sorry nothing interesting to write about today.... other than while I was at the gym today there were some doods trying to lift the weights but the menacing grimace they had on their face ... makes me wonder what kind of faces I put on while using the machines.... other than that I have to make an appointment with bank on thursday... it's time to find out if the rest of my life will be easy or if I'll have to struggle with trying to save money to get anywhere.... I've been making progress but there always seems to be some obstacle along the way... lucky for me I am patient and I think that I can get around this new obstacle... but it will cause me to have to stay where I am in order to complete the transaction.... (same job .. same house) I wonder if I can handle being in the same place for another two years.... I hate being tied down without options... but it's something I've learned how to deal with... I'm certain it will all work out and maybe I can work the deal so it wont take as long... we shall see
Monday, May 29, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
drunk people are funny.... last night we were walking to the first bar and as we are getting closer there was a drunk being thrown out (nearly literally) but the strange part was the fella following him and the bouncer.... the guy was talkingn trash to him trying to provoke or perhaps continue an argument that most likely started inside the bar.... such a shame they didn't come to fisticuffs... coulda had a live version of bum fights lol..... so inside the bar there is so much entertainment like the dancing old fella.... he looked like he was going to pass out but he wouldn't stop dancing .. he had to get different partners because the ladies would be worn out trying to keep up with him.. keep in mind he's an older gentleman as were the ladies older .... but anyway he reminds me of me.. hopefully I'll be able to keep his pace when I'm his age haha.... also there was little man in the hood... the guy was as short as I am and wearing a hood with sunglasses.... what the hell is up with that.... the guy walked past us a few times and decided to say hi to me like we were old friends.... umm ok bud I dont know you from hole in the ground lol..... anyway later when we were leaving... we came out and as we were walking to the truck to go to another bar a fella I know stopped to talk for a bit while he was waiting for his lady to pick him up... turns out he hurt his leg.... I forget the reason but it involved stairs and possibly alcahol lol.... anyway he leaves just as another drunk comes up to us... I forget what she asked for but it was just very strange the way she was talking... I think she was hopped up on something rather than alcahol.... but that's a bit off topic..... who is following her but little man in the hood and he's supported or supporting another dood... they are litterally carrying each other down the road.... I'm amazed they didn't fall for the drunken staggering... but this comes to the interesting part of the night... we get to the other bar.... everything is alright and no craziness so far... I end up going to the toilet and find that the stupid idiots have pissed all over the floor.... I also think there were two guys in one of the stalls.. a bit disturbing especially with all the fluids on the floor lol.... time goes by and I have to go again... I go back to the toilet it's full of people just standing around... great.. who's next I say.. nobody answers so I use one of the stalls.. when I come out there are two girls standing waiting for a toilet... ummmm ok... yew must be desparate lol and I would have to bet grossed out... course I've been told by reliable sources that women are much more disgusting with public toilets.... but I spose that would be another story.... but those were pretty much the highlights... maybe I'll have a more entertaining night tonight....
Friday, May 26, 2006
it's amazing what tramatic events will do to people.... I've been living in a hole for the past month before the last 2 weeks but I've managed to climb my way out... I've begun to turn my life around... everything seems to be going in the right direction at the moment... I've become a new person I guess... well not really I'm still me and I always will be but I've made some improvements lets say... and I'm not saying all this for a certain someone.. (in case your reading) I'm jotting down a few points I find interesting about my life or life in general...
first I've come to the realization that I've grown a little too comfortable with the way I've been living and after looking at it.. it scares me... If I had kept going the way I was I'd be an overweight out of shape call center junkie and living in someone elses house for the rest of my life... from now on I'll be making every opertunity I can to make things interesting... such as going to the gym... this is something that has given me a new energy and a positive outlook on life.... of course near the end of my workout I'm cursing the day I ever joined haha... but after I get home I feel great and want to take on the world... well the rest of the day anyway...
people keep amazing me.... I never really liked my neighbours.. but I didn't really give them a chance either... there is a guy that rents the appartment above the store and once in a while he comes over askin if I have any beer... I dont like that shit but whatever we barter and it's over.. he has only done this twice that I know of so I let it go.... jumping forward yesterday I had to get a perticularly heavy couch into the house and well I didn't know anyone else to ask to help out so I asked him... he came over and helped me out no problems... one of the ladies that works in the store used to park in my driveway all the time.. till she seen me park a car in the driveway... she no longer parks there but out front... she even waves to me when she sees me walking down the street.... and these are people I wouldn't give the time of day for two months ago.... it's a shame that the owner of the store is still a dickhead.... anyway I've noticed through my transition that people react differently around someone with a positive outlook on life... the happier you are the more you spread it to others and they respond back in a nice way .... this is something I must continue to do... if anything people around me will have a better day... maybe I'll become a motivational speaker... I guess I've always known this because I'm nearly always happy at work (at least people tell me that) because I go around making people smile... they need that in our line of work
I've come to find that I dont like banks.... this part is just strange haha... I have recently become lets say out of debt... I found out today that this isn't really the case.. but that will be fixed in a month... regardless of that minor setback I have been approved for an investment loan.... this is no minor feat as I have no credit status at all (other than perhaps bad haha) but this is getting a little more personal than I'd like to get into... and I doubt I can make a joke of it that will make anyone smile which is usually my intention... I just thought I'd put this in because it notes one of my improvements...
anyway hopefully I can keep my momentum going and turn it all into a good thing.. I'm only missing one thing in my life right now and even after all the crap I know it will all work out for the better eventually ... I'm a better person for the lessons I've learned over the years... it's funny what events make people do.... some turn to hate and do nasty things but others turn to more positive things and make it better... I'm happy that I'm one of the happy people... and all this without drugs haha ... please enjoy your day..
now I'm by no means popular but I spose I'm a very recognisable person... at least I know that a lot of people know me... especialy around the town where I work... it's nothing for me to walk down the street and have people wave to me from their car or passing by on the street.... I said to my little brother years ago that one day I'll walk through town and a person from every single car will wave to me..... so far this hasn't happened but it's been close a few times...... I was walking to my mothers from work a few weeks ago and as I crossed the street there was a line of cars making the turn.... the first car had someone I knew.. I waved.. they waved... the second car... same thing.. except I tried to use a different wave lol.... amazingly the third car I knew them as well and shared an interaction of waving.. I nodded because I had just waved to the first two cars in the line.. remember I'm walking it kinda looks like I'm one of the local special people that likes to wave at everyone... (we have a few of those) well the fourth car ended up waving to me too.... but I didn't have a clue who they were.... maybe the kid that waved thought I was going to wave just because I had waved at everyone else... the kid was laughing.. I didn't find it amusing.. I think I shall stop waving at people...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I'm not having a very good day and my customers are making it worse... it started off great... I went to the gym and learned the leg machines.. had a good workout and nice walk home.... amazing shower... it's the best part of the workout lol... anyway I get to work and everything goes to shit..... a perticularly stupid woman is on the phone and she is going on about her issue... we delve into the troubleshooting when all of a sudden the woman screeches.... I thought I said something wrong but it wasn't anything to do with me.... she proceeds to tell me that she lives in a jungle and that she....... has ....... ticks........ ummmmm.. what does one say to such a thing... she proceeded to describe the experience and that various other aspects of the ordeal such as getting rid of them.... I'm ignoring her at this point because I just dont wanna hear about this..... when she says ...."am I grossing you out?" no your just unbelievably entertaining lady..... anyway we finally get off the topic of conversation and somehow get through a bit of the steps.. nothing is working of course.... but then she says... "I'm not very brite" ..... umm duh.... but of course after saying this she proceeds to tell me that her daughter is a genious..... does she have a different mother?? whatever... it's very nearly time to get a new job...
ya gotta love work functions.. especially when you cause a big scene or embarass people lol.... I showed up to the jack n jill party for a co-worker with the gay guy and his sister and friend... they went to the back and I took a look around and found the rest of our worker friends.... I go and say hello and they said to join them... I go and get the rest of them and tell them where to sit ... after everyone is settled and drinks in hand I take out the dreaded device that everyone cringed and tried to hide from.... yes the camera.... what is it about cameras that make people duck for cover? ... maybe it's the fact that they are doing something they are ashamed off.... or that the camera makes them put on a few pounds??? whatever it's all excuses.... I take the pictures anyway ... because it is important to document the events ... or was it just to piss everyone off lol... it turns out I am persuasive because I ended up getting people to pose for me lol hopefully I'll have the photos' uploaded tomorrow... we shall see.. (I'm sorry lol) anyway I'll complete the story .... without the pictures it wont be really clear but the highlights are as follows.... I took pictures of willing and unwilling participants.... the unwilling became willing with a little talk lol... I got up to dance a lot... other people danced a lot too.... one of the ladies was acting like a clown... yes even more so than me.... when she was dancing she turned around to a flash of light ... me taking her picture lol... she was a bit upset but got over it quickly.... another highlight happened when the food was brought out.... I stole someones grapes... she got upset... I put them back... I almost lost a hand to a fork lol.... I spose I should know better than to grab peoples food... I must appologize to her next time I see her lol.... there were prizes as well... of course I didn't have a number because I didn't bother to pick one.... but when number 51 got called (I think it was 51) the gay guy screamed and jumped up straight.... not straight.. just stood up lol.... and I nearly got taken out by him trying to get to the stage.... it was quite funny... hopefuly the prize was worth it.. ( I didn't ask what they were)... the only other thing of somewhat importance was that somewhere along the line I stepped in gum but didn't find out till monday when I was putting the shoes into my gym bag for the gym... ggggrrrrrrrrr damnit all to hell .. I had to spend 10 minutes scraping the gum off so I could wear the shoes in the gym... they have a very clean policy.... but all in all it was a good time... I'd do it again
Monday, May 22, 2006
I'll tell the story of the other night later when I have the pictures done up... I forgot to get the cable to take the pictures off the camera so when I go to my mom's today I'll get the pics then tell the story... for now here is some more drivel.. sadly the page is becoming more of a diary then a story outlet for me... for this I'm sorry lol
shaving seems to be the curse of a man (except of course for wiminz) personally I hate it... I have to leave my face grow hair for a week until it is safe to shave or I end up with a burned red face cut all to fuk and bleeding profusely... it's funny cause when your younger and are starting to shave it's great.... makes ya feel like a big fella or something but now it's just a pain in the ass... I just thought I'd mention it lol
thankfully the gym was opened today .. it's a holiday after all but I spose holidays are a good day to be at the gym because people have the day off and nothing better to do so they go there.... it was a perticularly interesting day for me because since I'm new to the gym thing I got to learn a few more machines.. the guy that runs the place is quite cool for that... the machines he taught me to use last week have been removed so I had no choice lol... it's all good though I am getting better at the machines and I think I'll be able to stick with it without any difficulties now.... the sad part is I'm starting to sleep more regularly now so getting up early is becoming more of a drag lol.... but it is worth it.. I'm no longer sore so if I do this every day or so I'll be able to put on more weights to the machines.... I got introduced to a machine that looks like a torture device though... and after being on it I have to agree that it doesn't just look like one .. it damn well is one lol.... the ab cruncher (I will call it that from now on) is quite the machine... it was a lot better than the one the guy showed me last week... I just have to get used to doing the motions.. my gut is in the way of the stretching lol.. that will go away soon enough though... I just have to remember to breath and count.... that should be exciting lol..
Saturday, May 20, 2006
it turns out I am becoming quite the darts shooter.... my team came in first overall in the regular season and now also in the playoffs... ordinarily I would not be making a big deal about this sort of thing because I wasn't really interested in it but I've come a long way from when I started shooting... I can actually put the darts in a close proximity of where I want them to go now... providing it's on the side or bottom lol... I'm still having trouble with the 20's ... but last night being the last night of darts I doubt I'll ever get the chance to find out if I'll get better or not... I have a board but nobody to play with now.... that will probably change someday.... anyway onward with tonights events.....
I never would have expected myself to ever admit to something like this but it seems that I'm going partying with a gay guy tonight.... however that being said it will make for quite the entertaining night out I must say... thankfully because I need some entertainment in my life... hopefully I'll not make an ass of myself ... oh hell that was a bad pun and not even intended..... dont take this the wrong way.... I'm not looking for that kind of entertainment yew freaks.... I still play for the right team lol.... I just need a lot of laughing and carrying on and of course drunkiness... and I happen to have some great friends.... though I have a feeling that I'm going to be set up for something and I'm not quite sure what it is yet but I just have a weird feeling about it... maybe they are trying to set me up with my next lady friend lol ... but I'm by far not ready for that... in any event the nights events should be a lot of fun and I'll try my best to remember them as I will most likely be very drunk and funny shit tends to happen when I am... luckily I'll have my camera to document these events hehehehe..... hopefully I wont be caught on camera doing questionable things (even if they are as a joke)...
Friday, May 19, 2006
it's not every day that the police are outside ones house.... but today they were... thankfully I'm not nosey enough to go looking around or asking questions... just what I would have needed... cops coming to the door asking me questions about whatever was going on.... they took some kid away in the car after questioning him for a while... they took pictures of the store as well so it must have had something to do with that.. maybe the stupid punk yelled at the store worker or punched a wall or something.. who cares... they need to take the rest of the punk kids away as well lol... but I'm just happy the cops didn't come to my door askin if I had seen or heard anything .. they may have found my crops of weed.. I'm kidding sheesh... no really I'm kidding.... anyway I spose I could tell the story of one of the times I nearly got arrested lol...
me and two friends were walking through town.. I being the oldest but not really in charge lol.... the youngest of us decided to take a leak (piss) in a broken down shack thing that isn't used anymore (and I dont think it's even there now) anyway that is fine but then the guy decides to throw a big hunk of wood accross the shack making a pile of racket... next thing ya know we are continueing the walk home when a flashlight shines our way... a man says skews me fellers come over here... it's an officer.... the youngest fella nearly shits himself he's freaking out .. jumping out of his skin lol... me and the other guy are calm and collected as usual... the officer starts asking questions about what we were doing... the young fella says I'm not doing anything!! he says it in a manor that ya just know he's up to no good.. me and the other guy share a glance... knowing that the youngest is gonna get us in shit if he doesn't shut up... (not that we did anything wrong lol) we have the officer about to let us go when the youngest says something so stupid (I cant remember what it was) and the officer decides that we must have broke something decides to take us to look at the shack thing.. he looks around inside with his flashlight... nothing out of the ordinary (thankfully) except this big hunk of wood leaned up against the wall.... the officer seeing nothing is broken decides that it's enough and lets us go.... we start walking away and get away from the officer we turn to the youngest and yell at his pansy ass it was quite amusing now that we are older.... the other guy says to us that it was pretty lucky he moved the board to the other corner of the shack thing so the officer didn't see the big pee stain on the ground lol...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
so much for the feeling amazing part lol.. I did two rotations of the machines at the gym today... and let me tell ya... I hope I can make it through the next week lol after that the pain should go away and I'll start to feel good again... but that's another story... the pieces of my life are falling back into place... my financial situation is improving now that some baggage has been tossed... my loans are gone and still waiting to hear from the bank.... but I got a phone today so it's not a total loss... only three bills left and I'll be caught up and can begin to get ahead again... it's been a while since I've been ahead but it wont be long till I can pick up and take off anywhere I wish to go.... and dont worry I'll take plenty of pictures to be displayed of the nice places I go... like always...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
it's amazing I feel great... I pumped some iron and walked a whole pile ... I didn't think it would make me feel like this but I can see why people go to the gym now... it is a rewarding experience... though my little brother seems to think that I"m gonna get myself ripped... ya know the arnie type.. all huge and muscular lol.. nope that's not for me... course I have always wondered what a 6 pack would look like on me and not in me lol... I dont think I'll be receiving results like that but what I am expecting is to be able to play sports again and do special activities that I just dont do anymore... I just have to fix my bike up and I"m all set... I'm starting off small .. half hour of gym until I get used to the activities and now that it's warming up outside I can walk to the gym and back... and eventually get some swimming in ... who knows maybe I'll even make some friends at the gym then I can be a muscle head freak haha...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
so my membership will begin tomorrow to a gym... I've not been in a gym for a very long time and I am really dreading going.... but at least I'll be able to recover on my day off or force myself to go back at a later time lol... I bet I will be extremely sore but I plan to go swimming afterwards so it should be pretty good... I miss swimming because it is very refreshing and really very good for exercise.... of course I have to get my bike back on the road or I will not be going anywhere lol... I used to drive my bike everywhere and had a lot of adventures on it as well ... maybe I wrote about that before .. I forget... but I got pulled over by the police for driving too fast on a bicycle lol... I also got pulled over by the police another time but that was only because they thought I was a car thief ... stupid england coppers lol....
how about that... a woman I was talking to on the phone today says she was waiting for about 30 minutes on hold... must have been for the customer service guy she was talking to... but after I corrected her issue and were just waiting for verification she says to me that she was waiting.... and that she had given birth faster..... well holy crap lol
Monday, May 15, 2006
I got an invitation to my aunts weeding next month.. it's in alberta.... I'm really concidering going even though the people there will be crazy.... wait that's a good enough reason to go itself lol... I still haven't heard from the bank though... I've been watching a lot of T.V. lately.... I've recently been pointed to the show called House... what a show... makes me wonder what else is on T.V. oh and I'm sorry for the boring drivel.... I dont know what else to write about lol
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I love bbq.... I went to a bbq yesterday with a bunch of friends... unfortunately didn't drink though .. a bbq doesn't seem normal unless a beer or alcoholic beverage is in hand... of course I wasn't behind the helm of the open flame so it was ok.... I dont think you'll ever see the cook without a drink while bbq'ing lol... at least not anytime I have a bbq... hopefully I'll be having a bbq soon... but I must get some decent furniture to accomodate people sitting lol
but onward to new events.... it is time to buildup to the party on the weekend coming... I've been invited to another one of them weeding things.... it's been a while since I've been to a wedding party... that last one I attended I was pretty drunk and one of the main attractions... yes I had the bride up dancing the night away ... course the bride was one of my best friends... this time it will be different because I'll be going with work friends and more than likely without a "date"... it seems funny to say that now... and I can't believe it but oh well
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I'm not sure where to begin... I know a few things happened around me last night but unfortunately I have a horrible mammory.... one thing I would like to deffinately point out..... dont ever drink Colt 45 beer.... it's nasty stuff.... on the label it says strong beer... well they are serious lol.... course I'm not a very good drinker so my advice might not be that good.... I drank a liter of this potent gutwash on my way to darts last night.... thankfully I had a 20 minute walk to darts to cure some of the foggyness in my head ... it is 8% alcohol afterall.... darts was kinda uneventfull .. we lost by 1 game but are still in first place.... afterwards I went to a friends place ... I"ve been ignoring my friends for far too long.... I've been so wrapped up in what I felt would be the rest of my life that I didn't make time for them... well that is going to change... like a lot of things about me... I'm in the middle of the biggest change of my life as if you all didn't know.... but I"m getting off topic.... and I need to stop depressing people lol.... so anyway we go out to the bar and it is dead.... where are the people... nobody goes out anymore .. not even the little kids lol.... so laughing and carrying on continues I've not done that in a very long time.... some of the highlights would be some guy coming up to me in the bar... looks at me and says.... "how's single life treating you?" I"m like what??? who the fuk are you and why the fuk are you saying shit like that.... turns out he's a friend of a a guy I know at darts .... but oh well I brushed it off and continued on my night... part way through the evening I saw a wall walking towards me.... then my friend says to me.... "I keep large people around me to make me look skinny" she was talking about the three ladies coming towards us.... one of them was the walking wall I thought I saw.... oops..... other than that I got really drunk and had a good time... just what I needed thankfully... I even got a decent sleep on a couch lol this was the best part of the night because I haven't been sleeping well recently... I woke up to Legend of Zorro and a couple kids whispering... the joys.....
so I thanked my friend and proceeded home..... I am so tired that I almost fell assleep on the bus a couple of times.... I got a good laugh out of that though... I could hear someone making fun of me.... it was kinda cute.... and the best part.... the person doing it was maybe 10..... these two little girls were turning around in their seat pointing at the "sleeper" saying 'hey sleeper' and a woman shushing them.... when I transfered to the next bus I went back to relaxing and heard the little voice again..... 'look he's still sleeping' how funny are kids....
Friday, May 12, 2006
waiting around for something to happen sux... that's why I normally go out and try to do something about it.... I like to know if it is or isn't not in between... but in this perticular instance I have no choice but to wait.... and wait I shall... I went to the bank to see about improving my credit and now I have to wait for the nod... yes or no... hopefully it will be a yes because if it isn't it will put a damper in all my plans... and I dont think I could take another blow to my life right now.... on another note I'll be stepping out tonight.. I haven't been out in a while so maybe I'll turn up some decent stories for tomorrow....
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
my hands hurt... the scraper was scraping more than the floor boards.. I remember why I stopped doing the work on the stairs... it's horrible work .... my hands are cut and blisters may be forming.... maybe I can find one of you to pay to do it for me .... any takers? lol didn't think so ... anyway I called the bank today and they set me up with an appointment for tomorrow.. I'm scared but I think it will be ok... maybe I'll tell them some jokes but I doubt that will help me ... in other news I was chatting with my aunt last night... turns out the family curse is a big mouth... she said we all need a big zipper for it... I thought that was funny
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
something I haven't done in a long time.... write poetry... but I did some tonight... was interesting to accomplish a decent piece of writing again... maybe I'll post some of it someday... I wish I had some decent stories to tell you but nothing interesting is happening for me.... I did manage to get some work done today... scraping paint sux though lol... the attic is half done I just need to clean out the dirt and shambles.. I hope to have that done tomorrow.. the stairs are probably gonna take the better part of the month because I can't stand the scraping part lol... and it started raining so the deck is gonna have to wait for a bit... maybe I can get the front step done tomorrow instead... so much to do and little time to complete tasks... anyone wanna help me work on the house? lol
I"m in the midsts of renovations... I"ve found something that will occupy my time while I have my little vacation.... I was going to sit here and write all week (I"m writing an actual story) but after about an hour of that I was bored and the story was not coming along very well... I decided that I would finish some chores that I've been putting off .. because at the time when I was doing them other things were more important... now I dont have anything to do but keep busy so I'm going to finish them... if anything it will help my cause and brighten up the place for the future.... it will make a very nice home for a family one day just as it has served as my family home for the past two years.... but for now I can't wait to move out... I was planning to move sometime this year anyway but my plans have been pushed up earlier because of my unforseen circumstances...
Monday, May 08, 2006
well now I have the week off... I was gonna go away but new plans have arisen.... I am in contact with the bank and am going to attempt to work a deal... I have recently become out of dept and now am going to confirm it... hopefuly it will work out.... it's the only good news I have had in the last two weeks....
because of this I spose I'll recall events from long ago.... I have some funny stories I can tell that some of you might recall but it will be funny anyway....
my close friends and almost anyone that knows me knows that I am a terrible drinker.... I'm that bad that I am suprised that I wasn't called puke after high school.... I was in england a few years ago and a group of us from work decided to go out on the town... I think we were celebrating my departure home or someones birthday... I just remember that it was close to the time I quit my loverly job at mcdonalds lol.... anyway I get to the bar and I'm early so I order a drink and relish in the environment... it was world cup football season and everyone was watching the game.... the part that sucked about this was that I'm short and people in england like to stand at the bar while they drink and socialize.... thankfully they have huge big screen and various small tv's in the corners up high.... anyway the story begins as a bunch of my friends show up and we start drinking and carying on.... one of the guys says ok lets try some jello shots... I've never had one before so I was like well I dont drink hard liquer but I'll give it a shot.... I like jello it can't be that bad..... it was..... I watched everyone tilt it back and swallow... I took mine turned it upside down and it didn't move... great... so I smacked the glass.... loosened the jello crap up.... and tilted it back again... half of it came out.... I swallowed... it was terrrrrrible... one of my main reasons I dont drink hard liquer is because I can't stand the taste... anyway I stuck my finger in the rest of it and slammed that down.... of course I had to drink half a pint to get rid of the taste... it was super nasty..... so at this point I probably have two pints into me and this jello shot... talking continues and the game is on.. I no longer notice the game and people are talking funny... maybe it's just me but I feel like I'm floating.... more than likely it's the 2 more pints I had... all of a sudden someone says they are hungry and we all decide to go to the macyuckleds down the road... I think I made it there without falling though but I only say that because I dont believe the people I was with..... we get to macyuckleds and I sit down.... someone ordered me a burger.... I seen the manager (I worked at this one on a trade favour a couple times) I waved... I dont think he was impressed... maybe I was waving something else at him like two fingers.... I describe it as peace but in england if you wave them a certain way it's like flipping the bird... anyway I feel a wave of super nasea coming on so I make my way to the toilet... I think I made it in time... I dont really recall... I hate the taste of jello shots and it's even worse later on...... everyone finishes at mcyuckleds and decide to go to a club... we get there finally and I manage to go down the stairs without killing people on the way down... and someone orders me a drink... bastards.. I took one mouthfull and decide that I dont like the way it's coming back in my throat and ask where the loo is... (toilet for us) I go into the tiniest fukin public toilet I've ever been in and manage to stay there for about a half hour.... someone came to get me and the next thing I know I'm in the backseat of a car and someone cursing about putting my bike in the truck... the fella gets in the car and him and his buddy in the other seat are discussing how funny it would be to see me driving the bike home in my current condition... sounded like a bet to me... I say let me out I'll do it.... luckily the doors were locked and we were moving... they were trying to get the directions out of me to where I lived as they had never been before.... amazingly we made it.... my poor g/f at the time was not pleased... I was forbidden from drinking in public again after that.... as if lol
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I forgot to mention on the way home from the monster truck show... picture this... me .. my mother.. and my little brother (he's 17) singing together to a CD my mother is playing.... yes we were all singing together on the way home..... and not just any songs..... but michael jackson songs lol... my mom says to me wow... if only your sister was here to see this.... it was actually quite funny...
Saturday, May 06, 2006

yes you guessed it... it's time... once again... for this years anual banana eating contest.... and for anyone that was at the monster trucks last night knows what I'm talking about.... they pick a couple people out of the crowd to come up on the .. well lets call it ... stage... they sit them down and tell them they are going to be blindfolded..... so one of them (usually a lady) gets blindfolded and they play the gags pretending to blindfold the other two and quietly get them off to the back again.... meanwhile telling them that there is to be a bannana contest... so they get the person to eat a banana as fast as they can... and play it of really good.... then they have a tie ... (remember there is only one person actually doing this)... so the tiebreaker is a dance off lol... picture this poor lady the only person doing the contest blindfolded and dancing her ass off (mind you her dance was quite funny kinda like the elaine dance from seinfeld)... then they tell her to take off the blindfold and voila... the embarased woman takes her prize and goes off to the back .... now if any of you didn't go to the monster trucks??? shame on you... it was a very good show... espeshuly the moto cross bike jumps... and yes I have pics hehehe...
two more days and I get a week off... not sure what I will do yet as I would have liked some company during a trip but I need to get away for a bit.... maybe I wont come back...
I went to pick up tickets for the monster truck show yesterday... I parked the car accross the street from center 200 and walked over to the office.... on my way over a van pulled into the parking lot and parked in the handicap zone... I went inside and got my tickets and then left.... as I was leaving a woman says to me that I should not have parked in the handicap zone.... this is puzzling me because I know I didn't and that there wasn't a handicap zone on the street... anyway I tell this woman that I did no such thing and she replies with I saw you... you parked in the zone... I seen ya get out of the van.... oh.....
so I said no I didn't I would never park in a handicap zone (except for one time) I then said to her "do you wanna watch me get in my car.. I'm not parked in there" she said yes she would.... I just ignored her and went about my business.... so I cross the road and get in the car and start to pull away when I notice this woman is standing on her tippie toes by the edge of the parking lot looking for me.. waiting for me to pull away in this van lol..... I had half a mind to drive by the entrance and honk the horn at her.... smile and wave then pull away....
Friday, May 05, 2006
I'm taking care of my mom's house this weekend and one of the perks was to use the car if I absolutely needed...... so I was driving my mom's car to my house after work last night and there is a road that connects my end of town with the main road to my mothers place but the road stretches a distance with nothing around it except the dump.... this makes it convenient to speed a bit... and normally you can't help it or dont notice you are speeding ... myself I make a habit of checking though... and thankfully I did... I looked and seen I was doing sixty... the zone is fifty... oops.. most people do 80 along it or tailgate behine anyone doing the limit lol.... anyway headlights in the distance meaning a car coming towards me I slow down to speed limit.... as the car is coming closer I get a weird feeling... the car gets beside me... it's a damned cop..... I think my mom would have killed me if I got my first ticket with her car lol..... not to mention I doubt I'd ever be able to drive it again ever.....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
went to tim hortons today.... we are in line and linda has ordered... I'm just along for the ride.... the girl behind the counter is talking to her friend... quite the conversation... the other girl is fixing lindas order .. it consists of about 10 coffee's... meanwhile the other girl is still talking.. since I'm just waiting by the counter people are coming in behind us and standing waiting for me to place my order... the girl fixing linda's order is starting to get a bit upset.... the other girl is still talking.... after a few minutes there are about 6 people lined up on either side of me and the girl behind the counter is still talking.... the other girl speaks up.... "do you think you could wait on someone?" it was priceless.. I started laughing the poor girl blushed and was like "oh ... ok" so anyway the lazy hole starts working again... I just found out though the best part... apperantly the one that was making the coffee's was just hired on... the other one lazing around was a regular working lol.... what's this world coming too

I suppose I'm a sucker for punishment ..... I bought a ring.... it failed miserably... but I finally got a definate answer instead of wishy washy I dont knows.... perhaps I pushed her away ... but before I take the stupid thing back I took pictures to prove its existance.... it really is a nice one.. but the pics dont do it justice... I'm waiting for the batteries to recharge maybe I'll get a nicer pic...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
so I spose this is it.... I've been handed my walking papers.... I believe that I am a fool.. for I did not see it coming.... and I tried so hard to get her back.... all was well in the land of me but I shall live and move on.... I've been hurt before but not this bad... at least I had a chance to try to make it work... sometimes it sux being a nice guy.... for now I am again destined to be alone... but that is just for now.... I hope.... but now I may have more time to write... I suppose I'll need something to focus on...
Monday, May 01, 2006
I give up... I'm broken... damaged goods.... the love of my life has skipped off for "me" time... I dont think she will ever come back... she says she needs her space and I am trying very hard to accomodate her but since we have been together inseparable for over 2 years I just dont know how to turn off the love I have for her.... I miss waking up with her.. I miss joking around... I miss everything about her and yes I'd even be thankful to have her standing next to me yelling at me for whatever reason.... the thing is I dont recall ever having that happen to us... we have had maybe 4 real arguments in the duration of our relationship... (and if I am wrong please let me know)... and only one of them was really really bad and I believe the cause may have been because we were both drunk and I didn't know anything because I was half assleep in bed at the time.... I wont to go into detail because that would be wrong but I want it to be known that I love her and if there is anything I can do to get her back I would do it... even let the world know that I'm an idiot sometimes... and this may very well be one of those times....