yew prob should read the previous entry first.. but it doesn't matter... so I go out to the bar .. it's my last saturday night out because I start my new shift tomorrow... and well I'm not in a good mood ... but when I get there I start talking to my buddy Greg.. yeah yew know mr HR himself dirty old guy pervert man... he's a great fella I like him a lot... no not in that way yew sicko's... anyway so my night is getting better and then the band stops playin for a break.... and amazingly a DJ starts playin music.. or rather someone put on a CD... and it starts skipping .. suprise suprise.. so that's fine they change the song.. same old shit.. starts skipping again.. figures they'd get some decent music that gets all the young ladies up dancin.. and they screw it up.. so what did they do???? they put on some old rock stuff and half the people leave the dance floor.. great.... oh well so the night goes on and more people show up... as if the place isn't hard to get around in as it is.. there were more people in there than I've ever seen... then the greatest thing happens... a fight breaks out.. I have no clue how they were able to do so in the crowd but it swarmed from the middle of the bar to the dance floor.. parted people like the wind and a toupee.... speaking of which... there was a dude outside waiting for something and his hair (toupee) was flapping around in the wind lmao I nearly pissed myself it was soooo funny then everything is done and we decide to go to subway.. part way down the road.. I"m walking with two friends... and one of them says it's not to cold to take my shoes off... so doesn't she start walking down the road in sock feet... silly people.. wy do women gotta wear the stupidest shoes anywhere if they can't walk in em... the answer they gave me.... because they look good... yeah they looked good in yer hand when yew were stumbling down the road in yer sock feet freezing yer ass off lmao... anyway I'm going to mess with that stupid computer some more.. it's probably got some foam in the slots somewhere fukin it up... most likly my network is just fuxered.. I'll have to throw the shit out
Sunday, November 30, 2003
yippiee.. I bought a new computer today.. it's a lot better than my other two... but there are some bad things about it.. first of all I must tell the adventure of buying it... my favourite store on the island has to have the most useless fuks working in it... yes you guessed it.. staples.. I go in and check the board for the reduced stuff.. as I do about once a month.. and amazingly they have something in my price range... so I inquire about it.. the guy I ask (seems quite knowledgable) goes and finds a page about it (took him 20 mins to find a spec for it) so great I know have a piece of paper to look at.. I have a couple questions about it but he goes off helping someone else.. thanx ... so I'm waiting for him to come back and he's going into some bullshit explanation how pentium 4 chips are much better than AMD chips... to some stupid customer... (there goes the knowledgable thing) but he finally sees me and some other store werker comes walkin over... the guy says to him to help me out.. and well I"m thankful but this guy knows even less than the last guy.. great... I love this store more and more every time I go there.... anyway it takes this guy 10 more mins to find out a bit more information about the specs of the PC... he had to look it up on what the hell do yew not have specs in the store.. yer selling the shit... so that's great he answers my questions and then I say get me the machine I would like to purchase and leave your wonderful store... 20 mins later he's giving me some story about stupid shit (it's a display model and they dont know if it's being used at the moment) so great get it for me already.. dont tell me stupid shit just get it... so he dissapears out back for another 10 mins.. and I go off looking for my mom and brother (they are shopping in walmart) so I find them in 5 mins and discuss with my mom for a bit and go back to stupid store with my brother (he's bored... so am I by this point) and wonderful I find the guy .. he's helping someone else... so he finally comes back to me and I ask him if he's found it yet... he says yes.. and well takes him another 10 mins to open the box it's wrapped in.. I think he was telling me a story I wasn't paying attention... tapping my fingers on the counter I'd like to go home sometime tonight.... the guy carefully unwrapps the styrophoam chipped laced packaging.. and takes another 5 mins to blow the little pieces from the fan... great he's now blown all these bits inside the fukn machine... asshole... anyway I'm asking a few more questions like will I be able to bring it back if I dont like it.. (it's a demo machine remember) and after a bit more frustrating waiting and boring stupid stories from this idiot... he finally packs it back up.. they gave me a keyboard and mouse with it for free.... I'm sooo happy pay for the fukn thing and leave... get it home and unpack it and everything.. open up the case to check the insides of the pc before loading it up (he couldn't do it because he wasn't a PC technician of the store) no shit he's a moron I wouldnt' trust him with turning on the store lights.... anyway I take out the handful of styrophoam bits out of the tower and close it up boot it up... great it's a good machine ... delete a pile of shit from the software bits (it's still a demo machine) and start installing stuff.. it's a great machine connected right to the internet easily on my network downstairs.. so I decide to take it upstairs so mom could use the pc downstairs... but do ya think it would connect.. hell no!!!!! I run a few tests and the god damned thing is connected to interent but it's not browsing.... I take it back downstairs and it's connected to interent in a second... what the hell is wrong with my network... take it back upstairs... run a few more tests.. wow can get to but can't get anywhere else.. can ping a few things but lose packets on others.. I suspect a virus.. run a scan comes up with nothing.. take it back down stairs.. it connects fine... now I"m just pissed... so I go out to the bar to get drunk..... more to come later....
Saturday, November 29, 2003
I love to dance... as most people that know me know.... and yes I was up dancing.. wow what a night... got stood up by my good friend and what's better.. got dragged up dancing by an older woman.. and yew say what's wrong with that???? she's older than my mother.. and worse knows my mom... but wont leave me alone.. why yew say??? because she knows I wont say no to a dance.... I have more fun when I'm dancing... and well I dont really care if people make fun of me either.. but oh well I got up dancing later with roberta (and man she can dance) and all of a sudden someone is dancing or standing behind me as I dance... sneak up artist.. perhaps she thought I would pick her up... well if she hadn't acted the way she did maybe.. (oh hell the drunken blog gets interesting) but since I got stood up I wasn't in the mood... yippie me.. got drunk and didn't act upon it... love being a nice guy... oh well sux to be her she went home alone too hahha.. (that's just pathetic) but I'm just not interested in the one night stand... anyway it was a good night for a bit... managed to take the last of the meatball subs at subway.. and the poor dumbass drunk behind me (that said he knew me forever) asked me where all the ho's were.. like I would know for starters... but I said back in the bar and he tells me they are all stuck up.. well that may be the case for some losers lol I got a lot of hello's tonight.. but again prob because my "nice guy" reputation is catching.. wonder if I can get fired for taking my lunch over the main event on thursdays and saturdays at 11 lol.. although do yew really think anyone will be there at that time.. doubt it... anyway am rambling again time to put drunken blog to an end.. as I"m sure this will be the last one for a very long time.... except.. tomorrow woo hoo wont get stood up tomorrow and I can't wait for monday getting off the island again .. even if it is only for a day... I can't wait to go to halifax again.. been quite some time since I been downtown.. I might even buy my new PC woo hoo
Friday, November 28, 2003
I"m on my last weekend for a very long time... yes weekend.. well technicly I'll still have a weekend but it will no longer be classed as one... though if I had been smart and tried to get sunday off I"d have a very long weekend and well perhaps go to halifax for the weekend or something fun .... oh wait yes I am going to halifax on monday haha... but unfortunatly not for fun.... (might buy a pc while there woo hoo) but yes for my last weekend to myself.. what am I going to do???? laundry of course.. fukn hell that sux.. but it must be done I have 3 peices of clean clothes to my name at the moment... and they are a pair of undies and a pair of socks... wont I look nice doing my laundry lmao... oh well I've been assigned (rather volunteered) to decorate my teams desks with stuff so I must come up with some kewl decorations to beat the rest of the center... and well even though more people have the trees I made.. I have come up with a few better ideas than the tacky crap they have hanging around hell .. I mean work.... at the moment lol... you'll all have to wait to see it :P enjoy I"m off for the weekend.. perhaps my last entry of drunken blog is to come.. who knows
Thursday, November 27, 2003
wow my second full day of tier 2 and well I'm picking up a couple of new tricks and some interesting issues that I never knew about but as always things keep changing on the floor.. wonderful news about dllhost issue a 15 min call will now take 45 mins to an hour to complete now.. but oh well perhaps something will get done about it if we escalate all these issues up to tier 3 (if they accept them) but oh well.. got handed a call today that was sposedly bad cord and well as much as I tried to verify that.. almost made it.. did order a new modem but the woman (amazingly) found the other piece of the "power cord" and managed to get it working..... how can yew not know what a power cord is????? and I thought the dude I talked to the other day was a moron.. anyway that's all good I fixed her warped mind and got her dsl hooked up.. and yes she will now have 2 modems.. great job tier 1 .. next time have a little patience and use better explanations so your customer will understand you... remember they are americans....
for a more personal nature.. dont you just hate it when people are two faced??? I know I do.. they will be nice then all of a sudden completely different... and well I dont think I come accross that way... most people seem to smile around me... course that's usually because they are laughing at me but it's the way I present myself and am greatful to cause pleasure to people.. ummm yeah.... anyway I can't stand that trait and wish that people would just act straight up.. if yew dont like someone let them know ... either have something done about it or just dont bother at all because it's worse when someone completely changes in an instant.. makes them think ... well umm what did I do?? did I do something??? I dont think I did.. but oh well enough of that.. back to the fun stuff....
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
you ask how can this be? I do the same... and well I must laugh at this but unfortunatly I have to say it could happen to any of us... yes you have guessed it..... have a quick read it's actually quite funny... and well damn if it isn't true... some dude got canned.. fired.. chucked out... for blogging about his workplace... and like really who cares about a secret .. rather not so secret anymore..... delivery place for microsoft... even if they were recieving a shipment of macintosh computers... they just dont want people to know they are using better computers then the ones they suggest everyone use lmao.... but anyway I think they will be firing me next because of all the crap I write about in here.. and ya know what... fire me .. I welcome it... I hate my job anyway... perhaps I'll begin to write for a living.... well I guess not I dont like being poor lol... but I do both very well.. yes write and be poor lmao...
so shift bid is coming for tier 2... I've tried to tell all the other agents that the bid meeting was postponed by an hour.... you know so I could show up on time and possibly get a good shift.. but nobody seems to buy the idea that it was put off for an hour... that's just too bad lol I was looking forward to having friday off... oh well dreams can happen perhaps when comcast comes down they will need either new "roamers" or more tier 2.. and then we'll get to have another bid.. course I'll still be at the bottom but ya never know lmao
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
it's great to have people that remember the good ole days... and well perhaps the good ole days have a bit of things that were good but this perhaps may not be one of them... yes my wonderful customer loves Dos ... you remember Dos... yes the command driven operating system where you have to "type" everything to get anything to run...... but as much as she loves Dos she informs me she can't type for shit.... well it's a bit pointless to love something when yew can't do it properly lol... although I love dos too it's easier for me to type stuff than use the mouse half the time...... but that's another story...... I managed to be speaking with my stupidest customer ever today... and I do mean stupid... I've talked to a lot of dumb people before but this guy didn't even have a phone line hooking up to the wall... he had his phone cord going from the modem to the computer.. and a usb cord going from modem to computer and I asked him well what's plugged into the wall?? he tells me a cord that goes into a splitter... and after some discussion on the issue the splitter has power going to it.. and well it's nothing to do with a telephone line... and I asked him well what's plugged into the phone line?? and well he didn't know.. but was sure something was... well so after about half an hour of trying to figure out how he has everything hooked up and it seems that the only thing plugged into his phone line (because he's on a different line) is his DSL cord (finally) we start to troubleshoot his installation... well my god everything was wrong for this guy because his CD didn't work either... but thankful me ordered him a new cd and gave him a few further suggestions (jumping out a window of the CN tower) and he was reasonably happy that I at least tried to help him.. he was on the phone for quite some time with other agents but he got confused everytime he called in.... no wonder he didn't even know what a phone cord looks like... well he knew what it looked like but it (for some odd reason) didn't fit into the wall jack... it was slightly larger than the plug ... at least he knew what the usb cord was.. but didn't have ethernet so had to send him a new cd and wait to install his broadband... unfortunatly couldn't mention dialup service while he waits.. he would have been more confused at that concept after we finally straightened out the connections he has for DSL
Monday, November 24, 2003
all I can say is wow.... WOW ..... fukn wow..... it was poor quality (because my computer sux and I converted it) but wow.... WOW.. ... yes wow...... I can't wait to see it again... the matrix revolutions... wow.. yes am probably going to watch it every night for the next month... wow...... oh ok enough... hhmmm one more time ....
great stuff...anyway moving on... yes roamers.... as much as I like watching morgan run around the floor (because it amuses me) though I can't help poke fun at anyone... he came running up the aisle to help the dude accross from me and they were all saying get rollerblades or something.. and well me being the wise ass coughed (lose some pounds) and well morgan is a kewl guy he coughed back (bite me) lol.... all in good fun.. hope he still hates me... oops I mean doesn't hate me lol it was a joke sheesh... but back to roamers..... I think it's a good idea in ways.. but bad idea because we can't easily get ahold of them... they should have an intercom or something... oh wait that would be their phone lmao.... yes they should be on the phone... but the good thing about the roamers is that yew tend to have the same person every time and for those that need them multiple times for one call that's a good thing because they dont have to explain it to 4 diff people but anyway .... and no yew can't borrow my sign... but perhaps I'll start selling them lol place your orders at my desk
tier 2 bid tomorrow.. yes I"m at the bottom of the list soooo I get to not choose a shift.. please people leave me with something.... if yew can't give me a decent time slot at least let me have friday off
fat chance but perhaps there will be one of them horrible shifts that has long days (or nights) and a short shift on friday.. I can deal with that lol or hell horrible days off but ya know no shift later than 11 pm.... or perhaps start at 3am.. I can deal with that as well.. but I dont think that sort of shift exists lol oh well here is me crossing my fingers and all yew people can cross yers for me too :)oh yes and
the matrix still is the best movie everSaturday, November 22, 2003
now that's what I miss bout the good ole days.. yes dancin like the energizer bunny.... damn my friend roberta can move... and fast tooo.. it's hard to keep up with her anymore.. gettin old (or out of shape) but I can still almost keep up lol... and I do stress "almost" anyway another good night out though some chick dissed me hard and not even when saying anything to her.. she though (for some odd reason) thought that I possibly was trying to dance with her when she was trying to dance with the person I was dancing with... nearly tripped the poor drunken girl but since I'm a nice guy ... cant be doing stuff like that.... I turned around and walked away.... so my dance partner was getting a bit upset (even though she knew her) I just laffed... and so had to go rescue my friend... poor drunken girl got a bit upset that my friend wanted to dance with me instead of poor drunken girl... but that's enough of that..... now for the good part.......
yes it's been habit in the past to make fun of the most funniest person on the dance floor and for the past two weeks it has been the old guy that thinks he's a gangster.... man can he ever rap like a mofo.. got his hands twitchin and shakin like one of them rappers yew see on MTV... only thing is he's nearly fallin down and twistin around with some younger girl... but his lips aint movin... I dont know how he does it... looks like he's drunk and all but he doesn't fall ... he's ... he's ... my Idol .. when I'm his age I hope I can still move around but ... the difference is .. I hope the lady I'm with is well at least older than my daughter.. dont need no money grubbing young lady takin my money and hoping I die soon lol (not that I have much money) but oh well it's a good site to see ... and for fuk sakes I hope I never come accross as a wanna be rapper dood... anyway enough drunken blog I got werk to do... need to finish some more of my website and woo hoo some ladies website needs werk... gotta get paid fer that so that comes first... nite nite...
oh before I go..... hahahhahahahahhaha @ aaron dikface.. he fell his drunken ass asleep on the ledge by the dancefloor... stupid fucker lol
Friday, November 21, 2003
as much as I decided I wouldn't put jokes on my blog .. other than my funny stories I have to share this joke... though some may have heard it already I thought it was great......
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael , He's a doctor.' A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, She's dead. "
anyway thanks to those that have congratulated me.. I'm greatful.... perhaps I can do some good while I'm sitting on my butt waiting for a call at 4 am because I'll be on the shit shift... but no matter I learned a few neat things today and that's really all I want.... perhaps a new move when all comcast comes down... oh and I have a secret agenda... msn9 is coming out soon... sooooooooooo thanks to no more transfers to tier 2 for long calls.. I may escape the issues lol.... something for yew to think about lol... sux doesn't it... anyway maybe I'll even end up with sunday off ... will be spending it skiing or snowboarding :) can't wait but the other good thing about tier 2 is that I'll still get to talk to a few of yew (bad agents) that will make my day brighter instead of talking to our customers all day... but that's another story heheheheh... instead of having wonderful stories about customers I'll now have them about what our great agents didn't do :P something else to think about before yew transfer to me heheheheh
Thursday, November 20, 2003
moving up in the world is hard to do ... specially when yew dont kiss butt.... unlike some people... though since I was approached yesterday to start in tier 2 things are looking up... still can't believe I was listed number 4 of the applicants... anyway I must thank a few people for that.... yes firstly the person that dropped off .. didn't want to have the shitty shift I'm going to take lmao... secondly have to thank my favorite supervisor earl (even though he prob will never read this) because without his help I'd never make it out of tier 1 and well probably would not be still working here lol..... but moving on .... the update for the website is coming along and have the next 2 days off soooooo big chunk of it will get done as yew can see here it's going to be revamped quite extensivly... but tons of things are happening at the moment lol ... now for the funny part.... oops there is no funny part today... perhaps I'll have a story later but for now check out the pic marcus sent me... and lets have a guessing game who it is meant to be??

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
wow another update... yes I"m working on my website and this is a taste of what's to come.. but I'm still working on it
first things first... happy anniversary to me... and several other people that I started with.. yes a few of us have made it a full fukn year lol... amazing isn't it but a few of them have actually gone somewhere in all of this..... though I decided to move to dsl with a few of them.... (I think I could have gone higher up the fewd chain if I had stayed on dial) but that's ok things are happening for all of us anyway... yes I"ll get to helpdesk someday... if I can stay long enough for our moron bosses to get their acts together lol... but anyway happy aniversary to us congrats to us all (that stayed... and lucky bastards that didn't) anyway some have suggested a party for us.. I am inclined to agree to that lol but umm where and when??? our schedules do not compare well so we'll just have to use points lol
for seconds... I was about to make a story about my wonderful stupervisor when I looked at the bottle of snapple that I had just purchased... dont know why I bought it but I was curious about the wonderful things I had heard about it.. yes people say it's great tasting "water"... so not because of marketing scams (I just didn't want to drink pop) actually wanted some orange juice but they didn't have sunny D so I got this crap... yes it tastes good but it's just another drink... mmmmmmmmmm strawberry kiwi... anyway as I'm looking at the bottle about to open it something catches my eye... yes on the side of the cap says no purchase nessesary....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? what the hell is that.. I just paid for the damned thing.... I hate those contests that say no purchase nessesary but yew have to buy the fukn thing to find out about it..... anyway if I had noticed in the store I probably would have hassled the poor lady at needs.. but anyway I spose I'll tell my story now.....
yes I"ve been called gay before and it doesn't bother me (because well I have a reputation as a nice guy) and I know I have certain feelings for ladies that well gay guys dont ... so there are a few discreptancies about what people think of me.. but with that in mind I"ve recently started to have a crush on my stupervisor... and yew all say he's a guy..... have yew seen the boobs on the guy???? I"m not convinced... ok so I'm kidding bout the crush on him but I had to make the joke... anyway recently peole have been complaining about him... I personally have not had a problem with him (other than the idiotic point I recieved that he refused to fight for me to take it off) but anyway at the moment I've heard he's ... bald .. short... dimwitted... and well smelly... now as an objective person I cannot comment on any of these but well not that I am not dissagreeing with anything (because I'm being objective) I'll not agree with any of these either... though with a bit of convincing I may be leaving a comment soon because well I have a bone to pick lol (fukn point)
woopie to me I've learned a neat trick with my burner program to finally make my mixed cd's not skip.... cause I make great mixed cd's but they were not always good because of the space between songs when burning them.. but I've fixed it and wow the great music I mix has gotten better because ya dont hear the pause between songs no more :) NO!! I'm not making every tom dick n harry a cd... but..... I could be convinced to create CD's for a price lol
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
nothing to write about today... was very busy around the house... blah blah blah... though I could coment on the time off schedule at werk.... it's strange.. can't get the day off approved on a day that is very very slow like yesterday... got time off denied.. buttttttt ... today was approved off and it was horribly busy from what I hear... now where's the understanding in that??? I have none lol... but oh well glad to get a few things done at home and back to werk tomorrow (icky)
Monday, November 17, 2003
why dont' we learn our valuable lessons early in life.... well perhaps we do we just choose to ignore them for pleasures or habits we develop... like were going to hermans (a club in the area) and I'm sooo hungry that I get the driver to stop and pick up some eats.... and well the only place open happens to be BK's ... and how I love BK's (burger king) so I"m chowing down and that's great we get to the club and damnit I dont have any gum... so we go in and I start talking to a friend in there when I get the reaction of someone dying... and rather than be polite about it like I would have been.... my friend tells me that I smell like onions and need to stop breathin on me......... lmao so natruly.. I have to get a good breath and breath all over her till she nearly gags... gotta love being me... course if it had been anyone else I prob would have cringed and died... but oh well lesson learned and moving on... so I've got a new look for my website cruising along.. and it looks so good that I may even chane the look of this page to go along with it.. but again yew'll all just have to wait till I finish the content... have lots and lots to add that it will probably take a week or so to completely finish .. but trust it will be worth the wait... until next time
Sunday, November 16, 2003
I have a question... what's with people that feel the need to take their shoes off at the bar?????? that's crazy... a few years ago I was at the guildwood and some girl had her shoes off and got a bottle stuck in her foot.. there was blood everywhere.. took 20 mins for the stupid "fake" bouncer to clean it all up so the party could continue... and yet still see them taking their shoes off at the bar.... and even at a shitty dirty bar like the steel city... man some women are crazy... anyway another thing that gets me... just cause ya hang out with someone for a few weeks.. doesn't mean yer goin out with them.... but believe what yew wanna.. it makes me laff....
even funnier I was talking with some friends and all of a sudden someone grabs my ass and I turn around... nobody there... look around and people are laughing at me... how rude... found out who it was though .... at least it was a girl lmao.... moving on...
so I got out of glace bay for the night.. though it was a good change I still hate going to hermans ... though I must say the DJ was a bit better.. (still no comparison to me) but there's no proof of that because nobody will let me DJ lol course I know what good dance music is.. trouble is that people in cape breton dont dance to new music.. unless it's played on either much music (at least once) or it's overplayed on the radio... and I'm not just saying that because I like what I listen to.. I have a very wide range of music styles that I listen to... I just know what is good to dance too... but again that's another story... perhaps I'd share it sometime.... (when I become a DJ) lol ... can't wait to have my own house... my neighbours (if I have any) will be living next to a fukn club lol though the only regular customer will be me... (and a woman perhaps ... sheesh) anyway onward to mixing some more cd's .. busy beaver this weekend gotta get some shit done I"ve been very bored and lazy lately and that needs to change... time to get my act together.. but yew didn't need to know that :P good night (or day to yew)
Saturday, November 15, 2003
well finally a good night at the bar... but my buddy had to come home from the army for an extra laugh.. but what happened???? yew say what happend that was soooo funny??? well ummm nope yew'll never guess... and well I can't say because that would have been impolite... and well I'm a genuinely nice guy.... (yew should have been there :P) but anyway moving on ..... I've never seen so many gay people at the bar in a long time... (not that there's anything wrong with that - seinfeld quote) because we all need to have a good time.... anyway no stories tonight because well I wasn't at werk tonight and well I'm the polite guy.... and ummm how to say the next bit without getting myself in trouble... good lookin butter girl at bar tonight heheheh... private joke but I couldn't resist saying (and I"m not even that drunk tonight) but to top off the night I had one of my good dance partners around.... (though many think I"m going out with her.. she's like a sister to me lol) was quite fun to have my buddy around he's always a laff... but enough of personal crap........
time for a discussion (one to be continued with general public that is) it was brought to attention by a friend of mine that people need to ask silly questions about things.. and well I must make a comment on it because I found it (funny) interesting and true that girls ask questions about what their man likes in certain conditions.. like well "do you like what we did last night??" obviously I keep coming back for more.... or "how would you like to try something like this?" sounds tricky... can yew show me how to move like that first????? or do you really want to be stretched like that??? well I spose yew do.... or you wouldn't ask... anyway it's strange that you would have to ask to do these things.... it should be rephrased into what you want... because us men.. (as you women keep saying) dont know what the fuk ya'll want... but some of us try... others just do enough to satisfy themselves cause they dont know what women want... which pisses women off lmao.... so leaves all of us in a predickament (spelled incorrectly for a reason) perhaps I'll start to write a novel on what women want (like I"m any expert for fuk sakes).. and a short story on what men want..... anyway I"m goin to work on my website perhaps I'll write more about this stuff some other time... leave coments if yew would like to hear more (or give me more suggestions to write about I am a very versatile writer lol)
Friday, November 14, 2003
for a refreshing change I must admit I had a very good laugh tonight and all thanx to my supervisor ... the great dave... .yes we were down roaming me and sherry and she gets called to the floor because dave (being our supervisor) needs to do some qualities on her.... yes her... even though she's a wonder agent like myself.... and well her knowing she's being monitored does all the correct proceedures (not that she wouldn't anyway if she wasn't being monitored :P) and she got a slightly higher score than I did.... but she didn't get perfects.... that's right not perfects.... because (and this is the best part) because she wasn't "fluffy" enough ... now even more funny was here I'm sure your next question is..... what the hell is fluffy?????????? well to be even more funny dave said it's what yew didn't use on the phone to get a perfect score lolol... poor sherry she was very mad for no reason... dave played a very good joke on poor sherry ...... just thought yew all should know that... and I'll probably get slapped for this post but umm make sure (those of yew that know her) that you all call her fluffy... and again marcus I suggest you dont or she'll kill yew lol.. she'll only mame me lol
Thursday, November 13, 2003
once again I prove to be amazing on the phone.. yes one of the helpdesk guys even said so.. why do I call them.. oh yeah need permision to escalate still lmao.. but anyway... have to say I've gone through some very long calls and I dont really mind that at all but I had my first drunk guy in a long long time tonight.. the guy has a dialup account and was at his son's place and his son has Win NT on his computer and some cable connection... sooo we support that guy and all the guy wanted to do was check his email.... and great we dont support that version at all and have limited options for him sooooo me being the nice guy try my best to take him to and for some odd reason he gets rerouted to some "ooops cannot forward this domain" message every time we go there.... anyway great so he's "SOL" (shit outta luck) till he gets home or his son (who probably isn't drunk) comes home.. but he kindly says all he needs is the pop3 addresses and amazingly I check to verify that and behold he has pop3 access lol soooo I kindly give him the addresses and yew guessed it a few tech support numbers for outlook express to help him on his way... wish I could have had his next drink ... but my day wasn't entirely ruined a few hours prior to this event landed a call that I took this woman through all kinds of steps and got her issue resolved.. unfortunatly dont remember the issue but what struck me (and I'll remember this forever) was what she said as she was hanging up the phone.. not knowing I could still hear her............... no not some curse yew bastards........... (and Amy yew should have heard this) the lady said... what a nice guy .... wow that was great... now for some reason I have a reputation and I dont get it.... how can people not think I'm a genuinly nice guy when this woman thought so after me taking her through a few troubleshooting steps ... sheesh
oh and one more thing.... I did try to take a person through the cpe config site tonight (sorta to prove a point.. but to test if it really werked.. even though I've been informed it is not operational at this time) and low and behold the customer could not get through got message cannot verify account information... tried it twice... and we had just reset password prior to trying... but when opened interenet explorer and signed into oh my god the password worked... anyway that's enough for now my internet is getting cut off in half hour and I would like to enjoy some chatting time.... possibly :P
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
so I'm becoming quite the story teller so I'll have to make them shorter now.. (low attention spans of my readers... ooops that's only marcus) and I spose I wasnt going to tell my story about my 2 hour and 15 minute call that when I started had aprox 2 hours till the end of my shift and well was nearly in need of peeing my pants.... well 2 hours later I finally finished the call and transfered to customer service to cancel his account... (his dial account yew silly people I did fix him) ... ok that's the short version now for the story so do yew know what was wrong with him... why was I on the call so long???? because I somehow have a heart... the gentleman was punted back and forth from msn to qwest and back a number of times.. he knew the troubleshooting steps before I could take him through and well I took him through a few steps for blinking link and out of desparation decided to get him to unplug everything and use a diff jack.. turned out to be the one he had phone on with dual filter... he (much appretiatly to me but without my knowledge till he did it) used an extention other than the one we supplied and amazingly got solid link light.. so yes that should be the end of the call.. half an hour gone by
but there's more....
so he plugs this cord back into the other jack to test the jack.. excellent still solid link light.. and I inform him that he'll want to use a shorter cable in the future and move on... great so lets get him online.... next problem.. can't bring up pages not even modem manager page... great lets hard code.... wonderful slow machine (win ME) amazingly he has tons of ram and pentium 4 .. must be lots of software and other junk.. but anyway this is where I lost all track of time.. and I have no clue what took so long but keeping it short we did everything to get connected to modem and nothing worked... sooooo call help desk and wonderful I answer my own questions as usual.. (shame on me for calling them) and so we uninstall and reinstall tcp/ip ... and great after rebooting for the 10th time can now connect to internet... great end of call again... an hour must have gone by at this point... umm I mean after the first half hour so we are at 1 and half hour into call
but there's more.....
as you may have guessed by the first part of the story customer has a dialup account and well yew guessed it my 2nd favourite issue.. yes duplicate tile issue... so we clear dialing info and sign in show him how to back up his email and save it to folder.. remove the account and add in new account.. have to reset password as usual.. (fukn qwest bastards) and to my amazement still have not pissed my pants.. got him connected into the software and on the internet.. I'm just so great and if I didn't need to piss so bad I prob would have gotten kudies for it but screw that sent him to customer service to cancel and off to the toilet I run.... with Susan laughing at me.. how horrible but I made it and am still the greatest agent on the floor (mock snickers)
Monday, November 10, 2003
well now that I've gotten the crap out of the way am going to review a few things said on previous posts... as far as the whole girl friend thing... someone said I needed one... and well perhaps this is true but I'll need to see the benefit side first.. yes benefit side... perhaps that can be explained to me... and no I'm not talking about the sharing and partnership because I dont mind that part lmao... the part that gets me is the "always need to be together" .. or "yew dont pay attention to me" kinda thing ... yes I was in a relationship for a year and half last year and as much as I'm can do the commited thing it was often more of a hassle because I wasn't allowed to go anywhere on my own.. even with reliable friends because she didn't want to go anywhere and resented that if I did I had a good time ..... sooooooooooo with that in mind (Lisa ... haha I mentioned yew) perhaps I'll just have to do the lookaround thing... geez that sounds bad... and I hope my blog has become as boring as other peoples at the moment (yes that was a shot :P) because I just have nothing interesting to say.. course I"m lieing lol I have a very good story to tell now:
yes I got VTO offered to me tonight... felt great to see my blinking green light.. yes and a little over 2 hours before end of my shift... and do note the time it was offered 10:20pm soooo what happens to me??? good question... the lady I was on the phone with happened to be a real whiney moaning complaining witch that needed to get off the rag and shut up for a minute while I could explain a few things about our email .. and software... so I get a few words in explaining our great service that happens to go through hotmail as the server... and then she gives me the same song and dance about how much she hates hotmail again.... yes very fukn lovely.. so I suggest to her to go through a few steps and need to verify a few things (testing email features at hotmail with IE) and again the same old song and dance about her issues..... ok so the blinking green light is starting to piss me off aprox half an hour later... so we find out the internet explorer doesn't work (it's been hijacked by aol as she put it and never works) and well she's not connected to the internet unless she signs into our great software.... that's all fine and dandy and because her IE is screwed I can't prove anything I'm telling this lady... (how convenient) soooooo I decide to upgrade the interent explorer... which is what she needed the ctrl shift F9 worked.. just not in time for her because she's (a mental case) a little impatient .... anyway halfway through the upgrade (that she needed anyway) she gets a notification of new email.. and oddly enough her email is sorta working... great.... 10 mintues later the download is finally done and we begin to restart the computer.... 10 minutes later she finally is able to click on the butterfly and try to sign in.. the poor butterfly died though (bastard) and he would not move... the lady then proceeded to (cry.. I wish) tell me that her computer is just not working like it used to (no shit) and that she is going to take a break from it because she's been on the phone for a little over an hour (and suprisingly no hold time) so I give her a few more suggestions (format... sledgehammer) like shutting down pc to clear memmory and possibly an IE repair... and she hangs up the phone.... well by the time I closed the ticket and logged off my phone it was a bit late and perhaps I could have taken 4 or 5 more calls to finish my shift but as luck would have it I'd have 2 more calls like this and not leave till after 4am but the time I did logoff.. yes 11:42 and if she had just listened to my advice in the first place (ctrl shift F9) and not complained about hotmail.. she would have been using the msn software at least a half an hour prior to her computer died and well I would have been home gettin ready to go out to the bar to get the original reason of this stupid ass blog lmao....
work always gets in the way of ones personal life.. cept of course yew ummm go to work to find a relationship (which was mentioned to me today that I should concider) and I"m thinking how would that work out.... yes go to work stressed out.. leave work stressed out .. and well with a g/f from the same workplace.. talk about it when get home.. yes making it even more stressed out.. now that's smart thinking .. I think I'll try it.. any takers??? lmao perhaps I'll make a list of possibilities... though how could I do that without mentioning names..... I'll have to put a little more thought into it... and Amy see how I put personal junk into an interesting story that one could enjoy?? spose that's just another one of my personal strengths... course I think the only funny parts are actually about myself so that's just not good.. though why make fun of others (even though I do that well too it's just not polite) when I do it so well about myself......... because I'm a genuinely nice guy
Sunday, November 09, 2003
drunken blog ... version 3..... I have a new infatuation.. yes it's not beer.. it's not computers.. it's a woman... sadly I've become totally fallen for a girl.. though I will probably never ever get with her but she is absolutely amazing..... haha @ yew suckers .... I'm in desparate need of help... though my people skills are amazing I'm dying of saying the wrong thing at the right time... when I'm around people I know I'm a joy to be around.. or so they say... like tonight for example.. was talking to lots of people and they all said hello back and general chit chat... so I'm happy for that but come the time to say something half intelligent at an appropriate time.. all that can come out of my mouth is.. "dont tell him that" geez anything would have been better.. yes even "I agree" or "no he's a minor" or even "yes I would like to have yew come with me instead of that greezy mofo" well perhaps that last one is a bit extreme... lmao anyway time to lay off the sauce and perhaps locate a new girlfriend.. I'm finally over my ex and am ready to move on... but umm I didn't say ladies man here .... I'm just out for a good time.... and just for the sake of it I think I'll post a welcome note soon yes invitations... gonna have to have a house party soon... just gotta find the house first.. will be available in aprox a month... dad will be around soon heheheh hermans and ski weekends will start again ... now that we are starting to have snow... I can't wait to go snowboarding and skiing again.. gonna be a blast
Saturday, November 08, 2003
it's a funny thing when yew get loaded and go home to your wonderful toilet to get sick.. yew feel it's the worst thing in the world and that your going to die... well I've realized that it's even better when yew get to see someone else do it... how joyous it is when yew hear that gagging sound after having a bit to drink and it's not yew doing it lmao.... so much for drunken blog tonight cause I didn't get drunk... had a few good laughs tonight though.. yeah... people spillin their drinks on crabby ladies and others that just can't shoot pool even though they say they are great lmao but oh well I'm going to see the matrix tomorrow woooo hoooo can't wait and perhaps might even step out afterwards... for some reason I keep getting dragged to the main event on saturdays to listen to bad music and not dance... sux that all my good dance partners dont come out no more... gonna have to make some new friends... any takers??? lmao or do I gotta have proof of my abilities first... well I'm sure we can take a few opinions from people.. I somehow have a reputation... though even with this reputation ya think I'd be dragged onto the floor all the time... but nooooooooo ..... but that's ok I can deal with it I'll dance by myself then dont have to pace myself to a partner... though I was a bit slow on the floor tonight... person I was dancin with was wayyy to fast... like the matrix I could see three of her at once.... was like triple time dancin... amazing.... but I must give my eyes a rest .. onward to bed.. blah blah blah
Friday, November 07, 2003
I feel violated... yes violated... someone is attacking me in my glory and well we just can't have that... first of all I know who it is.... and hopefully it's a joke... but if not at least have some decency and come forward with your side of the arguement and of course let us know who yew are (I"m not the only person to read this crap obviously lol) and well since we have popular demand on my side (and proper troubleshooting steps) I'd like to know if I"m wrong as I'm always willing to find new ways to fix a customer properly ... I"ve never been concerned with handle time or ditching a customer... as many that know me know I will stay with a call till it's completely through (yes even dial calls I do not transfer them ... umm except for one that had to do with msn money .. but that was only because of the billpay agent on the line lol) on every call I ask the customer is there anything else I can help them with... and if they say yes.. I deal with that and ask them again... I dont care if I'm on the phone for an hour 3 or 4 with the same customer... just recently I've supposedly made metrics... and I've been on the phones for nearly a year (in 2 weeks) when most people have made metrics on their first month.... I was in A-bay this evening and I felt proud that one of the newbies was a bit dissapointed when he/she found out that if she/he had reset the password of the customers account it would have unlocked it instantly and could have continued troubleshooting the customer and most likely fixed the issue (customer could not sign in at hotmail was not typing the and then realized it) but because of some "debatable" erroneous information (was told to request the customer to wait out the time customer is locked out because he had already reset the password 5 minutes ago) which is a fine and valid troubleshooting step... but when I suggested to our wonderful new agent that he could have reset the password again and fix the issue instantly he was sad because he felt he could have continued and most likely fixed the issue and feel better about doing so.... that's commendable and it's his first week on the phone... I"m impressed (hope he still feels the same in a few months lol) but like myself I still feel great when I fix a customer (even if I do make fun of them after my call is over) but that's how we keep sane doing our job it's a fukn hard job knowing all the answers for our customers (like any of us do) which makes the point of this post..... we dont all know the answers and with other agents that give bad info or knock another agent for doing something different .. it makes it hard on all of us... but even worse when you call helpdesk and depending on who answers yew get 4 different answers for the same issue.. how are we to know what is correct (except for what works in our personal experience) I for one am sick of calling helpdesk and getting the runnaround.. I feel like one of our customers waiting on hold for 30 minutes or longer to find out that they could have just done something simple instead of going through 45 minutes of troubleshooting for an issue that could have been resolved in 10 minutes (yew dsl agents know what I"m talking about ... fake virus browsing issue) anyway I must give my thinker a rest I feel like shit at the moment (thanx sherry yew made me sick for my day off) I'm going to fix my mom's website ... local entertainment news which yew can check out here by the way and play some playstation lol (I"m addicted) look forward to hearing from our friend that thinks I'm incompentant.. perhaps a different view will turn up after reading this
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
snag on updating.. I have so much I have to do.. update will not occur for at least a week :( so back to my foolish ways... I've gone back to playing playstation .. yes I"m hopelessly addicted to it heheheh got back to my gran turismo (am getting bored with pacman world 2... though it's a very good game lolol) yes my super beetle got me enough money to buy a decent car so now I can kick ass .. have my car suped up to 1000 horsepower so it blows the doors off the endurance race on the super speedway (how boring is this) but I won 200,000 credits to buy basicly any car on the beginner circuit races (need specific cars for that) but yes enough boring stuff lets get to the fun..
don't yew all like helping people??? yes I love doing that too... I have a customer on the line and well we all know about the cpe config site and it's great workmanship (xcept for yew dialup people) perhaps I'll elaborate further... yes on dsl we have a perticular part of the installation that requires customers to enter their info to set up the modem to connect... well the site that does this doesn't work (usually) so we get the customers to cancel and try other ways of connecting ... internet explorer .... but the previous ("great") agent told my ("wonderful") customer to reset his password and upon doing so for my ("very polite") customer somehow got dissconnected halfway through reading of the ("unnessesary") password change.... anyway the very ("patient") customer calls back and waits on hold for another 30 minutes to find out that all he had to do was click on the ("blue E") internet explorer and he would have been connected... so while I"m explaining to the customer to cancel the installation because he doesn't need to finish that... he's trying to complain to me that he needs to enter his password in to finish the installation..... and so he finally ("took him 5 minutes of complaining") closed out of it muttering ("curses") strange things to himself and I asked him to click on the ("blue E") internet explorer and see if he could connect... and though he's telling me he's not connected to the internet and that he is getting frustrated (and has no clue what he's talking about) I ask him if a webpage loaded .. he says yes... and I said ok.. well lets try going to a different website.. oddly enough I choose yes very good that comes up too.. so your installation was complete great now we can test your password.. but since it was reset on yew and yew have no idea what it is lets reset it again to make sure yew have it correct.... he reluctantly agrees and so I go into verifying account information... so magicly I ask for "btn" number and he says why do I have to verify that? and I said well what did the previous agent ask you for? he says mailing address I said ok well this for your protection and I just want to verify that for security reasons... so blah blah blah.. to make a long story longer... I mean short lol... I reset his password and he's able to sign in no problem and tell him he can install msn8 and that he's basicly finished.. he asks me how does he get back to the verifying account information (the place where he was at when he called me) yes the fukn place I explained to him that doesn't work it's a problem on our end... so once again he manages to have me explain that ("he's an idiot") he no longer needs to do that as he's connected and has already brought up web pages.... yes I'm always happy to help.... what's your issue???
Monday, November 03, 2003
alright well I've gotten halloween over with .. had lots of fun now it's down to business going to finish off the work website (hopefully) and then I can concentrate on building my website again.. yes I may even finish it this time... course I mean finish for now and then going to add more in the future... I used to have jokes and pics and stuff so I'm going to finish that section and add it back into my website.. I've come up with a new idea to organize everything and create an outline that I like and that other users will find usefull and it will come from a few ideas I've seen on other sites... also I've added a link to a good guy that has a kewl site he's working on... I'm impressed with his layout (but dont like it :P just kidding lol) and yes I've added a link for his site to the links but mostly because I suffer from a rare disease... yes it's called CRS no not cramps yew "tards" (couldn't resist) yes it's so rare that here is what it means
Can't Remember Shit
but as for me becoming serious it's going to be a little bit.. as I must get back to work on my site I've neglected it way tooo long anyway hope ya like my halloween costume and it brings a smile to yew.. even if your laughing at me (like I care) because that's the point of most things I do others enjoyment (like this stupid site lol) anyway look for the update soon yes the jokes are finally coming and I can't wait to start burning playstation games.. I'm finally going to get that sorted out as well lol
Saturday, November 01, 2003
omg I'm sick... what a night... I love halloween.. pics to be posted soon... but I need to be feeling better.... more to come later.....
oh yeah happy birthday to my dad.. where ever he is lmao
ok now am feeling a bit better and onward with the story... yes the story.... starts out my little brother decides he doesn't want to go trick or treating this year so no candy for me :( but that's ok I think I'd be even more sick if there was candy here lol... anyway that's ok I have some left over fireworks n shit from last year so decide to light em off... what a great show.. 5 nonwerking screaching bottlerockets... only one of them actually worked... the rest of them well let me see.. one of them did nothing it fizzed and burned out.. the second one wouldn't light... the third one blew up like it's sposed to so I was like kewl the rest should work... well damnit the next one it light on fire and didn't stop... nearly burned the backyard down..... anyway the 4th one it screeched but didn't blow up like it's sposed to... and the fifth one well it just fizzed out didn't screech didn't do anything but burn up... ggrrrrr so anyway I light off the roman candle.. what a display of light... yes oooh aawwww anyway moving on...
I get a call and am asked to go to the radio club for halloween party ... and I"m like no thanx every time I go up there it's boring and full of old people that think they can sing... (kareoki god if I could spell that werd) and so I decline because they said they would go to the guildwood afterwards.... and decide to go onward to find out if Ina (Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeena) has shown up at peters place.. nope she hasn't and damnit if she had her phone on... so far so good what a lovely night out.... but there's more
I get to the guildwood and low and behold nobody is there.... lovely I like my friends they are great..... anyway I get a beer and decide to wait for them... talk to a few people I know (for some reason I still know lots of people) and well not to sound like a loser (10 reasons I"m not a loser comes to mind) but it seems that nobody likes me when I go out unless I go with people.... (except the cavewoman I somehow remember dancing with grrrrrrr she's hot.... umm scuse me)
well I ended up taking a trip to the toilet and because I have a full suit on I have to take shit off to get my shit out (another bad pun) and I somehow left my camera in the stall... fuk so I get back to my normal spot and realize I'm like fuk where's my camera run back to the toilet and find it (thank fuk) then go back and get sadly annother beer (like my 4th or 5th at that time) anyone that knows me knows that I can't drink either lol so I'm pretty wasted at this time and well decide to take out the camera and well yew can see the results here some explanations are there <===== by the way I fixed it sheesh
and well it was quite a fun night I'm dissapointed my friends didn't show up but these lovely people helped me through my night (gotta like cowerkers even if some of them dont like yew lmao) but the best is yet to come.....
this part was kind of foggy (perhaps I just didn't want to remember it) I can't remember what I was doing at the time or who I was with but this woman dressed as a witch comes over out of nowhere... and asks me to dance and I"m like falling over myself at this point so barely realized it's a friend of my mothers and well I didnt' dance at all last night (oddly enough everyone knows I love to dance) so I go ok lets dance... but in my cloudy fog of whatever somehow miss that it's a slow song and I'm like what the hell am I doing a friend of my mothers is slow dancing with me..... but that's ok cause I dont mind dancing it's just a dance... I just hope that I didn't wash off any makeup in my drunken state but I'm quite certain I didn't get any of her face makeup on me.... and there's none on the mask (that wouldn't wash off lol) I"m not sure if it was rude of me to pull the mask over my head when I got to the dance floor and she grabbed ahold of me.... but then I"m a genuinely nice guy anyway so it couldn't have been that... next thing I know I was stumbling down to good ole subway I remember ordering something but I'm sooo glad I didn't eat it "yet" so after I stagger home somehow I crawled into bed but my great night isn't over yet.... and thank fuk I didn't try to blog or it could have been worse... but I had to spend the next half hour at least in the toilet.... toils n trubble they say....
but why didn't I take a pic of that cavegurl.... I'm sooooo mad lol