drinking is a wonderful thing sometimes but there are times when it isn't...... it allows some people to loosen up ... which I feel is a gewd thing... but!!!! some people use it as an excuse to loosen up.... ya know .. blame their problems on the alcahol... and the worst thing about these people is that they do shit and conveniently forget what they did..... course I've only been that drunk once where I honestly could only remember fragments of what I did... but I did remember fragments and when discussing it with others that were there it does come back to me.... however.... lots of people just blatently say they dun remember and stick to it... (horseshit) I think these people need to get a clue and just start livin life lol..... but what gets me is the ones that get drunk every week or day or whatever and complain about the hangover.... I mean if yew didn't like getting sick then limit yerself to a couple less till yew know where yewr limit is... (mine is now 5.. used to be 4 :P) and I dun like gettin sick so I just dont go over my known limit (cept for speshul occations) and I feel no sympathy for those that dont lmao.....
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
I hate some things people do.... it bothers me down to my bones.... it's soooo strange that I just gotta write about it..... and it's stupid ....... yes atachments.... or email forwards.... people create stuff in speshul programs and then send them to everyone they know.... not even concidering the fact that they can't open it .... it's like the msn software it has this ability to store email in an offline status... it compresses it or something in a form that can only be opened by the msn software... another example is a word document ... it can only be opened by word...... and yet people insist on creating documents and sending them to everyone they know.... I get about 20 messages a week that I cannot open because people either dont know what they are doing or they dont think about what they are doing.... (well I can open them but I have to install speshul programs to open them and that's just wrong) but I know what I'm doing ... I wonder how many people out there get email and are sitting there wondering how to open the shit but just get pissed off.... I've had a few customers call in complaining about that many times... not everyone is smart enough to know they need a speshul program to open a file... and not everyone has the money (or theft knowledge) to own the programs to open them..... lets in the future show some compation and stop sending email atatchments that people can't open lol.....
so much for telepathic abilities.... used my super powers today and just like the two past commenters said ... it didn't werk.... well it sorta werked.... I figured out what she was thinking ... but it wasn't nice lol.... spose I can be a bit of an ass at times.... of course I'm kidding .... though I may not always say the right thing .. I always have gewd intentions and can normally make a situation good or better.... that's just what happens when yewr a genuinly nice guy... (yes amy I said it again lol) anyway I must get my act together... it's time to start making plans for my outings..... first thing is a ski trip... yes ski trip... I must get out boarding this year or I will freak out.... next is a trip to halifax... (the test trip before the big road trip) and then the big road trip... already have most of my plans werked out for the big road trip... and ski trip is falling into place... now just gotta confirm a few things and then gotta get the halifax details werked out... gonna be fun regardless.. (long as I dun end up broke lol) but anyway that's that for now.......
Monday, February 23, 2004
being bored at work sometimes has it's advantages..... such as this one... came accross something amusing... yes my horror scope.... and well I hardly ever put stock in them I must say this one was even more amusing than they normally are.... have a quick read.....
July 22 - August 21
Your telepathic and intuitive abilities are at an all-time high today, dear Leo, and you should find it easier than usual to tune in to the thoughts and feelings of others. It might be a good idea, however, to control your reaction to them. Don't tell others what you're picking up unless you know for sure they'll want to hear it! Your imagination and creative abilities are also operating at a very high level. Make the most of them!
I like the fact that I have suddenly been givin the ability of telekenesis... that's asstounding now if only I could figure out what the hell my girlfriend means all the time... this should help with that... perhaps I should take advantage of this great new ability I've been told I have lol......
Sunday, February 22, 2004
this post may not make any sence but I gotta jot something down on the subject.... but anyway I dont know how to put this to people sometimes but it's seems strange to me how some people react to other peoples emotions.... like if yew dont act a certain way for situations ... yew should be condemed for what yew believe in.. personally I deal with most situations very differently than most others do.... religion is a very good example to go by... however I choose not to get into that subject just yet lol..... death is the one that usually catches me in a situation..... I dont really have any emotion for it in most cases... it's a part of life that I accept and we all will feel all aspects of it in some part of our life.... personally I choose to go on with my life... as I find it easier to move on if I dont concentrate on the negative.... like I wont take time off work for it... or if I had plans I prob wouldn't break them either.... however depending on the person it is.... I may reschedule events to fit around a funeral (even though I hate them and it's not because of the dead body either... well not entirly lol) .... I've been told in the past that it's because I haven't lost anyone really close to me... but I dont think that's the case ... I have lost many people close to me.... not nessesarily in death but to me it's the same thing if yew dont see or communicate with a person that yew were once very close with ... also if anyone asks my opinion on the subject they tend to not like what I'm saying.... that I"m a cold heartless person lol... well if yew think that of me then yew really dont know me.... deal with it.... just because a person doesn't break down and cry ... the "normal" greiving process doesn't mean they are cruel or anything it's just that everyone deals with it differently... and of course it's not the same for all situations... anyway enough of the grim topik... must find something nicer for my next post.... it's just in the air at the moment.....
Saturday, February 21, 2004
so I'm talking to a gentleman from god knows where and he has a stuck lim port.... and I ask him to unplug his dsl line so we can run a test to verify this... he says lets pretend that I unplugged it and go on to the next step.... so I go through and suggest that the results of the test will not be verified if we dont do the step.... the gentleman then says ok well it's unplugged now... (but he didn't do nuthin) so I say ummm lovely lets continue..... I tell my neighbour what's goin on and he suggest we pretend that we fixed the issue and thanx fer callin msn....... I like the way he thinks lol.... I can only imagine what the dood would have said if I had gone and told him that.... even though the issue he had really didn't matter what we did it's just the fact that he wasn't co-operating that's what discourages us from helping customers.... and they wonder why they have shitty service lol.......
Friday, February 20, 2004
WHY????? do people think that microsoft is msn or msn is microsoft..... it's very dumb of a person to keep typing something when your telling them to type something .... but they are typing something else..... of course when I get a person to type in www.microsoft.com I expect them to type in www.msn.com.... no no no I mean microsoft.... yew get it??? .... but customer always says I dont understand yew sir... your msn aren't yew??? yes that may very well be but I still want you to type in "microsoft" and then your wonderful customer says.... well why didn't you just say so?? ... unfortunatly you stupid moron yew didn't understand the difference between windowsupdates.microsoft.com...... for some ungodly reason you thought that msn was in charge of your operating system.... (well I spose that could be true in some fashion lol) but in any event we still need one of them magical buttons that zaps the customer when they do something we dont like.... I'm gonna have to add a knife to the process though... if they do it too much it stabs them so they get the hint... more to follow later....
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
well now the road trip is getting interesting... have a confirmed person coming along... now for someone to share in the fun ..... I could joke and say "someone prefferably with a car" lol but that would be wrong... but one change at a time... getting my sleep habits under control... next to utilize the day that I'm opening up for myself..... gotta get my license ... I'm sick of holding on to my beginners forever lol..... it will become nessesary for a cheaper and more comfortable road trip lol... the bus ... though it has advantages of more interesting sites and places... it lacks in the ability to go in any old direction and that's what I'm looking for.... but....... there is to be a trial run.... yes the halifax excursion ...... am planning a trip to halifax for a bar weekend out... and this is to take place sometime next month..... I have my travel companion..... get yours and sign up lol....
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
I think it's best I get off that subject... could wind up getting myself hurt lol... plus voicing an opinion against wiminz is nothing but trubble.... however I'll agree with all three of them statements in the previous posts comments (just happens to be made by wiminz :P) but I should add that the same rules shall apply for men too... but it just happens that most men dont have the balls or the wit to actually use them lol... for the most part I haven't had the need cause well I"m a genuinly nice guy... however if pushed far enough there are consequences.... damn I hate being hated because I"m right lolol..... ewps I better take that back (not) anyway onward with daily events.... hhmmm I watched more mewvy's that's it.... but it's nice to watch them with someone other than my little brother lmao...... blah
Sunday, February 15, 2004
what is it about gurls and fones.... they feel this urge to talk on it all the time.... and make us poor guys go through a long drawn out conversation about nothing (which I personally thourally enjoy of course) a better idea would be for the guy to come over to the gurls place.. (or vice versa) and have the talk face to face.... at least it would stop one or the other from fallin ass leep on da fone.. or worse... stop paying attention for one moment and miss what was being said... course that could be used to advantages... that's why they do it I"m sure... they can con (I mean talk) ya into doin stuff ya dun wanna do just because yew weren't payiin attention and agreed to do something but yew forgot about it and it's to late to back out the next day (no this hasn't happened to me but it could happen lol) lucky for me I"m not the one that isn't paying attention on the fone.... so yew know I been thinking up ways to keep the conversation interesting while I draw out a plan to take advantage of the situation :P yup will have a new maid soon... or ummm slap in the face.... well perhaps I"ll just keep my comments to myself lol.....
Saturday, February 14, 2004
well I went out last night... left werk early ... bailed.. yes I didn't want to be there lolol but really who does want to be at werk.... so I went out I had a gewd time and welll here's what happened.....
so I had my camera and loaned it so they could take pics... they used it against me damnit.... I took some nice pics and took some horrible ones lol... the horrible ones I was told to make them dissapear (they might but I doubt it lol) and well I posted the rest at the groups site yew can check that here I"m mad at eeeeeena... she didn't show up to join the fun even though she said she would.... but anyway time to go enjoy a valentines day at werk ... jooooyyyy lol...... | ![]() |
first kisses.... it's an amazing thing sometimes... why do people lose that feeling of a first kiss... every kiss should be as good as the first one... but most times somewhere along the line we lose that somehow... is it because we become comfortable? or is the first one exciting just because of the anticipation of waiting for that person to see if they are worth the wait... or perhaps your first one wasn't as good because it was rushed and it's just like the last one yew had... or perhaps once yew have the first taste... that's it... it just becomes another thing that gets done because... well that's what's done.... I dont think so.... a kiss is something that should be shared at an unexpected moment and enjoyed because well its the last thing yew would have done at that perticular moment.... remember that this valentines day with your speshul someone.... and the next kiss will be just like the first one again.... something to be greatfull for... by the way ... happy valentines to all of yew (yes even the guys damnit ... but yew best have yer own speshul someone lol) sadly I must spend it working but that's the breaks I"m not the only one lol .... enjoy....
Friday, February 13, 2004
how far would a person go for a friend.... well I spose that depends on the person.. or how much they really are a friend... I'm sure we all have a few that we'd go to the end of the world for but then there are always those that we'd just as soon let fall over the cliff and not have a second thought for..... I'd like to think I'd go that extra mile for anyone... unless of course I really hate them but that's a different story... now why I talk about this yew wonder? perhaps it's just silly I was sitting here thinking about things and what to write and well just started .... I'm thinking that perhaps there's something that I should be doing that I'm not sure is right or not but it's one of those life altering decisions.... and no it's not for a g/f lisa sheesh..... anyway perhaps I'll think more about it tomorrow.. I just want to sleep now.. had a stupid day at werk... but a wonderful suprise afterwards... my frozen g/f met me at werk tonight lmao very funny sight... we really should have a diff policy for the door... like a waiting room or something lol... but oh well perhaps I shouldn't have gotten stuck on the call to have her waiting the extra half hour ..... and I was thinking of ditching the call too.... (hate lan issues) spose if I had known she was out there the caller would be learning what ..... format c: ...... meant at his OEM (original equipment manufacturer)....... yes soooo time to thaw out I"m goin to bed.... no yew can't join me :P
Thursday, February 12, 2004
getting bored at work again... desparatly need to get a new job very soon or I think I'll just keel over.. only thing that actually keeps me there these days is the wonderful people I have met there .... and yes alot of them could even be classed as friends lol..... course I'd be nothing without friendship.... cause it's what I"m all about... thing is I could actually put my sites on making a career out of the place.. thing is I dont want to move up higher than what I am ... cept for helpdesk of course... but it sorta feels that way already... cause well basicly I take over for the agents I would be helping... however where possible I give hints of advice (usually to an agent that isn't throwing it in my face that they are entirly stoopid) but that's another battle..... however gotta keep it together for a while longer.... it's just an off week happens at least once a month.... on a better note.... can't wait for frieday.... it's great to have something other than work to focus on... I miss that.... however I can see some complications coming in the next few months that I hadn't planned on ... but will deal with it when it arrises ... it's time to have fun again.. it's been too long.... another thing..... why do silly things amuse me???? I just spent time pressing the reset button on tyler's website raising the amount on his counter to make him wonder just how many people are visiting his site.... course when he looks at the stats and sees just one person might be dissapointed.... but ummm anyway lol
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Night of posts
what is it about people that expect things of other people.... like if yew go to a bar.. yew gotta drink alcohol... there are other reasons to go to a bar ya know.... also if ya go to a restaurant they think yew gotta buy summin... it's not like yew went in there to use their toilet... that's just illegal.. they'd rather yew shit on their doorstep or summin...... perhaps like the first date a couple has... ya gotta kiss the person or summin..... ya can't just go have a good time and well say gewd night and leave the kiss for a speshul time lol.... other habits that one would expect something include praying if yew go in a church.. yew couldn't just go in looking for someone.... coming out of a doctors office people think yer sick.. perhaps yew might have played golf with the doc... who knows.... incinuations are everywhere.... oooooOOOOooooo here's another one... yer in the red light district... perhaps yewr not desparate.. yew just went to ask yer friend for a favour or summin (no not a quickie)... or yer or yewr friend just happens to live there sheesh (and no he or she is not a hoe lol)anyway with valentines coming up ya think things should be a bit more speshul and not what's generally expected of yew... perhaps not... depends on the people involved... I"d like to think it would be more effective to use a meaningfull smooth approach.. perhaps something quiet and rememerable.... ya know to keep the flame alive or make it grow a bit...... I"m all about great things and friendships lol but I guess that's not the case with some people.... I heard a crazy storys about some peoples ideas of great valentines things and they included outlandish things that I just wouldn't dare repeat cause they were so lame and not worth my comment except to say they were horrible lol..... but that asside... I"ll just have to come up with my great valentine... it's not extravagent but the presentation is what makes it memorable (and or) speshul lol ... perhaps some would remark it as hopeless romantic ... but I would rather the term "great" lol gewd luck to everyone with their valentines hope your day is more speshul than mine (I gotta werk lmao... but not everyone does).....
alright so I have been requested to talk about a wonderful subject that I've had in the past............. yes smelly people..... dont they know they smell??? or do they care???? course in this day and age we sposedly dun have manners... but it's manners that keeps us from letting these people know they have a problem and so they get away with their nastiness..... I mean well ya just dont walk up to a person and say man (or woman) yew really need a bath... it's just rude... but in some cases........... this must be done!!!! course I"m the kind of person that well has no problem telling it like it is.... but yew all know that story... yew know the stinky guy that used to sit next to me at werk... (ok so if yew dun remember the story ... read the archives sheesh yew should be paying more attention lol) anyway I dealt with it in a polite fashion first... because well (as much a amy objects) I"m a genuinly nice guy..... but there are times that well ya gotta just get right up and say... yew gotta do summin yew are just nasty and I"m sick of it.... I mean yer nice an all but come on... I can only hold my breath for so long.... it's time to be a friend and help me get some fresh air.... I"m only trying to help yew out.. yew know get more friends ..... the ones yew got seem to be dieing or something.... oh yew dont know why either??? hhmmm I spose your immune... that's ok.... lemme fart around you.. oh yew dun like that??? sniff.... yeah it smells pretty bad.... but ummm still nicer than yew... oh did I offend yew?? at least my fart dissapates after I wave my hand around... unfortunatly it's not working for yew (biohazard).... so now that I've offended yew... let me appologize... I"m sorry yew smell.... .but I can help yew fix that... it's called soap and water and.. yes of course.... uncented deodorant... wonderful stuff..... but sadly it's not just body odour.... there are excretment issues as well .... there are people that smell like ungodly things.... that well are natural yes... but!!!!!! what about the people that do these things and well they dun smell afterwards.... why???? because they fukn clean themselves... they care about what others think about them... or like myself... just dun like the smell of nastiness... cause I could care less what people think of me lol..... but I"ve had enuff of this disgusting subject I hope to never bring it up again... gonna find a pocket size spray bottle for air freshener.... perhaps they will get the hint then...
gggggggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr shit fuk fuk fuk.... had a story half typed here and now I dun feel like repeating the typing as it wont be the same... (had an ordeal tonight on my way home sheesh) anyway onward with a diff topik...... ewps it was such a gewd story that I must try to retype it lol
so I"m on my way home tonight from my friends place (better rephrase that in case she reads it) g/f's place and I get to the bottom of town past needs and some dood yells for me to stop... I shout back wut yew want? he again says hang on I gotta ask ya summin... and well I"m in a hurry because my arms are sore and I"m carrying my loot... (went shoppin earlier today) so I stooopidly slow down and ask him again wut .... he says wait up for me.... and then I recognise the pretty much drunk dood and thankfully he dun remember me... so I start walkin again and he asks me where I"m goin ... I say I"m mewving (I'm still carrying the bags) .... he says at this time of night??? (it's 2:30am) and I"m like no time like the present... he's like ok kewl... but then grabs my arm..... and says stop fer a second... I"m like no I dun think so... he says slow down I gotta ask ya summin... so I impatiently say "What DO You Want!!!" he's sorta gettin the hint and finally gets to the point of him wasting my time (that I already knew was comin).... so he says couldja stop for a min? I"m like no I gotta get goin.. so he says could ya give me 50 cents for a coffee? and I"m not puttin my bags down fer nobody (speshuly an old drunk) so I tell him I dun got it.... he lewks rejected but I dun give and he continues onward ... (I"m still walking) I ask him about the coffee he seems to be carrying in his hand and then he tells me it's rum... so of course I say well that's better than coffee... he says yeah at least I'm warm... so I return his stooopid remark from earlier... at this time of night??? he sorta laffs and starts to cross the street to tim horkons... (coffee shop) and I"m a bit curious.... why's he goin to the coffee shop if he's bummin me fer 50 cents fer da coffee?????? useless bastard he wanted the dognut too..... so thankfull to return to my journey I keep goin home and arrive safely without anymore stewpid drunks askin me fer money they dun need....
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
so far so good I made sure I didn't get out of bed before 4... though my alarm was set for 1.... I heard it... and turned it off... then knowingly rolled over and went back to rest my eyes on and off for the next little while... hhmmmm perhaps I can do it again tonight lol.... but I got plans so have an excuse to get my sorry ass outta bed... lmao @ my cheering squad it's not like I am dying or something lol but anyway appretiated just the same :) ewps at amy not getting her valentine.... but umm I dun know where yew sit still :P well I sorta do but yer never in when I check lol (damned dial vto or diff shifts) anyway valentines coming up and have to get my "special" somebody a better valentine than I"m giving out at werk lol... but all is not lost I have a great idea just need a favour (if possible) from my gewd friend Lisa lol I"ll talk to yew in email tomorrow bout it... pretty sure yer not around for the next couple days because of bday things oh and by the way happy bday lol (ewps I didn't send my sister her bday card and it was 2 days ago) she's gonna kill me so dun feel bad when I dun give yew one either lol......
Monday, February 09, 2004
fatso is the name and tired is the game... no of course I"m not fat but I have put on the pounds since I got home and well it's time to do something about it.... no not the pounds I could care less if I am 5 feet wide..... but the inability to do things I used to be able to do is not to my liking lol.... I used to be able to run around the dam now I"m lucky if I could make it the length of the mall... it's crazy what lazyiness does to a person... but it's soon to be rectified with a bit of energy... well maybe not energy but I'll turn positive thinking into my goal.... I plan to get back into shape and if that means I gotta brave the cold then... fuk that lol I refuse getting in shape is not worth frostbyte ick.... well sorta I used to walk nearly every day and that means more than just walking to work... problem is I had someone to talk to and well until recently didn't have that... sooo I'm gonna start doing that again and well perhaps I'll start lifing my weights again (need a new set though the ones I got are crap) only thing I can't do (but will have to learn) is situps or crunches... they are bad for my back (sux having a broken back) unless there is another way to give me my 6 pack :P just kidding lol if I ever want a six pack it will be from the liquer store lol... anyway moving on I must start the exercise because if I dont I will be dead before I"m 40 lol and well sposedly that's not to far off to some people :P but anyway here's a beer to my first run.. I'll need a few of them afterwards to kill the pain lmao......
Sunday, February 08, 2004
time off from work is great but it makes ya do stupid things..... I am at a loss for what I have done with my last two weekends.... last weekend was spent in a bottle or doing absolutly nothing lol..... now normally I wouldn't complain about such a thing but I'd like to think I'm doing something with myself for the positive... and well I think I have done that... have to rethink the next couple months of what I'm going to do.... have some changes to make and first thing on the list is not to be so lazy no more... course this is easier said than done.. will need to change a few of my hobbies around to make it easier to do things... I found that I have been wasting half my day sleeping... when I used to sleep maybe 4 - 5 hours and now it's like 8 - 9 and that's just sick.... went for a walk today with a friend and her nephew... and had to carry him around.... arm started shaking afterwards freaked me out like there was something wrong with it or something anyway it's time to start getting down to business been putting many things off to the side for far too long... anyway enough of that.... how about them bowlers for selectron... yikes at people being mad at them for being paid to bowl... sick if yew ask me :P lol but oh well ... but selectron is for the birds.... another job is looking sooooooooooo apealling at the moment but its not the right time just yet... but most likely soon.....
Thursday, February 05, 2004
gracious... from ice cream to a dark and twisted path... mewvy's I can talk about a lot I"m sure.. but perhaps I shall explore the depths of spirits and occult? however I"m not a big believer in the subject so I doubt if I could put back a comment that you would .. well perhaps.. appretiate lol though I will post something .... I did ask and so I shall continue.... shall it be about my belief's? or shall it be fiction and non-fiction... how about I surf the web and copy other stories??? no I dont think so lol.... course for my favourite time of the year to be halloween .. one would think that I had a love for strange and weird things... well yes I do but ghosts and paranormal stuff??? I like to believe in things that can be explained more.... but besides my belief ... I've always had the curiosity for such things.... like I could be alone in a room and hear noises and go to investigate but not see anything to explain it.... is it the ghosts coming to get me??? perhaps... all a matter of opinion... however I've heard great things about people sleeping or doing nothing in general and coming out of a daze seeing things.... call it dejavous or something... I've never experienced things quite like they say... there is a thing called mind playing tricks on you... and I believe this to be more accurate... stress... or other emotions can be hard to deal with at the best of times and the way our society is coming along we dont know how to deal with it properly.... complex things could be done by us if we were a little more concious of our usefullness... but unfortunatly we rely on other people or devices (our creations) to do things for us......... brain fart.......... I just lost my train of thought (actually sat here for bout 2 mins going.. umm what was I talking about) .... perhaps this is an example of things.... but anyway back to the subject lmao.... think about it.. many ages ago we've evolved from ape to building fire to horse n carraige... well now we are working with machines from electricity... what will happen when we create something that we can get power without killing or destroying something... it's great to think about the possabilities... however we are a product of our own destruction... not sure if we'll actually be able to make it that far at the rate we are going... but then that brings us to the possabilities of space exploration... do you want to live on the red planet??? I dont but I would like to visit lol.... getting away from ghosts (that I dont believe in) and moving on to aliens.... this is a subject I find more possible ... with our abilities growing from fire to electricity... to building space ships.... we've come from a belief we lived on a flat box (or something) that if yew went far enough yew'd fall off the face of the earth... but we've discovered that there is a solar system and more planets..... but!!!! also that there really isn't any end to it... we just haven't been able to get past this.... now we have a star (the sun) and there are many others (more stars) ... how can we say there is nothing out there when we can't get close enough to see the possabilities..... who knows what could be there... from caveman to now.... what could be our next evolution...... but that is another story.... I'll get to some ghost crap tomorrow after I've thought about it lol.... I have more of a negative side to that ... aliens and space I have nothing but the best opinions for it and love discussing it's possabilities.... enjoy and ummm perhaps I'll remember a few stories of ghosts I've been told lol....
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
gewd suggestion Jenna.... just so happens I have a story for that lol....... crazy what some people think about... what's more important.... fewd of course... and what better fewd to have but ice cream.... speshuly when yew crave something... yew can put nearly anything in ice cream... from fruit ... to cookies.. to chocolate... to spices.... and pretty much all of it tastes good.... course other people use it for ummmm more desireable circumstances.... but yikes talk about frostbite heheheheheh...... perhaps it should be just plain... nope I dun think so plain ice cream is nasty... but it does go down the throat smoothe....... hhhmmmm better change the way that was going.... anyway yeah so yew wanted to talk about ice cream??? of course who can refuse it.... it can be brought up in a conversation saying hey..... would you like to go back to my place......... for some ice cream?????? course yew might get a slap if yew said it that way.. but not if yew say it ummmm never mind :P get yewr own material.... sooooooooo I have a date on monday.... or at least it was said that way :P I get to tease someone now.... and low and behold it actually because of .... yes yew guessed it ice cream....... it's not really a date yew perv's I'm just making someone squirm :P lol but enough fun..... I will now need a new topik lol.... though I do remember a good story I will try to write it tomorrow (if I remember damn stupid bad memmory)..... now go have some ice cream.... I am :P ...... just wish I had my fav...... hooofprints mmmmmmm yummy butterscotch with chocolate chunks (filled with more caramel) through it....... snickers ice cream is good too lol........
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
well adoring fans... I need some topik's..... I've been absolutly boring lately and well I have nothing to write about... but I have things I could express I"m sure... if I had something to discuss... world peace??? not likely human nature to fight.... and hate so that will never happen... lol but perhaps there are some things that you wanted an opinion on but are skeered to voice your own?? post a couple of topics and I'll try to ramble on about them for a bit.. perhaps out of personal experiences I can share stories.... but I'll at least try to make it interesting.... I just need something to talk about... like this ... this is my topic today... yew giving me topics and well even though it's a boring subject I"m at least trying to make it somewhat entertaining.. even though it's a out nothing whatsoever... that's my specialty.... and yew thought I was boring how rude lol..... but anyway yew name the topik and I'll post something about it.... it might be true.. it might be fake.. but at least it will be something yew requested so yew better read it :P lmao...... enjoy .......
Monday, February 02, 2004
welcome to superbowl sunday and the spectacular half time show....... or is that half time peep show lmao....quite the spectacle.. I'm sitting watching the game and got up to go do stuff cause I dun really care bout the half time show... went to make a couple phone calls to show my feelings to how well the panthers were doing keeping up to the patriots (even though they were playing like shit lol) when I got back the show was getting to nelly's poor excuse of a performance... coulda dun something of a new song or something.... and then kid rock comes down and (parden the pun) ripps his clothes off.... or at least just a coat anyway... displaying no less.... a U.S. flag ripped down the center wearing it like a shawl lmao..... and I figure that was going to be the statement in the news but then janet comes back on stage with that bum justin somebody..... and they are dancing around puttin on a good show flirtting n stuff... and he ripps something off her costume and it .... (even though it was only displayed for a second) looked like her boob was hanging out of there.... and mom watching the show says no way.. I said yes way.... she's like no she wouldn't on tv... and I"m like look who yer talking bout lmao...... and thanx to cory for spreading the pics around lol... but back to the story of the game sheesh... what's really important here............ and oh how horrible they were playing too... but amazingly it was a great game but even after the halftime show was over and the baring all .. er umm half... was through the game was again set to continue to thrill us but for those that didn't have the trained eye.... and thanx to cbs's quick motion to point their camera's somewhere else lol I barely caught a glimps of a streaker rip off his refferee lookalike costume and proceed to run around the arena lol.... funny shit ... but oh well click the link... there is the story if yew really wanted to know bout it... and of course the link to the pics of janets.. ummm "unplanned" costume fiasco... though I am curious... if it wasn't planned... then why the story and pics on her official website lol anyway enjoy ... but ummm dont enjoy it too much sheesh.........
Sunday, February 01, 2004
so I seen a lot of drunk people tonight... I was one of them... and ummm I'm eating at the moment because everyone was way to fukn drunk to get pizza... but they all complained about the mcyuckleds I had.. and when I offered to share.. they didn't like what it was so screw em :P ..... and ya think some of them would go out tonight.. but noooo they were too wasted to go anywhere or just lazy I think anyway I had a good time laffin at them was quite good... and I didn't pass out first lol amazingly... course I"m prob the only one actually still up but I'm just weird I spose lmao....... onward with party weekend... superbowl tomorrow wooo hooo go panthers go lol