so the start of my weekend.. yes I'm off for 5 days.... and well as much as I'd like to skip out for a long weekend somewhere else... I have to make plans... yes friday I plan to go out... saturday plan to celebrate with my gewd buddy eeeena and probably go out lol..... sunday... plan to go out... to watch the super bowl lol but goin out.... monday... hhhmmmm maybe I'll go out... and well tuesday... I think I'll recouperate but I doubt that will be nessesary except I'll need to catch up on sleep lol.... however if things go well I'll have someone to go with for each of these events... hhmm perhaps I'll have friends for the weekend :P I"m kidding... anyway gonna have to give some friends a call tomorrow (friday) to find out what's shakin.... perhaps I can gather some peeps to play pool yes I think that would be fun.. haven't done that in a few weeks.. course haven't been out much either (hate my new schedule ) but oh well I have a weird feeling about work.. hope it can last for at least 3 more months course I'm still not sure what's gonna happen after them 3 months.. will depend on circumstances at the time... it's lookin good for going out west... hopefully nothing happens in them 3 months here.... then I'll be able to keep it as an option :) course it's just a matter of time... I can't seem to stay in one place for very long... but all I need is a reason to stay lol... and at the moment.. dont have one.. but that's another story... if yew haven't noticed I fixed 3 of the links up top... but they are all going to be fixed very soon ... yes I do mean it lol... the jokes section is in it's final makeover as well and pretty soon will start adding to it... just need to format all the damned pages.. yes there are 20 of them and 20 more unfinished ones... and well my archives as well lots of work... and I just haven't felt like doing it lately... (lazy) but yew knew that as well... anyway time for some sleep for my exciting party weekend.. (I'll prob spend it all in bed damnit)
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
well going to school is fun.. yew learn lots of things there... and I must admit though we dont remember a lot of things from going there but simple phrases that people use every day should be pretty simple to know... yes like half a dozen... well it's a very simple statement.... and when ya go to a local store everyone should know what it means especially a donut store.... perhaps I wasnt' speaking clearly.... but I"m sure I asked for half a dozen cookies... and he says umm how many do yew want? 2? and I"m like half a dozen again... he says 3? I'm like ummm lets try this again... 6 yes HALF a DOZEN .... crazy I know ya dont gotta be smart to work in tim hortons but umm yew gotta at least be able to count so yew can work the cash... hate to be counting his till at the end of the night... or worse.. waiting for him to count it.. dayum.. that could take forever.... anyway back to work tomorrow ... and wooo hooo superbowl sunday coming up... talk of a party at don cherry's perhaps may attend but it's eena's birthday as well so it's gonna be busy weekend (if I manage to get the time off work lol) but more important want to have my friday night off .... wanna go out lol neeeeed a beeerrrr.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
well I spose I can be a slacker and well maybe I didn't post a good story.... sorry for being tired :P but for my adoring fans... here yew go...... most people know that I "love" cats.... yes they are great furball creatures of the devil... mom has these two spawns of the devil and well they have full access to the house... and yes even to sit on the electronics...... speshuly my computers.... for some reason they love sitting on my monitors.... spose the warmth that comes out of them.. or the vibrations.. or perhaps they just like the radiation from them??? lmao.... I just know that one of these days I"m going to come home to firetrucks in the yard because the fukin cats shed like a mofo.... and the fukn hair is gonna fall inside the monitor and fry the fuckin bastards..... paybacks a bitch lmao
now that I've had time to think I spose I'll break into a story... course I would ramble about daily events but I really didn't do much today... lounged around and about the most interesting thing I did was chat on messenger... I mixed a cd and converted a few movies... but really it was a lazy day.. way to cold to do anything at all... though perhaps I'll just have to take my sorry ass outta the house tomorrow regardless of the cold... yes I gotta pick up some stuff ... ya know the usuall shit some snacks n perhaps some useless new toyz... yeah I plan to go shoppin tomorrow lol... but I'm too tired to continue... I dont know what has come over me... so much for the story ... good nite..................
Monday, January 26, 2004
Sunday, January 25, 2004
picture me going to the mewvy's?????? lol... well I spose if I had someone to go with that would be different... but since I dont... then I'll continue through my "normal" methods lol anyway nuthing new so ummm I"ll leave it at that :P... yes yew loaded the page today for nothing.... unless I think of something after tonights mewvy goin to watch a stupid one.. jay and silent bob strikes back lol....
wow what a dumb mewvy... but amazingly lots of stars in it lol perhaps they were conned into it lol... hell if I know but I'm ever glad I didn't pay to see it lol... cause yeah that would be a waste of money... however throughout the whole mewvy they take shots at themsevles and tell the audience exactly what I'm saying.... they gotta be crazy fer watchin the boring stupid shit... course there were a few funny parts but ummm for the most part it sucked lol.... but I must say it's kinda like the posts about absolutly nothing that I like to write sometimes lol.... and me telling yew up front that your wasting your time reading but there yew go yew read it anyway lol.. just like I watched the stewpid mewvy.... oh well another day....
Saturday, January 24, 2004
oooooooooooooo gewd mewvy..... underworld... but gotta like the dark films about spewky stuff that yew dont know about... lol wouldn't it be weird to find out vampires are real? yeah I thought so... anyway definatly gonna watch that one again lol but I think I'll be taking one of them mewvy trips to the theatre on the coming weekend.... if my time off is approved.. wonder what is new out??? besides lord of the rings that someone went to see and I"m jealous :P oh well I will eventually see it lol just a matter of time..... furthermore I"m just tired and have nothing to talk about... boring day today cept it was horribly busy and well no funny stories :( ..... however I got to do the OEM test.... and I think I only got 3 possible wrong lol... was an easy test but damn them parts pictures were horrible to seee lol.... well hopppefully we get an OEM contract... need a change of venue... this contract is getting on my nervs... version 9 is a pain in the ass... and I thought 7 was bad lol oh well tomorrow is another day......
Thursday, January 22, 2004
conquest of a champion.... no that's not me.. but I'm trying.... I got horribly addicted to playstation now.... am playing a game that I figured would be kinda kewl and well it turned out to be something entirely different than I thought .... and worse yet... it's incredibly hard... the game... Final Fantasy X-2 .... it's about a couple girls that go around finding spheres... and theres a funny part about it... they collect different dress sphere's... that when worn give them special powers.... yippie power puff girls with attitude... the game is sooo messed up that I think I'll have to take a break from it and get back to gran turismo.... racing is so much better lol.... have the first section... (easy league) completed and rally of course.. have 2 of the best cars in the game and well I was bored with playing the same tracks so I moved on to the other game.... course I could always go back to playing pacman world... lmao... but to be honest this is completely boring..... and well I didn't have any interesting things happen today..... well none that I remember.... suprise suprise ... I'm just sick of calls at work... as one of the guys at werk says... "hey man yew think yew were at a call center or something.. take a call" .... it's nearly time for a different form of employment.... but the job is soooo easy I just can't give it up yet..... course I"m in a funk is all.... just need something else to focus on and well I have a resolution already just need to pick up my lazy ass and get on with it.... yes finally get my licence... only been complaining about it sayin yup next week... next week I'll do it.... but low and behold never do it..... only have a month left to get it though... or I have to pay for the learners again... and well I'm sick of that... soooooooo time to get that over with... and perhaps get my own place.. if that isn't enough to focus on in itself I dont know what is... and well if I do that.... it will be a full time chore to get my shit together lol.... anyway cd's done loading the new mix... time to get back to that.... oh and jenna keep yer mouth shut for a bit lol... or is it too late lmao
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Freaky post #1
it's been a question I've wondered about for quite some time..... why do we do it..... the answer is obvious but there is controversy behind it... like it makes sence but also if yew really concider it... it makes absolutely no sence..... why..... do we wash our hands??? yew know yew see the signs everywhere ... clean bacteria .... wash hands or yew'll die... that sort of thing... I mean I do wash my hands and all because ... well it's disgusting if yew dont..... but really now.... there are many people that just dont wash their hands.... and well they put there fillthy unwashed hands on the same things yew do... after yew just washed your hands.... so really .. what's the point? .... furget the fact that well ... at least for a guy anyway.... they go up to a urinal.... and well yew do yewr business... and put yer shit away.... didn't wash yer hands yet.. press the silly button to flush or rinse or whatever yew wanna call it.... and then some people dart out the door.. grabbing the handle on the way out..... ok so the germs that we so call wash off is sitting right there..... now for the rest of us.... and this is equally disturbing if yew ponder it..... we go over... without washing our hands grab the handle to turn on the water..... germs there isn't there.... yeah I thought so..... press the soap thing... morer germs and haven't washed hands yet still.... :P ..... proceed to wash hands... and ooops yew pressed the lever or whatever to turn off the water... remember the same one yew pressed to turn it on............. before washing hands............. so then yew go and grab the towell... and well spread the so called germs there.... but wait..... how bout the rest of the people that did the same thing before yew did.... now yew have all their germs as well as your own ...... oh but yew still have to leave the room... keeping in mind that some people dont wash their hands.... all them germs are there tooo.... hahahah so as yew can see it's pointless.... except the fact that well for those that wash their hands (myself included) will at least be rid of half of the so called germs....... there is one thing that actually fixes this though..... yeah they are in some toilet rooms.... the handless dryers and sinks... the ones with the motion detectors (that only work sometimes)... no touching .. no germs... now if they put them automatic doors on the toilet too... that would get rid of the rest of it..... perhaps I should put my thinking cap away ... but ummm have a nice "clean" day....Tuesday, January 20, 2004
so now I'm deep.... I can live with that.... and I'm not exactly scared lol at least not in the way yew mean lisa.... so perhaps I'll continue then..... the thing is how do yew know what direction to take when yew know it's time to change things.... that's the part that gets us all... with myself it's the fact that I think things through to much.... and just miss opertunities or find something that would be more suitable ... but by the time I get to that it's either too late or I've messed it up already... site by example.... recently I got asked to go in on a house with my dad.. he was gonna stay around but was broke and needed a job .... I thought about it but circumstances would not make it a good thing for me to concider... course now he has decided to go back out west and I probably wont see him for quite some time.... I was scared to make the choice for a couple of reasons (I wont be sharing them here) but the problem was that I sat and thought about it a bit too much.... though sadly I think I made the right decision... will just have to live with concequences... but that's life isnt' it..... though it would have been fun for a little while... brings me to a funny story years ago.... was out to the bar with a good friend of mine and his brother.... as we did at the time drove around town afterwards (brother didn't drink and liked to drive ladies home afterwards.. he's a perv lol) anyway no different here we drive along and he sees someone he knows and offers her a ride... so pick her up and get to her place.. she conciders offering us to come in (I think she is married and I'm thinkin I'll be walking home lol) when she says to him that if he's to come in he needs to get her some pizza cause she's hungry.... so she's looking around the mini van sitting in the back next to me ... and she's like yeah yew all can come in if yew go get me some pizza... I dont know what it was (because of my poor memmory) but as she's getting out she turns to me and says... hhmmm yewr a thinker aren't yew... I'm like ummm I spose lol... at the time it was sort of a shot at me .. because of the discussion they were having... and well it was funny at the time but I never forgot it because well it's true.... anyway on with the story .. (that line was the only thing that is making me tell this story by the way lol) anyway she goes on in her place and rubbing his hands.. brother starts the van and drives off to the pizza store sayin were' getting some tonight.. and I'm rolling my eyes laffin silently at them .. yewr not getting anything she just ditched yer asses.... so he goes in gets 2 slices... (I spose one for her and one for him) and we go back to her place.. just before we're pulling in the drive there's a truck pullin in before us... no doubt the husband or boyfriend I was thinking lol.... and he slows down..... decides fuk it I'm getting mine she told me to come back ..... park in the drive and he gets out with his wrapped up pizza .. I stay in the van... and their like yew comin... I said if yew get to open the door I'll come in lol.... so he knocks on the door.. no answer... knocks again... suprise no answer.... and he says well she might have passed out.... and I say or yew missed getting yer jollies getting pizza lol.... so he gets all pissed off and drives us all home... seen him the next day and asked him how his pizza was.. he jumped in his van and tore up the driveway .. I think he was a bit mad lololol... oh well perhaps if he had thought it through a bit things would have turned out differently.... sometimes that's a good thing... so I dont mind being a "thinker" as the lady put it lol but if yew mull over an idea or thought too much it just becomes a bit much and causes you to either miss some option because your pondering over other things instead of realizing their true potential... advice.. stick to the facts and move on with the decision that gets you where yew would be happiest.... course it may not be the correct decision but that's why we learn from our mistakes... enjoy and good night.. gotta finish watchin my new mewvy's lol too much thought going on here for one night.....
Monday, January 19, 2004
watched a stewpid mewvy tonight.. called mallrats.... well it was an ok mewvy but I got to thinking..... do people really go to the mall just to hang around... look at the sites and well know everything there is to know about the building... basicly live there because well there is nothing else to do..... the answer is yes..... hell I used to go to the mall just to go there.... it's a place that you can just go looking around if yew wanted to and well if yew felt the need to buy something that yew didn't need..... course this isn't what I was really thinking but It just sorta sounds funny when put that way.... course the real deal is breakups.... it's strange how people just wake up one day and think to themselves that something is either wrong or just needs a change.... personally I hate the fact that I need change in my life all the time... sometimes it's nice to have some stability that ya know what's going to happen when and where... but that's the thing... when ya do the same thing over and over it becomes boring.... which is also the same for relationships..... if there isn't something going on between day to day... it just becomes the same thing.... that is why people wake up one day and say.. what am I doing... thus the change occurs.... get rid of the less than significant other..... sometimes it causes a spark.... or the change nessesary to move on to the next conquest or perhaps to carry on the dreary same old events day after day but the slight difference being.... an added spice that he or she could be gone tomorrow.... leaves one thinking.... what have yew done for yourself lately? or perhaps yewr sposedly less than significant other?.... course it was just a thought.... I am not currently with anyone (as most of yew know lol) but that's just the thing... why...... answer is the change needed in ones life... perhaps my next change will occur soon .. the job is the same old same old again and it's eating at me again..... need to focus my efforts into something else... thankful for days off I tell yew lol..... hopefully I can get my ass outta the house to get my licence this week.. gonna need it on my road trip... wanna be legal when I help out driving for whoever comes lol.... nobody has signed up yet.... but that will change.. unless of course I just can't take the crappy job anymore and decide to check out again.... am mixed over what I wanna do... road trip to see canada again? or overseas again... all depends on the next 2 months I guess.... either way it's going to be fun... I'm leaning to road trip though... it's a lot of fun.. meet lossa new people and course the things I see along the way makes it worth while... just think yew could share in the excitement lol :P enjoy your change............
Sunday, January 18, 2004
can anyone spare a mouse???? I came home last night to my mouse on the floor..... it keeps getting knocked off the desk... (bastard fukn cats I bet) and now the button just sorta half works..... I'll have to check through my pc parts to get out one of my spares.... but I think a new $20 mouse is in order.. yeah a scroll wheel n shit... I've grown sorta used to using the scroll wheel at werk that when I come home to my pc.... I find myself rubbing on the fukn mouse wondering why the page isn't scrolling.... course now that just sounds perverted lol... anyway I must go finish watching my mewvy... have a copy of the last samurai and it looks sorta good lol.... but before I go .......
be sure to comment on my hundreth comment I know yew wanna
so I"m just sitting here watching a mewvy and I get an IM (instant message) from a friend of mine... and since he's so polite I decide to give him some of his own medecine... everything he typed I answered in a one word answer.... I'm curious of why he didn't find it funny..... he's the one that told me how great it was to do this to people.... so he's getting mad I could tell... yeah he told me to fuk off lol.... so I politely tell him I'm watching a mewvy and be done with it... ya think I woulda apologized to him but naw he laffed I know it.... anyway now for the days events...... suprise there wasn't any.... just another boring day in the life of me..... however a semi funny story..... lunch time comes and I'm at subway.... I work nights and well it's getting late... it's going on 11:15 or something.... and well I'm reaching in my pocket for a bit of money.... when I notice..... I dont have a key.... so I dont panic I check the rest of the 50 fukn pockets I have in my pants but nope no key.... I sorta rushed out of the house today was sorta late..... well by my standars I spose showed up to work with 15 mins to start.... (I'm normally there at least half hour early) so yes in subway and it's getting late... I know my mom goes to bed early.... yew know at before 11:30 most nights.... usually around 10..... so get back to work and call home.... most normal people have the phone ringer on so they can hear the phone.... my mom however... doesn't...... but I call anyway.... leave a message on the machine because suprise... no answer.... great... I email her in the chance that she might be writing up a story or something..... no reply... she's snoring I bet..... wonderful .... I get off at 3am..... can only imagine the great things she will call me (if she answers the door at all) so I get home after my shift and knock on the door... no answer..... so I knock a little louder..... expecting to hear sirens in the distance...... I knock again and amazingly hear the latch turn..... and hear the great sound of my mother half asleep saying what's going on????????? perhaps I'll hear about it tomorrow after she wakes up lol.... hell if it were me that it happened to.... ummm if I were her tomorrow I"d be waking my ass outta bed somewhere around 10 am... well yeah that's about when I woke her up in my sleep.... but I"m mean.. my mom isn't lol...... but now that I've suggested this... I might expect a bucket of water thrown on me or perhaps she'll just thow one of her horrible cats on me.... thank goodness I thought of these ideas and well my mom dont think like me lol
Saturday, January 17, 2004
so when I first started tier 2 I decided to make it a bit fun and well as I got used to what I could do on the phone and settled in... I changed my script to something a little more fun.... I'd answer like yes thanks for calling joe's tier 2... and this is Joe obviously.... well I got criticized for it by some of the agents... it was a little less than proffesional... or well the discussion that came from it on some of the calls was rather... anyway I was sick a week ago and well lost the fun in my greeting... might have something to do with the fact that I got moved around other tier 2 agents and well they made fun of my greeting... (jealous I say) but I have to come up with something else to say now.... catch em off guard.. ya know the discussion that came from it left them smiling and well that's just not normal for some of them lol.... I can't make it tooo exciting though because well my mouth tends to get me in trouble... though I'm very ummm proffesional on the phone (when speaking with a customer) lol but adding flavour is my specialty.... so as an example of that....
I'm speaking to an agent (that I have no clue who it is) about the issue and the agent is rambling at the mouth about what they did or what is possibly going on and then she says something that sorta contradicted what she was saying earlier or something like that (I honestly dont remember what it was but this sounds good) lol and so my big mouth shoots out ..... so basicly your just faking it.......... and the long pause afterwards............. she started mumbling like I said something wrong... perhaps she thought I was hitting on her..... but ummmm well yes I spose just faking it could mean something else.... but yew all know I didn't mean it like that.... right???? lol..... oh well maybe I can put that in my greeting..... yeah.... thanks for calling tier 2 your saviour Joe speaking..... can I have your extention please... perhaps management would like to have an excuse to fire me... though I can assure them there is no religious insiuations there lol.... I'm just declaring my greatness up front... (which is why I got the job in the first place right????? lol) yeah I spose I better go play some playstation now and yeah ummm forget the greeting for now.. I'll just become grumpy like I was last week.. it works wonders for my co-werkers lol
Thursday, January 15, 2004
I thought about doing another boring post tonight just for spite because of yesterdays post... apperantly I pissed off a couple of my readers lol..... but what can I say it was funny..... anyway lets get back to a good story...... I know most of you only read this page of crap for the stories about my calls... spose it's just the friendly way I put it
well got a call transfered to me today and it was so crazy...... was a blinking link light so well check physicals.... and low and behold the dsl cord is unplugged... but the strange thing is ... the customer knew.... I"m curious of how come the agent didn't know though... it was obvious that the previous agent (.... the one before the one that was transfering the call to me....) got to check the physical connections.... lady only has one jack and they got her to unplug it and try straight in... ( my fav troubleshooting step other people do....... and to call back.... course to someone else to deal with) ... onward with the story..... so then she says to me a few things that trigger some questions about prior troubleshooting... (as if the previous agents do their job correctly) so that's fine I explain a few things to her and have her try plugging direct into wall jack... see if she can get to status page..... and then I"ll call her back.... that's when she said it... yeah... this is the kicker..... so basicly I need to go through the troubleshooting the previous person took me through.... this time with the dsl plugged in??? well duh lady if ya had it in the first time you'd be off the phone and moving by now..... so she hangs up and goes off to do a few things.... and I give her 5 mins or so.... ya know go have a piss or somethin..... anyway call her back and she amazingly could connect and bring up pages with internet explorer.... both without the filter and ohmagosh with the filter... but still no signing into our wonderful software.... great so continue troubleshooting for secure sites.. softpub and send her on her way happy that she can sign in.... but oddly enough I had to tell her she was fixed... yup... she signs into msn software and I ask her if there's anything else I can help her with.. and she asks me.... "is that it? we're done?" well I spose you want me to check your email for you and perhaps reply to a few of them too..... yeah I thought not... enjoy yer day lady by the way thanks for calling msn....
Return of the boring post from HELL
so I've been quite boring as of late... yes nobody has been posting comments to give me ideas to write about so it's come down to this... yes some of you have gotten the boring pointless email from me in the past but well I've moved on to 20 minutes of nothing in a blog... course it probably wont take you that long to read this post but I have to say I'll most likely get one of them replies on here that said well .... yes.... this is completely boring ..... I"ve been dragged to this website that says right on it... page of crap... and well spent the last lets say 5 minutes loading it up and began to read.... low and behold it's crap..... so onward... (break for 2 minutes while I kill mom's cats screeeeeeching because one is in heat)
ok cats are in basement ... at least it's quiet.... but still I have nothing to write about... and yet your still reading.... yes I know ....can't help yourself can you ... I might just put something interesting in here that you missed the other day but I"m telling you straight up it's boring and I"m just typing random stuff that comes into my fingers typing it all out.... but course now it's just not making any sense but I can't stop now I still have 5 more minutes to kill for you.... perhaps I'll ramble about the music I"ve been listening to lately... nope there hasn't been anything new.... actually yes there was I heard a new song by b2k (amy's customers fav group... story to come on the tech stories page yes I"m nearly done updating) but you'll have to wait another few days.... gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... anyone want a cat??? it's free
it's no longer quiet they have decided (with thier new found privacy.. as if they cared) to really get into it..... gonna get some scissors and cut the fukers tail off.... or perhaps tongue out.... no maybe just the.... ummm getting sadistic here back to the pointless blog I was working on..... oops I've actually added content in here .... but well no more of that I must be more carefull .... your still reading this????? good at least I'm remotely fake entertaining you..... you wont be let down.... well maybe today... but if your still here then I must be at least addicting.... or perhaps your just waiting for me to slip and talk about my personal shit that I do when I'm at home.... hhmmmmm no I dont think so but I will at least tell you that I"ve just wasted some of your time... and maybe I'll get back to interesting stuff tomorrow
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
I'm amazed how much I can actually drink if I start early and go reasonably slow but steady lol went to sydney and stopped at the liquer store.... split a dozen before went out... and then off to hermans.... well had a few more there.... and ummmm I could still play pool... that's just plain ole amazing lol... ordinarily I would have been on my ass or just throwing up.... and oddly enough I remember a few tales as well.... so I"m chillin havin a beer and this long haired freaky lookin dude is standing by the dance floor.... I thought he was with some girl but she left (almost instantly) that this guy started dancin.... reminded me of what rave dancing was all about.. but he wasn't at a rave... and well nobody told him either... he's just waving his hands (and hair I might add) around and around.... for those that dont know what it could possibly look like .... this guy was doing the "robot" dance only as if he were on crack or some sorta speed up juice..... the only thing he didn't do was the flips n shit... which I think woulda been my limit... but then he got sorta sick of sidelining it I guess and ventured into the middle of the dance floor ... where I must again add he probably whipped a few people with his long ass hair hahaha.... anyway a couple girls dissed him hard and he went back to his little spot by the stairs watchin again.... course wasn't the only site on the floor.... my good ole man decides to point out every "piece of meat" on the dance floor... and I"m like yeah... she's maybe 18... or maybe 19.... yer a dirty old man.. he says wutz wrong with that?? lol nice goin... anyway its' nearing 2:30 am and he's like I"m gettin tired man.. we're gonna leave soon... and I"m suprisingly not wanting to go.... any time in the past I just want to leave hermans but I actually had a decent night out there... must be because I showed up before the crowd and was pretty drunk before leaving lol can't wait to do it again.....
Saturday, January 10, 2004
sooo had a boring nite at werk tonight and wasn't inspired (because I"m not at my own fukn desk) so can't get into creating stupid crafts lol... but I"m off for the next 4 days wooo hooooo.... problem is I wont be around the internet for 3 of them at least... that's going to suck lmao.... but I"m going to hermans
I haven't really been excited to go there ever but I"m looking forward to going there this weekend.... I'll probably be wasted but well ya never know with me lol... I"m feeling way over my sicky... still have bit of scratchy throat but I just dont care lol.... anyway not sure what's going on yet but I might even take myself snowboarding on the weekend... hell I"m off for 4 days gotta at least take advantage of it.. and not spend it doing laundry for fuk sakes lmao...... but here's to havin a beer and if you wanna join in... ya know the way to hermans.. I'll be there probably all night lol... yes even at the dead point after 12 but before 2 lol.. hell I may even make time (if I wake up) to get my head hair chopped off... perhaps it wont make me look so sick lol ... people keep complaining ... or ummm telling me rather.... that I dont look well... prob because I took the weedwacker to my face in the middle of being sick and well showed up to werk with an albert einstien hair doo...... but looking sick at the same time..... hhmmmm yeah I spose I'll just have to make the time ... gotta look semi presentable when I"m drunk at hermans .... I am sure there's bound to be some people that may take notice of the drunk sick guy in the corner that just plain old looks like shit... yeah stay away from him lololol.... anyway if your up for it come out for the party.. if ya dont... I'll be drunk and wont see ya anyway lmao... here's to drunken weekend...Friday, January 09, 2004
I'll start off with a small joke.... yes the hold music has changed and they've updated the weird lady's sentances... and well james was listening to it and comes over and says... yeah msn is like a condom.... and so I"m curious.... I'm wondering how that's possible except it's used to screw our minds..... but he says yeah... it's just like a condom.. the lady on the hold music said so... I can't possibly imagine the lady spokesperson for the hold music of a huge internet company saying that their product is like a condom..... so I ask him what he's talking about..... he begins to rhyme off one of the slogan sayings the hag woman says on the hold music.... (I forget the hold music saying amazingly)...... but the punch line in there..... "it covers you"..... yeah it's just like a condom "bye" it covers yew
which comes to my next subject.. why the hell do cape bretoners say "bye" ....hey bye.... is a greeting amazingly... actually it's a greeting and a farewell in the same sentance.... or even better a conversational piece.....
Cape Bretoner: what's goin on bye.....
Me: yeah see ya later..
Cape Bretoner: where yew goin bye.....
Me: bye to yew too.....
Cape Bretoner: dont gotta be rude bye.....
Me: your the one being rude......
Cape Bretoner: how? (another inapropriatly used werd for cape breton sometimes though I have caught myself doing it)
Me: well you say something they say goodbye to me
Cape Bretoner: how?
Me: ummm never mind I'll leave now
Cape Bretoner: ok bye
Me: yeah like the first time... later (bye)
Thursday, January 08, 2004
so my 2 normal days off were a waste of time... didn't move from my poor bed... and have the sore ass to prove it.... somehow made it to work and was ok... cept for the two pizza burgers I got and tried to eat.. couldn't finish the second one sadly still dont have an appetite... but I'm soooooo hungry lol..... anyway it sux being in that building talking on a phone all night.... the dryness of the place doesn't make it easy on the phone... but oh well no matter back to business... they didn't approve my friday off so am going to have to make due with thursday night out .... of all places... the strange event.... though everyone says it's fun... I dont see how .... the place is far toooo small and they let every tom dick and mary in .... but oh well I could use a drink just the same... might take the cold away from me lol... but as if being sick wasn't bad enough... house party isn't gonna happen either.... house is going to be rented out sooner than I expected so scrap that idea lol... but oh well hermans is still a go.... sick or not I'm goin to hermans and gettin loaded saturday night lol care to join me?
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Sunday, January 04, 2004
see I've updated a bit... more to come soon as I create more... it takes time to create the animation.. and I don't want to post it till it's done correctly
well I have a shaggy beard now and I am growing sick of it... I like it.. and want to keep it but this is the problem.... it's itchy... now I'm not sure how many people out there reading this know the feeling but well spose yew'll have yer own stories to tell about itchy hair... eeww the mental images that just came to mind.... anyway enough of that it's time to shave I think... I just hate shaving is all... it's funny when yer young and yew get a little peach fuzz on yer chin yew get a little excited... (unless yer a girl... or at least hope yer not excited if yer a girl sheesh) and so yew start shaving...yeah it's kewl at first... but then it starts to grow faster and longer the more yew shave... now it's just a chore.... perhaps I'll get one of them electric razor things and buzz a couple designs in my beard..... that could be interesting... maybe some advertising space lmao... no I didn't think so..
perhaps it's just me but I noticed in recent months that younger girls are showing up at the bars.. or well perhaps I'm just getting older and the girls just look way to young lol.... and the ones that are going there (regardless if they look good or not) have been wearing these silly tops that when they are walking .. dancing... hugging... drinking.. or just standing around.. every 2 minutes they have to take a moment to hike it back up.. or run their fingers along the "garment" to make sure it's still sorta on lmao.... now if yewr that consious that the piece of flimsy material yer wearing is falling down... why wear it???? yew dont see too many guys wearing clothes that they have to adjust much.... anyway I must "stress" I"m not complaining about this ... I"m actually just curious... then again I probably wont get an answer because I dont really know any girls that actually do this lol... well not by name anyway.... but oh well it still doesn't matter...
missed a big party tonight but I was assured I would be recieving the pics from it heheheheh and then I can post them on the groups posting page.. though I have some time off coming soon.. I'll have lots of time to mess with my site.. though I've decided to spend the 4 days off at my dads place... hopefully he wont mind lmao... no internet but I'll have plenty of time to chill ... drink beer and mess with my music... hopefully become sorta creative... look forward to the update .. honest it is coming soon :P
Saturday, January 03, 2004
I must questions what is with the younger girls at the club that must dance really close and rubbin up against other girls n shit..... I"m not complaining or anything just curious... it seems strange that they would do that.. are they doing it for fun? for pleasure? or just to make guys look at em.... either way I spose they can keep doin what they are doing.... but when a guy comes up to yew and says can I join in... why is it ya'd rather not hhmmm..... funny story bout a dude I know went up to these two girls tonight trying to get in a dance with the two girls dancin real close n shit... well didn't they walk off the dance floor lol.. was really funny... oh well... getting time off is great... I went to werk tonight expecting to be werking my full shift.. but wow they approved the time off... woo hoo got to go out tonight... and low and behold they approved my time off for the weekend... next week I"m thinking I'll throw a party at my dad's place.. there aren't any chairs and if yew plan to stay the night bring a sleeping blanket cause there just isnt' any furniture lol... music will be good though.. and bring yer own booze.. I'm a cheapskate lmao... course friends only please jeeze I dont want to have to throw anyone out.. not that I would have to.. his place is in the pier.. I"m doubtfull if anyone would be coming out there... the pier somehow has this reputation.. oh well it dont matter... I must get my act together and ask a few people if they wanna come over and have a few drinks.. a place to crash after a trip to hermans... sounds like fun.. speshuly on a sat night woo hoo lol...
Friday, January 02, 2004
cubicle monkey trying not to fall assleep at the desk... and it's soooo quiet down here in the middle of no where... things were ok for a while there were a few of us just sittin around talking.. but then people started leaving for end of shift... and then there were only a couple of us... had a cold pizza sittin next to me but was too full to eat... and hell if I didn't fall asleep... was sitting waiting for a call had about an hour left and well hadn't gotten a call in about half hour... caught myself dosing off when I decided to give myself something to do... well can't use network bandwidth so can't mess with the computer... and no scissors so couldn't do any crafts or crap like that.... so what do I do... I fall off my fukn chair... damnit ... so that's all fine and dandy I figure since I'm down here might as well make the best of it... only problem is can't hear my phone beep from there.... hhmmmm pick myself up and get back in the chair and screw it start messeging all my online contacts (that aren't away) saying stupid shit trying to entertain myself... it didn't work I was still bored and just made people hate me lol... oh well tomorrow's another day
I managed to work out the bugs with my dvd ripping.. (yes I poach mewvy's) so I used to rent mewvy's at the store but stopped when I found out ya could get em from the net... but that takes sooo long sometimes (depends on other connections) soooo the easier way... yep rent em and copy em.. damn I'm good lol ... they'll be making a commercial about me soon...
yeah the kid on tv gets caught stealing a chocolate bar (as if everyone doesn't do it at least once) and he goes home and justifies it to his dad saying " but dad.... yew steal satilite" ... I think the kid needs a spanking and grounded for a year... kid wont get his cartoons if I wasn't stealing satilite lol ... unapreatiative little bastard... (no really I do like kids I"m just making a joke) anyway back to rambling.. I think the great post is to come tomorrow.. perhaps even later tonight.. depends on what happens in next couple hours... some of yew have recieved the great email... but I"m gonna make it in a post this time... entertaining.. get ready... enjoy lol :P
Thursday, January 01, 2004
we all love our families.. and well I am no exception but there are times when one would like to smak the shit outta theirs.... today was one of them days.... now as a lot of other peoples parents these days... mine are divorced and well though some families work together to ensure the kids are looked after and well that both parents get to have some input on their lives mine decided to be dicks to each other... well I paid them back today... cause I"m a good son heheheh.... got them both in a room together and let em have at it (as they usually do .. they cannot talk to each other in a civilized manner) and then half way through it.. came barging in on them and shut em both up... good for me.... managed to have it all worked out I think.... or at least for the time being.... now onward to me.... silly parents....
went to werk tonight and the best part about getting a new seat... yes is a new computer... and well no exceptions here I logg into the damned thing and low and behold the damned thing wont save my prefferences and I can't switch to classic view or some other features just wanted to throw the monitor through the fukn tower... it would have worked out great but the space bar on the keyboard was screwed too... nothing is worse than typingsomethingupandthespacebardontwerk.... see it's a pain in the ass to read and just plain old annoying to me... but that's all fine... moved to diff pc and well it werked better there..... so I get a call sent to me that apperantly had been escalated earlier today.... why dont agents check the previous tickets out and explain our proceedures????? who the hell knows... perhaps a little more probing would work wonders for our agents as well...... so what do I do??/ yeah I transfer the call back up and say here's a new years gift for the wonderful sounding agent on the other end.. she was very thankful.. or at least appeared to be.... cause well I had explained everything to the gentleman already... he had gone through all the troubleshooting.. that apperantly took an hour for some silly agent then sent to me... and I find out the guy's friend or kid had called earlier and went through all that plus more earlier in the day.... yeah so I look at the ticket and well everything was already taken care of on our end so the guy spent an hour and half on phone this evening for nothing... and yes that's why I love msn... lets start handing out clues for the new year.. good idea
but anyway I spose this is it.. happy new year to all of yew... I"ve come to a few realizations in the last little while and am at my crossroads again... have to decide what's next for me.... I have three choices at the moment.... been asked to go out west with my dad (in which I"m really concidering).... keep werking at stream and live at home (can save money that way so I can leave in the summer) or I keep werking at stream and find a place of my own... (this one is becoming appealiing) but I have another possibility... I've got a place in the pier that I can rent out... all I need is a roommate that can split the feez and possibly help with transportation... although it is a 4 bedroom place... I could have a few more people come in on it with me... be a big party house... and 4 way splitting of rent and groceries and oil..... makes it an extremly cheap place to live.... but the thing is.. if I go to the pier.... I am really thinking it would be best to get a job in sydney and well I'm wondering how working for the HP contract would help my computer career lol.. lots to think about.... but priority number one... I"m getting my license in the next 2 weeks :) yippieeee