask my family... they are getting out of the mental ward in a few weeks.... continue driving
Monday, December 01, 2003
so I screwed up.. yes I did... and well I'll only admit to it because well it was kinda funny... and well it was an accident... as you know some agents call people back when they get disconnected.. and well me being in tier 2 now have a further difficulty when it comes to this... when a call gets transfered to me it's like I called the customer and well I can't escalate without calling the hotline for them... so I call the number and get all set away with the agent and she tells me to introduce.. well I"m sposed to conference in and introduce... and what did I do??? I hit the fukn transfer button and started speaking to dead air... brain dead am I... hopefully that agent wasn't too pissed at me and I dont get fired lol.. but hey mistakes happen... just like I didn't get tooo mad when 2 agents transfered up browsing issues in washington today.. even though it's posted on our resources for dns issue in washington... amazing where do we get our roamers (helpdesk) from... but that's another story... I"m goin to sleep so I can get an early start on my fukn network.. gotta rip it apart and start from scratch so I can add in my new pc.. wish me luck... I gotta get it done before going to halifax.. wooo hoooo road trip byyyeeeee be back on wednesday.. if I dont kill us driving at night lmao